


FHS 2600: Introduction to Early Childhood Education

Fall 2013

Class Assignments

Each assignment needs to contain the following information: your name, the class section and the title of the assignment, with the title in bold print. All assignments are to be typed (12 point, double spaced, Times New

Roman) and be at least one full page in length.

(Due __________) (Chapter 1 & 2) Your Personal Philosophy

After reading Chapters 1 and 2, write your personal philosophy about early childhood education. Include your thoughts, opinions, biases, and beliefs. Answer the following questions to help you in writing your philosophy:


What are your beliefs about early childhood education?


What is your view of children and how they learn best?


What are your thoughts on intentional teaching, DAP, and Both/And Teaching (refer to the textbook)?


What is the role of the teacher in children's learning?


What is the role of the physical classroom environment in children's learning?


What are your beliefs about guidance and discipline?


What factors have influenced your decision to study early childhood education?

*This can be used as a draft for your CDA Professional Philosophy Statement .

(Due __________) (Chapter 3) Understanding DAP

Using your knowledge of DAP (gained from class assignments, discussions, Chapter 3, and websites), write an essay explaining what you know and have learned about the importance of DAP for young children and for their families, as well as the importance of NAEYC for early childhood professionals.

(Due __________) (Chapter 4) Theory Comparison

Write a comparison paper on the six theorists discussed in Chapter 4 (Erikson, Maslow, Piaget, Vygotsky,

Skinner/Behaviorism, and the Reggio Emilia Approach). You may use the following chart to help you to organize your thoughts. Note: This assignment is worth double points (60) and should be a minimum of 2 pages in length. This paper also needs to be included in your Professional ePortfolio .

Theorist Child Development


Explain this theorist’s



Explain how this theory is

Identify which of these theories helps you to

Identify which of these theories you have a child development views

What does this theory tell us about children’s physical, cognitive, different from the other theories understand children better and WHY hard time understanding, or believing in, and WHY social, or emotional development?






Reggio Emilia


(Due __________) (Chapter 5) Adapting for Individual Differences

Collect a sample of one of your best weekly lesson plans. Your lesson plan should include the intended age group, goals for children’s learning and development, and brief descriptions of planned learning experiences.

As you look at your lesson plan, explain, in writing, how you would make accommodations for children with special needs (gifted/talented, physical disabilities, cognitive impairments, varied learning styles, etc.), whether for children you currently serve or may serve in the future. (CDA Resource Collection I-3)

(Due __________) (Chapter 6) Language Learning

Put yourself in a situation where you do not understand the language. You could visit a bilingual or languageimmersion classroom, rent a foreign language film, or watch a non-English television program. After your experience, write a summary of your thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Consider the following questions as you formulate your thoughts:


How did you feel in this situation?


What clues did you use to try to understand what was being said?


What do you think it would be like to be a young child who is just learning a new language?


As an early childhood professional, what are some ways you could help children, who are learning a new language, in your classroom?

(Due __________) (Chapter 7) Family Resources

Identify the following information that you could share with families you serve in the preschool.


Provide the name and contact information (phone number, address, website, etc.) of a local agency that provides family counseling. (CDA Resource Collection IV-1)


Provide the name and contact information (phone number, address, website, etc.) and brief descriptions of at least two agencies in the community that provide resources and services for children with disabilities; check with your local school district. (CDA Resource Collection IV-3)


Create a list of three or more websites, and brief descriptions of each, that provide current information to help families understand how young children, ages 3- to 5-years-old, develop and learn. Include one current article for each website; at least one article must relate to child guidance. (CDA Resource

Collection IV-4)

(Due __________) (Chapter 8) Teaching Pyramid

Chapter 8 in your textbook goes into great detail explaining the “Teaching Pyramid Model” (see Figure 8.1, pg.

236). As you study this model, generate a LIST of 5-7 teaching strategies that you have used or you have observed being used for EACH of the four pyramid sections. For example, the teaching strategy “labeling shelves and bins so children know where things go” could be listed under the supportive environments section.

(Due __________) (Chapter 9) Teaching Strategies

Table 9.1, pg.271, outlines effective teaching strategies. As you study this table, write a reflection paper discussing the teaching strategies you have used or observed in the preschool this year. Your paper should explain the following:

Strategies that were used most often

Strategies you did not see used at all

Strategies that were used in combination with other strategies

Strategies you thought were most effective


(Due __________) (Chapter 10) Webbing

Select one of the following questions (or select a theme of your own) to explore:

Why do balls bounce?

What makes a car go?

Why do leaves turn different colors in the fall?

Why do I bleed when I cut my hand?

