Cryptography - David A. Wheeler

SWE 681 / ISA 681
Secure Software Design &
Lecture 7: Cryptography
Dr. David A. Wheeler
• Introduction
• Basic crypto algorithms
• Storing passwords
– Use iterated per-user salted hashes!
• Basic protocols
• Crypto wars
Cryptography & Cryptanalysis
• Cryptography = the science (or art) of
transforming intelligible data to an unintelligible
form, and its inverse transformation
– Means “Secret writing”
• Cryptanalysis = the science (or art) of undoing the
cryptographic transformation without (exact)
knowledge of how that transformation was
initially executed
• We’ll focus on cryptography (defense),
emphasizing how to counter cryptanalysis
What cryptography is… and is not
• Cryptography is a set of tools that can help
develop secure software
– Important component in some cases
• Cryptography won’t solve most security issues
– Cryptography is not the same as developing secure
– Note that most of this class is unrelated to crypto
– “If you think cryptography is the answer to your
problem, then you don’t know what your problem is”
– Peter Neumann
Cryptography cannot solve all
security problems
Randall Munroe, “Security”, XKCD, Included under the conditions of
Danger, Will Robinson
• Never, never, never, never, never, never, never
create your cryptographic algorithm or protocol
– Specialist training: PhD in math and 10+ years
experience to create new approaches
– Even then, the odds are good you’ll get it wrong
– Reuse what’s been done
• Be very cautious; tiny implementation errors of
crypto algorithms, or in how they are invoked,
often become massive vulnerabilities
– Reuse good implementations where practical
16 March 2016
• Nazi Germany used the
“Enigma” machine widely
• Ally cryptanalysis broke it
& got extremely valuable
intelligence (“Ultra”)
• Value debated, but
Winston Churchill told
King George VI, “It was
thanks to Ultra that we
won the war”
Source: NSA (via Wikipedia)
Some common basic types of
cryptographic algorithms
• Symmetric (secret/shared key) encryption/decryption
– Algorithm examples: DES*, 3DES, AES
• Key exchange
– Algorithm examples: Diffie-Hellman, Curve25519
• Asymmetric (public key) encryption/decryption
– Algorithm examples: RSA, elliptic curve family
• Cryptographic (one-way) hash (aka “digital fingerprint”)
– Algorithm examples: MD5*, SHA-1*, SHA-512, SHA-3
• Cryptographic pseudo-random number generator (PRNG)
* These are examples; do not use these algorithms in future systems
Symmetric (secret/shared key)
• Symmetric encryption/decryption algorithms
use the same value (“key”) to encrypt and
later decrypt
Secret key
(encrypted text)
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
1973: NIST solicited for a DES
1974: NIST second solicitation, IBM responded
1975: Algorithm published
1976: NIST Workshop, adequate “10-15 years”
1977: DES standardized (FIPS)
Has held up relatively well over time
– Do need to avoid weak/semi-weak keys
• Slow in software
• Big problem: Key only 56 variable bits
– 64 bit key, but every 8th bit is odd parity (beware: may use known key
if don’t give correct parity!)
– Easily broken with modern computers/hardware
– Do not use DES for security today
Triple DES
• Uses DES 3 times, with 3 keys K1…K3:
– ciphertext = E(K3, D(K2, E(K1, plaintext)))
– plaintext = D(K1, E(K2, D(K3, ciphertext)))
• Each DES key 56 bits, full key length 3x56=168 bits
– Effective key length strength is 112 bits due to a “man in the
middle” attack
– Just like DES, keys must have correct parity & avoid weak keys
• Relatively secure, but slow
• Defined, as Triple Data Encryption Algorithm, in:
– NIST Special Publication 800-67 Revision 1
– ISO/IEC 18033-3:2005 Information technology — Security
techniques — Encryption algorithms — Part 3: Block ciphers
Advanced Encryption Standard
• Replaced DES
– DES key too short, 3DES too slow
• Developed through open international
competition run by NIST
– Required algorithms & sample implementation
– Forbid patents (so anyone can use)
– Competition was a fantastic success
• 15 candidates; Rijdael won & became AES
– U.S. FIPS PUB 197
• A simple-to-understand detailed description is at:
AES (2)
• Rijndael algorithm allows block and key sizes
of any multiple of 32 bits, 128…256 bits
• AES is a limited variant of Rijndael with block
size=128, key sizes = 128, 192, or 256 bits
– Algorithm internally repeats; as key lengthens,
number of iterations increases
– 128bit key=> 10 cycles, 192bit => 12, 256bit => 14
• Much faster than 3DES, longer keys
Key exchange
• Communicate partial information so communicating
parties establish shared secret without exposure
(parties might not authenticate!)
