Abstract The efficient market hypothesis purports that markets are efficient and modern portfolio theory (CAPM) builds on that hypothesis and the mean variance theory of Markowitz (1952) to develop a market portfolio, which is regarded as the optimal portfolio of all risky assets, generating the highest return for given risks levels. However the theoretical failings of the CAPM, mostly due to the assumptions on which it is founded, have resulted in the market portfolio – a capitalization weighted portfolio – generating returns that are suboptimal. Other weighting methodologies and investment styles have occasionally outperformed the market proxy. This research employs an alternative weighting methodology, first proposed by Arnott, Hsu and Moore (2005), based on the fundamental variables of the firm. The methodology has proven to be superior to the cap-weighted technique in terms of being mean variance efficient, as well as resilient. In this research paper, portfolios of the top 50 and mid-100 stocks of the Taiwanese equity market are constructed. The performance of the varying fundamental indexes are compared to that of the cap-weighted portfolio and also are regressed against the CAPM and Fama and French3-factor model (1993). The results indicate that only sales and the composite index outperform the cap-weighted portfolio on a statistically significant basis after regressing against the Fama and French 3factor model. While size and value are statistically significant in explaining the alphas of portfolios constructed from the top 50 stocks, stocks constructed from the mid-100 stocks present a unique investment style, with alphas unsatisfactorily explained by value and size effect. Keywords: Efficient market hypothesis, Fundamental indexation, Capitalisation weighted index, Mean variance efficient, Size effect, Value effect, noisy market hypothesis, Capital asset pricing model, Fama and French 3-factor model. Introduction The market portfolio is not only regarded as a convenient guide for capitalisation-weighted investing but is also held by the CAPM as the de factor standard for investing. Modern portfolio theory advocates the efficiency of markets whereby the market value of stocks is a reflection of its intrinsic value. Based on the efficient market hypothesis (Fama, 1970), modern portfolio theory holds only in efficient market conditions, without which stock prices become noisy and the market portfolio is stripped of its mean variance efficient attribute. By being noisy, market prices move independently of the underlying variables of the firm (Hsu and Campollo, 2005). This mispricing leads to a systematic overweighting of overvalued stocks and a corresponding underweighting of undervalued stocks within a cap-weighted index, thereby introducing a return drag in cap-weighted indexes (Arnott, Hsu and Moore, 2005). The degree of this return drag depends on the level of noise in the prices (Treynor, 2005; Hsu, 2004). A new form of indexing – fundamental indexation – proposed by Arnott et al. (2005) has proven to be more efficient at limiting the noise inherent in cap-weighted indices by using fundamental variables of the firm., as opposed to their market capitalisation values. This research investigates the relative performance of fundamental indexation and cap-weighting on the Taiwanese equity market. Upon constructing fundamental indexes for the top 50 and mid-100 stocks by varying fundamental metrics of size, the performance of the top 50 and mid-100 stocks of Taiwan Capitalisation Weighted Stock Index (TAIEX), weighted by market capitalisation, is compared with that of individual fundamental indices, a composite fundamental index over the period 1st January 2001 to 30th June 2014 The results should shed more light on the relative performance of the respective weighting methodolodogies and the degree of mean reversion on the Taiwanese equity market, and upon regressing the results against the CAPM model and Fama an French 3-factor model, determine what factors are statistically important in explaining the performance of the fundamental indexes. Theoretical overview Despite its poor empirical record, a long memory of the Capital asset pricing model (CAPM) has been retained not only by advocates of the modern portfolio theory but the finance community as a whole. Stemming from Markowitz‘s efficient frontier of risky assets and gaining momentum from Fama’s efficient market hypothesis, the CAPM was first unveiled by William Sharpe (1964). According to Markowitz (1952), investors are risks averse and choose their investable portfolios taking into consideration only the mean and variance of the portfolio. He eventually constructed the efficient frontier of risky assets and the mean variance tangency portfolio of risky assets, which consist of all valuable risky assets. Combined with the risk free asset, this portfolio provides the highest return for given risk and minimum risk for given return. It is this property that makes it a theoretically optimal portfolio. In what is described as the separation theorem (Tobin, 1958), Investors assume positions along the tangency portfolio in accordance with their risk appetite. The mean variance portfolio is also described as the market portfolio. Therefore, no other portfolio of risky assets, with similar risk attribution, can generate returns superior to the market portfolio. The market portfolio is capitalization weighted; meaning, available and marketable risky