File - Mr. Wilkinson's APUSh Class

This is a list of terms that you will be required to create review note cards for each unit in
this class. This list is designed to help you review key information for each unit’s tests and
writing assignments. This list isn’t a substitute for reading the unit chapters. At the end of each
unit, I will pick 5 cards at random. These assignments are worth 25 points and points will be
deducted for failing to follow formatting and making fact errors.
How to set the cards up:
Front of Card
Term Number
Applicable Years
Back of Card
Description: Explain the term in your own words.
Significance: Explain the why the term is important to the big picture in your own
Theme: Decide which theme best fits the term and explain why.
1. Diseases
2. Encomienda System
3. Asiento System
4. Mayans
5. Incas
6. Aztecs
7. Conquistadores
8. Protestant Reformation
9. Christopher Columbus
10. Treaty of Tordesillas
11. Slave Trade
12. Iroquois Confederacy
13. John Cabot
14. Samuel Champlain
15. Henry Hudson
16. Bartolome de Las Casas
17. Act of Toleration
18. Roger Williams
19. William Penn
20. Cash Crops
21. Jamestown
22. Pocahontas
23. Puritans
24. Mayflower
25. Mayflower Compact
26. Great Migration
27. Fundamental Orders
28. Bacon’s Rebellion
29. New England Confederation
30. Middle Colonies
31. New England Colonies
32. Southern Colonies
33. Chesapeake Colonies
34. Royal Colonies
35. Proprietary Colonies
36. Charter Colonies
37. Mercantilism
38. Navigation Acts
39. Indentured Servants
40. Headright System
41. Triangular trade
42. Poor Richard’s Almanack
43. Great Awakening
44. Jonathan Edwards
45. George Whitfield
46. Cotton Mather
47. Social Mobility
48. John Peter Zenger
49. Town Hall Meetings
50. Patrick Henry
51. Stamp Act Congress
52. Sons of Liberty
53. Committees of Correspondence
54. Intolerable Acts
55. George III
56. Salutary Neglect
57. Albany Plan of Union
58. Sugar Act
59. Quartering Act
60. Stamp Act
61. Declaratory Act
62. Townshend Acts
63. Tea Act
64. Coercive Acts
65. Quebec Act
Unit 2 Terms:
1. First Continental Congress
2. Second Continental Congress
3. Olive Branch Petition
4. Thomas Paine
5. Thomas Jefferson
6. Declaration of Independence
7. George Washington
8. Land Ordinance of 1785
9. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
10. Lexington and Concord
11. Bunker Hill
12. Battle of Saratoga
13. Yorktown
14. Articles of Confederation
15. Patriots
16. Loyalists
17. Shays’s Rebellion
18. Whisky Rebellion
19. Treaty of Paris
20. James Madison
21. Alexander Hamilton
22. Federalists
23. Anti- Federalist
24. The Federalist Papers
25. Bill of Rights
26. Washington’s Farewell Address
27. Alien and Sedition Acts
28. Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
29. Tariffs/ Excise Taxes
30. Annapolis Convention
31. Constitutional Convention
32. Checks and Balances
33. Virginia Plan
34. New Jersey Plan
35. Great Compromise
36. Three-Fifths Compromise
37. Electoral College System
38. Role of Congress
39. Role of the President
40. Role of the Supreme Court
41. Judiciary Act
42. National Debt
43. Revolution of 1800
44. Proclamation of Neutrality
45. Jay Treaty
46. Citizen Genet
47. XYZ Affair
1. Louisiana Purchase
2. Henry Clay
3. John C. Calhoun
4. Battle of Tippecanoe
5. Strict/Loose Construction
6. John Marshall
7. Marbury v. Madison
8. Judicial Review
9. Aaron Burr
10. Hartford Convention
11. Barbary pirates
12. Impressment
13. Embargo Act
14. Nonintercourse Act
15. Macon’s Bill No. 2
16. War of 1812
17. Oliver Hazard Perry
18. Battle of New Orleans
19. Treaty of Ghent
20. Lewis and Clark
21. Francis Scott Key
22. Era of Good Feelings
23. Sectionalism
24. Tariff of 1816
25. Protective Tariff
26. American System
27. Second Bank of the United States
28. National Road
29. Erie Canal
30. Steamboats
31. Railroads
32. Cotton Gin
33. Market Revolution
34. Implied Powers
35. Tallmadge Amendment
36. Missouri Compromise
37. Adams-Onis Treaty
38. Monroe Doctrine
Unit 4 Terms
1. Nativists
2. Know-Nothing Party
3. Urban Life
4. Irish/Potato Famine
5. Germans
6. Tammany hall
7. King Cotton
8. Denmark Vesey
9. Nat Turner
10. Commonwealth v. Hunt
11. Daniel Webster
12. Andrew Jackson
13. Indian Removal Act
14. Cherokee Nation v Georgia
15. Trail of Tears
16. Bank of the United States
17. Nicholas Biddle
18. Pet Banks
19. Specie Circular