Shared & unrevealed key
Shared & unrevealed key
Diffie-Hellman key exchange
• Aka “Diffie–Hellman–Merkle” key exchange
• First published in 1976
• Allows two parties, without prior knowledge, to jointly establish a
shared secret key over an insecure communications channel
– Key can then be used to encrypt subsequent communications using a
symmetric key cipher
– Does not authenticate (vulnerable to man-in-the-middle) by itself, but
other mechanisms can be used to address this
• Used in Transport Layer Security (TLS) ephemeral modes (EDH or
DHE) to provide perfect forward secrecy
– Perfect forward secrecy = each session generates random public keys
without using a deterministic algorithm. Thus, if a session key is
compromised, newer & older session keys are not
Diffie-Hellman illustrated
• Alice and Bob exchange
their secret colors
(representing numbers)
via public transport only
as a mix
• Original version of D-H
uses multiplicative group
of integers modulo p
ge as of 2014-04-16
• Developed by D. J. Bernstein
• Intended to be “a state-of-the-art Diffie-Hellman function”
– “Given a user's 32-byte secret key, Curve25519 computes the
user's 32-byte public key.”
– “Given user's 32-byte secret key and another user's 32-byte
public key, Curve25519 computes a 32-byte secret shared by the
two users. This secret can then be used to authenticate and
encrypt messages between the two users.”
• Based on elliptic-curve cryptography
• Ed25519 is a related public-key elliptic-curve signature
• More info: “Curve25519: new Diffie-Hellman speed
records” by Daniel J. Bernstein,
Asymmetric (public key)
• Asymmetric encryption/decryption algorithms
use two different values (“keys”) to encrypt
and later decrypt
Decryption key
Encryption key
(encrypted text)
• Named after Rivest, Shamir, & Adleman
• Public key crypto based on difficulty of factoring
into prime numbers
– Public key & private key
– Encryption & decryption raise “message” by large
• Patent released/expired in 2000
• Don’t use RSA keys < 1024 bits; 2048+ better
– On August 14, 2012, Microsoft issued update to
Windows XP & later to block RSA keys <1024 bits
Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC)
• Algorithms based on elliptic curves presume it’s infeasible
to find the discrete logarithm of a random elliptic curve
element, w.r.t. a publicly known base point
– This is “elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem” (ECDLP)
– Smaller key size for equivalent protection, e.g., 256 ECC key ~
3072 bit RSA key
– Developed in 1985 by Neal Koblitz and Victor Miller
– Very general approach, many algorithms based on ECC
– Intro:
• Several ECC algorithms included in NSA’s suite B (a suite of
encryption algorithms)
Issue: Elliptic Curve Cryptography
(ECC) & patents
• Patent concerns are primary inhibitor of ECC use
– ECC application may in some cases be inhibited in US by patents (Certicom)
– Often unclear what’s covered (typical software patent problem)
– RSA claims: “ECC… have no general patents, though some newer elliptic curve
algorithms and certain efficient implementation techniques may be covered
by patents… it is the implementation technique that is patented, not the
prime or representation, and there are alternative, compatible
implementation techniques that are not covered by the patents…”
– IETF RFC 6090 (released 2011) describes the fundamental ECC algorithms as
defined seminal references from 1994 and earlier, with the goal of allowing
patent-free implementation… but patent holders can always sue anyway
• US government has a license for national security uses
– That doesn’t help the rest of us!
– All parties have to agree before they can use a crypto algorithm
• Yet another example of how software patents put computer users &
software developers at risk & inhibit innovation
Asymmetric often used with
symmetric algorithms
• Asymmetric algorithms tend to be slow
• When used to encrypt, often used with
symmetric algorithm
– Sender creates single-use “shared” key using
cryptographically secure pseudo-random number
– Shared key encrypted using asymmetric algorithm
– Receiver receives & decrypts shared key
– Rest of data is encrypted with (faster) symmetric
algorithm using this single-use key
Cryptographic (one-way) hash
• Cryptographic (one-way) hash function takes
arbitrary-length data & generates fixed-length
hash (“fingerprint”) so infeasible to:
– Create another message with a given hash value
(“preimage resistance”)
– Create another (modified?) message with same hash
as first message (“second preimage resistance”)
– Create any two messages with same hash (“collision
Cryptographic hash
(fingerprint, digest) – fixed width
Cryptographic Hash
• Overall goal: Adversary can’t replace or modify
data without changing fingerprint
• Some uses:
– Verifying integrity – just store fingerprint, verify by
recomputing to ensure unchanged/expected
– Digital signing – Use private key to “encrypt”
fingerprint; anyone can use public key to verify
– File id – e.g., CM systems
– Creating “random” values
– Password storage (“per-user salted hashes”)
Cryptographic hash algorithms:
MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2
• MD5: Was widely used, but now broken
• SHA-1: Many moved to it, still widely used
– Cryptanalysis work in 2004 found important
– Recommendation: gradually move from it
• SHA-2
– Family: SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
– Technical similarities with SHA-1 raised concerns
Cryptographic hash algorithms:
• NIST announced on November 2, 2007 a
public competition to develop a new
cryptographic hash algorithm, SHA-3
• NIST received sixty-four entries from
cryptographers around the world by October
31, 2008
• NIST announced Keccak as the winner of the
SHA-3 competition on October 2, 2012
Lifecycles of popular crytographic
hashes (Valerie Aurora)
In 2004 Xiaoyun
Wang et al.
“Collisions for Hash
Functions MD4,
MD5, HAVAL-128
and RIPEMD.”
RIPEMD-128 is
only 128-bit,
based on sheer
digest length”
because at best it’s
2^64 complexity to
SHA-2 family
SHA-3 (Keccak)
Key: Unbroken
Source: “Lifecycles of popular crytographic hashes”,
Valerie Aurora,
Reactions to stages in the life cycle
of cryptographic hash functions
Expert reaction
Programmer reaction
Non-expert ("slashdotter") reaction
Initial proposal
Skepticism, don't recommend use
in practice
Wait to hear from the experts before
adding to OpenSSL
Peer reviewal
Moderate effort to find holes and
garner an easy publication
Used by a particularly adventurous
developers for specific purposes
Name-drop the hash at cocktail parties to
impress other geeks
General acceptance
Top-level researchers begin serious
work on finding a weakness (and
international fame)
Even Microsoft is using the hash function
Flame anyone who suggests the function
may be broken in our lifetime
Minor weakness
Massive downloads of turgid preprints from arXiv, calls for new hash
Start reviewing other hash functions for
Long semi-mathematical posts comparing
the complexity of the attack to the number
of protons in the universe
Serious weakness
Tension-filled CRYPTO rump
sessions! A full break is considered
Migrate to new hash functions
immediately, where necessary
Point out that no actual collisions have been
First collision found
Uncork the champagne! Interest in
the details of the construction, but
no surprise
Gather around a co-worker's computer,
comparing the colliding inputs and
running the hash function on them
Explain why a simple collision attack is still
useless, it's really the second pre-image
attack that counts
Meaningful collisions
generated on home
How adorable! I'm busy trying to
break this new hash function,
Send each other colliding X.509
certificates as pranks
Tell people at parties that you always knew
it would be broken
Collisions generated by
Memorize as fun party trick for
next faculty mixer
Try to remember how to do long division by
Assumed to be weak but
no one bothers to break
No one is getting a publication out
of breaking this
What's this crypto library function for?
Update Pokemon Wikipedia pages
Source: “Lifecycles of popular crytographic hashes”, Valerie Aurora,
Cryptographic algorithms are often
(eventually) broken
• Cryptanalysis is an active field
– Sometimes advances lead to weakening/break in
algorithms… even ones considered secure before
– Lifecycles of cryptographic hashes good illustration
• Make sure you can change algorithms!