assets are included in this portfolio in proportion to the market capitalization of the asset. The CAPM builds on the mean variance model and attempts to model the return characteristics of an asset or portfolio of risky assets as a linear function of market related risk, known as the beta. The CAPM assumes that other than the market risk premium, which is the beta of the asset compounded by the premium per unit of beta, no other factor accounts for the expected return characteristics of an asset. However, recent finance literature and empirical evidence has alluded to and shown that the return of an asset is fitted by other factors. Fama and French (1993) developed a three-factor model of asset pricing after demonstrating the existence of both size and value as significant factors in explaining cross-sectional differences in asset returns. Carhart (1997) further extended the Fama and French three-factor model into a four-factor model after revealing that the momentum effect is equally prevalent in stock pricing. Amongst other valid justifications aimed at discrediting the mean variance efficiency assumption of the CAPM, the theoretical pitfalls of the CAPM arise from the numerous simplifying assumptions on which the model is founded. First amongst these assumptions is the efficient market hypothesis (Fama, 1970). The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) states that security markets are efficient and that prices of assets invariably reflect all information about the asset (with the nature of the information dependent on the degree of market efficiency). This therefore, means that the asset price unbiasedly reflects the true value of the asset, known as the fair value. Therefore if markets are as efficient as upheld by EMH, with the market price of stocks reflecting their fair value at each point in time or rapidly returning to true value after interim periods of mispricing (mean reversion), any attempt by individual investors to generate sustained values for alphas would be futile. Alpha is the return specific to any asset, which is unrelated or unattributable to the market premium. The implications of EMH extend beyond stock pricing in that it upholds the mean variance efficiency of the market portfolio because, as a capitalization weighted portfolio, containing all valuable risky assets, if the market price of all assets are fairly reflected, then investing in the market portfolio should generate the highest return for given levels of risks. Arguments against the CAPM Evidence against the CAPM cuts across its theoretical failings, inability to be reliably implemented as an asset pricing model, simplifying assumptions and, above all, its misguided hailing of the market portfolio as mean variance efficient. With respect to its assumptions (risk-free borrowing and lending, uniform expectations amongst investors, investor rationality, no short selling, et ceteras), CAPM assumptions are not only overly simplistic but also more or less unrealistic. For instance, its assumption of markets being efficient is flawed, as markets often display upheavals, with asset prices drifting far away, over sustained periods of time, from their intrinsic values. Under these circumstances, the paradigm of the CAPM and its associated theory of efficient markets may need to be replaced with a paradigm of markets as vulnerable to fickle behavior (Dempsey, 2013). The adrift movement of market prices from their intrinsic or true values, as a result of observed prolonged periods of market inefficiencies, implies that the market portfolio - which is capitalization weighted - is weighted on misplaced prices, resulting in a weighting scheme that is ineffective and non-optimal. This invariably results in sub-optimal returns on investments tracking the market portfolio or weighted on market capitalization basis. Furthermore, Rolls (1977; 1978) criticizes the market portfolio as unobservable, making it difficult to track its performance without employing a market proxy. The theoretical basis of CAPM is also flawed as recent research has revealed that other factors, other than just the market risk premium, have the power of explaining at least a part of the return characteristics of stocks. Banz (1981) while performing research on NYSE stocks from 1936-1975 found that stocks/firms with small market capitalization outperformed stocks/firms with larger market capitalization by risk-adjusted returns of about 19.8%. This effect was described as the size effect. In 1978, Ball also showed that CAPM is violated by the value effect, whereby stocks with high book-to-market (BTM) ratios generate higher riskadjusted returns than their low BTM counterparts. Fama and French (1992) also investigated the effect of size in determining stock returns and discovered a positive correlation between small stocks and relatively higher returns. Fama and French (1993) combined both the size and value effect to the original market risk premium CAPM to introduce a 3-factor model of asset pricing. Jegadeesh and Titman (1993) exposed evidence to the fact that prior winner stocks have the ability to maintain their winning momentum into the near future. While performing research on NYSE and AMEX stocks over the period 1965-1989, they found that prior winners outperformed prior losers by an average of 1.31% per month. Other effects have been found in stock markets that account for the return dynamics of stock prices; some effects more persistent than others