Macbeth Study Guide Notes

Act One
Name: ___________________________
I.i. – Establish characters/setting/conflict
a) Macbeth’s witches are some of his most famous characters. Suggest why they are so
b) Define paradox and alliteration and apply their definitions to the following phrase.
“Fair is foul and foul is fair”
This phrase is a paradox because:
This phrase is an example of alliteration because:
a) The setting of this scene is the _______________________________________________.
b) Explain why some text in the speech bubbles are bolded.
c) State the name of the rebel whom Duncan’s army was fighting: __________________.
d) ______________________________ killed the rebel.
e) Explore the panel of the battle. In your description include the use of colour, the
portrayal of the men, the position of their bodies, the expressions on their faces and the
use of blood.
f) In the top panel of page 10, state the difference established between the king and
g) Banquo and Macbeth are described as “fighting machines”. What does this suggest
about their military skill and dedication?
h) The _____________________ King helped the ______________________ in an attempt
to overthrow King Duncan. However, they lost the battle. As a result, the Norwegian
King must pay _____________________ dollars in order to retrieve and bury his men.
The Thane of Cawdor is _______________________ and Macbeth is given the
a) From the witches discussion of how they have been spending their time, suggest
whether their intentions towards others are good or bad.
b) Choose a panel from page 12 or 13 and describe the interpretation of the witches.
Comment on use of colour, facial expression, colour of skin, hair decoration, clothing
The witches are portrayed as ________________________________. I concluded this
based on
Therefore, the witches are ______________________________________.
c) Another example of paradox found on page 14 is _______________________________.
d) State the two predictions the witches make about Macbeth’s future.
e) State the predictions the witches make about Banquo’s future and that of his children.
f) Explain what happens when Macbeth tries to press the witches for more information
about who they are, what they are doing and why they make such predictions about the
gi) Explain the use of the rounded thought bubble when Macbeth learns that he has
been appointed Thane of Cawdor.
gii) Macbeth is ambitious. Explain how the seeds of the overthrow of Duncan are being
planted in this scene.
hi) Compare the whispers between Macbeth and Banquo at the top of page 17. Explain
Banquo’s advice to Macbeth about believing the witches.
hii) What does this suggest about Banquo’s character?
i) Explain why Macbeth thinks he is losing his grasp on reality.
j) Quote the line from page 18 where clothing symbolism is introduced.
k) Quote the line that shows that Banquo and Macbeth are true friends who can talk
openly to teach other.
a) The setting has now moved from the battlefield to _____________________________.
b) King Duncan states, “You cannot tell what’s in a man’s mind by looking at his face.”
Explain what theme this statement ties into. How are Macbeth’s earlier thoughts linked
to it?
c) After Duncan praises Macbeth and Banquo, name who he appoints heir to the throne.
d) “Stars hide your fire and don’t let any light shine on my dark and deep desire.” What
do you predict Macbeth is thinking of doing?
a) Looking closely at the opening panes of Act One, Scene Five, explain how Lady
Macbeth is characterized.
b) Explain why she thinks her husband’s ambition is not enough.
c) Looking at the images behind Lady Macbeth in the final panel of page 21, how does
the illustration link to her murderous intent?
d) Quote the line that highlights the theme of illusion vs. reality on page 22.
e) Explain the plot Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth to carry out.
f) State what the final panel found on page 22 suggests about the nature of the
Macbeths’ relationship.
gi) Define the term “irony”.
gii) Earlier in Act One, King Duncan stated that the former Thane of Cawdor, the
traitor, was a man he trusted completely. He then gives his title to Macbeth. What is
the irony is bestowing Macbeth with this honour?
a) State the setting of this scene: ____________________ in ________________________.
b) How does Lady Macbeth hide her plan to murder King Duncan well?
a) Contrast the opening panel in this scene with the ones with Macbeth thinking alone.
Suggest what the illustrator is trying to achieve.
b) Macbeth weighs the consequences of the plan he and Lady Macbeth have devised.
