Provide shape and support Protection Storing of internal organs minerals and fat Producing Assisting blood cells and platelets with movement Composed of: inorganic salts (calcium), bone cells, blood vessels, nerves, collagen Needs food and oxygen Continue to grow throughout life, replacing damaged bone Osteoblasts (build up bone) Osteoclasts (clean up bone and debris) Cartilage Aponeurosis Dense (compact bone) Spongy (cancellous bone) 1. Axial = 80 bones = 126 bones Long: femur, humerus, tibia, fibula, fingers & toes? Short: small cubed-shaped: carpals, tarsals, Flat: usually cover organs: scapula, pelvis, skull,ribs Irregular: bones of ear, vertebrae, bones of face Sesamoid: patella (knee cap), bottom of foot, and hand. Cranium Face = 8 bones = 14 bones Ears Mandible skull is the only movable part of the Crown Root Enamel Cementum Dentin Pulp 32 teeth in an adult Ribs True ribs: first 7 False ribs: lower 5 ( last 2 are called floating ribs) Intercostal space: contains muscles, blood vessels, nerves Sternum Vertebral bones = 26 bones true false Joints are named by the bones they join Synarthrosis (immovable): cranial bones Amphiarthrosis (slightly movable): ribs connected to sternum Diarthrosis (freely movable, synovial) Synovial joints contain a bursa: fluid filled sac 1. Ball and socket: shoulder, hip 2. Hinge: elbow, knee 3. Gliding: in between the carpal bones and ankle 4. Pivot: Radius on ulna 5. Saddle: Thumb (thumb touching finger tips) 6. Gomphosis: (teeth)