but all supporting the fact that the market risk premium is hardly the only factor capable of explaining the return characteristics of stock returns. Despite being heavily criticized, capitalization weighted indexes do offer considerable benefits. Because investing in the market portfolio is a buy and hold strategy, no transaction costs are incurred in investing in this portfolio as the index automatically rebalances itself. The only costs incurred are stock buyback and replacement expenses. Capitalization weighted indexes also allow for broad market participation and are highly correlated with trading liquidity. The logic of fundamental indexation and supporting literature The market portfolio’s optimal and mean variance efficiency status is only justified in an efficient market setting. Because should prices deviate from their true value, and some stocks become either overvalued or undervalued, this results to the assigned weights being amiss. Deviation of stock prices from their intrinsic values is described as noise. Siegel (2006) advanced the noisy market hypothesis, whereby he argues that prices of securities are likely to be influenced by speculators and momentum traders, and that the changes in share prices are not often related to their fundamental value but as a result of investors buying and holding stocks for diversification or tax-related reasons. Owing to the weighting methodology of the market portfolio, which is capitalization weighted, noise in stock prices results in overvalued stocks being overrepresented in the market portfolio while undervalued stocks are under-represented (Arnott, Hsu and Moore, 2005). This results in the capitalization weighted market portfolio being biased towards large/growth stocks. It is this weighting flaw that results in a return drag. Arnott et al. (2005) propose a more rationale way of weighting stocks in portfolios. They recommended the use of fundamental metrics of size such as book value, sales, dividends and the like to weight stocks. Their argument in favour of this size metrics is founded on the notion that fundamental variables are noise resistant and unlike share prices, which are unobservable (Perold, 2007) and sometimes fluctuate for alternative reasons other than reflecting the fundamental value of the share (Sharpe, 1974), provide a fairly reasonable reflection of the intrinsic value of the firm. DeBondt and Thaler (1985) also support the volatile nature of the share price by revealing how changes in share prices are influenced by human behavior and investors’ overreaction to new information; unfairly inflating or decreasing the share price, with subsequent reversal to their mean prices. Therefore weighting portfolio stocks using fundamental metrics of size generate alphas, which are statistically significant, especially during periods of stock market price turmoil, with the size of the alpha closely related to the level of noise in stock prices (Treynor, 2005). As a result of the constant rebalancing required, Fundamental indexation (FI) has been affiliated to being an active investment strategy with associated transaction cost; unlike the buy and hold passive strategy of capweighted indexes. FI has also been criticized as being a repackaging of value investing (Asness, 2006), with greater emphasis being placed on value stocks. Skeptics of FI claim that the alpha generated can be associated with the value effect; that is, the excess risk-adjusted return inherent in value investing as opposed to being a superior weighting methodology to capitalization weighting. If capitalization weighted indexes are growth biased, then fundamental indexes are value biased (Kaplan, 2008). If FI are value biased and because value stocks are usually small sized stocks, with exposure to distress risks, this means FI alphas are compensation for the additional risk borne for investing in fundamental indexes. However, on regressing the results of Fundamentally indexed portfolios over the Fama and French 3-factor model, Arnott et al (2005) found that fundamental indexes did not have any significant loading on the size factor. Contrarily, Chow, Hsu, Kalesnik and Little (2011) found that fundamental index alphas, when regressed using the Carhart (1997) 4-factor model, are not significant and are primarily ascribed to size and value factor loadings. Preliminary work on FI was performed by Arnott et al. (2005). Using data from the CRPS database, their research covered the period 1962-2004 and focused on the top 1000 companies by fundamental metrics. Fundamental indexes constructed book value, and trailing five-year average of sales, dividends and cash flow. Rebalancing was done on the first day of the year using previous end of year values. A cap-weighted reference portfolio was also constructed under the FI methodology, as well as a composite index of four fundamental metrics of size, and the S&P 500 proxied the market. Their findings revealed that fundamental indexes, on average, generate excess market returns of 1.97 percentage points and excess reference portfolio returns of 2.15 percentage points. Sales index was the best performing index with an excess return over the reference portfolio of 2.56 percentage points. Fundamental indices did not only outperform the reference portfolio but did so with lower betas. The performance of fundamental indexes also exhibited resilience across time, across phases of the business cycle, bull and bear markets and rising and falling