Explain the following points:
1. If success was the only end result and the killing blow was the BE-ALL and the END
2. If we could skip the repercussions of the life to come.
3. It comes back to plague us.
4. The King’s here in double trust.
c) Quote the line that suggests that King Duncan is worthy to rule the land.
d) Examine the panels on page 25 closely. What is the illustrator trying to show about
e) Explain how Lady Macbeth taunts her husband into killing the king.
f) The large middle panel on page 27 suggests that the Macbeths had a child and it
g) State what Macbeth resolves to do at the end of Act One.
Act Two
English 2P
II.i. – Rising Action of the play
a) Banquo and Macbeth stop and talk late in the night. What is the discussion about?
b) Macbeth begins to hallucinate. Describe it.
a) Explain who Lady Macbeth has set up to take the fall for the murder.
b) Looking at the illustrations, which spouse is calm and which is distraught from the
c) Macbeth was not able to say “amen” to a prayer one of the soldiers said in his
drunken state. What does Macbeth thinks this means?
d) Explain the importance of the line, “sleep no more.”
e) What does Macbeth do wrong after the murder?
f) State how Lady Macbeth corrects the error.
gi) Lady Macbeth states, “a little water will wash away our crime.” What does this line
suggest about her level of guilt in the murder?
gii) Explain how this attitude compares to Macbeth who states, “It’d be better not to
know myself, than to know what I’ve done.”
a) Define the term juxtaposition.
b) Suggest why Shakespeare would juxtapose the scene where Duncan is murdered
with the scene of the drunken porter.
c) Define the term pathetic fallacy.
d) Using the large middle panel on page 40, describe how it is used in the play.
ei) What does the line, “the Lord’s Anointed Temple” suggest about how people at this
time viewed royalty?
eii)What does it also suggest about Macduff’s feelings of loyalty to Duncan?
f) Explain the irony of Macduff’s line, “Gentle lady, what I have to say isn’t suitable for
your ears. It would kill you to hear it.”
gi) During the confusion, Macbeth goes into the royal chamber and kills the attendants
who supposedly murdered the king. Why does Macduff question his actions?
gii) What is Macbeth’s justification?
i) How does Lady Macbeth turn the attention away from her husband?
j) Explain why King Duncan’s two sons choose to flee instead of meeting everyone in
the Great Hall.
a) The concept of pathetic fallacy is further explored in this scene. Find a quote that
shows it.
b) Explain why Donaldbain and Malcolm, Duncan’s sons, are under suspicion.
c) State who is appointed King.
d) What hint is given in this scene that Macduff is suspicious of the events at Macbeth’s
Act Three
English 2P
Name: _____________________
a) Explain why Banquo is suspicious of all that has happened with Duncan and
b) State why Donaldbain and Malcolm are “telling outrageous lies” to anyone who will
c) Where is Banquo and Fleance going in the afternoon before the banquet?
d) Now that Macbeth is king, he worries about staying king. Thinking back to the
witches’ predictions, why does Macbeth hire three murderers to go after Banquo and
e) Explain how he tricks the murderers into thinking that Banquo has somehow
wronged them.
fi) Define end rhyme.
fii) Find an example of it on page 55 and quote it.
a) Lady Macbeth wishes her husband would just enjoy being king. Instead he says,
“We’ve only wounded the snake, not killed it. It’ll recover and come back to bite us.”
What does this suggest about King Macbeth’s level of paranoia?
b) While Macbeth does confide his feelings to his wife, he does not tell about the plan
to murder Banquo and his son. How is their relationship changing?
a) State the setting of the scene.
b) How is the evil of Macbeth’s plan created visually in this scene?
c) Who escapes? What is the potential danger to Macbeth because of his escape?
a) Explain how Macbeth tries to make all of his men feel welcome.
b) State why Macbeth is still worried after talking to the cutthroats.
c) Quote the line that supports your response in question b.
d) Explain how Macbeth plays innocent regarding Banquo’s absence.
e) The supernatural is found in every act (witches, imaginary dagger) and now
Banquo’s ghost. Explain how Shakespeare is using the supernatural in this play.
f) What is your personal reaction to the illustrator’s interpretation of the ghost?
g) Explain how we know that Macbeth is the only one who sees Banquo’s ghost.
