Peggers Super Summaries – Basic Sciences Bone Articular Cartilage Overview ZONES – need to be able to draw 1. Lamina 2. Superficial 3. Middle 4. Deep 5. Tide mark – between calcified and non calcified cartilage 6. Calcified CONTAINS Chondrocytes Extracellular matrix o Water – 75% o Collage type 2 - 10-20% o Proteoglycan – 10-15% - need to be able to draw FUNCTION Joint lubrication Shock absorption LOADING Increase creep to equilibrium Cartilage needs to be loaded to filter water and nutrients Articular Cartilage OVERVIEW Avascular aneural alymphatic CONTENTS ECM o 75% water Type 2 collagen 60% dry weight Proteoglycans Aggrecans Hyaluronan Cells o Chondrocytes 5% Peggers Super Summaries – Basic Sciences Bone LAYERS Superficial zone o Highest water and collagen content lamina splendens Transitional o Prosteoglycans Radial o Perpendicular collagen Tidemark Calcified o Hydroxyapatite crystals anchor collagen to bone o Type 10 collagen COLLAGEN Formation o mRNA helps modify polypeptide chains o Golgi apparatus packs pro collagen and secretes into ECM o Crosslinking of pro collagen forms collagen Types o 2 collagen – 90% of cartilage o 6 collagen – helps shear increases in OA o 9 collagen – forms collagen PG complexes o 11 – collagen regulates diameter of fibrils ULTRASTRUCTURE Peggers Super Summaries – Basic Sciences Bone FUNCTION Biomechanics o Biphasic and Anisotrophic – different mechanical properties depending on load direction Viscoelastic undergoing creep Stress relaxation decreases stress with constant load Lubrication o Boundary – mono-layer on surface o Fluid film – thin layer increasing separation OSTEOARTHRITIS CHANGES Increase water content up to 90% Disruption of collagen-proteoglycan matrix Increase chondroitin/karatin sulphate ratio Chondrocytes increase in size and decrease in number Collagen unchanged TREATMENT Non operative o Physiotherapy to maintain ROM, muscle and diffusion of synovial fluid o Oral glucosamine o Intra-articular injection LEOPOLD et al 2003 no difference between hyaluronic and steroids Operative o Microfracture – for fibrocartilage formation o Autograft (mosaicplasty taking cartilage from non WB area) o Allograft from stem cells and GF FGF IGF1 BMPs PGDF