interest rate regimes. Hsieh, Hodnett and Rensburg (2012) also investigate the performance of fundamental indexes against cap-weighted indexes on the US market, as well as the effect of portfolio concentration on their respective performances. Their results reveal similar findings to those of Arnott et al (2005) and also highlight the fact that unlike fundamental portfolios, cap-weighted portfolios are exposed to portfolio concentration, with greater concentration having a return drag on the returns of cap-weighted portfolios. Hemminki and Puttonen (2008) also performed test on European stocks using DJ Stoxx index 50 as the market proxy and constructing fundamental indexes similar to that of Arnott et al. (2005), with the exception of end of year rebalancing and three year moving averages (both differences having little or no effect on the outcome). Fundamental indexes outperform their comparative cap-weighted portfolio by an average of 1.76% Arnott and Shepherd (2009) show that fundamental indexation has even greater potential to add value in developing markets where mispricing and market inefficiency is more pronounced. Because emerging markets are much less efficient than their developed markets counterparts, the return drag on capweighted indices is much greater, creating more opportunities for generating excess returns through fundamental indexation. They highlight the fact that higher growth prospects in developing markets also allow for greater diversification. By analysing the growth of a dollar across the period 1994 through December 2009, they realised that the emerging market RAFI index adds more value than the cap-weighted counterpart (FTSE AW index) by an excess of 9.0%. The value added increases with the noisiness of the market. However, Lobe and Walkshäusl (2008), on performing research on 50 countries, found that Taiwan – an emerging market – produced negative excess returns on a FI basis Estrada (2008) investigated the presence of international diversification with fundamental indexation and found no evidence of added diversification. Data and Methodology This research covers the period January 2001 to June 2014. The period is chosen in line with the availability of consistent data such that average-trailing values for fundamental indexes can be calculated. Data is drawn from the Taiwanese Economic Journal database that encompasses data for stocks listed both on the primary stock market and over the counter market called the GreTai securities market (GTSM), where stocks with lower market capitalization are listed. The market proxy used for this research is Taiwan capitalization weighted stock index (TAIEX). As at June 2014, 841 stocks formed part of this index, weighted according to their market capitalization. Weight of each stock included in the index is given by the following formula: PiNi Wi = ∑𝑛 𝑖=1 𝑃𝑁 1.1 Whereby Wi symbolizes the weight of stock i, the numerator PiNi represents the price of stock i multiplied by its number of shares N. While the denominator represents the sum of all stock prices in the index multiplied by their respective number of shares. The risk free rate is the interest rate on short-term bills; that is, the money market interest rates on commercial paper borrowings (31-90days) in the secondary market. The fundamental metrics of size used are similar to four of the fundamental metrics employed by Arnott et al. (2005); book value of equity, earnings, dividends and sales. However the accumulated sales for the last 12 months of trading is used. The outcome of using the accumulated last 12 trading months of sales as opposed to monthly sales values is not materially different. End of month values for all the other fundamental metrics of size are obtained. Dividends needed special attention in terms of adjustments since dividends are paid months after they are due. This eliminates any look-ahead bias and ensures that monthly dividends figures correctly reflect corresponding values. Contrary to research performed by Arnott et al. (2005) but in line with Hemminki and Puttonen (2008), three year trailing averages of the fundamental metrics are derived and the values are logged. In order to match the benchmark index construction on the Taiwanese market, whereby indices of top 50 stocks and mid-100 stocks by market capitalisation are constructed, all fundamental indexes are also constructed in tranches of top 50 and mid-100 stocks by fundamental metric weights. The mid-100 stocks are the next largest 100 stocks subsequent to the top 50 stocks of the varying weighting metrics of size. Rebalancing of fundamental indexes is done on a monthly basis. This is suggestive of higher transaction costs but because only the top 50 and mid-100 stocks are used, and because FI emulates cap-weighted indexes in terms of broad market participation and liquidity, most of the elite stocks by market capitalization are also represented by the fundamental indexes. The Taiwanese market is also fraught with electronic traded funds (EFTs), which are highly liquid and not subject to high rebalancing costs. Frequent rebalancing in this research was merely for more accurate representation of fundamental weights in the respective indexes. A composite index and a reference portfolio are also constructed. The composite index equally weights the four fundamental metrics of size and when, for whatever reason, one of the fundamental metrics is not available, the average of the remaining metrics is used. The