USASFC(A) E-2040 Building Renovation Fort Bragg, North Carolina SECTION 01 11 01 STATEMENT OF WORK - SITE, CIVIL, UTILITIES & LANDSCAPING PART 1- REFERENCES The following publications are referenced throughout this section of the RFP. The current version of the listed references, in effect at the time of solicitation, shall be used unless otherwise noted. This list shall not be used as or considered to be a complete list of design references. Refer to Section 01 33 16 DESIGN AFTER AWARD for additional references and design criteria. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) ASTM A 36 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel ASTM A 82 Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement ASTM D 422 Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils ASTM A 463 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Aluminum-Coated, by the Hot-Dip Process ASTM A 653 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process ASTM A 879 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated by the Electrolytic Process for Applications Requiring Designation of the Coating Mass on Each Surface ASTM D 1140 Standard Test Methods for Amount of Material in Soils Finer than the No. 200 (75-um) Sieve ASTM D 1556 Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by Sand-Cone Method ASTM D 1557 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ftlbf/ft3(2,700 kN-m/m3)) ASTM D 2216 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass ASTM D 4318 Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils SECTION 01 11 01 Page 1 DRAFT USASFC(A) E-2040 Building Renovation Fort Bragg, North Carolina UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS (USACE) Savannah District Design Manual for Military Construction, 17th Edition, Revised November 2011, Volume 1 and 2, or most current edition FORT BRAGG INSTALLATION DESIGN GUIDE, CURRENT EDITION ONUS DESIGN GUIDE, CURRENT EDITION NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Roadway Standards Drawings North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Roadway Design Manual Sections 1 and 2 UNIFIED FACILITIES CRITERIA (UFC) UFC 3-230-06A Subsurface Drainage UFC 3-230-17FA Drainage in Areas other than Airfields UFC 4-010-01 DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings, 9 February 2012 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY UNITED STATES ARMY INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING COMMAND I3A TC Technical Criteria for Installation Information Infrastructure Architecture PART 2- GENERAL 2.1 EXISTING CONDITIONS The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining survey information that may be required to complete the design and renovation of the facility. DPW has designated the project site as Low Potential risk for discovery of Munitions and Explosive Concerns (MEC). 2.2 SITE DESCRIPTION Building E-2040 is located on Desert Storm Drive. The building and site amenities were constructed in the 1980’s. SECTION 01 11 01 Page 2 DRAFT USASFC(A) E-2040 Building Renovation Fort Bragg, North Carolina PART 3- CRITERIA 3.1. GENERAL SITE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Site, civil, utilities and landscaping design shall conform to the requirements of Section 01 33 16 DESIGN AFTER AWARD, the Army Corps of Engineers Architectural and Engineering Instructions Manual, the Fort Bragg Installation Design Guide, Savannah District Design Manual for Military Construction and the publications and UFGS Guide specifications referenced herein. In the case of conflict, the most stringent criteria shall apply. 3.2 3.2.1 SITE FEATURES Foundation Drainage Building E-2040 has water intruding into the basement through the foundation walls and utility penetrations. Design of foundation drain and repair to waterproofing of utility penetrations shall be in compliance with industry standards. 3.3 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL Excavation of the foundation walls shall comply with the requirements of USACE Safety Manual EM 385-1-1 latest edition. Backfill of foundation excavation shall comply with the requirements of EARTHWORK paragraph below. 3.4 EARTHWORK 3.4.1 The Contractor's team shall include a licensed geotechnical engineer to develop earthwork and foundation recommendations and design parameters on which to base the contractor's design. If any subsurface investigations or laboratory analyses are required to better characterize the site or develop the final design, they shall be performed by the Contractor under the direction of a licensed geotechnical engineer at no additional cost to the Government. If differences between the Contractor's additional subsurface investigation(s) and the appended soils report provided by the Government and/or the reasonably expected soil conditions require material revisions in the design, an equitable adjustment may be made in accordance with the provisions of the Differing Site Conditions clause. The basis for the adjustment would be the design and construction appropriate for the conditions described in the Government-furnished report or the reasonably expected conditions, in comparison with any changes required by material differences in the actual conditions encountered, in accordance with the terms of contract clause Differing Site Conditions. 