Internet_Resource_Guide - Sites at Penn State

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Internet Resource Guide
For Electrical Engineering students
Provided by Pengjun Duan
English 202C
6th Feb, 2015
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Table of Contents
Preface to use this Guide………………………………………..3
Content and Material …………………………………………………………………4
Intended Audience …………………………………………………………………...4
Assumptions about the Reader………………………………………………………..4
Organization and Navigation………………………………………………………….4
Hints and Tips…………………………………………………………………………5
Resources within this Guide ……………………………………..6
Penn State Electrical Engineering Department Homepage ……………………….......7
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications…………………………………………….8
Statistical Abstract of the United States……………………………………………….9
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Xplore………………….…10
MATLAB Guide……………………………………………………………………...11
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Preface to use this Guide
The Preface for readers to use this guide are including: content and materials,
intended audience, assumptions about the reader, organizations and Navigation, also
include some Hints and Tips which can help readers understand whether or not this
guide is suitable for them.
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Contents and Materials
This guide contains both basic and professional resources, for Penn State students
who was already in or planning to become an Electrical Engineering major. The
resources in this guide include main websites, professional journals, reports and
important Software using guide. These resources would be useful and important for
Electrical Engineering students who want learn more knowledge and skills.
Intended Audience
This guide is mainly aims on College students who are in electrical engineering
students in Penn State University. This guide contains some general engineering
resources and website for Penn State electrical engineering students, and it also
contains some simple guide for the useful tools which electrical engineering students
should learn.
Assumptions about the Reader
This guide is focusing on the Electrical Engineering major students, and the users
need to have a basic knowledge background about engineering because basic
knowledge in the prerequisite material will not be explained and shown in this guide.
The information contained will be the most useful to those who are already in the
electrical engineering major and want to learn more knowledge about it. Users for this
guide also need to have access account for Penn state website, because for the main
page of Penn State electrical engineering website, there may want you to enter the
login name and password.
Organization and Navigation
There are three main parts for this guide: Preface to use this guide; Resources within
this guide and Reference. ‘Preface to use this guide’ helps readers to understand the
main stuff they can learn from the guide. There are six resources section, which
include the website address, description and some useful tips for each section: Penn
State Electrical Engineering Department Homepage; Statistical Abstract of the United
States; Catalog of U.S. Government Publications; Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers Communications; MATLAB Guide; LabVIEW Guide. At the
end is the reference, which is important that you can find more information for each
section, you can choose the section you are interested in and find the references to get
more information.
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Hints and Tips
1. Look at the table of contents before you look at this guide, find the section you are
looking forward to learn, it will waste your time to search.
2. There is a link for each website under each section; you can click that link if you
are looking for more information about that part.
3. There are some tips and summaries listed for each website, looking at it to make
your step much clearly.
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Resources within this Guide
This part includes all of the resource you can find in this guide:
 Penn State Electrical Engineering Department Homepage
 Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
 Statistical Abstract of the United States
 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Communications
 MATLAB Getting Started Guide
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Penn State Electrical Engineering Department Homepage
Penn State’s electrical engineering website is an essential source of information for
electrical engineering students. Students can find most of the information related to
electrical engineering major on this website. There are several tabs under the website
heading including the Home, Department Directory, Graduate Program,
Undergraduate Program, Research, Alumni and Friends and Faculty and Staff
Resources. In the homepage, there are some subheadings you can choose: About EE,
Newsletter, Faculty Positions, Safety, Giving to EE, location and Contact Us. You can
actually find some basic information about Penn State EE Department through this
page, and you also can find the news and some useful information from this website.
