1 Strategic Planning Resource Manual Frank Martinelli The Center for Public Skills Training www.createthefuture.com © The materials contained in this document may only be used for non-commercial purposes with the following attribution: Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 2 Strategic Planning Definitions Strategic Planning is the process by which the guiding members of an organization envision its future and develop the necessary plans, procedures and operations to achieve that future. (Tim Nolan, Applied Strategic Planning) Strategic planning is a tool for organizing the present on the basis of the projections of the desired future. That is, a strategic plan is a road map to lead an organization from where it is now to where it would like to be in five or ten years. (Special Libraries Association) Strategic planning is a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future. (John Bryson, Strategic Planning in Public and Nonprofit Organizations) Strategic Planning is organization-wide planning focused on the desired purpose (mission) and achievements (vision, goals) for a specific period of time, and how to work toward them (strategies and implementation plans). Implementation plans often specify who is going to do what and by when, and often including specification of resources needed. (Carter McNamara) A Strategic Plan is a tool that provides guidance in fulfilling a mission with maximum efficiency and impact. If it is to be effective and useful, it should articulate specific goals and describe the action steps and resources needed to accomplish them. As a rule, most strategic plans should be reviewed and revamped every three to five years. (TCC Group) Strategic Planning: What it is and isn’t . . . Strategic planning should not be confused with other planning processes such as business planning, program planning or fund development planning. Although closely related, strategic planning focuses on establishing your organizational direction, setting priorities and identifying obstacles and opportunities that may limit or enable you to carry out your mission. Business plans, program work plans and fund development plans are often byproducts of the strategic planning process. After organizational priorities are set and strategic goals and objectives are articulated, these plans are used to describe the implementation details of various strategies such as program, budget, staffing, funding sources and evaluation activities. (TCC Group) Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 3 The Strategic Planning Process at a Glance Step 1: Gathering and Analyzing Information – External changes and trends that will have an impact on the organization in the future; Internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization; Needs and service expectations of markets and constituent groups Step 2: Determining the most critical issues, choices, and challenges facing the organization over the next 3-5 years. Step 3: Affirming the mission or fundamental purpose of the organization - "Why do we exist?" Step 4: Developing a shared vision for the organization’s future - "If we could create the organization of our dreams and have the impact we most desire, what would this look like in 5 years?" Step 5: Developing Goals - the major results we want to achieve over the next 3-5 years. Step 6: Developing Strategies – statement of method or approach that describe how we will achieve the goals. Step 7: Formulating Objectives - the description of projects and activities carried out on an annual basis to implement selected strategies -- thereby achieving the goals and resolving critical issues. Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 4 Planning Terminology MISSION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------> "Forever" STRATEGIC VISION ----------------------------------------> 5-10 years out GOALS --------------------------> 3-5 years STRATEGIES ----------------> 1-3 years OBJECTIVES ----------> 1 year MISSION: STRATEGIC VISION: GOALS: Broad description of what we do, with/for whom we do it, our distinctive competence, and WHY we do it. Describes the community and institutional impact we intend to create and the kind of organization we will need to be in order to achieve this impact - the results we will be achieving and characteristics the organization will need to possess in order to achieve those results. The strategic vision statement provides direction and inspiration for organizational goal setting. Broad statements of what the organization hopes to achieve in the next 3-5 years. Goals focus on outcomes or results and are qualitative in nature. STRATEGIES: Statements of major approach or method (the means) for attaining broad goals and resolving specific issues. OBJECTIVES: Specific, concrete, measurable statements of what will be done to achieve a goal generally within a one-year time frame. Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 5 Steps of the Strategic Planning Process Step 1 - Gathering and Analyzing Information The first step is Gathering and Analyzing Information. This step consists of three components: an external assessment, a market or constituent assessment and an internal assessment. External Assessment The purpose of the external assessment is to identify and assess changes and trends in the world around the nonprofit likely to have a significant impact on it over the next 5-10 years. We look at political, economic, technological, social, lifestyle, demographic, competitive, regulatory and broad philanthropic trends. We then determine which changes are opportunities for us (for example, opportunities to grow) and which could be threats to us in some way (trends that can keep us from being successful). Finally we identify implications for selected changes and trends -- ways the nonprofit might respond to the opportunities and threats we identify. At this early stage of the planning process, saying that something is an implication does not require the nonprofit to adopt that course of action. It’s a way to get into a strategic thinking frame of mind. Think of it as a warm out for the strategic decision-making to follow. The external assessment is sometimes referred to as the “environmental scan.” Here is an example of external assessment findings for a nonprofit involved in education reform: One trend was increased interest in supporting school reform and change efforts by foundations serving needs of low-income children and families. The implication: Tap this new source of funding for the nonprofit. Another trend was increased poverty impedes educational achievement. The implication: promote family support programs at schools to address needs of lowincome families. A third trend was the proliferation of web-based learning resources. The implication: Increase Internet access for educators, students and parents. Internal Assessment The other component of the information gathering and analysis step is the internal assessment. The purpose of the internal assessment is to assess internal structure, process and operations of the nonprofit and based on this assessment, to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses. Areas examined include nonprofit personnel, both paid and volunteer, fund-raising, physical facilities, equipment, use of technology, location, financial condition, management practices, board governance, programs, products and services, market position, and other factors. From an affordable housing development organization, the following internal strengths were highlighted: Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 6 Excellent staff -- competent and experienced. Availability of unrestricted working funds. Effective in delivering technical assistance to nonprofits. Track record -- we are known with a good reputation. The following internal weaknesses were identified: Current financing programs represent an internal strain on the organization. Lack of strategic focus. Current sources of revenue limit what we can consider Market Assessment The next component of the information gathering and analysis step is the constituent or market assessment. The purpose of the constituent assessment is to identify and assess changes in the needs and perceptions of the nonprofit's markets and constituencies. For most nonprofits, these include customers, volunteers, funders, donors, volunteers, paid staff, board directors, collaborators, and competitors. The market assessment attempts to answer the following questions: Who are the nonprofit's key markets and constituents? What are the current needs, perceptions, and service expectations of each market? What are the emerging market trends? What are the implications for the nonprofit -- how should the nonprofit respond to these changes and trends among its constituents and markets? Examples of market assessment findings from our education reform organization included: 62% of parents of children enrolled in local schools desire before and after school care for their children. Two-thirds of the direct service volunteers say they would be willing to get involved in fund-raising for the nonprofit but would require training. Step 2 - Identification of Critical Strategic Issues, Choices And Challenges The second step in the planning process is identification of critical strategic issues, choices and challenges facing the nonprofit. Critical issues are fundamental policy or program concerns that define the most important situations and choices a nonprofit Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 7 faces now and in the future. Critical issues can reflect long-standing problems in the nonprofit, the community served or recent events that are anticipated to have a significant impact on the nonprofit and/or community served. Critical issues can also reflect major shifts in thinking that challenge "business as usual.” The selection of issues is important because it determines range