h) State how Lady Macbeth tries to cover for her husband.
i) When Macbeth does not improve, what does Lady Macbeth do with the guests?
j) State who Macbeth is now suspicious of at the end of the scene.
k) Explain why Macbeth would like to see the witches again.
l) Despite the upset, what evidence is there that Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are once
again communicating well?
a) Many people think that this section of the play was not written by Shakespeare but
added later for more effect. What evidence is there that this might be true?
a) Prove that the thanes are becoming suspicious of Macbeth.
b) State Macduff’s plan.
c) Suggest what the illustrator might be hinting at with the use of colour contrast on
page 76.
Act Four
English 2P
Name: ___________________________
IV.i. The Turning Point
a) Closely examine the panels on page 81 and compare them to the bottom left panel on
page 14. State three differences and suggest what might be happening to Macbeth.
b) State the three warnings Macbeth hears from the witches.
c) Explain Macbeth’s reaction to the line of Kings.
d) State the lesson Macbeth learns from Macduff’s escape to England.
e) Explain what he plans to do to Macduff’s family.
a) State the setting of this scene.
b) Explain why Lady Macduff is so worried about her husband’s departure for
c) When Lady Macduff talks about her husband being a traitor, explain what she is
referring to.
d) What does the messenger tell Lady Macduff?
e) Quote the line that suggests that Lady Macduff understands that despite her
innocence, she is in danger.
f) State what happens to Macduff’s entire family.
a) Explore the colour contrast between the last scene and the current one.
b) State the setting.
c) Explain why Malcolm is wary of Macduff’s visit.
di) Quote a line that suggests that Scotland, as a country, is sick.
dii) This is an example of __________________________________________.
e) State three reasons Malcolm gives to prove he would be a poor king.
f) Why does Malcolm finally come to trust Macduff?
g) Describe the state of Scotland under Macbeth’s rule as it is told to Macduff and
h) Explain the statement, “I will! But I also have to feel it like a man. Nothing was more
precious to me.”
i) Describe Macduff’s level of commitment to capturing Macbeth.
Act Five
English 2P
Name: ___________________________
V.i. – The Conclusion
a) State the setting.
b) State what the discussion between the nurse and doctor suggest about Lady
Macbeth’s state of mind.
c) Quote three lines that Lady Macbeth says that prove her guilt.
d) Why does the physician suggest that Lady Macbeth needs to see a priest, not a
e) Suggest why the doctor does not think Lady Macbeth should be near any sharp
a) State where the soldiers are.
b) Where do they anticipate fighting with Macbeth?
c) Explain the line, “We’ll meet up with the remedy for this plague on the land.”
a) State why Macbeth is not worried about Malcolm’s approaching army.
b) Macbeth is enraged with his men. Explain why.
c) Macbeth understands that his ambition has ruined his chances for ________________,
________________________, _________________________ and ____________________ in
his old age.
d) Instead of simply waiting in his castle, what does Macbeth put on? What does this
a) State the setting.
b) Explain how Malcolm, unknowingly, fulfills the first of the witch’s prophesies.
c) Explore the use of light found on page 116.
a) Describe the impact of Lady Macbeth’s death on Macbeth.
b) Explain the simile, “Like a candle in the wind.”
c) Explain the speech in the final panel of page 118.
d) State what Macbeth commands his men to do when he sees the wood moving
towards his castle.
a) State the battle plan.
a) Macbeth is attacked at the beginning of this scene. He remains confident that he will
not die. Explain why.
b) By the end of the scene, who is in charge of the castle?
a) Quote Macduff’s famous line when he sees Macbeth.
b) State how Macduff was born and how he is then able to fulfill the prophesy of
Macbeth’s death.
c) At first, Macbeth refuses to fight. How does Macduff taunt him into battle?
a) Explain why Old Siward is able to accept the death of his son.
b) State what Macduff brings in on a pole.
c) State how Malcolm rewards the Thanes and Kinsmen who fought with him.
d) In the closing scene, Malcolm is on his way to be crowned king. What hint suggests
that in fact, the crown will sit on Banquo’s child’s head in the coming years?