– Designs should not assume that crypto algorithms
never change
• Best to have at least two algorithms implemented
– So you can switch away from “broken” one
• Not everyone agrees that crypto agility is best
RSA & DH: Some concerns
• Concerns about RSA & Diffie-Hellman (DH) raised at Black Hat 2013
– RSA and DH underpinned by difficulty of “discrete logarithm problem”
– French academic Antoine Joux published two papers suggesting an algorithm
to break it could be found before long
– “Our conclusion is there is a small but definite chance that RSA and classic
Diffie-Hellman will not be usable for encryption purposes in four to five years”
- Alex Stamos, chief technology officer, Artemis
– “The RSA protocol that is the foundation of security on the Internet is likely to
be broken in the very near future,” Philippe Courtot, CEO of Qualys
• Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) techniques available
– May be inhibited in US by Certicom patents (patents vs. security), as noted
• No evidence NIST will start a new public key crypto competition – why?!?
Use what you check
(Android “Master Key”)
• CVE-2013-4787 / Android bug 8219321
– Reported to Google by Jeff Forristal (Rain Forest
– Packages are really “zip” archive files
– Special zip files can be created where >1 file can exist
in a directory with same name
– One is checked for its fingerprint… but a different one
is actually installed
• App stores can check for such malformed zip files
Cryptographic pseudo-random
number generator (PRNG)
• Many algorithms depend on secret keys or
“nonce” that won’t be reused
• A great way to get these is to generate a random
number (if enough bits)
• Software fundamentally deterministic
– Where can, use hardware for truly random value
– But can’t always use them, or just them, or trust them
• Cryptographic pseudo-random number
generators create “random” data
– So attackers cannot determine past/future values
Use cryptographic PRNG for crypto
• Many “random” functions are easily predicted by an attacker
– Often implemented as linear congruential generator (LCG)
– E.G., Java Random()
• Must use cryptographically secure PRNG (CSPRNG) for crypto and
security-related tasks - not ones easily predicted
– Java: SecureRandom() – not Random
– Linux/Unix: read from /dev/random
• Read /dev/urandom if you just can’t wait, but urandom will return data even if
it has poor randomness
• Many algorithms exist to implement CSPRNGs. Examples:
– Yarrow, Fortuna, ANSI X9.17 (which can use any block cipher, e.g., AES)
– NIST SP 800-90A’s Hash_DRBG, HMAC_DRBG, and CTR_DRBG (do not
use the removed algorithm Dual_EC_DRBG)
• Be careful seeding them; ensure seed can’t be guessed
– Time-of-day (current or boot) is easy to guess
Random vs. Cryptographic (secure)
random functions
• By convention “random” usually means make a
predictable sequence (e.g., Monte Carlo sims)
• You do not want predictability for crypto
• Use the right function! Predictable vs. Crypto:
– Java: Random vs. SecureRandom
– C#: System.Random vs. System.Security.Cryptography.
– Python: random vs. os.urandom
– Javascript: Math.random vs.
Dual_EC_DRBG Controversy
Dual Elliptic Curve Deterministic Random Bit Generator (Dual_EC_DRBG)
Was part of NIST SP 800-90A (1 of 4 algorithms)
Three orders of magnitude slower than other 3
Brown raised concerns in 2006
Dan Shumow and Niels Ferguson re-raised concerns in 2007
Edward Snowden’s leaks excerpted by The New York Times led to strong suspicions
that this algorithm was subverted (kleptographic attack/backdoor)
RSA used Dual_EC_DRBG as default algorithm in its BSAFE and Data Protection
Manager products
– Surprising choice given its poor performance & the re-raised concerns in 2007
– Reuters reported on 2013-12-20 a $10 million deal between RSA and NSA to set
Dual_EC_DRBG as the default CSPRNG in BSAFE
– RSA Security categorically denies that it entered into a secret contract with NSA to incorporate
a known flawed random number generator into its BSAFE encryption libraries; much debate
• and
“NIST strongly recommends that, pending the resolution of the security concerns
and the re-issuance of SP 800-90A, the Dual_EC_DRBG, as specified in the January
2012 version of SP 800-90A, no longer be used…. Effective immediately, NIST
Special Publication 800-90A is being re-issued as a draft for public comment..”
