Master of International Agriculture Degree Program

College of
Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Master of International Agriculture Degree Program
Master of International Agriculture
Degree Program
MIAP has 72 Current Students, and 139 Graduates since the first
graduates in the Spring of 2009.
• Only one of the five programs in Intl Ag in the U.S.
• Great Job Placement!
• Choose your focus area according to your, background, future
job plans, and passion.
• A chance to blend theory, practical knowledge, and hands-on
• Develop a broader understanding of world cultures and
agricultural issues.
• Learn to make a significant contribution towards a better planet.
Master of International Agriculture
Degree Program Highlights
• Multidisciplinary Degree
– Allows students to take a wide range of classes
throughout campus
• One of the largest Master Degree Programs within
the College of Agriculture
• All undergraduate majors are welcome
– Agricultural and Non-Agricultural related
• Internship, Creative Component, or thesis option
• GRE not required
Master of Agriculture (MAG) in International Agriculture
• Program Details
– 36 Credit Hour Program
– Degree: Master of Agriculture
• Major: International Agriculture
– Possible Completion in Three Semesters
– Can complete degree 100% online, on-campus, or
combination of both.
– Applied International Experience or US internship,
or approved courses
Master of Science (MS) in International Agriculture
• Program Details
– 32 Credit Hour Program
– Degree: Master of Science
– Major: International Agriculture
– Possible Completion in Three Semesters
– Courses in Research Methodology and
Quantitative Analysis, analysis in internship report
– Option of non-thesis or thesis
MIAP Peace Corps Option
• Students can serve in the Peace Corps
while working on there Master of
International Agriculture Degree
• Can count for your international
experience and receive up to 6 credit
Dual Degree Options
• One year at host university, one year at guest
university = 2 degrees
– Scholarships Available
• Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de
Puebla (UPAEP)
• Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
Master of International Agriculture
Degree Program
• Degree Options:
– Non-Thesis or Thesis
– Creative Component
• CC substitutes for thesis
• International (US) Experience or US internship,
or other work experience
– Humphreys Travel Grants (Generous Funding $$$)
for Your Intl Experience of 8 Weeks or Longer
Internship/Research/Hands-on Experience for
International Students in MIAP
• Select the focus area of your choice or build your own.
• Complete an Internship or hands-on experience
• Learn about Production Agriculture, food marketing,
processing technology, and more (global & the US).
• Or, take more classes instead (applies to Intl Students)
Master of International Agriculture
Degree Program
• Focus Area Examples:
– Sustainability
– Disaster Planning/Management
– Commercial Crops
– Business & Trade
Master of International Agriculture Degree
• Focus Area Examples:
– Education & Communication Outreach
– Food Animals
– AgriTourism & Hospitality
– Agricultural Extension
Master of International Agriculture
Degree Program
• Focus Area Examples:
– Rural Entrepreneurship
– Agricultural Engineering Technology
– OR…… Build your own!
Current Student Spotlight
Molly DePue
• Hometown: Hamden, Ohio
• Previous education: B.S. in Animal
Science with minors in Meat
Science and Creative Writing from
Ohio State University
• MIAP Focus: Agriculture Business
and Food Issues
• Background: Beef cattle
Current Student Spotlight
Bailey Boomhower
• Hometown: Kansas
• Previous Education: B.A.
Agribusiness from Kansas State
• MIAP Focus: Business Development
• Background: Cow/Calf Operation
Current Student Spotlight
Shelbi Kautz
• Hometown: Kingsburg, California
• Previous education: B.S.