3.4.3 Soil compaction shall be achieved by equipment approved by the consulting Geotechnical Engineer. Soil materials shall be moistened or aerated as necessary to provide the moisture content that shall readily facilitate obtaining the compaction specified with the compaction equipment used. Each layer of structural fill and sub grades shall be compacted to the following minimum percent of the modified Proctor maximum density, determined in accordance with ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor) not ASTM 0698 (Standard Proctor). The licensed geotechnical engineer or his authorized representative shall inspect, evaluate and approve all subgrades (pavements, floor slab, or foundation) prior to placement of overlying construction materials. SECTION 01 11 01 Page 3 DRAFT USASFC(A) E-2040 Building Renovation Fort Bragg, North Carolina 3.4.4 Ensure that the licensed project design geotechnical engineer oversees and directs proof rolling operations (for subgrade suitability); fill placement and compaction operations, including associated soil properties, compaction, and field density testing; and footing inspections on a full time basis. A Corps of Engineers validated geotechnical testing firm shall inspect, test, and document earthwork construction. Beneath structures and building slabs, to 5 feet beyond structure limits, around footings and in trenches 95 percent Beneath sidewalks and grassed areas 90 percent 3.4.5 The requirements shall be verified or modifications recommended by the consulting professional Geotechnical Engineer wherever engineering, soils, or climatic factors indicate the necessity. Any modification to the specified compaction requirements shall require the approval of the Contracting Officer. 3.4.6 Ground water must be sampled for explosives using EPA Test Method 8330. Method 8330 is intended for testing for trace analysis of explosives residues by high performance liquid chromatography using a UV detector. The sample results will be part of the permit request. 3.4.7 The Savannah District Guide shall be referenced when developing specification 31 00 00 EARTHWORK. 3.5 STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM 3.5.1 Storm Water Management & Erosion Control The erosion and sediment control shall follow the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (NCDENR) “Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual”, latest edition. Erosion control must comply with all the requirements set forth in the Fort Bragg “Installation Design Guide”. The Erosion Control Package will be per state requirements. The Contractor will submit an Erosion Control Package for approval by the NCDENR prior to construction that meets all State and local requirements and will obtain Erosion Control Permits for all construction in this project. Any violation to such permits will result in the immediate shutdown of work until corrective measures have been taken at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor will implement any additional erosion and sediment control measures necessary to retain sediment within the boundaries of the project sites during all phases of construction. The erosion and sediment controls will be inspected by the Contractor daily and after periods of rain and repaired where needed. The Contractor will remove accumulated silt periodically. Coordinate the new construction activities and erosion control measures with the adjacent facilities and erosion control measures. The Fort Bragg Water Management Branch must approve all sediment and erosion control plans prior to submittal to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). Sediment and Erosion control plans must bear the Fort Bragg Storm Water Management Branch stamp prior to acceptance by NCDENR. Both agencies will review the plan(s) to ensure that all measures to retain sediment on the site during SECTION 01 11 01 Page 4 DRAFT USASFC(A) E-2040 Building Renovation Fort Bragg, North Carolina construction and all measures to prevent erosion after construction have been designed into the construction drawings. Agencies will review sediment control measures such as silt fence, temporary sediment traps, and construction entrances/exits for the proper sizing and installation. 3.6 Prior to any revision or deviation from the approved set of Sediment and Erosion control plans, submit new plans to Fort Bragg Storm Water Management Branch for approval prior to submission to NCDENR following the same process as outlined above. PERMITS The contractor shall determine permit requirements as part of the design process and shall submit permit draft applications as part of the submittal process. The contractor is wholly responsible for acquiring, submitting and complying with all permits (local, state and federal) required for this project. The Contractor shall pay all permitting fees associated with this project at no additional expense to the Government. See Section 01 14 00 - WORK RESTRICTIONS and Section 01 30 00 – ADMINISTRATION REQUIREMENTS. 