EdTech503 – ID Case Analysis

Corey Brown
EdTech503 – ID Case Analysis
Abby Carlin: Documenting Processes in a Manufacturing Setting
Abby Carlin, a new college graduate and employee of LT3, is faced with the tough task of designing instruction for Fritz
David Manufacturing (FDM). Abby was hired by her former instructor, Dr. Joyce Abbott, who is the Vice President of
Design at LT3. The contract is for the design of a training module on the use of steel blanker machines at the plant.
Abby is faced with the task of finding a method in which this instruction can be taught to three shifts of new hires.
These new hires are all young and very inexperienced when it comes to using steel blanker machines. Abby has 90 days
to design and implement a form of instruction so that these new hires can be instructed on how to use the steel blanker
machines and a loss in production will not happen. Abby is also faced with various constraints that she must overcome
while designing instruction.
Needs Analysis:
Abby needs to find out some key information before designing instruction. Here are a few questions she could ask
management to gain insight on the learners:
 How many new hired will need to be trained?
 Have the new hires ever used any complex machines in a manufacturing plant?
 Will the break room be the only place to conduct class instruction
 Will there be any incentives offered to convince the seasoned workers to assist in training new hires?
 How many hours a day can instruction be given?
The following four preliminary analysis questions and answers will present how I think Abby should proceed with the
instructional design.
Question 1: What should be included on the two lists that Abby & Joyce are creating?
1. A place to train new employees
2. Space without excessive noise
3. Better lighting on the plant floor
4. Cooperation from seasoned workers
5. Finding out everyone’s schedules so that
she can work with different seasoned
employees to gain insight.
6. An SME to help guide her on how to
design instruction for a manufacturing plant.
7. Documentation of the new procedures
Seasoned workers are very apprehensive
when it comes to training new hires.
90 Day timeline to complete instruction
Manager’s not effectively trained on how to
use machines on the plant floor.
No loss in productivity.
NOISE LEVEL on the floor. No one is able to
hear each other while the machines are
The lighting on the floor is poor and not very
good for training.
Unmotivated workforce.
Question 2: How can Abby work with the current employees to document the steps of operating the blanker
stamping equipment?
Working with the current employees seems to be a very difficult task for Abby. Abby needs to find a way to establish a
professional relationship with the employees, especially Big Jon. He is not willing nor does he seem caring enough to
want to train anyone new. Abby has to find a way to motivate the senior employees and get them to realize what an
impact training new hires will have on the production at the plant. Abby can ask the workers if overtime or another
incentive was offered would they be willing to train. She can explain to workers that their hard work should not come to
a halt just because they are retiring. Abby should do her best to reach out to employees on their breaks, lunches, before
their shifts start and even ask them if she could meet with them after work for a brief period. She can also attend
different shifts on various days to meet with different workers and watch the process from beginning to end each time.
Second, in order for Abby to begin documenting anything, the lighting in the plant has to be improved. Even if
management can find a temporary fix while Abby is gaining knowledge would be a great help. Then the lighting in the
plant can be upgraded by the time the new hires are to be trained. Without the lighting fixed, training is going to be
difficult and there is a chance that production will decrease.
Lastly, Abby can see if there is a research guide already out for the blanker stamp machine or even see if there are other
manufacturing plants that use the same machine in their production process. If this is the case Abby may be able to
meet with someone from another plant to gain insight as to how the machine works. If this is possible this would be a
great help to her while designing instruction.
Question 3: What did Abby observe while on the plant floor that can help her in creating the training?
First she did observe that the plant has good safety practices. She put on safety goggles, earplugs and a hardhat for her
protection. Once down on the floor though, it was extremely tough to hear the plant manager Andrew. Also due to the
poor lighting Abby had trouble seeing everything because the safety glasses made everything a bit darker. Abby’s next
stop was to one of the senior workers, Big Jon. He seemed very nonchalant when Abby inquired about asking him a few
questions about what he does. Abby noticed that while observing Big Jon working that this process needed to include
some hands-on instruction. Abby had a hard time hearing on the floor so she decided to come back at a later time when
she could hear him and get him to slow down a bit to document the process.
Question 4: Given the constraints in the case, what instructional strategies can be used to deliver the training?
Given the constraints the instruction created should encompass a combination of instructional design strategies. Handson activity has been the main method of instruction at the plant but Abby needs to find a way to incorporate classroom
instruction into the mix. The new hires need instructional materials that go over safety procedures, there should be a
model of the machine and its parts should be dissected so that the learners can understand what each part does. Maybe
Abby can see if there is an instructional video on how to use the machine if not she can film Big John using the machine
and give a visual presentation in the class. On the job training should come after the classroom training because
learners by then would understand the safety procedures and have some general knowledge on how to use the blanker
stamp machine. Abby can also include a pre-assessment and post assessment activity with the instruction to help better
understand what learners need to focus on more in the beginning and to see who grasps the material at the end of
ID Model: Dick, Carey & Carey Model:
One of the most widely used models in business is the Dick, Carey and Carey model. This model is detailed and very
useful during the analysis and evaluation phases of a project (Gustafson & Branch, 2002). If Abby follows the steps of
this model, she will surely design instruction that will be completed within the 90 day time frame. The steps of the Dick,
Carey & Carey model are as follows: