M U H A GAMES R O B E R T A G U E R O PA D I L L A : ‘ T H E ’ P R O G R A M M E R M I L A I R E K : W R I T E R / Q U E ST D E S I G N E R Our game – how is it doing, and why we think we can stand here and talk to you about it. Kickstarter – is it worth it? 184 backers £2,873 pledged of £10,000 goal Funding Unsuccessful This project's funding goal was not reached on November 15, 2014. 148 backers £1,842 pledged of £6,000 goal Funding Unsuccessful on June 7. Self funding and self publishing. • Using your in-house skillsets to try and get additional revenues, in our case, the Honey Hex Framework • Having a realistic financial plan – how long can you work without pay? • Managing game size and complexity to those calculations – better to make a smaller game but not starve etc. • Taking a risk, even with all this planning and reasonable expectations, don’t shy away from taking risks • Allow a budget for conventions, extra marketing costs etc. it is not all about the coding… Join as many programmes, travel to game cons and just try to be visible!