PRNG failure example:
iOS 7 early_random()
• Many Apple iOS vulnerability countermeasures depend on randomness
that cannot be predicted by attacker
– Many randomness-gathering mechanisms not available early in boot process
– Apple provides early_random() PRNG (pseudo-random number generator)
• iOS 7 update changed algorithm… to a horrifically-bad linear congruential
generator (LCG) algorithm!
– Trivial to brute-force, and then determine previous/later values. It can only
produce 2^19 unique outputs, with a maximum period of 2^17, far below
2^64 output space
– “An unprivileged attacker, even when confined by the most restrictive
sandbox, can recover arbitrary outputs from the generator and consequently
bypass all the exploit mitigations that rely on the early random PRNG”
• More info:
– “Revisiting iOS Kernel (In)Security: Attacking the early random() PRNG” by
Tarjei Mandt, Azimuth Security - presented at CanSecWest 2014
Crypto algorithm: Simple, stream,
and block-level
• “Simple” algorithms work symbol-at-a-time
– Read a byte, determine what to translate that to
• Block-level algorithms
– Group symbols together into blocks
– Replace sequence of blocks
• Later byte in same block changes encoding of this byte
– Many modern algorithms work this way
• Stream algorithms
– Work bit-at-a-time
Block algorithm modes
• Block encryption algorithms can be used in a
number of different modes, including:
– Electronic code book (ECB)
• Same block of data returns the same result
• Essentially a debug/test mode for crypto algorithms
– Cipher block chaining (CBC)
• Same block of data returns different result, depending on
past blocks in the same stream
• Never use ECB mode; CBC is far better than ECB
– Returning same block each time often reveals too
ECB Penguin: A widely-known
demo of why ECB mode isn’t okay
• This is an encrypted
PPM image using AES
with a 128-bit key
– You shouldn’t be able to
understand it…!
• It uses ECB mode – thus
leaking too much
Credit: Filippo Valsorda. This image was inspired by
the original lower-resolution ECB Penguin image by
Wikipedia User:Lunkwill. Source “The ECB Penguin”
licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 International. Based
on the “Tux the penguin” official Linux mascot
created by Larry Ewing in 1996.
Initialization vector (IV)
• Many cryptographic modes require an
“initialization vector” (IV)
– Need not be secret, but must be unpredictable
• Create new IV each session; never reuse IVs
– In general, don’t reuse values for crypto algorithms
• Use cryptographically random values
– I.e., from a cryptographic pseudo-random number
generator (PRNG)
– In general, don’t use non-cryptographic random
values whenever using crypto algorithms
Storing passwords: Things to avoid
When storing password information to
authenticate an external user:
• Never store passwords as clear text (see Sony)
– Attackers can masquerade as any user on your
system & many others (password reuse)
• Storing as simple hashes helps, but not much
– Attackers can precalculate hashes of likely
passwords (“Rainbow table”), then compare
– Attackers can easily see who has same passwords
Storing passwords:
Basics of per-user salted hashes
• Instead, store passwords as per-user salted hashes
Hash(user “salt” + user password) for that user
Since different users have different salts, precomputing fails
Attacker can’t easily see if two users use same passwords
Salts need to have enough random bits (NIST SP 800-132 requires
128+ bits)
• Use cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator
– Salts don’t need to be encrypted, just random
– Use secure hash functions (SHA-512, not SHA-1 or MD5)
• On user log in, just repeat process
– See if the result is the same as stored salted hash
• Prevents social engineering “can you tell me my password?” –
because you can’t do it
• Can make even stronger with key derivation functions…
Key Derivation Functions
• “Key derivation functions” computes a derived key
– Repeatedly uses cryptographic hash, cipher, or HMAC + original data +
salt to generate derived key
– Doing it repeatedly makes it intentionally slow, thus making password
cracking more difficult for brute-force attacks (a use for key derivation
functions also called “key stretching”)
• PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2) common
– RSA Laboratories' Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #5 v2.0
– Also RFC 2898
– “Recommendation for Password-Based Key Derivation” NIST Special
Publication 800-132
• Alternative function: bcrypt (better counters hardware/GPU)
Storing passwords:
The bare minimum
• An authenticator (e.g., server) must never store passwords
in the clear. They must be at least:
– Per-user salted hashes, each salt (different) random
– Use iterated key derivation (key stretching) function. PBKDF2 is
weak against GPUs; better to use alternatives like bcrypt
• Less than iterated per-user salted hashes for generalpurpose password authentication is negligence (in my
• SANS “Securing Web Application Technologies” (SWAT)
Checklist, Data protection section, agrees
– It requires that you “store user passwords using a strong,
iterative, salted hash
Beware of client hashing password
• Usual approach: Client sends
normal password over encrypted
• Usually wrong for only client to
create & send salted hash
– If attacker modifies/replaces client,
modified client can just repeat the
hashed value on server & get in
Server stores
• Okay to hash on both sides
– Hashing on client end means that
attacker-controlled server can’t see
client’s original password (bonus!)
