Mrs. Issenmann- Language Arts Lesson Plans- October 21-25, 2013 8th Grade Monday-Shortened LA- Spanish Standards: RL 8.1-8.6/L 8.1-8.2/8.4 5 Step Lesson Reading: Continue reading Across Five Aprils o Continue reading chapters 2-3 Grammar: Lessons 29-31 Due Friday Simple vs. Compound Sentences (What are they? What are each made up of? Tuesday Standards: RL8.1-8.6/W 8.1/ L8.1-8.2/8.4 5 Step Lesson Reading: Continue reading Across Five Aprils Finish reading through chapter 3 Begin comprehension questions/activities- Finish questions for HW Descriptive Writing Focus: Present the rest of the class descriptive essays Persuasive Writing: Introduce students to persuasive writing What is it? How are we persuaded in daily life? Who persuades us? Watch some commercials and analyze different techniques of persuasion used Grammar: Simple vs. Compound Sentences (Examples, How do we identify?) 1 Wednesday-Library 10-10:30 Standards: RL8.1-8.6/ L8.1-8.2/8.4 5 Step Lesson Reading: Continue reading Across Five Aprils Session 3- Review comprehension questions as small group o Complete extension activities: Literature Groups-conflicts that lead to the Civil War Sessions 1 and 2- Review comprehension questions from chapters 1-3 o Literature Groups-conflicts that lead to the Civil War Grammar: Simple vs. Compound Sentences (Practice Identifying) Thursday Standards: RL 8.1-8.6/ W 8.1/ L8.1-8.2/8.4 5 Step Lesson Reading: Continue reading Across Five Aprils Session 3- Complete extension writing activity Session 2- Complete extension writing activity Session 1- Complete extension writing activity Whole Class: Begin reading chapter four Persuasive Writing: Notes on important persuasion techniques Assign partners for their persuasive debate project Show a video of a debate and analyze Grammar: Verbs: Active vs. Linking Friday Standards: RL 8.1-8.6/ L 8.1-8.2 & 8.4 5 Step Lesson Reading: Continue reading Across Five Aprils Complete chapter four and begin reading chapter five Grammar: Review Simple Solutions Lessons 29-31 Verbs: Active vs. Linking 2 7th Grade Monday (Shortened period- Spanish/Specials) Standards: RL 7.1-7.6/ L7.1-7.2 & 7.4 Reading: Session 3: Review questions from “The Highwayman” Review synonym hunt for “Hatchet” and begin second vocabulary activity for the novel and vocabulary crossword- HW for Tuesday Sessions 1 and 2: Begin section one vocabulary activity- HW finish by Tuesday Grammar: Simple Solutions Lessons 32-35 Due Friday Simple vs. Compound Sentences (What are they? What are each made up of? TuesdayStandards: RL 7.1-7.6/ W.7.1/ L7.1-7.2 & 7.4 5 Step Lesson Reading: Session 3- Review vocabulary sheets for “Hatchet” o Prereading activity/discussion: quickwrite about finishing a challenging task-reflect o Begin reading section one of the novel: Chapters 1-5 Sessions 1 and 2- Review vocabulary from “Rules” o Prereading activities: Brainstorming/Review character analysis o Begin reading section one (first couple of chapters together as a group) Complete character analysis chart of Catherine while reading Persuasive Writing: What is persuasion? How are we persuaded on a daily basis? Watch a few commercials and analyze Grammar: Simple vs. Compound Sentences (Examples, How do we identify?) 3 Wednesday- Library 10-10:30 Standards: RL 7.1-7.6/W 7.1/ L7.1-7.2 & 7.4 5 Step Lesson Reading: Session 3: Finish reading chapters 1-5 of Hatchet with active reading activity o HW: Comprehension questions from the section #1-5 Sessions 1 and 2: Finish reading section one of novel (pgs. 1-49) and continue working on character analysis chart Persuasive Writing: Notes on important persuasion techniques/ practice identifying these techniques Grammar: Simple vs. Compound Sentences (Practice Identifying) Thursday Standards: RL 7.1-7.6/L 7.1-7.2 & 7.4/ W 7.1 5 Step Lesson Reading: Continue reading novels: Rules and Hatchet Session 3: Work on “Extending Your Response”- searching for details that are mentioned but become