of decisions the nonprofit will consider in the future. In some instances, the nonprofit is already aware of the critical issues that the strategic planning process must help it address. In most situations, the planning process participants discern critical strategic issues as they work on the external, market and internal assessments. In developing the actual wording of the critical issue statements, it's helpful to reflect on the following information drawn from the earlier external, market and internal assessments: The external changes and trends having the greatest positive and/or negative impact on the nonprofit . . . Major changes and trends in the needs, perceptions and service expectations of our markets and constituencies . . . Internal strengths and weaknesses of the nonprofit that will seem to have an impact on the nonprofit’s future success . . . Here are some examples of critical issues from an affordable housing development organization: What should the balance be between the Affordable Housing Alliance's role as an independent developer versus a provider of technical assistance on housing development? How should the Affordable Housing Alliance diversify its revenue base? Should the Affordable Housing Alliance expand its advocacy and education roles in support of affordable housing? How can we forge strategic alliances with the private sector to advance the Affordable Housing Alliance’s mission? Step 3 – Development/Review of a Mission Statement The third step in the planning process is development of a mission statement. The mission statement is a broad description of what we do, with/for whom we do it, our distinctive competence, and WHY we do it (our ultimate end). If a mission statement already exists, the focus of this step is on reviewing it in light of the emerging vision statement and if necessary revising the language. Here are some questions that can aid in the review of an already-existing mission statement: Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 8 Questions for a Critical Review of an Existing Mission 1. 2. 3. 4. Is the mission statement clear and on target in today's operating environment? Do you have any specific questions or concerns with respect to the mission statement? Does the mission statement duplicate the mission of any other school? If so, what should we do about it? Considering the answers to these questions, how, if at all, should the mission statement be changed? Here is an example of a mission statement from the Affordable Housing Alliance: We provide leadership to expand access to housing opportunities through partnerships among the public, nonprofit and private sectors to create and sustain strong neighborhoods and communities. Step 4 - Development of A Strategic Vision Statement The fourth step in the planning process is development of a strategic vision statement. The vision statement describes what we want the nonprofit to look like in ideal terms in the future - the results we will be achieving and characteristics the nonprofit will need to possess in order to achieve those results. The strategic vision statement provides direction and inspiration for goal setting. Through the vision statement, the nonprofit describes how it intends to respond to the major challenges expressed in the form of critical strategic issues. (PLEASE NOTE: Although the words "mission" and "vision" are used interchangeably, they are distinct in an important way: Mission describes "fundamental purpose"; Vision conveys a sense of "future direction.” Here is an example of a vision statement from the Affordable Housing Alliance: The Alliance is a recognized statewide and national leader in the development of affordable housing opportunities. We are a bridge linking public, private and nonprofit resources. Success in achieving our agenda is built on financial strength and strong coalitions. Step 5 - Development of Strategic Goal Statements The fifth step in the planning process is development of strategic goal statements consistent with the vision statement. Strategic goals are broad statements of what the nonprofit hopes to achieve in the next 3 years. Goals focus on outcomes or results and Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 9 are qualitative in nature. Often goal statements flow from some of the critical issue statements developed earlier in the planning process. Here are some examples of goals for the Affordable Housing Alliance: Achieve a balance between the Alliance’s role as an independent developer and its role as provider of technical assistance on housing development. Expand and diversify our revenue base in order to support anticipated growth. Forge strategic alliances with the private sector to advance the Alliance's mission. Step 6 - Development of Strategies for Each Goal The sixth step in the planning process is development of strategies for each goal. Strategies are statements of major approach or method for attaining goals and resolving specific issues. Ideas for strategy emerge from the earlier internal, external and market assessments, -- especially the strengths and weaknesses identified in the internal assessment as well as the implications statements developed as part of the market and external assessments. A strategy is judged potentially effective if it does one or more of the following: Takes advantage of environmental opportunities Defends against environmental threats Leverages organizational competencies Corrects organizational shortcomings Offers some basis for future competitive advantage Counteracts forces eroding current competitive position Here are examples of strategies for our sample goal: Expand and diversify our revenue base in order to support anticipated growth. The first strategy; Generate revenue from special events. The second strategy: Increase funding from public sources. The third strategy: Expand individual giving from major donors. Step 7 - Development of Annual Objectives The seventh step is development of annual objectives. The purpose of this step is to formulate objectives consistent with the goals and strategies of the strategic plan. Objectives are specific, concrete, measurable statements of what will be done to achieve a goal generally within a one-year time frame. Objectives include answers to the following questions: Who, will accomplish what, by when, and how will we measure Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 10 the outcomes or results of the activity. Put another way, objectives should be "SMART" --Specific, Measurable, Ambitious but Attainable, Relevant (contributing to the nonprofit’s vision), and Time-based (we'll do X over the next Y years). Strictly speaking, annual objectives are not part of the Strategic Plan of an organization. Objectives are the core of the nonprofit’s Annual Plan that is based on the strategic plan itself. The planning process will also address the costs associated with implementing objectives. This information will be utilized in the development of budgets. Here are some examples of objectives for our sample goal and strategy: Again, the sample goal is: Expand and diversify the revenue base in order to support anticipated growth. The sample strategy: Generate revenue from special events. o A sample objective: The Board will establish a Fund Development Committee consisting of at least 8 board and non-board directors and provide training in special events fund raising by July of year 1 of the strategic plan. o And other sample objective: The Fund Development Committee will generate at least $150,000 from no more than 3 special events by July of year 2 of the strategic plan. It’s helpful to think of strategic planning as a journey. Imagine your organization as a sailboat at sea. . . at the mercy of ever-changing conditions - ocean currents and winds. Now think of planning as a journey through sometimes-rough waters to a destination we have determined. Strategic Planning is how we determine the destination and how we get there. If planning is a journey, the first two steps of the process - information gathering and analysis and identifying strategic issues tell us where we are. The next step Developing a Vision - helps us determine the destination. And Mission - reminds us why we're on the journey in the first place. We get to the vision through the accomplishment of goals. We accomplish our goals by means of the strategies we devise for each goal. Finally, we translate goals and strategies into concrete action through development of objectives. For additional information about the strategic planning process, contact us at www.createthefuture.com. Effective Strategic Planning Practice Strategic planning in nonprofits is most effective when the following elements are present: First, establishment of a strategic planning committee. If the nonprofit board is serious about strategic planning (and it needs to be!), it will establish Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 11 a strategic planning committee. Here is a sample description for a board strategic planning committee job description. (hyperlink) Second, there needs to be a thorough and shared understanding of strategic planning. The term “strategic planning” is sometimes used to describe a range of planning activities. It is important that the process is looked upon in the same way by board, staff and other participants in the nonprofit strategic planning process. There also needs to be agreement on outcomes. While it is true that the expected outcome of most strategic planning processes is a strategic plan document, it is also important to discuss and eventually agree upon other expected outcomes. For example there may be a specific critical issue that the board wants to focus on by means of strategic planning. Typically, planning outcomes will include some or all of the following: Board leadership and management staff will have a thorough understanding of the critical issues and choices facing the organization over the next 5 years. A strategic plan document including a mission statement, strategic vision statement, goals and strategies will be produced. The plan will give special attention to organizational structures that will best support the overall strategic plan. The strategic plan will have a day-to-day relevance on management and governance; and There will be enthusiasm and support for the strategic plan at all levels of the organization. There needs to be real commitment to the process on the part of leadership. While there is no one right way to do strategic planning, whatever approach the board chooses will involve time, energy and careful thinking. People will not commit these personal and organizational resources if they are not convinced that the planning process is worth the effort. Sometimes the start of strategic planning process may need to be postponed until leadership within the board and staff have become convinced of the importance of the process. There also needs to be involvement of many. In order to be effective, strategic planning must involve individuals representing all constituencies of the nonprofit: staff, constituents, funders and donors, as well as other key community supporters. Finally, the strategic plan needs to be translated into concrete detailed plans of action. Involvement in an isolated strategic planning exercise or a one shot planning retreat is not sufficient. Strategic planning needs to lead to specific objectives which include clear evaluation measures, set on an annual Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 12 basis by staff, the board of directors and the board’s own committees. This commitment to implementation will also help to ensure that the majority of the board’s time and energy is in alignment with the mission, vision, and goals and strategies contained in the strategic plan. These foregoing practices will help to assure that the strategic plan does not end up on a shelf. To avoid this, look for other ways to keep your strategic plan visible. Once the strategic plan has been developed, nonprofit leaders need to take steps ensure that the plan becomes a guiding force for the nonprofit – a living strategic plan. United Way of America offers the following techniques for publicizing your strategic plan and maintaining enthusiastic support for it among key internal and external constituents of the nonprofit. 1. Develop a recognizable theme that signifies the plan's essential thrust. This may be graphically represented by a logo or some other visually attractive means. One nonprofit working with at-risk youth adopted the theme “No Excuses!” 2. Publicize brief summaries of the plan and how your nonprofit will use it. 3. Refer to the strategic plan in meetings, newsletters, websites, or news releases. 4. Create a slide or video show summarizing the plan and its proposed implementation. 5. Seek major media coverage when important milestones in the plan are reached. A press conference with graphics and charts summarizing the plan can be effective. 6. Use the strategic plan as a living document at nonprofit board meetings. Keep it visible and refer to it regularly. 7. Use retreats and mini-conferences to continue to build buy-in among other agencies and community groups. Make sure that this is an interactive process, one that listens as well as talks. 8. Create a speaker's bureau to take the strategic plan to specific target groups: the county board, the city council, parent groups, the chamber of commerce, community and business leaders, and nonprofit agencies, for example. 9. Create poster-size versions of your mission and strategic vision statement and display them throughout the facilities – in meeting rooms, at the front door, etc. Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 13 PLANNING TERMINOLOGY MISSION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------> "Forever" STRATEGIC VISION ----------------------------------------> 5-10 years out GOALS --------------------------> 3-5 years STRATEGIES ----------------> 1-3 years OBJECTIVES ----------> 1 year MISSION: Broad description of what we do, with/for whom we do it, our distinctive competence, and WHY we do it. STRATEGIC VISION: Describes what we want the organization to look like in ideal terms in the future - the results we will be achieving and characteristics the organization will need to possess in order to achieve those results. The strategic vision statement provides direction and inspiration for organizational goal setting. GOALS: Broad statements of what the organization hopes to achieve in the next 3-5 years. Goals focus on outcomes or results and are qualitative in nature. STRATEGIES: Statements of major approach or method (the means) for attaining broad goals and resolving specific issues. OBJECTIVES: Specific, concrete, measurable statements of what will be done to achieve a goal generally within a one-year time frame. Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 14 Types of Data 1. Changes and trends that impact the organization and the people we serve Demographic data about constituents Trends in funding Public policy developments Political and economic trends Emerging needs and expectations Research studies/ best practices 2. Market information about needs, perceptions and services expectations Emerging needs Competitors and Collaborators Customer perceptions and ideas Board and staff perceptions and ideas 3. Internal assessment data that indicates capacity to deliver the mission Evaluations of organizational capacity Organization performance indicators Sources of Data 1. Existing Statistics, Studies, etc. Demographic reports Funder annual reports, websites Community indicator reports Crime, mortality, housing, teen pregnancy, etc. Policy reports and issue-based research studies Key Resources: U.S. Census 2. Secondary Market Research Customer data Donor data Key Resources: Existing customer and donor market studies; Local sources (United Way, foundations, universities, etc.) 3. Surveys Key informants Board Staff Community Key Resources: http://www.surveymonkey.com/ Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 15 4. Focus Groups/Dialogue Sessions Customers Community partners Donors Volunteers Collaborators Business leaders Key Resources: Conducting Successful Focus Groups by Judith Sharken 5. Key Informant/ Expert Interviews Issue, field or organization specific experts Funders Elected Officials 6. Community Forums Issue-based discussion sessions Information-sharing forums about the organization Advocacy planning sessions Key Resources: Conducting Community Forums: Engaging Citizens, Mobilizing Communities by Carole Lukas and Linda Hoskins 7. Internal Reviews, Assessments And Evaluations Internal Reviews, Assessments and Evaluations Organizational Capacity Building Assessments Peer Review or accreditation review reports Board self-evaluation Program evaluations Program outcomes data Customer satisfaction reports Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 16 Sample Planning Calendar Planning Activity 1st Formal Planning Session: Review the planning process, finalize strategies for information gathering and analysis, determine who else to involve in the planning process and the nature of their involvement, make needed adjustments in timetable, and secure agreements. Consider expansion of the Strategic Planning Team. Product: Finalized timetable and plan for information gathering. Gather information for planning process by means of assessment worksheets distributed to all board and staff members and a survey of key informant s. Schedule and conduct focus groups. Consultant prepares data summaries. Product: Data summary developed. 2nd Formal Planning Session: Review summary of planning surveys; identify critical issues. Review the current mission statement for continued relevance. Strategic planning committee organizes into teams around each critical issue. Product: Key Data Findings; Strategic Issues identified. Development of issue briefing papers for each critical strategic issue 3rd Formal Planning Session: Planning retreat attended by board, staff and other selected stakeholders. Review critical strategic issues. Review the current mission statement for continued relevance. Develop first draft of a strategic vision statement that sets future direction and develop draft strategic goals and strategies. Product: Draft strategic plan (mission, vision, goals & strategies) 4th Formal Planning Session: Strategic Planning Team reviews comments and make needed revisions to strategic plan; develops strategic plan evaluation framework that includes goal and strategy performance measures for use in development of implementation plans. Product: Revised strategic plan including mission, vision, goals & strategies; evaluation framework for year 1 and 2 implementation. Board meeting to review strategic plan. Product: Board Reviewed Draft Plan. Additional Planning Session(s): After the approval of the strategic plan, staff and board committee leadership, through a series of meetings, will review evaluation framework for strategic plan, determine how board committees will be appropriately involved in implementation, and develop an implementation plan. . Product: Implementation Plan developed. Board meeting to review/approve final plan. Product: Board Approved Plan. Date To be determined Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 17 Planning To Plan 1. How will the board and key staff be oriented to the process? 2. Is there organizational readiness for strategic planning? 3. How much commitment is there to the process? 4. What do you expect to accomplish? 5. How long will it take? 6. Who, beyond board and staff, should be involved? 7. What do you do with managers and other key individuals who are not part of the formal strategic planning committee? 8. How will we encourage boldness, risk-taking and creativity on the part of planning participants? 