3.6.1 The Government has not obtained any permits/Licenses related to this project. 3.6.2 A permit is required to use the Fort Bragg soil borrow material pits. Process soils borrow pit permits with the Environmental Branch of Directorate of Public Works Environmental Sustainment Division directly. Borrow permits are issued for the life of the contract only and may only be used on specific project for which the permit(s) are issued. Maintain a copy of the signed permit with the borrow hauling vehicle throughout the borrow operation period. 3.6.3 A Fort Bragg Excavation (Dig) Permit is required prior to any excavation. Present and Excavation Permit, FB Form 1605, to Ft Bragg DPW for approval by the Facilities Engineer prior to any excavation that penetrates the ground by more than 6 inches. All utility lines shall be spotted using an independent spotting service prior to beginning excavation. Keep a signed copy of the digging permit on the site at all times. Fort Bragg may conduct back check spotting excavation during the excavation portion of this contract. 3.6.4 Title V Air Permits shall be coordinated with Fort Bragg’s Environmental Branch, Air Program Manager, in obtaining all required and applicable permits as part of the design process. Secure all permits necessary for construction of this project to include the purchase of any add-on emission devices (if applicable) associated with this project, and at no additional cost to the Government. 3.7 DEMOLITION 3.7.1 The Contractor shall remove existing features as necessary to facilitate the foundation renovations of the building and to provide for site drainage. See the site plans for anticipated demolition associated with this project. Comply with Federal, State and local statutes, ordinances, agreements and as described in this RFP. 3.7.2 If fuel contaminated soils are found during the demolition or cut/fill operations, cease work immediately and notify either the Contracting Officer representative or the Contracting Officer for resolution that can include removal of contaminated soil, filling and capping area with clean, uncontaminated soil. SECTION 01 11 01 Page 5 DRAFT USASFC(A) E-2040 Building Renovation Fort Bragg, North Carolina 3.7.3 Asbestos/Hazardous Material is not anticipated as part of the demolition for this project. If asbestos/lead based paint/hazardous materials are positively identified during building or site demolition, cease work immediately and notify either the Contracting Officer Representative or the Contracting Officer for resolution. 3.7.4 Contractor to note that, ACSIM Policy Memorandum of February 2006, “Requirements for Sustainable Management of Waste in Military Construction, Renovation and Demolition Activities”, mandates that all new construction, renovation and demolition projects include contract performance requirements to divert as a minimum 50% of non-hazardous construction and demolition (C&D) debris from landfill disposal. 3.8 HAUL ROUTES AND STAGING AREA See the Vicinity Map, G-002 plan for the haul routes. Utilize only those haul routes identified in the drawing set of this RFP. 3.8.1 Construction traffic, any temporary office, parking, fencing or laydown areas shall not impact access or operations of any of the buildings and shall be generally located within the area depicted as “Limits of Construction” shown on the plans when possible. The laydown area shall not impact access or operations of any buildings, roadways, etc. that may be located near the provided laydown area. 3.8.2 Maintain the construction site and haul route. Repair/replace damage to existing sidewalks, pavements, curb and gutter, utilities, and/or landscaping within the construction limit, adjacent to the construction site, and along the Contractor’s haul route resulting from the Contractor’s construction activities at no additional cost to the Government. Prior to construction activities, the Contractor and Contracting Officer Representative shall perform an existing condition survey. At the completion of the Task Order, the Contractor and Contracting Officer representative shall perform a final condition survey to determine repair/replacement requirements. 