very important later in the story Meet as a group with Mrs. I. and discuss comprehension questions and writing activity Sessions 1 and 2: Discuss section one and begin comprehension questions for section one Persuasive Writing: Assign partners for persuasive commercial writing project Partners will brainstorm a new product they will be persuading people to buy o Topic turned in at the end of class Grammar: Verbs: Action vs. Linking 4 Friday Standards: RL 7.1-7.6/ L 7.1-7.2 & 7.4 5 Step Lesson Reading: Rules and Hatchet Session 3: Small group discussion: When was the last time that you learned something from a book, TV, or from a movie ad used that knowledge in your own life? Begin reading section 2 of Hatchet- Chapters 6-12 Sessions 1 and 2: Complete comprehension questions for section one Begin discussing as a group Grammar: Review Simple Solutions Lessons 32-35 Verbs: Action vs. Linking 5 6th Grade Monday Standards: W 6.1/ RL 6.1-6.6/ L 6.1-6.2/6.4 5 Step Lesson Reading: Whole Class: Notes on conflict, plot (review), analyzing a character o Session 3: “Freak the Mighty” Character Analysis-begin based on chapters 1-8 Begin comprehension questions for section one (chapters 1-8) Diary writing prompt- HW from point of view of Grim and Gram o Session 1: “Crash” Discussion and character analysis Groups will begin the comprehension questions for section one (pages 1-40) o Session 2: “Bridge to Terebithia” Discuss chapters one and two Character analysis sheet of Jess Aarons Begin vocabulary/context clues sheet for chapters 3 and 4-finish for HW Persuasive Writing: What is persuasion? How are we persuaded on a daily basis? Watch commercials and analyze Grammar: Discuss/questions for SS Lessons 21-24 SS Lessons 25-28 Due Friday Tuesday-Shortened Period Standards: RL 6.1-6.6/ L 6.1-6.2/6.4 5 Step Lesson Reading: Novels Session 3: Finish comprehension questions from section one-be ready to discuss on Wednesday Session 1: Finish comprehension questions from section one- be ready to discuss on Wednesday Session 2: Meet and review the vocabulary/context clue work for chapters 3 and 4 Grammar: Simple vs. Compound Sentences (What are they?) 6 WednesdayStandards: W 6.1/ RL 6.1-6.6/ L 6.1-6.2 & 6.4 5 Step Lesson Reading: Novels Session 3: Meet as a group and discuss comprehension questions and character analysis o Begin reading section two of Freak the Mighty: Chapters 8-12 Continue adding to character analysis Session 1: Meet as a group and discuss comprehension questions for section one o Begin vocabulary work for section two (pages 41-82)- Due Thursday Session 2: Begin reading chapters 3 and 4 as a group o Complete chapters 3 and 4 for HW Persuasive Writing: Read a few persuasive essays/letters to analyze as a class Give students persuasive words/phrases guide and the planning map Grammar: Simple vs. Compound Sentences (Examples) Thursday-Shortened Period Standards: RL 6.1-6.6/L6.1-6.2 & 6.4 5 Step Lesson Reading: Novels Session 3: Finish reading section two of Freak the Mighty” Session 1: Review vocabulary from section two and begin reading section two (pages 41-82) Session 2: Discuss chapters 3 and 4 then begin working on comprehension questions for chapters 1-4 o Finish for HW- Due Friday Grammar: Simple vs. Compound Sentences (Practice) 7 Friday- Library 12-12:30 Standards: RL 6.1-6.6/ L 6.1-6.2 & 6.4/ W 6.1 5 Step Lesson Reading: Session 3: Begin comprehension questions from section two- chapters 811 Session 1: Finish reading section two (pages 41-82) Session 2: Discuss chapters 1-4 comprehension questions o Complete chapters 5-6 vocabulary/context clues work for HW Persuasive Writing: Give students their topic: Suppose Congress wants to make a new national holiday honoring an important person or event. Choose a person or event you would like to honor. Write an essay to convince members of Congress to accept your choice. Grammar: Review Simple Solutions Lessons 25-28 Verbs: Action vs. Linking 8