& stops revealing password length
– Hashing on server end means that
attacker-controlled client can’t use
stored hash to log in to this or other
servers (usual purpose for hashed
Server stores
Server stores
What should you use?
• Crypto algorithms often broken over time; support switching algorithms*
• Shared-secret encryption – do not use DES (key is too short)
– For now, use (at least) AES
– Support at least 3DES as alternate (slow, but secure due to decades of attack)
• Hashing (“fingerprinting”) – do not use MD5
– Move smartly away from weakening SHA-1
– SHA-2’s SHA-256 or SHA-512 are useful & widely available, but some concerns
– Consider (also) using SHA-3; at least make it easy to switch to SHA-3
• Public key
– Usually RSA (patents expired); again, make it easy to switch
– Elliptic key cryptography has smaller key sizes, but patent issues lurk
• Randomness - do not use most “random” functions (easily guessed by attacker)
– Use cryptographic PRNGs, e.g., Linux /dev/random, Java SecureRandom()
16 March 2016
* Have I said this before? 
Keeping secrets
• Often need passwords/keys for program
– E.G., for database system, external sites
Don’t build into source… store separately
Minimize what processes have secret
Minimize time keeping secrets
Erase securely ASAP
– This is harder than you’d think!
– Lock into memory with mlock() / VirtualLock()
– Ensure that garbage collector won’t make extra copies, and will really
get rid of it
• SecureString in .NET
• Haven’t found good way in Java; String worst, char[] arrays better
– Overwrite… and make sure compiler doesn’t “optimize away” the
Digital certificates
• Electronic document (file) that binds a public
key with an identity (person/organization)
• Typically has other information
• Usual format: X.509
• Can be signed by others; often in a chain,
leading back to some root certificate(s)
• Some root certificates built into web
browsers, providing a place to start
Cryptographic protocols
• Build on crypto algorithms to create
confidentiality & integrity
– Secure Socket Layer (SSL) / Transport Layer
Security (TLS) – “https:”; officially TLS is new name
– Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) – often used for
Virtual Private Networks
– SSH: Secures remote terminals
– Kerberos: Single-sign-on/authentication over
network (Windows uses proprietary variant)
SSL/TLS cert validation often
implemented incorrectly
• Common errors:
– Failure to verify chain-of-trust
– Failure verify hostname (certs only valid for given hostname or pattern!)
– Failure to deal with certification revocation & X.509 extensions (key usage
limits, name constraints, etc.)
• Cause: Confusing APIs in SSL/TLS & data transport libraries
– OpenSSL SSL_connect: Return value signals some errors, but if “OK” must then
check “verify result” flags
– Java SSLSocketFactory doesn’t always verify hostname
– cURL: if CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST=true, hostname check disabled
Always test code with abnormal certs (unknown, wrong host, etc.)
In test environment add self-signed certs/CAs to keystore; don’t disable
Read API docs carefully, explicitly set options, carefully check results
Read “The most dangerous code in the world: Validating SSL certificates in
non-browser software” by Goergiev et al, 2012
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) /
Certificate Authority (CA) Issues (1)
• Most protocols authenticate the server (destination) by checking
– How can you be sure that the certificate belongs to that server?