3.9 TERMITE TREATMENT Provide termite prevention treatment in accordance with installation and local building code requirements, using licensed chemicals and licensed applicator firm. The Contractor shall coordinate design and construction with DPW POC; Wilfredo Rivera Hernandez (, 910-907-2419) for all related termite treatment work. 3.10 LANDSCAPING The facility is located within the cantonment and shall follow the cantonment standards. Landscaping for the project shall be kept to a minimum and shall be limited to the building entrance as needed to achieve related LEED credits. New plant materials, trees and grasses shall be indigenous or native to the Fayetteville, North Carolina area and shall be selected based on their resistance to drought. Permanent irrigation is prohibited. If a temporary irrigation system is used, its use shall be limited to a period of one year, be placed above ground, be equipped with reduced pressure backflow prevention, have a meter installed and be removed by the contractor after the one year period is reached or when sod is established. Zoysia sod shall be provided for the first five feet outside sidewalks and from the face of the building. No pine straw shall be SECTION 01 11 01 Page 6 DRAFT USASFC(A) E-2040 Building Renovation Fort Bragg, North Carolina along the face of the building. Seed shall be placed in remaining areas. Landscaping shall conform to the Fort Bragg Installation Design Guide. Fort Bragg preferred planting list can be found within the IDG. All plant species must be approved by installation DPW EMB SMEs and the Fort Bragg Arbor Board. The use of existing fire hydrants or new hydrants for temporary irrigation requires a permit from ONUS. ONUS may deny use of hydrant for irrigation purposes. Contractor shall coordinate with Contracting Officer Representative for use of non-potable water point at McFayden Road off of Butner Road. 3.11 ADDITIONAL SITE REQUIREMENTS 3.11.1 Identification of Employees. Provide to each employee and require each employee engaged on the work site to display identification as approved and directed by the Contracting Officer. Deliver prescribed identification to the Contracting Officer for cancellation upon release of any employee. When required, obtain and provide fingerprints of persons employed on the project. All personnel shall wear identifying markings on hard hats to clearly identify the company for whom the employee works. 3.11.2 Employee parking. Employees shall park privately owned vehicles in an area designated by the Contracting Officer. This area will be within reasonable walking distance of the construction site. Employee parking shall not interfere with existing and established parking requirements of the Installation. 3.11.3 Temporary Facilities. Administrative Field Offices: Provide and maintain administrative field office facilities within the construction area of the designated site unless approved by the Contracting Officer and the Installation. Government office and warehouse facilities are not available to the Contractor's or subcontractors' employees. The contractor shall request the E911 Street Address for his temporary field office. DPW will coordinate getting the installation building number and E911 street address. A drawing showing the temporary office trailer may be required by the County to get the E911 address. 3.11.4 Storage Area. Trailers, equipment, or materials shall not be open to public view with the exceptions of those items which are in support of ongoing work on any given day. Do not stockpile materials outside the fence in preparation for the next day's work. Park mobile equipment such as tractors, wheeled lifting equipment, cranes, trucks, and like equipment within the fenced area at the end of each work day. Locate construction trailer(s) within limits of construction. Locate the laydown yard/storage area within the limits of the construction area unless previously approved by the Contracting Officer and the Installation. 3.11.5 Temporary Utilities. All temporary utilities (water, sewer, electrical, telecommunications, etc) will be at the Contractor's expense and subject to Fort Bragg regulations. Contractor must negotiate and contract with the privatization utility directly without benefit of the Government. 3.11.6 Coordinate with Sandhills Utilities Services for any temporary electrical services. Sandhills Utilities Services will provide estimate for connection costs. 3.11.7 Appearance of Trailers, Storage Spaces, and Other Facilities within the Laydown Yard. Storage equipment and facilities used for administrative or material storage purposes shall present a clean and neat exterior appearance and shall be in a state of good repair. Trailers, which, in the opinion SECTION 01 11 01 Page 7 DRAFT USASFC(A) E-2040 Building Renovation Fort Bragg, North Carolina of the Contracting Officer, require exterior painting or maintenance, will not be allowed on the Installation. 3.11.8 Maintenance of Storage Area. Keep fencing in a state of good repair and proper alignment. Should the Contractor elect to traverse, with construction equipment or other vehicles, grassed or unpaved areas, which are not established roadways, cover such areas with a layer of gravel as necessary to prevent rutting and the tracking of mud onto paved or established roadways. Gravel gradation shall be at the Contractor's discretion. Mow grass located within the boundaries of the construction site for the duration of the project. Trim grass and vegetation along fences, buildings, under trailers, and in areas not accessible to mowers and edge neatly. 