reference portfolio is the capitalizationweighted index constructed under the fundamental index methodology. The construction of the reference portfolio provides a more rationale benchmark to evaluate the performance of the fundamental indexes, as like is compared with like. In order to assess whether or not fundamental indexes are have a loading on size and value factors, using the Fama and French 3-factor model, portfolios of size and value are constructed. In constructing the size portfolio, the monthly return of large size portfolios is deducted from that of the small size portfolios. Small size stocks are considered stocks that constitute the bottom twenty percentile by market capitalization while large stocks are those constituting the top twenty percentile by market capitalization. For value portfolios, the average monthly return of small value stocks is subtracted from the average return of large value stocks. Large value stocks are stocks in the top twenty percentile by BTM ratio while low value stocks are stocks in the bottom twenty percentile by BTM ratio. Below is the Fama and French 3-factor model used for determining the expected return of a stock; E(ri) - rf = αff + βm(E(rm- rf) + βHMLrHML + βSMBrSMB + εi 1.2 Where, βm signifies the sensitivity of the stock to market returns E(rm- rf) represents the excess return of the market over the risk free rate βHML signifies the sensitivity of the stock to excess returns of value stocks βSMB signifies the sensitivity of the stock to excess return of small stocks rHML represents the excess return generated by stocks with high book to market value rSMB represents the excess return generated by small capitalisation stocks relative to big stocks αff represents the Fama and French alpha Results and Analysis In analyzing the test results of the different portfolio concentrations; that is, the top 50 and mid-100 portfolios, a break down of the statistics is presented in the order of basic return statistics, basic risks statistics and risk-adjusted returns. Statistics for regression against the CAPM and Fama and French 3-factor model are also presented. The cumulative return and draw down graphs for the top 50 stocks are shown in Figure 1.1 and 1.2. The results are supportive of the arithmetic and geometric results discussed above. Figure 1.1: Index Cumulative Return for Top 50 Mkt Proxy Dividends Composite Book Value SalesL12M Earnings Reference 3.5 3 2.5 Index Cum. 2 Return (%) 1.5 1 0.5 Date 1/1/2014 1/1/2013 1/1/2012 1/1/2011 1/1/2010 1/1/2009 1/1/2008 1/1/2007 1/1/2006 1/1/2005 1/1/2004 1/1/2003 1/1/2002 1/1/2001 0 Figure 1.2: Index Draw Down for Top 50 Stocks Market proxy Dividends Fund. Composite Book Value Sales L12M Earnings Reference 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 Index Draw Down -0.4 -0.5 1/1/2014 1/1/2013 1/1/2012 1/1/2011 1/1/2010 1/1/2009 1/1/2008 1/1/2007 1/1/2006 1/1/2005 1/1/2004 1/1/2003 1/1/2002 1/1/2001 -0.6 Date Table 1 presents the performance statistics for the Top 50 stocks. In terms of the arithmetic returns of the indexes, the highest performing index is the sales index with an annual arithmetic return of 12.23%, followed by the composite index with an annual return of 10.70%. All fundamental indexes outperform the reference (capitalization-weighted) portfolio, which garnered a soft return of 5.76%. All fundamental indexes, with the exception of dividends, outperform the market proxy. On average, fundamental indexes outperform the market proxy and reference portfolio by 1.35% and 3.75% respectively. The geometric return, which is a better reflection of the average index returns, confirms the results of the arithmetic return and even better, as the dividend index also outperforms the market proxy. The large chasm between the arithmetic and geometric returns is triggered by the high levels of standard deviation in the returns of the respective indexes. The higher the standard deviation of the index monthly returns, the greater the discrepancy in the arithmetic and geometric returns will be. Fundamental indexes, however, achieve greater returns at slightly higher risk. Measured in terms of standard deviation, all fundamental indexes show higher standard deviations with the Book value reflecting the highest value of 29.92% relative to the market proxy standard deviation of 23.68%. Sales index produces the lowest standard deviation for fundamental indexes. The higher standard deviation exhibited by the fundamental indexes relative to the market proxy is attributable to the lover diversification inherent in the portfolios, since the market proxy contains over a thousand stocks listed on the Taiwanese market while the fundamental indexes only contain the top 50 stocks. Table 1: Performance Statistics for Top 50 Stocks Market Proxy Risk Free rate Reference Portfolio Book Value Index Earnings Index Dividends Index Sales Index Fundamental Composite Index Arithmetic Return 8.13% 1.30% 5.76% 8.69% 8.59% 7.35% 12.23% 10.70% Geometric Return 2.77% 0.01% 2.17% 4.07% 4.56% 3.60% 8.96% 5.20% Cumulative Return 1.446 1.001 1.335 1.713 1.825 1.613 3.184 1.982 23.68% 0.03% 26.53% 29.92% 27.96% 26.89% 24.68% 27.15% 1 N/A 1.085 1.152 1.112 1.076 1.005 1.060 -56,49% -54,35% -57,06% -52,94% -56,26% Basic Return statistics Basic Risks Statistics Standard Deviation Beta Max. Draw Down -56.26% - -56,84% Risk-adj. returns Sharpe Ratio 0.289 N/A 0.168 0.247 0.261 0.225 0.443 0.346 Treynor Ratio 0.068 N/A 0.041 0.064 0.066 0.056 0.109 0.089 