20. Nominating Conventions
21. Anti- Masonic party
22. Spoils System
23. Corrupt Bargain
24. Tariff of 1828
25. Nullification Crisis
26. Force Bill
27. Two-Party System
28. Democrats
29. Whigs
30. Utopian Communities
31. Dorothea Dix
32. Horace Mann
33. Public School Movement
34. William Lloyd Garrison
35. Fredrick Douglass
36. Harriet Tubman
37. Transcendentalists
38. Edgar Allen Poe
39. Cult of Domesticity
40. Seneca Falls Convention
41. Susan B. Anthony
1. Manifest Destiny
2. Gold Rush
3. James K. Polk
4. “Fifty- four Forty or Fight”
5. Ostend Manifesto
6. Texas
7. Alamo
8. Mexican War
9. Zachary Taylor
10. California ; Bear Flag Republic
11. Treaty of Guadalupe- Hidalgo
12. Mexican Cession
13. Gadsen Purchase
14. Matthew C. Perry; Japan
15. Free-Soil Party
16. Lecompton Constitution
17. Popular Sovereignty
18. Compromise of 1850
19. Stephen A. Douglas
20. Kansas- Nebraska Act
21. Crittenden Compromise
22. Republican Party
23. Election of 1860
24. Secession
25. Fugitive Slave Law
26. Underground Railroad
27. Dred Scott v. Sanford
28. Abraham Lincoln
29. Lincoln- Douglas Debates
30. House-divided Speech
31. Freeport Doctrine
32. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
33. Impending Crisis of the South
34. John Brown
35. Harpers Ferry
36. Sumner-Brooks incident
1. Border States
2. Confederate States of America
3. Jefferson Davis
4. “ Second American Revolution”
5. Greenbacks
6. Morrill Tariff Act
7. Morrill Land Grant Act
8. Pacific Railway Act
9. Homstead Act
10. Fort Sumter
11. Bullrun
12. Anaconda Plan
13. Robert E. Lee
14. Antietam
15. Monitor vs Merrimac
16. Ulysses S Grant
17. Shiloh
18. Gettysburg
19. Vicksburg
20. Sherman’s March
21. Appomattox Court House
22. Executive Powers
23. Habeas Corpus
24. Confiscation Acts
25. Emancipation Proclamation
26. 13th Amendment
27. Draft Riots
28. Copperheads
29. Election of 1864
30. Trent Affair
31. John Wilkes Booth
32. Segregated black troops
33. Massachusetts 54th
34. Long Term effects of war
35. Civil Rights Act of 1866
36. 14th Amendment
37. Due Process of Law
38. 15th Amendment
39. Jay Gould
40. Credit Mobilier
41. Boss Tweed
42. Panic of 1873
43. Compromise of 1877
44. Wade-Davis Bill
45. Freedmen’s Bureau
46. Black Codes
47. Tenure of Office Act
48. Impeachment
49. Scalawags
50. Carpetbaggers
51. Sharecropping
52. Ku Klux Klan
53. Force Acts 1870, 1871
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Transcontinental Railroads
Union and Central Pacific
Time Zones
Rebates and pool
Panic of 1893
7. Andrew Carnegie
8. Vertical Integration
9. John D. Rockefeller
10. Horizontal Integration
11. JP Morgan
12. Bessemer Process
13. Thomas Edison
14. Sherman Anti-Trust Act
15. American Federation of Labor
16. Samuel Gompers
17. Eugene Debs
18. Social Darwinism
19. Gospel of Wealth
20. Causes of Immigration
21. Old immigrants
22. New immigrants
23. Immigration Act of 1882
24. Tenements
25. Tammany Hall
26. Jane Addams
27. Settlement House
28. Salvation Army
29. Antisaloon League
30. Oliver Wendell Holmes
31. Clarence Darrow
32. Realism
33. Mark Twain
34. Leisure Time
35. Joseph Pulitzer
36. William Randolph Hearst
37. Spectator Sports
38. Stalwarts, Halfbreeds and Mugwumps
39. Pendleton Act of 1881
40. Hard vs Soft Money
41. William Jennings Bryan
42. “Cross of Gold” Speech
43. Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890
44. Mark Hanna
45. Coxey’s Army
1. William Seward
2. Alaska Purchase
3. Hawaii
4. Alfred Thayer Mahan
5. Cuban revolt
6. Jingoism
7. Yellow Journalism
8. The Maine
9. Teller Amendment
10. Spanish-American War
11. Rough Riders
12. Emilio Aguinaldo
13. Insular Cases
14. Platt Amendment
15. Open Door Policy
16. Boxer Rebellion
17. Russo-Japanese War
18. Roosevelt Corollary
19. Lodge Corollary
20. Theodore Roosevelt
21. Great White Fleet
22. Dollar Diplomacy
23. Big Stick Diplomacy
24. Ida Tarbell
25. Lincoln Steffens
26. 17th Amendment
27. Initiative, Referendum, Recall
28. Progressives
29. Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
30. Square Deal
31. Elkins Act
32. Hepburn Act
33. The Jungle
34. Bull Moose Party
35. 16th Amendment
36. Payne-Aldrich Tariff
37. Underwood Tariff
38. Federal Reserve Act
39. Clayton Antitrust Act
40. Federal Trade Commission
42. W. E. B. Dubois
43. Booker T. Washington
44. 19th Amendment
45. Carrie Chapman Catt
46. Woodrow Wilson
47. Triple Wall of Privilege