Agricultural Communications with a
minor in Agricultural Business from
Oklahoma State University
• MIAP Focus: Marketing
• Background: Production Agriculture
UPAEP Dual Degree Student
Alejandra Salazar
• Previous Education: B.A. from ITT
(Tepic Institute of Technology)
• MIAP Focus: Disaster Planning and
• Dual Degree With: UPAEP pursuing a
Master’s in Logistics and Supply
Chain Direction
Alumna Zaira Gonzales
• Previous Education: B.A. from
Carleton College, Minnesota
• MIAP Focus: Agricultural Business
and Development
• Dual-Degree MIAP & Universidad
Autónoma Chapingo
Alumna Bailey Silvers
• Job: Site-Specific Technologies (SST): an
agricultural software company. SST is one
of the leading precision ag. companies and
pioneer of the industry.
• International Experience: Argentina
• MIAP Focus: Agricultural Business
Alumnus Adam Cobb
• Job: Founder of the Stillwater
Community Garden
• International Experience: Several
International experiences
• Currently: Continues in a fully-funded
Ph.D. program in Natural Resource
Alumna Lindsey Kotchon
• Job: Agricultural Account Manager at
the Royal Bank of Canada managing
accounts worth $55 million
• International Experience: Worked with
a women's co-op greenhouse in
Costa Rica
Alumna Fawn Jackson
• Job: Manager for Environmental
Affairs for CCA and works with WTO
to open up export markets for
Canadian Beef
• International Experience: Canadian
Cattlemen’s Assoc.
Alumna Brette Gollihare
• Job: Law School at the
University of Oklahoma
• International Experience: U.S.
Department of State with the
U.S. Embassy in London, England
Alumna Jen Jensen
• Job: Dow Agrisciences
• International Experience: Spanish
program at UPAEP in Mexico, and
worked on an organic coffee farm in
Costa Rica doing agricultural
Alumna Sarah Hart
• Job: Lucaya Plantation,
Tennessee, USA
• International Experience:
Watoto Agriculture/Child
Ministries, MIAP/Noble
Foundation Project
Alumnus Josh Campbell
• Job: Extension Associate for OSU’s
Department of Horticulture and
• MIAP Focus: Ecology
• International Experience: New ZealandWhere he received Permaculture
Landscape Design Certification at the
Koanga Institute in Wairoa, NZ and also
worked at various dairy farms studying
how they handle effluent and farm
Alumna Sara Siems
• Job: Oklahoma State Extension
Specialist, under a USDA Risk
Management grant to provide
programming for women in agriculture,
specialty crop procedures and
underserved farmers in Oklahoma
• MIAP Focus: Rural Entrepreneurship,
primarily women entrepreneurs
• International Experience: Working with
CSA and specialty crop production with
rural women in Moldova
Alumnus Patrick Bell
• Currently: Working on his Ph.D. at Ohio State in
Environmental Science. He was awarded the
U.S. Borlaug Fellowship in Global Food Security
and is currently researching and living in
Morogoro, Tanzania.
• MIAP Focus: Dual Degree with MIAP and Plant
and Soil Sciences. This allowed him to combine
technical training from Plant and soil sciences
with practical international training and
experiences for MIAP.
• International Experience: Various experiences
Alumnus Matthew Ayres
• Currently: Working on his Ph.D.
at Virginia Tech in Agricultural
Leadership and Communications
Outreach and considering joining
the Peace Crops
• MIAP Focus: International Trade
and Development
• International Experience: Sierra
Leone and Argentina
Alumna Claudia Diaz Carrasco
• Job: 4-H Youth Development Advisor
• MIAP Focus: Rural Economic
Development with interest in Global
Food Security and Competitiveness
• Internship: Co-authored the article
“Global Food Security: Emerging
Economies and Diverging Food
Markets” with Dr. Shida Henneberry
Alumnus CPT Cory R. Carter
• Job: He is in the US Army, Logistics
located at Fort Hood. There he is the
Company Commander of the 664th
Ordinance Company.
• International Experience: Took place
during his second deployment to
Afghanistan, while working for the
Movement Control Battalion. He worked
with Afghan civilians who transported
coalition forces equipment around the
Prepare yourself for an Exciting Career in the
Global Economy!