Once you choose your question or theme, complete the following:


Create a concept web (see Figure 10.1, pg. 304) to outline how you would teach that concept. In other words, select DAP activities that teach children: fine motor, gross motor, language/literacy, cognitive, social/emotional that apply to your theme. Your concept web needs to include ideas for all curriculum centers and daily activities.


After completing your web, write an essay that explains the value of webbing as part of the curriculum planning process, as well as a reflection on why the activities you selected are developmentally appropriate.


Turn in BOTH your webbing and your reflection paper together.

(Due __________) (Chapter 11) Assessing Children’s Development

Document a child’s developmental/learning progress using an assessment tool or completed observation forms.

These tools/forms could include the Brigance screening, Pocet, anecdotal records, rating scales, checklists, etc. and should assess a child’s development in

ALL areas of development. When placing your completed observation form(s) in your CDA Professional Portfolio, be sure to remove the child’s name.

(CDA Resource

Collection V)

(Due __________) (Chapter 12) Literacy Evaluation

Conduct an observation of the literacy environment of your preschool lab using the “Rate a Room Related to

Literacy” rating scale (given out in class). Then, write an in-depth reflection (one page) on what you learned from this activity and provide specific ideas for how to improve the literacy environment in the preschool lab.

Turn BOTH items in together.

(Due __________) (Chapter 13) Math, Science and Technology Environment

Make a list of all of the math, science, and technology materials that you have observed over the past few weeks in your preschool lab. Then, write a reflection paper describing:

All of the strengths and weaknesses of the classroom in providing materials

Intentional learning opportunities in the area of math, science, and technology

Teacher’s use of the language of math

Your suggestions for improvements

(Due __________) (Chapter 14) Social-Emotional Learning

Create 3 learning experiences/activities that will help children to learn and develop the following concepts:

Self-Concept (CDA Resource Collection II-6)

Emotional Skills/Regulation (CDA Resource Collection II-7)

Social Skills (CDA Resource Collection II-8)

Example: For the Self-Concept activity, the children could complete self-portraits in the art center.

Each activity should be written on a lesson plan that indicates the age group (3-, 4-, or 5-year-olds) and lists the intended goals, materials, processes, and teaching strategies. For each activity, also discuss why it is developmentally appropriate for that age. (see CDA Resource Collection II)


(Due __________) (Chapter 15) Physical Development

Create 2 learning experiences/activities that will help children to learn and develop the following concepts:

Fine Motor-indoor activity (CDA Resource Collection II-4)

Gross Motor-outdoor activity (CDA Resource Collection II-5)

Example: For the Fine-motor activity, the children could string macaroni necklaces in math/manipulatives center.

Each activity should be written on a lesson plan that indicates the age group (3-, 4-, or 5-year-olds) and lists the intended goals, materials, processes, and teaching strategies. For each activity, also discuss why it is developmentally appropriate for that age. (see CDA Resource Collection II)

(Due __________) Child Care Rules

Each state has rules and regulations governing the operation of child care centers, as well as guidelines for reporting child abuse and neglect. Identify the following necessary information for operating a child care facility in Utah.


Provide the name and contact information (phone number, address, website, etc.) of the Utah agency that is responsible for the regulation of child care centers and family child care homes . Note: These regulations are available at the website of the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child

Care: http://nrckids.org/STATES/states.htm


Once you go to this website, make a copy of the sections that describe the qualification requirements for personnel (teachers, directors, and assistants) and group size, adult-child ratio requirements. (CDA Resource Collection VI-1)


Provide the name and contact information (phone number, address, website, etc.) of the appropriate Utah agency for reporting child abuse and neglect. Also, research and include a summary of the legal requirements in your state regarding child abuse and neglect and the Mandatory Reporting Guidelines.

(CDA Resource Collection VI-3)


Provide an example of an accident form and an emergency form and place in your CDA Professional

Portfolio. (CDA Resource Collection V)

(Due __________) Final Philosophy


Review your Philosophy Statement that you created at the start of the school year.


Update your statement to reflect your growth of knowledge, skills, and experiences of early childhood education that you gained throughout the year.


Write a one-page summary explaining why you made the changes that you did.

You must hand in:

1.Your first, original philosophy

2. Your new philosophy, AND

3. Your one-page summary of changes.

Note: This assignment is worth double points (60) and your final statement should be a minimum of two pages. Your final paper also needs to be included in your Professional ePortfolio .

*This can be used as a revised-draft for your CDA Professional Philosophy Statement .

**Note to Teachers: 15 total assignments are required by SLCC. There are now 16 assignments listed, therefore one assignment could count as extra credit.