This website is useful for both junior and senior students, juniors can use this website
to select elective courses and specialization directions, and seniors can use this
website to check the courses to make sure they meet all the degree requirements to
graduate on time. So, this website is really important for Penn State Electrical
Engineering students, and all the students who are in EE major should know this
 If you want learn some basic information about Penn State electrical engineering
please choose ‘Home’
 If you are trying to find the professor and Department location, please choose
‘Department Directory’
 If you are Graduate Student, please choose ‘Graduate Program’
 If you are Undergraduate student, please choose ‘Undergraduate Program’
 If you want to do some research programs, you may choose ‘Research’
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Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) is “the finding tool for
federal publications that includes descriptive records for historical and current
publications and provides direct links to those that are available online.” The catalog
of this search engine offers you the option to find a nearby Federal Depository Library
that has a particular publication or that can provide expert assistance in finding and
using related U.S. government information. User also can search by authoring agency,
title, subject and general keyword. User can use federated search engine MetaLib to
retrieve reports, articles and citations as well by simultaneously searching across
multiple U.S. Federal Government databases.
 If you are the first time using CGP to search, you can click the HELP button, and
it will teach you how to use this website.
 There are mainly five way for you to search: BASIC, ADVANCED, EXPERT,
 There are five main catalogs for users to search as well: Congressional Serial Set,
historic shelf list, Serials, Congressional Publications, and internet Publications.
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Statistical Abstract of the United States
The Statistical Abstract of the United States, published since 1878, is the authoritative
and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic
organization of the United State. This website includes six main topics which are
Topics (Population, Economy), Geography (Maps, Geographic Data), Library
(Infographics, Publications), Data (Tools, Developers), About the Bureau (Research,
Surveys) and Newsroom (News, Events, and Blogs). The search toolbar at the right
top corner provides users with an easy way to find sources by typing keywords. There
also have Browse Section on the left which you can find the source you want by
different sections.
 Sources of data are: Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of
Economic Analysis and Many other Federal agencies and private organization.
 You can view the 2012 Statistical Abstract by different way: Abstract Main,
Overview, PDF Version, Earlier Editions and Order.
 You also can find some information on the bottom of the page lead by: ABOUT
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Xplore is a scholarly
research database that indexes, abstracts and provides full-text for articles and paper
on computer science, electrical engineering and electronics. The content in IEEE
Xplore comprises over 180 journals, over 1,400 conference proceedings, more than
3,800 technical standards, over 1,800 eBooks and over 400 educational courses.
Approximately 20,000 new documents are added to IEEE Xplore each month. Users
can browse resources by searching through title, topic and virtual journals. Students
can expand their knowledge using this website by searching the keyword of the topic
they want to learn.
1. There are three option for you to search: Basic Search (Search Terms), Author
Search and Publication Search. You can find any books or articles which you are
interested in by using this search engine.
2. Under the Browse button, there are several options you can choose: Books &
eBooks, Conference Publications, Education & Learning, Journals & Magazines,
Standards and By Topic.
3. If you still have question about how to use this website, you can press the “Get
Help” button to learn more about the website.
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MATLAB Getting Started Guide
MATLAB is the high-level language and interactive environment used by millions of
engineers and scientists worldwide. It let you explore and visualize ideas and
collaborate across disciplines including signal and image processing, communications,
control systems, and computational finance. ‘MATLAB prime’ is the online PDF file
is a guide to getting started in learning MATLAB, this covers all of the basics
information you should know as an electrical engineering students which include five
section: Quick Start, Language Fundamentals, Mathematics, Graphics and
Programming. As a beginner, this guide can teach you how to use MATLAB from the
beginning with primary features and related examples, and also it you already know
how to use MATLAB for long time, it is still useful for you to practice and
 Look at the content first when you start look at this guide, if you are the beginner,
you can start looking from the Quick Start section. If not, you can look for the
section you are interest at.
 In this PDF, you can use the “Ctrl”+ “F” to search the keyword you want to look
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 Penn State University. “Electrical Engineering at Penn State”. Web. 11 Feb.
 The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications. “The Catalog of U.S. Government
Publications.” Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
 Statistical Abstract of the United States. “The 2012 Statistical Abstract” Web. 11
Feb. 2015.
 Penn State University. “Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Xplore”. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
 MathWorks. "MATLAB 7 Getting Started Guide." Web. 11 Feb. 2015