9. Where should the planning be done? 10. Should a consultant be used for all or part of the process? (Adapted from Tim Nolan, Applied Strategic Planning) Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 18 Strategic Planning Committee Description Status: Ad Hoc Membership: 12 -- 15 members who are ABC, INC. board members, staff and other key stakeholders/partners Staffed by: Executive Director and Consultant Function: To guide development of a Strategic Plan for the ABC, Inc. Duties: 1. The Strategic Planning Committee will work with the executive director and consultant to develop and implement a strategic planning timetable that will achieve the following outcomes: Board leadership and management staff will have a thorough understanding of the critical issues and choices facing the ABC, Inc. through the year 2012. A strategic plan document including a mission statement, strategic vision statement, goals and strategies will be produced. An Evaluation Framework for first year operational planning will be developed. ABC, INC. leadership will be oriented to the planning process and their roles within it. The organization's mission and strategic vision will have a day-to-day relevance on management and governance. There will be enthusiasm and support for the strategic plan at all levels of the organization. 2. Report regularly to the board on the status of the strategic planning process. 3. Commitment to attendance at an average of 3-4 hours per month of meetings during the period January 2007 to June 2007. ORIENTATION TO PLANNING PROCESS: Review the planning process, finalize strategies for information gathering and analysis, make needed adjustments in timetable, and secure agreements. PLANNING SESSION: Review summaries of internal, external and need assessments; identify critical issues for the future. 4.0 hours PLANNING SESSION: All day or two half day planning sessions. Review mission statement. Develop first draft of a strategic vision statement that sets future direction and mission statement that defines fundamental purpose. 7.0 hours PLANNING SESSION: Review draft vision statement developed at planning retreat, develop first draft goals and strategies. 4.0 hours PLANNING SESSION: Strategic Planning Committee reviews comments and make needed revisions; develops strategic plan evaluation framework for use in development of operational plans. 4.0 hours PLANNING SESSION: Board session to formally review/approve strategic plan. 1.5 hours PLANNING SESSION(S): Staff and board committees will review evaluation framework for strategic plan and develop operational planning framework for Year 1 operational plan. 4.0 - 8.0 hours 4. Review planning materials in preparation for planning sessions that will be sent to committee members before the sessions. Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 19 Board and Staff Roles in Strategic Planning Board Sets overall direction and communicates that direction to the organization. Formally approves the strategic plan. Assures alignment of overall staff, Board and committee planning . Assures that strategic plan guides Board recruiting efforts. Identifies continuing and current priorities and develops organization’s financial plan accordingly. Establishes procedures to facilitate committees’ response to the strategic plan. Evaluates and updates strategic plan. Revises mission, vision, goals, strategic directions, and priorities. Establishes criteria for successful outcomes and monitors outcomes to assure quality and impact on an ongoing basis. Conducts annual self evaluation. Board President (and Vice President/President-Elect) Defines activities in support of organization’s strategic directions. With Executive Director, guides Board interpretation of plan in relation to programs and other critical activities (Board development, community relationship building, etc.). CEO/ Executive Director Develops/updates environmental scan. Champions the mission and vision and provides continuity. Interprets plan to staff, stakeholders and general public. Completes annual report of organization’s and committees accomplishments in relation to strategic directions. Assists president and Board with development of implementation plan within defined areas of Board responsibility. Sets schedule and sequence for evaluation, review and updating of plan. Committees Identify committee priorities that support goals and strategic directions, within the organization’s Strategic Plan. Develop activities that support committee priorities. Complete annual report of committee accomplishments in relation to strategic directions. Contribute to overall organization’s strategic planning process. Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 20 Strategic Planning Worksheets Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 21 Sample Questions for a Board and Staff Planning Survey The MISSION describes what we do, with/for whom we do it, WHY we do it, and our special competence. MISSION describes general purpose, "why we exist". Review the current mission statement and answer the following questions. What is most exciting and inspiring for you about the current mission? In order for you to enthusiastically support the mission, what questions and concerns, if any, would need to be answered? ORGANIZATIONAL VALUES: A value is a standard, principle, or quality that is considered worthwhile in and of itself. We seek to express our values by what we do in everyday life. Core organizational values describe how an organization wants to act on a day-to-day basis. Answer the following question: What do you see as the three most important organizational values of our nonprofit? (What you think the values should be?) INTERNAL STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: As we begin our planning process, we also need to identify internal strengths and weaknesses of our nonprofit. Think about the organizational structure, financial management, board and leadership development, facilities and equipment, use of technology, financial stability, office, special programs and services, public relations efforts, community image, etc. Then list the three strengths and three weaknesses you feel are most important to consider in planning for the future of the organization: What you see as our three greatest internal strengths? What do you see as our three most critical internal weaknesses EXTERNAL CHANGES AND TRENDS: In the left column below, list the recent and future external trends and changes that you think will have the greatest impact on ABC, Inc. over the next 5-10 years. In the right column, list possible organizational responses - what the organization could do over the next three to five years to take full advantage of the external changes and trends? Consider actions for programs/services, finances, organizational structure, etc. External changes and trends that will have future impact How our nonprofit could respond to selected trends Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 22 MARKET ASSESSMENT: As part of the preparation for future planning meetings, we also need to analyze the changing needs and service expectations of our constituents. Respond to the following questions for each of the market segments listed below: What do our key constituents think of our organization? (i.e., what is their perception or image of us?) Key market segment - to be determined by the planning team: Key market segment - to be determined by the planning team: Key market segment - to be determined by the planning team: Key market segment - to be determined by the planning team: What are the most important future needs and service expectations of our organization on the part of our constituents? Key market segment - to be determined by the planning team: Key market segment - to be determined by the planning team: Key market segment - to be determined by the planning team: Key market segment - to be determined by the planning team: CRITICAL STRATEGIC ISSUES: Reflect on the following -- Major external changes/ trends having a positive and/or negative impact on the organization. . . Critical internal strengths and weaknesses that will have an impact on our future success . . . Major perceptions, future needs and service expectations of constituents and key stakeholders. Now list what you believe are the 2-4 most critical issues facing the organization over the next several years: 1. 2. 3. 4. Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 23 Key Informant Nomination Form Key informants are individuals presumed to have special expertise, knowledge and insights that could be helpful to us in the strategic planning process. Informants may have an understanding of the changes going on in the community, the human services landscape, the economy, the political environment, the impact of new regulations/legislation, charitable giving, etc. The idea is quality - not quantity. A small number of carefully selected key informants can produce more valuable information than a long list informants who are chosen less selectively. NOTE: We will be surveying the board and staff with a different assessment tool so don't consider them as "key informants". Your suggestions for Key Informants with Organizational Affiliation and Contact Information (email, phone) here: Name Of Potential Key Informant Organizational Affiliation and Contact Information (email, phone) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 24 Sample Questions for a Key Informant Survey 1. What are the changes and trends that will have the greatest impact on the organization and the people we serve. over the next 5 years? In the left column below, list the 3 most important external changes and trends. In the right column, list possible responses - what we could do over the next three to five years to take full advantage of the external changes and trends? External changes and trends that will have greatest impact on the organization and the people we serve How we could respond to selected changes and trends 2. What is the single greatest challenge facing our organization over the next three to five years? 