Jensen’s alpha - N/A -2.95% -0.48% -0.31% -1.30% 4.06% 2.16% Information ratio 0.345 N/A N/A 0.302 0.428 0.257 0.852 0.604 M-square 0.081 N/A 0.053 0.071 0.075 0.066 0.118 0.095 Beta, which is a measure of how movements in the market return affect index returns, also corroborates the risk measure of standard deviation, as all fundamental indexes generate slightly higher betas than the market proxy. However, only the betas of book value and dividends indexes outweigh that of the reference portfolio. Whilst the sequence of the performance of fundamental indexes is similar to that performed by Arnott et al. (2005), the higher figures for risks measures are a sharp contrast. The maximum draw down values for the fundamental indexes are comparable with that of the market proxy and reference portfolio. Because the evaluation of returns on a comparative basis is only valid when risks of the different elements are taken into consideration, return-risk measures of performance are employed. The Sharpe ratio (excess index return over risk free rate to standard deviation), Treynor ratio (excess return on risk free rate to beta) and the M-squared indicate that fundamental indexes perform poorly relative to the market proxy. This translates to the inadequate compensation for higher risks inherent in the fundamental portfolios relative to the market proxy. Only sales and composite indexes outperform the market on those risk-adjusted basis. All fundamental indexes nonetheless outperform the reference portfolio on a Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio and M-squared basis. All fundamental indexes project negative Jensen’s alphas except for sales and the fundamental composite index. However, despite the negative alphas shown by Fundamental indexes, they still outperform the cap-weighted reference portfolio. Fig 1.3: Security Market (CAPM) Line Top 50 Stocks Index Return (%) 16 14 Sales L12M 12 Composite 10 Book Value Earnings Dividends Market Proxy 8 6 Reference 4 2 Rf: 1.30 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Beta The information ratio (IR), which is an active performance measurement ratio and signals the excess return per unit of standard deviation of the excess return of the index on the reference portfolio, supports prior evidence of the superior performance of fundamental indexes to the reference portfolio. All fundamental indexes, including the market proxy, exhibit positive IR because they all earn higher returns than the capweighted reference portfolio and therefore have higher active returns. However, when the active returns are standardized by active risks, only earnings, sales and the composite indexes show higher IR compared to the market proxy. Overall, sales and the composite indexes are the best performing indexes of the fundamental indexes. Figure 2.1: Index Cumulative Return for Mid 100 Stocks Mkt Proxy Book Value Earnings SalesL12M Reference Composite Dividends 6 5 4 3 Index Cum. Return 2 (%) 1 0 Date Figure 2.2: Index Draw Down for Mid-100 Stocks Market Proxy Dividends Composite Book Value Sales L12M Earnings Reference 0 Index Draw Down -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 Date Table 2 presents the performance statistics of mid-100 stocks. Although generating slightly higher standard deviations than the top 50 stocks, the excess return on the top 50 stocks is much greater. All fundamental indexes outperform the market proxy and reference portfolio on both the arithmetic return and geometric. Figure 2.1 and 2.2 present the cumulative return and draw down values for the varying indexes constructed from the mid-100 stocks. The maximum draw down values of the fundamental indexes are higher than that of the market proxy, as opposed to comparative as was observed for the top 50 stocks. Table 2: Performance Statistics for Mid-100 Stocks Market Proxy Risk Free rate Reference Portfolio Book Value Index Earnings Index Dividends Index Sales Index Fundamental Composite index Arithmetic Return 8.13% 1.30% 9.50% 16.13% 12.53% 13.45% 19.48% 17.85% Geometric Return 2.77% 0.01% 4.97% 10.84% 8.01% 8.77% 14.90% 12.91% Cumulative Return 1.446 1.001 1.926 4.011 2.829 3.113 6.520 5.152 23.68% 0.03% 29.36% 31.10% 29.02% 29.41% 28.48% 29.86% 1 N/A 1.157 1.171 1.114 1.119 1.084 1.096 -56.26% - -63,96% -62,37% -59,59% -60,19% -57,26% -59,30% Sharpe Ratio 0.289 N/A 0.279 0.477 0.387 0.413 0.638 0.554 Treynor Ratio 0.068 N/A 0.071 0.125 0.098 0.105 0.162 0.141 Jensen’s alpha - N/A 0.30% 6.73% 3.38% 4.23% 10.51% 8.52% Information ratio -0.123 N/A N/A 0.664 0,506 0.728 1.537 1.029 M-square 0.081 N/A 0.079 0.126 0.105 0.111 0.164 0.144 Basic Returns statistics Basic Risks Statistics Standard Deviation Beta Max. Draw Down Risk-adj. returns On average, fundamental indexes of mid-100 stocks generate an excess return of 7.76% and 6.38% over the market proxy and reference portfolio respectively. Higher returns are generated at higher risk with respect to the market but comparative risk with respect to the cap-weighted reference portfolio. All fundamental indexes, despite the higher betas and standard deviations, produce better performance on a risk-adjusted basis than the reference index and market proxy. In terms of Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio and M-squared, all fundamental indexes outperform the market proxy and reference portfolio. Figure 2.3 below demonstrates how all the fundamental indexes generated positive abnormal returns, measured in terms of Jensen’s alpha