3.11.9 Security Provisions. Provide adequate outside security lighting at all temporary facilities. The Contractor shall be responsible for the security of its own equipment. Notify the appropriate law enforcement agency requesting periodic security checks of the temporary project field office 3.11.10 Project Safety Fencing. As soon as practical, but not later than 15 days after the date established for commencement of work, furnish and erect temporary project safety fencing around the construction site. This fencing shall remain the property of the Contractor. The safety fencing shall be 9 gauge chain link fence, a minimum of 72 inches high, supported and tightly secured to steel posts located on a maximum of 10 foot centers, constructed at the approved location. Maintain the safety fencing during the life of the contract and upon completion and acceptance of the work remove all fencing from the work site. Prior to erection of any temporary project safety fencing, coordinate with Fort Bragg DPW Transportation Engineer, Ray Goff; 910-907-1759 to check appropriate traffic safety sight lines. Installation and locating of project safety fencing shall consider sight triangles at intersections, curves, and construction entrances. 3.11.11 Temporary Hazard Safety Fencing. Furnish and erect safety fencing at temporary hazards and work site areas considered to be hazardous to the general public. This fencing shall remain the property of the Contractor. The safety fencing shall be high visibility orange, high density polypropylene grid or approved equal, a minimum of 42 inches high, supported and tightly secured to steel posts located on maximum 10 foot centers, constructed at the approved location. Maintain the safety fencing during the life of the hazard and remove all fencing upon completion and acceptance of the work. 3.11.12 Cleanup. Remove construction debris, waste materials, packaging material and the like from the work site daily. Clean up any dirt or mud which is tracked onto paved or surfaced roadways. Store materials resulting from demolition activities which are salvageable within the fenced area described above or at a supplemental storage area. Neatly stack stored materials, not in trailers, whether new or salvaged. 3.11.13 Restoration of Storage Area. Restore areas used by the Contractor for storage of equipment or material, or other use, to the original or better condition. Remove gravel used to traverse grassed areas and restore the area to original condition, including top soil tree and vegetative replanting and seeding, as necessary. 3.11.14 Building and Crane Height Restrictions. Verify construction activities do not interfere with Simmons Army Airfield or Pope Air Force Base aircraft glide slopes and FAA height restrictions. Submit FAA Form 7460-1 for all cranes to be used on each building and for each building in the project to the FAA. Submit this form to the FAA a minimum of 60 days before the cranes arrive SECTION 01 11 01 Page 8 DRAFT USASFC(A) E-2040 Building Renovation Fort Bragg, North Carolina on site and the vertical construction of the buildings start. FAA Form 7460-1 is available from the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) at the area office. 3.11.15 FAR 52-236-8. Contractor shall note that the Government may undertake or award other contracts for additional work at or near the site of the work under this contract. The Contractor shall fully cooperate with other contractors and with Government employees and shall carefully adapt scheduling and performing the work under this contract to accommodate the additional work, heeding any direction that may be provided by the contracting officer. The Contractor shall not commit or permit any work that will interfere with the performance of work by any other contractor of Government employee. PART 4- SPECIFICATIONS The following list of UFGS Guide Specifications are included as potentially applicable and will be edited as applicable by the Designer of Record during design as required to conform to the project, installation requirements and RFP with Government approval, prior to the first design package. The Designer of Record (DOR) shall provide additional specifications or remove specifications from the list as necessary to define the scope of work or as required by the Government. DIVISION 02 – EXISTING CONDITIONS 02 41 00 DEMOLITION AND DECONSTRUCTION DIVISION 03 – CONCRETE 03 40 00.00 10 PLANT-PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS FOR BELOW GRADE CONSTRUCTION DIVISION 07 – THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07 11 13 BITUMINOUS DAMPPROOFING DIVISION 31 - EARTHWORK 31 00 00 EARTHWORK 31 05 22 GEOTEXTILES USED AS FILTERS 31 11 00 CLEARING AND GRUBBING 31 32 11 SOIL SURFACE EROSION CONTROL 31 31 16 SOIL TREATMENT FOR SUBTERRANEAN TERMITE CONTROL DIVISION 32 - EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS 32 05 33 LANDSCAPE ESTABLISHMENT 32 11 23 AGGREGATE AND/OR GRADED-CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE COURSE 32 92 19 SEEDING 32 93 00 EXTERIOR PLANTS DIVISION 33 - UTILITIES 33 40 00 STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES SECTION 01 11 01 Page 9 DRAFT USASFC(A) E-2040 Building Renovation Fort Bragg, North Carolina 33 46 13 FOUNDATION DRAINAGE SYSTEM -- End of Section -- SECTION 01 11 01 Page 10 DRAFT