3. Based on your knowledge of the organization and its programs/services, what is your perception or image of the organization? 4. In your opinion, what do you think the broader community's perception of the organization is? (i.e., what is their opinion or image of the organization.)? 5. Do you have any other comments or suggestions that will aid us in our planning effort? Are you aware of any research, market assessments or future trend studies that would be useful to us in our planning efforts? Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 25 Strategic Planning – Community Partner Interviews 1. What external changes and trends will have the greatest impact on the organization and the key constituencies we serve over the next three to five years? How do you think we should respond to these changes and trends? 2. What is your perception or image of the organization? 3. What is the perception or image of the organization in the eyes of broader community (or relevant segment of the broader community)? 4. What you see as some of the most critical strategic issues, challenges, and choices facing the organization that our current strategic planning process must address? 5. What are your organization’s strategic priorities for the next 3-5 years? Do any of these suggest new opportunities for collaborations/alliances with the organization? 6. Are there ways for the organization to enhance its relationship with you/your organization? 7. Do you have any other comments or suggestions that will aid us in our strategic planning efforts? Are there any other trend/market studies that we should consult? Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 26 Critical Issues Worksheet Critical issues are fundamental policy or program concerns that define the most important situations and choices an organization faces now and in the future. Critical issues can reflect: Long-standing problems in the organization, members served or recent events which are anticipated to have a significant impact on the organization and/or people served; Impediments that must be overcome in order for the organization to meet its goals – i.e., problems to be solved; or, Watersheds/major shifts in thinking that can change the direction of an organization or the nature of its environment and challenge business as usual. Generally these are issues that cannot be resolved through a “quick fix”. The selection of issues is important because it determines the range of decisions and strategies we will consider in the future. Your Task: Reflect on the following -- Major external changes/ trends having a positive and/or negative impact on the organization and the people served . . . Critical internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization that will have an impact on our future success . . . Major service expectations and perceptions of key constituencies or markets . . . List what you believe are the 2-4 most critical issues facing the organization over the next 3-5 years. Try to word your statements in the form of questions: 1. 2. 3. Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 27 Strategic Issue Briefing Paper The issue briefing papers should be “brief” -- 3-4 pages -- and provide some background for each issue as well as summarize creative ways that other organizations are responding to similar issues. This work will prepare us for future steps in the planning process Assigned Critical Issue Statement: 1. Background: (Briefly describe why and how this is a critical strategic issue for the organization) 2. Opportunities for the organization: (In relation to this critical issue, what are the opportunities for growth, improvement, and/or increased impact for the organization?) 3. Threats for the organization: (In relation to this critical issue, what are the threats to the organization and/or customers served? What are the consequences for the organization if it does nothing in response to this issue?) 4. How competitors and other organizations facing similar issues, opportunities, and threats are responding: (In response to this critical issue, what changes, strategies, shifts in direction are others? 5. With reference to this issue, what core strategies and initiatives do you recommend: 6. What other information do we still need in order to develop effective responses to this strategic issue? Submit your completed issue briefing paper by email to Frank Martinelli as a Microsoft Word document. frankwill@aol.com on or before (date). Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 28 Developing A Mission Statement The mission statement is a broad description of what we do, with/for whom we do it, our distinctive competence in doing it, and WHY we do it (our ultimate end). An effective mission statement addresses the following points: Broad description of what we do/are. With/for whom we do it. Our distinctive competence. (How we do it "differently", "better", "more effectively" than others) WHY we do it (Our ultimate end) Critical Review of the Mission If a mission statement already exists, the focus of this step is on reviewing it in light of the emerging vision statement and if necessary revising the language. Here are some questions that can aid in the review of an already-existing mission statement: 1. Is the mission statement clear and on target in today's operating environment? Does it address the key following key points: Broad description of what we do/are; With/for whom we do it; Our distinctive competence; WHY we do it (Our ultimate end) 2. Do you have any specific questions or concerns with respect to the mission statement? 3. Does the mission statement duplicate the mission of any other organization? If so, what should we do about it? 4. Considering the answers to these questions, how, if at all, should the mission statement be changed? Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 29 Sample Mission Statements We educate Latino youth for Christian leadership and service. (Nativity Jesuit Middle School) Select Milwaukee helps people achieve and maintain homeownership because it enriches their lives and strengthens neighborhoods and communities. Milwaukee Christian Center is a Southside-based agency which lives out its faith by bringing people together in community where their lives are enriched, empowered and strengthened. The Milwaukee Public Library provides materials, services and facilities for all citizens of Milwaukee and others in order to meet present and future informational needs and raise the level of civilization in Milwaukee. In partnership with parents and the community, Ebenezer Child Care Centers provides our children with a foundation for personal growth, life-long learning and future success. At Meta House, we are dedicated to helping women reclaim their lives from the effects of substance abuse. Through advocacy, treatment and other services that meet the unique needs of women, they gain the hope and confidence to change. In the spirit of compassion and social justice, Agape Community Center is committed to building community with Northwest Milwaukee neighborhoods so everyone can thrive. The Historic Third Ward Association acts to expand and enhance the district as a creative, livable and exciting mixed-use neighborhood while preserving its historic character. We help to transform nonprofit organizations and the communities they serve through technology-based, learner-focused education. (The Learning Institute for Nonprofit Organizations) Our mission is to help Marquette, as an urban, Catholic, Jesuit institution, become one of the nation's distinguished universities; and to this end, we strive to bring all alumni closer to the University and one another in the Ignatian tradition of care for each person. (Marquette University Alumni Association) The Literacy Council of Greater Waukesha is dedicated to providing and advocating basic literacy skills and services to improve the quality of the lives of our learners. We collect, preserve, interpret, and exhibit works of art and present related educational programs in support of the teaching, research, and public service missions of the UW-Madison. We do this because the visual arts enrich the individual human experience and because knowledge of art is essential to understanding diverse cultures, past and present. (Elvehjem Museum of Art) We aim to transform society and culture by providing aspiring leaders with opportunities for self-renewal and development of leadership skills, values and behaviors. (Wisconsin Leadership Institute) The UWM Children's Center serves the University with distinction through the provision of high quality education programs for children and families, UWM students and the professional child development community. The Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups, a grassroots membership organization directed by older people, pursues justice and quality of life for people of all ages through legal and legislative advocacy, education and leadership development Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 30 Developing a Strategic Vision of Intended Impact A vision is an image or description of future impact we intend to have and the organization we aspire to become in the future. It answers the question “If we could create the organization of our dreams and have the impact we have always desired, what would this look like in 5-10 years?” The vision focuses on institutional, professional and societal/community impact we intend to create and the kind of organization we will need to be in order to achieve this impact. “Vision of Intended Impact” has also been defined as a clear statement of what the organization will hold itself accountable for and align activities around. The vision can also convey a sense how