and also reveal that all fundamental indexes outperformed the reference portfolio. Plotting above the SML line is indicative of an undervalued portfolio and vice versa. Fig 2.3: Security Market (CAPM) Line Mid-100 Stocks Index Return (%) 25 20 Sales L12M Composite Book Value 15 Dividends Earnings Reference 10 SML: Market Proxy 5 Rf: 1.30 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Beta Albeit maximum draw downs of fundamental indexes for mid-100 stocks are much larger than the market proxy, fundamental index maximum draw downs are lower than the reference index, and the ability of fundamental indexes to outperform the market and the reference by such huge arithmetic and riskadjusted return margins after incurring such large draw downs, is indicative of the recovery or bounce back potential of fundamental indexes after bear markets or periods of market crisis. It can also be deduced that the degree of index concentration affects the performance of the respective indexes. The higher the index concentration, the greater the return drag on performance. Because top 50 stocks have a higher degree of index concentration than mid-100 stocks, the performance of mid-100 stock indexes is more glorious than its counterpart top 50 stocks. This indicates that the benefits of diversification are more inherent in fundamental indexes than capitalization weighted indexes. Based on active risk, the market proxy earns a negative IR, which is in direct contrast to the positive IR displayed by all fundamental indexes. Performance Attribution In order to determine the significance of the alphas of fundamental indexes and what factors account for such outperformance, CAPM regressions and Fama and French 3-factor model regressions are performed. Table 3, split into panel A and B, displays the comparative results of the CAPM regression of the top 50 and mid-100 stocks respectively. Table 3: CAPM Regression Statistics PANEL A: Top 50 Stocks Reference Book Value Earnings Index Dividends Sales Index Portfolio Index R-Squared 93.85% 83.24% 88.89% 89.89% 93.07% 85.66% [P-value] 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Intercept -0.002 -0.000 -0.000 -0.001 0.003 0.002 t-statistics -1.546 -0.141 -0.120 -0.523 2.088 0.701 [P-value] 0.124 0.888 0.905 0.601 0.038 0.485 b_Market risk premium 1.085 1.151 1.112 1.075 1.005 1.061 t-statistics 49.573 28.282 35.897 37.838 46.513 31.007 [P-value] 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Reference Book Value Earnings Index Dividends Sales Index Fundamental Portfolio Index R-Squared 81.68% 87.97% 87.39% 87.24% 87.22% 86.98% [P-value] 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Intercept 0.006 0.003 0.003 0.008 0.000 0.006 t-statistics 1.641 1.104 1.328 3.330 0.084 2.557 [P-value] 0.103 0.271 0.186 0.001 0.933 0.012 b_Market risk premium 1.186 1.149 1.160 1.123 1.157 1.175 t-statistics 26.791 34.305 33.409 33.173 33.146 32.800 [P-value] 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Index Fundamental Composite Index PANEL B: Mid-100 Stocks Index Composite Index The results indicate that, for the top 50 stocks, the excess returns of all portfolios are well explained by the market risk premium, with statistically significant beta coefficients and coefficients of determination (R 2). However, only the sales index generates a statistically significant alpha of 0.3% with t-statistics of 2.088 at a 5% significance level. This observation is reprised in the mid-100 stocks CAPM regression but the composite index of the mid-100 stocks also generates a statistically significant alpha of 0.6%, with a tstatistics of 2.557. The factor loading on the market risk premium is confirmed by the high values of Rsquared for the fundamental indexes, indicative of the fact that market movements account for more than 85% of the returns of the fundamental indexes. Table 4, with Panel A and B representing top 50 and mid-100 stocks respectively, reveals that when style risk is incorporated into the analyses of portfolio performance using the Fama and French 3-factor model, all fundamental indexes of the top 50 stocks exhibit significant positive coefficients to the size risk premium, thereby evidencing a small cap bias. This implies that size is also significant in fitting the returns of all fundamental indexes. This provides further support to the argument that fundamental indexes generate alphas because of the possible size loading in their stock selection. Thus, fundamental indexes tend to focus on small size stocks by market capitalization. The reference portfolio has no statistically significant loading on either the size or value factor and the alpha is entirely explained by the market risk premium. In addition, the book value, earnings and composite indexes exhibit significant value bias. However, only the sales and composite indexes generate statistically significant alphas, measured by the regression intercept, after style risks are controlled for. After portfolio concentration is lowered, size is significant in explaining only the returns of the fundamental indexes of book value and the composite for the mid-100 stocks. With the exception of earnings index alone, the market risk premium is equally significant in explaining index returns. Value effect fails to satisfactorily explain the alphas of fundamental indexes of mid-100 stocks. Only the sales index retains a statistically significant alpha after controlling for factor loadings of style. This result is in line with