Week 2 Hand-out

SAT Vocabulary Word Worksheet #2
I. Fill in the blanks with the correct Vocabulary word that completes the sentence.
1) He is _______________________________ in refusing to stop smoking as his doctor ordered him.
2) The _______________________ told him that the medicine would make him live forever; obviously he was wrong.
3) This fancy new washing machine ___________________________ that old one.
4) The mayor enjoyed a carefree holiday, ___________________by the demands of his position.
5) The poor boy couldn't shake the __________________ that was put upon him by the old witch.
6) The legislators wrote a short ________________________________ to the constitution.
7) The teacher told him the ideas in his essay were ____________________________, because he repeated the same idea three
8) She became more ________________________, buying herself a velvet skirt because she liked the feeling.
9) The teacher's lecture was so _________________________, her class had either fallen asleep, or missed the whole point of
the lesson.
II. Synonyms: For each group of synonyms, write the Vocabulary word that has the same meaning.
1) preface; foreword; opening
2) surpass; succeed; replace
3) long-winded; wordy; rambling
4) tenacious; pigheaded; stubborn
5) impostor; fake; con artist
6) unbound; uninhibited; limitless
7) damning; denunciation; curse
8) excessive; surplus; repetitive
9) tangible; concrete; solid
III. Antonyms: Write an antonym (opposite) for each word. Use a dictionary or thesaurus.
1) malediction
2) obstinate
3) preamble
4) quack
5) redundant
6) supersede
7) tactile
8) unfettered
9) verbose
3. free from restraints; liberated
6. saying bad things; a curse
7. to take the place or position of
8. associated with the sense of touch
9. adhering to an opinion, purpose or course in spite of argument or persuasion
1. introduction to a constitution or legal document
2. overly talkative
4. known for pretending to have knowledge that he/she does not actually have
5. repetition; repeating over and over again
Create acrostics for 3 of the vocabulary words. Acrostics must use at least 5 letters of the chosen word and explain
what the word means using a sentence or phrase.
Example for despondent
Depressed and feeling
Everything seems horrible
Sadness is everywhere
People are crying
Oh, I wish I felt better