the organization would be significantly be different from what it is today – what it would need to be like in organizational terms in order to deliver this hoped for impact. If the critical strategic issues represent our effort to express the big questions, choices and challenges facing the organization in the future, the vision is our attempt to communicate the "big answers to these big questions". Your Task: First, review the following information: Key factors in the planning assessment summary - internal strengths & weaknesses, external changes & trends, emerging needs & service expectations of our constituents. Critical strategic issues facing the organization Next, develop a list of core elements or components of a vision for the organization. “If we could create the organization of our dreams and have the impact we most desire, what would it look like in five years?” Use the two sets of questions below to stimulate your thinking. Impact/Results: What impact and results do we want to be achieving with our programs and activities in five years? How many and what kinds of people and groups will we be involving/serving and how? What impact will we have on the community, state, region? What will success look like for us? Ideal Characteristics: What will the organization look like in ideal terms to deliver the results and impact listed first? How will the organization act? What will its reputation be? Additional things to consider in listing elements of the vision statement: Organization size (revenues, facilities, paid staff, and volunteers); Nature and scope of programs and services; Member base; Market position/reputation; Use of technology; Management capabilities; Organizational structure. Now Dream! List the core vision elements that are most inspiring to you: Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 31 Sample Vision Statements The Milwaukee Public Library is Everyperson's gateway to an expanding world of information. The Historic Third Ward’s unique attributes and resources will be enhanced and developed to create a self-sustaining environment in which to live, work and play, so distinct in character that it is recognized as both a place and a state of mind. A thriving professional orchestra leading regional audiences to great music. (Waukesha Symphony Orchestra) The Elvehjem Museum of Art will be a leader among university art museums. Supported by the resources of the Kohler Art Library, it will be a dynamic center for research, education and experimentation in the visual arts. We will be the driving force in developing successful entrepreneurial initiatives in housing and economic development, providing a pathway to enhance the health and wealth of the Harambee community. (Martin Luther King Community Development Corporation) The Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing will be the recognized statewide leader providing a continuum of dynamic and innovative programs for persons of all ages who are deaf or hard of hearing. Innovating though leadership, expanding sustainable homeownership and building thriving communities. (Select Milwaukee) Every Nativity Jesuit Middle School student graduates from high school as a caring, compassionate and conscientious man poised for a life of Christian leadership and service. The YWCA Lake County is the catalyst for change resulting in generations of self-sufficient women and a world free of racism. Sunset Playhouse will erase the distinction between community and professional theater and will be the region’s destination for experiences of artistic excellence, whether traditional in nature or daring and innovative in choice. The people of Wisconsin will enjoy their diverse cultural heritage through better preserved and accessible records that document the state's rich past. (Wisconsin Historical Records Advisory Board) More people, bowling more often, having more fun. (Bowling, Inc.) Our work transforms the understanding of education to include all children as capable learners, all teachers and families as full partners in the education system and quality programs for children as integral to the success of all communities. (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Children’s Center) St. Joan Antida High School is the gateway to educational excellence and service for women who will live and lead in a multicultural world. The center for celebrating Waukesha County and its stories. (Waukesha County Historical Museum) We will be the premier center for community-oriented medical education, scholarship, patient care, service, and research. Our leadership will revolutionize the delivery of health care in Kansas and beyond. (University of Kansas School of Medicine – Wichita) Educating, exciting and empowering generations to be responsible environmental citizens. (Riveredge Nature Center) Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 32 Goals Worksheet In the issues based approach to strategic planning, if we believe that we have effectively and accurately identified the most critical issues and challenges facing the organization over the next several years, we can use the critical issue statements as the starting point for development of strategic goals. Here are some examples: Critical Issue Proposed Goal What is the YWCA’s role in addressing the issue of racial justice? Offer programs and advocacy services that reduce the impact of racism in measurable ways. Generate more unrestricted and earned revenue to support new hallmark impact programs. Attract and foster powerful, talented and diverse leadership needed to strengthen and sustain the organization. How can we generate more unrestricted revenue? How do we attract and foster powerful, talented and diverse leadership needed to strengthen and sustain the organization? What is the optimal service mix to fulfill the organization’s mission? Offer sustainable mission based programs responsive to emerging neighborhood trends and customer needs. YOUR TASK: Now, using the critical issues that have been previously identified in the planning process, draft a set of strategic goals Critical Issue Proposed Goal List issues previously identified here: Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 33 Strategy Worksheet The next step in the planning process is to develop strategies for each goal. Strategies begin to answer the question “HOW will we go about accomplishing our goals?” The examples below offer some definitions and show the relationship between goals and strategies. LEVEL OF PLANNING GOALS: 3 years out Broad statements of what the organization hopes to achieve in the next 3 years. Goals focus on major outcomes or results and are qualitative in nature. STRATEGIES: 1-3 years out Statements of major approach or method for attaining goals and resolving specific issues. EXAMPLES To expand our funding base to sustain current operations and support anticipated program growth 1. Generate more revenue from programs. 2. Expand individual annual campaign giving. 3. Increase corporate giving. YOUR TASK: Review the information listed below. They contain many ideas for strategy. 1. Information from earlier planning surveys; earlier group discussion. 2. Critical issue statements. Brainstorm strategies for the goals. 1. Use the format for strategies from the sample box above. Remember, strategies describe a general approach or method; they don’t describe specific activities or projects. 2. Use the ideas for strategy suggested by other group members in earlier meetings, comments from other members, etc. 3. If needed, use the list of verbs on the next two pages as a resource for writing your strategy statements. Later, in your assigned goal group, review strategy ideas developed earlier by group members. Then develop/select the 4-6 best strategies. Use the suitability criteria below: 1. Ask whether the strategy statement . . . Takes advantage of opportunities Defends against threats Builds on organizational strengths Corrects organizational weaknesses Offers some basis for future competitive advantage 2. If needed, use the list of verbs on the next two pages as a resource for writing your final strategy statements. 3. Write the best strategies on newsprint for reporting out to the full group. Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 34 Strategic Outcomes/Activities The following list (which is by no means complete) offers organizations some action verbs that can be used to begin to think about strategies. Resource or Function Strategic Activities Program or Service Development or Delivery Offer new/innovative Enhance quality of Develop Diversify Produce more Retrench Joint venture Coordinate Income Increase Decrease Divest Markets Expand Penetrate Divest Diversify Specialize Analyze Segment Personnel Hire new Terminate Enrich jobs Rotate Train Reassign Communications Educate Inform Persuade Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 35 Strategic Outcomes/Activities (Con't) Information Research Develop Leadership Change Expand Include Technology Develop Invest Divest Facilities Expand Relocate Divest Build Organization (radical change) Reorient Turn around Revitalize Transform Organization (no change) Maintain Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 37 Sample Strategic Plan Cycle Vision, Goals, Strategies – 3 Year Strategic Plan Cycle (2011-2013) On an annual basis, the organization will carry out the following implementation planning tasks culminating in development of objectives for the following year: 2011 2012 2013 Implement 2011 Implement 2012 Implement 2013 Objectives Objectives Objectives Monitor/adjust 2011 Monitor/adjust 2012 Monitor/adjust 2013 Objectives Objectives Objectives Evaluate 2011 Evaluate 2012 Evaluate 2013 Objectives Objectives Objectives Review/update current Review/update current Develop new Strategic Strategic Plan Strategic Plan Plan for 2014-2016 Set 2012 Objectives Set 2013 Objectives Set 2014 Objectives Develop 2012 Budget by Develop 2013 Budget by Develop 2014 Budget by 10/1/11 10/1/12 10/1/13 Adapted from: Management Cornerstones, Milwaukee, WI Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 38 Goal-Strategy-Objective Progression Goal Strategy Objective A goal is a broad statement of a major result, improvement or accomplishment A strategy is a method or approach we will use to achieve the goal An objective is a specific, concrete, measurable statement of what will be done usually within a one-year time framework. It carries out a strategy and helps to accomplish the goal. Sample Goal. Expand and diversify the revenue base to support anticipated program growth. Sample Strategy. Increase association membership. Sample Objective. The Membership Manager and Membership Committee will increase 2013 association membership revenue by at least 25% ($142,000) by December 31, 2013 Sample Goal. Expand and diversify the revenue base to support anticipated program growth. Sample Strategy. Increase board involvement in fund development. Sample Objective. The Board of Directors in collaboration with the Director of Institutional Advancement will develop and implement a plan to increase board fund-raising capacity and raise at least $150,000 in 2013; annual board fundraising plan for 2013 developed by November 15, 2013. Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 39 Objective Planning Worksheet Objective Planning Worksheet Format to be Used to Develop Action Plan for Each Goal Objectives Responsible Party Insert objectives here: Identify the position or group that will be primarily responsible for the accomplishment of this objective. Based on available information, refer to already existing positions and groups. If needed identify new position or group and tag it with the words "yet to be established". As a starting point, review Original Ideas for Strategy identified at the Planning Retreat. You can also consult the original critical issue briefing paper Collaborators/ Partners Identify current or potential new partners that could play a role in implementing this objective. Time Frame Identify month and year completion date. The Strategic Planning Committee, at a future meeting, will review proposed completion dates and coordinate implementation deadlines as needed Resource Requirements Identify resources needed to implement this objective. Consider staff time, financial support, etc. Measure Identify measures of success for the objective; Measures may include: Process measures, for example, “Three year revenue development plan completed and submitted to board for action”. Outcome measures, for example, “Revenue diversification targets achieved.” Here is a sample objective: Objectives Responsible Party Develop and implement a comprehensive public education and outreach plan with defined public, governmental and industry support and awareness targets. Yet to be established Liaison Committee Collaborators/ Partners Related foundations and societies with established PR plans Time Frame October 2013 (plan submitted to board for approval) November 2013 and ongoing implementation Resource Requirements Staff time; volunteer time Measure Plan completed and submitted to Board for action; Support and awareness targets achieved Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 40 Action Planning Worksheet ASSIGNED OBJECTIVE: Action Steps Specify for each step Due date 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. Who 41 Committee Plan Reporting Form Reporting Quarter ______ Board Committee _________________________________________________ Strategies Assigned to Committee EXAMPLE: Generate more revenue from special events. 2012 Objective EXAMPLE: The Fund Development Committee will generate at least $285,000 net from not more than 3 special events by December 31, 2013. EXAMPLE: Increase EXAMPLE: The Governance the effectiveness of the Committee will design a board and its board member evaluation committees. process, submit for board approval, perform the first annual board/board member evaluation and report results by October 1, 2013. Quarterly Committee Progress/Results Annual Dinner in May raised $135,000 net. Evaluation process designed and approved by Governance Committee; submitted for board approval Form to be filled out on a quarterly basis by committee chair and submitted to Board President. Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 42 Foremost Strategic Challenges Facing the Organization Over the Next 3 years Foremost strategic issues and challenges that the organization will need to address over the 1-3 years What roles would be appropriate for the board to play in addressing each issue listed in Column 1? Clarify the board's need for information and education regarding this issue. (In order to make good decisions in response to this issue, what new things will the board need to know and be able to do?) What resources can the Board access to help address this issue? 1. 2. 3. 4. Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 43 Trends Identifying Changes and Trends Instruction: Brainstorm a list in response to this question: What are the external changes and trends that have had the greatest impact on nonprofit organizations in your community (service area) (region)? Consider changes in technology, demographics, lifestyle/values, legal, economic, political, giving, volunteerism, etc. Example: Emerging technologies will continue to transform the ways organizations can communicate with their markets/constituencies. Issues Identifying Critical Strategic Issues Strategies Developing Strategies Instruction: Reflect on the major external Instruction: With reference to the changes/ trends that you identified in the critical issues you identified in the first learning activity. second learning activity, devise some strategies that respond to some of those Now with reference to selected trends, list critical issues. See the example below: what you believe are the 1-3 most critical issues facing the organization over the next 3-5 years. Try to word your statements in the form of questions as in the example below: Example: How can our organization Example: Introduce/expand use of make the most effective use of emerging emerging technologies to strengthen technologies to strengthen our communication with key constituencies. relationships with donors, volunteers, members and other key supporters? Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 44 Identifying Stakeholders Instructions: In the space below list the internal and external stakeholders you would involve in a strategic planning process in your organization. Note some of the ways you would involve these stakeholders. Internal Stakeholders How to Involve Them External Stakeholders How to Involve Them Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 45 Strategic Thinking and Planning: A Resource Bibliography Basic Overview of Various Strategic Planning Models by Carter McNamara, http://www.managementhelp.org/plan_dec/str_plan/models.htm Business Planning Resources for Nonprofits by The Bridgespan Group, http://www.bridgespan.org/LearningCenter/ResourceDetail.aspx?id=2382. Business Planning for Nonprofits: Why, When — and How It Compares to Strategic Planning. Brigette Rouson. http://www.allianceonline.org/assets/library/7_businessplanningfornonpro.pdf Effective Strategic Planning: Getting Your Organization Focused and Directed by Michael Burns and Paul Yelder, http://www.practitionerresources.org/cache/documents/36796.pdf Field Guide to Nonprofit Strategic Planning and Facilitation by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, http://www.authenticityconsulting.com/pubs/SP_gdes/SP_pubs.htm. Nonprofit Sustainability: Making Strategic Decisions for Financial Viability by Jeanne Bell, Jan Masaoka and Steve Zimmerman. http://spectrumnonprofit.com. Presenting: Strategic Planning: Choosing the Right Method for Your Nonprofit Organization by Michela M. Perrone Ph.D. and Janis Johnston and BoardSource, http://www.boardsource.org/Bookstore.asp?category_id=47&Item=179. Stanford Social Innovation Review published by the Center for Social Innovation at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, http://www.ssireview.com. Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Guide to Strengthening and Sustaining Organizational Achievement by John M. Bryson, http://www.josseybass.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0787967556.html Strategic Planning Resource Collection by Professor Andrew B. Lewis, Center for Community Economic Development, University of Wisconsin Extension, http://www.uwex.edu/ces/cced/nonprofits/management/sites_strategic.cfm. Strategic Planning Workbook for Nonprofit Organizations by Brian W. Barry and the Fieldstone Alliance, http://www.fieldstonealliance.org/productdetails.cfm?PC=39 Strategic Planning: A Practical Handbook for Nonprofit Organizations by Michael Allison and Jude Kaye, http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471445819.html. Strategically Speaking Blog by Frank Martinelli. Go to: http://www.strategicthinkingandplanning.blogspot.com. The Drucker Foundation Self-Assessment Tool Process Guide by the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management and Gary J. Stern, http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-078794436X.html The MacMillan Matrix for Competitive Analysis of Programs, http://www.pasesetter.com/documents/pdf/turbtimes/Competitive%20Analysis.pdf. The Nonprofit Quarterly published by Nonprofit Information Networking Association, www.nonprofitquarterly.org. The Nonprofit Strategy Revolution by David La Piana. http://www.nonprofitstrategyrevolution.org. Toolkit for Developing a Social Purpose Business Plan, by Structured Employment Economic Development Corporation (Seedco), http://nvn-toolkit.seedco.org/businessplanning. What If? The Art of Scenario Thinking for Nonprofits published by the Global Business Network, http://www.gbn.com/articles/pdfs/GBN_What%20If.pdf The Participatory Revolution in Nonprofit Management by Gregory D. Saxton http://www.nonprofitquarterly.org/management/20769-the-participatory-revolution-in-nonprofitmanagement.html Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 46 Ten Things to Do Starting Tomorrow 1. Review your ideas and applications notes from the strategic planning seminar workbook. Add any new ideas. 