that of Arnott et al. (2005) and Hsieh (2013), where they found that sales index was superior to other indexes due to the relative predictability associated with this index in comparison with other fundamental variables like earnings and dividends. These findings may also be suggestive of the fact that most of the alphas of the sales and composite indexes of the top 50 stocks are accounted for by size and/or value since the fundamental composite of the mid-100 stocks exhibits no statistically significant alpha with size reduction. All in all, fundamental indexes formed from mid-100 stocks have a unique investment style inexplicable by known anomalies. Table 4: Fama and French 3-factor Regression Statistics PANEL A: Top 50 Stocks Reference Book Value Earnings Index Dividends Sales Index Portfolio Index R-Squared 83.66% 88.48% 87.79% 87.92% 87.32% 88.16% [P-value] 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Intercept 0.007 0.003 0.004 0.009 0.001 0.008 t-statistics 2.371 1.273 1.629 3.765 0.365 3.142 [P-value] 0.019 0.205 0.105 0.000 0.715 0.002 b_Market risk premium 1.293 1.188 1.205 1.184 1.184 1.253 t-statistics 24.796 29.093 28.277 28.855 27.313 29.415 [P-value 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 b_SMB (Size effect) 0.325 0.130 0.137 0.184 0.078 0.239 t-statistics 3.872 1.982 1.992 2.780 1.113 3.483 [P-value 0.000 0.049 0.048 0.006 0.268 0.001 b_HML (Value effect) 0.075 0.052 0.033 0.032 0.009 0.057 t-statistics 1.890 1.675 1.001 1.031 0.261 1.756 [P-value 0.061 0.096 0.318 0.304 0.794 0.081 Reference Book Value Earnings Index Dividends Sales Index Fundamental Portfolio Index R-Squared 83.58% 88.95% 90.09% 93.13% 94.01% 86.31% [P-value] 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Intercept 0.003 -0.000 0.000 0.003 -0.003 0.004 t-statistics 0.831 -0.120 0.022 2.013 -2.107 1.570 [P-value] 0.407 0.905 0.983 0.046 0.037 0.119 b_Market risk premium 1.210 1.120 1.111 1.016 1.053 1.128 t-statistics 24.078 0.474 31.650 37.863 39.086 27.070 [P-value 0.000 0.636 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 b_SMB (Size effect) 0.167 0.029 0.100 0.036 -0.088 0.185 t-statistics 2.067 0.474 1.763 0.831 -2.035 2.751 [P-value 0.040 0.636 0.080 0.407 0.044 0.007 b_HML (Value effect) 0.007 0.021 0.005 0.015 0.004 -0.008 t-statistics 0.185 0.705 0.201 0.720 0.186 -0.250 [P-value 0.853 0.482 0.841 0.473 0.853 0.803 Index Fundamental Composite Index PANEL B: Mid-100 Stocks Index Composite Index Conclusion Modern portfolio theory argues that investors are rational and that the returns of a security are solely accounted for by the market risk premium. Moreover, it upholds the market portfolio as mean variance efficient, under the assumption that markets are efficient, at least in one of the forms. Evidence of outperformance the market portfolio, which is capitalization weighted, by other weighting and investment strategies have cast doubt on the market portfolio’s mean variance efficiency status and Arnott et al. (2005) propose an alternative weighting strategy based on price-insensitive metrics size called FI. Despite overwhelming evidence of superior performance by FI, skeptics of the model have attributed the performance to it being a rehash of value investing, noise in the market or its undue focus on small size stocks. This research investigated the relative performance of fundamental indexes, constructed at different portfolio concentration levels, on the Taiwanese equity market. The results reveal that fundamental indexes from mid-100 stocks display better performance than those of the top 50 stocks. The performance of the top 50 stocks can largely be explained by size, value and the market risk premium. Thus, with the exception of sales and the composite indexes, which are the best performing fundamental indexes, fundamental indexes of top 50 stocks do not generate statistically significant alphas after controlling for size and value. For the mid-100 stocks, size and value could not adequately explain the performance of the fundamental indexes and therefore present unique investment styles. Sales index of the mid-100 stocks, nonetheless, produced statistically significant alphas after controlling for known risk factors. Concentration levels noticeably influence the performance of FI. As concentration levels decrease from top 50 to mid-100 stocks, fundamental indexes become undervalued, generating higher returns for comparative market risk levels. Results also reveal that although fundamental indexes experienced large drawdowns in period of market crisis, they are quick to recover and possibly outperform their capitalization-weighted counterparts. Bibliography 1) Arnott, R.D., Hsu, J.C. & Moore, P. (2005). Fundamental Indexation. Financial Analysts Journal, 61(2), 83-99. 2) Arnott, R. D., & Shepherd, S. D. (2009). The Fundamental Index® Concept in Emerging Markets . Research Affiiliates, 1-10. 3) Asness, C. (2006). The Value of Fundamental Indexing. Institutional Investor. Journal of Finance, 67-71. 4) Banz, R. (1981). The Relationship Between Return and Market Value of Common Stock. The Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 9, 3-18. 5) Carhart, M. M. (1997). On Persistence in Mutual Fund Performance. Journal of Finance 52, 57-82. 6) Chow, T., Hsu, J., Kalesnik, V. and Little, B. (2011). “A Survey of Alternative Equity Index Strategies”, Financial Analysts Journal, 67 (5), pp. 37-57. 7) Dempsey, M. (2013). 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