2. Make a list of the specific benefits of strategic planning for your organization. Reflect on the list. Also note your personal concerns/issues regarding strategic planning? 3. Convene a staff meeting to discuss strategic planning. Reflect on the list benefits. Ask staff members for their response. Do they agree? Can they think of other benefits? What are their concerns/issues regarding strategic planning? 4. Make an appointment with your board president (or executive director) to discuss strategic planning. Use your benefits list. Ask the president/ executive director for his/her response. Is there agreement with the list? Can your board president/ executive director think of other benefits? Are there any concerns/issues regarding strategic planning? 5. Start a subscription to a publication or on-line database service that can help you think about changes and trends that will impact your nonprofit. Some examples of magazines: Nonprofit World, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Harvard Business Review, The Nonprofit Quarterly, or Chronicle of Philanthropy. Also visit the Strategically Speaking Blog for reflections and resources on strategic thinking and planning. Go to: http://www.strategicthinkingandplanning.blogspot.com/. 6. Call your local United Way, state association of nonprofit organizations, and/or, if you are affiliated with a regional or national organization, the regional/national office to ask if they have any information that might be useful for strategic planning. Also, ask if they have any sample strategic plans they can send you. 7. If your organization is currently engaged in a strategic planning process, reflect on how the process is working. Are there any concepts, materials, and/or ideas presented in the seminar that can strengthen your planning process? What are they? Who needs to be involved in any decisions to adjust the planning process? 8. Contact the executive director of one or two nonprofits in your community that are currently engaged in strategic planning. Set up a time to meet with them to discuss what they’ve learned about the planning process. What pitfalls can they point out to you? If they had a positive experience, would they be willing to talk to your staff about it? Would their board president be willing to speak with some of your board leaders about the value of strategic planning? 9. If your organization has a newsletter, website or other publication, begin writing a short article on the value of strategic planning for nonprofits. 10. Start a resource file of future trends data. Encourage board and staff members to research newspaper, journal articles and websites that cover emerging trends and changes and send them to you or your designee. Be sure to regularly check out “Trend of the Week” at http://www.createthefuture.com/trend_of_the_week_2013.htm. Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 47 Frank Martinelli, The Center For Public Skills Training Frank Martinelli has over 35 years of work, training and consulting experience with a variety of nonprofit and public sector organizations. He is president of the Center for Public Skills Training where he specializes in strategic planning, governing board development, volunteer management, and community partnership and alliance building. Since 1976 over 25,000 professional staff, board and other volunteer leaders have benefited from Frank's practical, results-oriented training and consultation. Frank served as a member of the national faculty of The Learning Institute, a joint venture of the Society for Nonprofit Organizations, PBS, United Way of America, and the University of Wisconsin-Extension designed to deliver training through a range of emerging technologies. The Learning Institute, faculty and partners were the recipient of the American Distance Education Consortium 2000 Award for the “Certificate of Excellence in Nonprofit Leadership and Management Satellite Series” He has provided training and consultation to over 1800 organizations in the US including the YWCA, Peace Corps, Head Start, The Points of Light Foundation, Association of Volunteer Administration, the American Camping Association, Wisconsin Association of Homes and Services for the Aging, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Medical College of Wisconsin, Greater Milwaukee Committee, American Lung Association and others. From 1981-1992, Frank served as Coordinator of THE RESOURCE CENTER, a major provider of training to nonprofit groups in Southeastern Wisconsin. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin with an M.S. in Urban Affairs, Frank has done numerous workshops on nonprofit management topics with special emphasis on involvement of the Board of Directors. Frank has written extensively about the management of nonprofit organizations and is a contributing author to the New Directions publication by Jossey-Bass, "Small Nonprofits: Strategies for Fund Raising Success." He has been trained by the Peter F. Drucker Foundation in the use of the Organizational Self-Assessment Tool. Frank has completed the Advanced Board Consultant Training Program offered by BoardSource, formerly known as the National Center for Nonprofit Boards. Frank has recently completed the Distance Education Professional Development Certification Program offered at the University of Wisconsin and is presently developing a number of web-based and other distance learning offerings for nonprofits. Frank is the author of "Encouraging Visionary Board Leadership" appearing in the forthcoming book, You and Your Nonprofit: Practical Advice and Tips from the CharityChannel Professional Community, published by Charity Channel Press. Frank served as a community organizer for the Citizen Action Program (CAP) in Chicago and as a founding organizer and staff director of the Milwaukee Alliance of Concerned Citizens. He also served as Senior Training Consultant to ACTION/VISTA from 1977 to 1981.In addition to his professional work, since high school days, Frank has played key roles in founding and leading a number of nonprofit organizations. For more information, contact: Frank Martinelli The Center for Public Skills Training 2936 N. Hackett Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53211 Voice: 414-961-2536 Web: http://www.createthefuture.com/About_Us.htm Email: frankwill@aol.com Helping Determined Nonprofits Harness the Power of Shared Vision . . . Now there are five new reasons to visit our website every week -- Weekly Picks in the following categories: Cool Websites, Publication of the Week, Key Trends, Useful Resources, and Tech Tips. The picks are updated each Monday. To check them out, go to: http://www.createthefuture.com/Whats%20New.htm Also check out the Strategically Speaking Blog at http://www.strategicthinkingandplanning.blogspot.com/ Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com. 48 Nonprofit Management Webinars from CreatetheFuture Increasingly, nonprofits are utilizing webinars and other online offerings to meet pressing training and technical assistance needs. We have over ten years of experience in distance education and online learning. There are four ways we can help you tap the power of online learning to build the organizational capacity of your nonprofit. You Can Select Webinars from Our Catalog to be Delivered for an Audience You Specify If you have already identified a training need within your nonprofit, you can select a webinar from our catalog that addresses that training need. The webinar catalog includes a number of standalone training sessions as well as webinar series on priority topics. We can also help you develop a training series to address your organization's unique needs. To download the Catalog, go to: http://www.createthefuture.com/WebinarCatalog.pdf We Can Custom Design Webinars for You We can also custom design webinars to your exact specifications – you determine the audience, topic, content, date and time as well as other desired features. We design and deliver the webinar. You Can Attend Scheduled Webinar Training Programs Offered by CreatetheFuture.com We will be offering an ongoing series of webinars beginning in 2011. If you would like to receive notification of future webinar topics and dates as well as registration information, contact us at http://www.createthefuture.com/webinars.htm. We Can Design and Deliver a Blended Training and Consulting Program We can also design customized training and consulting that includes a blended approach – for instance, a training program that combines face-to-face training and online training. This approach is helpful when face-to-face meeting time is limited because of geographic and/or scheduling limitations of participants. Here are two examples: A half-day or all day in person board retreat to assess current capacity of the Board of Directors and to design a board development action plan followed by an online work session to review planning begun at the retreat and finalize implementation details. An in-person strategic planning retreat preceded by an online preplanning session for the strategic planning committee with online post retreat follow-up planning committee sessions to complete the process and prepare to bring a draft strategic plan forward to the board for review and action. Let us know if you would like to discuss these options. Contact us for more information at http://www.createthefuture.com/ContactUs.htm. Developed by Frank Martinelli, The Center for Public Skills Training, Milwaukee, WI. USA. www.createthefuture.com.