– Accepting a wrong one leads to man-in-the-middle attack
– “PKI” provides certificates, e.g., from 1+ certificate authorities (CAs)
• Unfortunately, many CAs untrustworthy
– Summary: “Defcon 19: Moxie Marlinspike - SSL And The Future Of
– Throw away “bad” CAs = can’t access most of the Internet
– Some organizations even self-subvert!
• TLS/SSL still helpful, but greatly weakened because of this
– Originally designed vs. passive attacks, authenticity was “a bit of a hand wave”
• No easy solution, and not enough people working to solve it
– In some scenarios “certificate pinning” & DNSSEC can help
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) /
Certificate Authority (CA) Issues (2)
• Need to revoke compromised certificates, but…
• Currently-available revocation mechanisms broken
– Certificate Revocation List (CRL)(: Client downloads revocation
list. Slow, attacker can prevent, hasn’t scaled with Internet
– Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP): Client online query.
Slow, attacker can prevent
– OCSP Stapling: Server online query & provides to client. Attacker
can prevent (by filtering out)
– CRLSets: Blacklist of known bad certs. Attacker can prevent
CRLSet download, only revokes a few (popular) certificates
– Must-staple HTTP header.: Attacker can prevent
– Short-lived certificates: Doesn’t scale, interferes with pinning
– X.509 OCSP must-staple: No spec, not widely implemented
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) /
Certificate Authority (CA) Issues (3)
• Interview with Kipp Hickman, designer of original SSL protocol:
– “So, certificate authorities was the deal… Oh, that whole authenticity
– “We were designing SSL to prevent passive attacks for the most part,
you know.”
– “We heard about this thing – the man-in-the-middle attack – and so
we just threw that in at the end”
– “Really, that whole thing with certificates, it was a bit of a hand wave.
We didn’t think it was gonna work, we didn’t know”.
• Rather disturbing comments for such a key protocol!
• Later versions improved, but CAs & revocation still a big problem
• Be prepared to change if solutions become available
Timing attacks: The problem
• Many algorithms take a variable amount of time
– E.G., array “is equal to?” usually stops on first unequal value
• Attackers can get confidential info (like private keys) through this
– Attackers perform act multiple times…
– Use statistics to eliminate jitter; a shocking amount is removable!
– E.G., for “is equal to” attacker can determine if he guessed first one
correctly, then second one, then third one, …
• Yes, it really works
– 15-100μs accuracy across the Internet and 100ns over a local network
– One example (finding 20 byte HMAC result): Keyczar used standard
equality test, allowing attacker to find session value in < week with 10
req/s… “and all of a sudden I’m logged in as you” [Hale2009]
– If attacker on same system or has shared resources (such as mobile
apps or virtualized cloud), timing attack problems are even worse
Timing attacks: Solutions
• Use timing-independent (sometimes called “constant-time”) algorithms
– Not the same as O(1) algorithms!!
• E.G., “is equal to” in Java [Lawson2010] [Hale2009]:
public static boolean isEqual(byte[] a, byte[] b) {
if (a.length != b.length) { return false; } // Omitting this is a bad bug
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { // Note that we always examine everything
result |= a[i] ^ b[i]; // Do not use +… not constant-time on some systems
return result == 0;
• Crypto library implementations have to worry about this broadly
• Consider if you need timing-independent, especially when using crypto
– In particular, use them when comparing hashed or encrypted values, or when
doing anything with private keys
– Timing attacks apply broadly, but “is equal to” is especially common issue
– MessageDigest.equal() was fixed in Java SE 6 Update 17
Future potential issue:
Quantum Computing
• Many expect quantum computers to work (in a
serious way) in the future
• Many existing cryptographic approaches will
probably break if quantum computers are
practically implementable (“quantum-breakable”)
– E.G., RSA, Diffie-Hellman key exchange, elliptic curve
• Cryptographers working to develop “quantumresistant” schemes (aka “quantum-secure”)
– Approaches being researched include lattice-based,
code-based, & multivariate cryptography
– Unclear if these new approaches will be ready in time!
Crypto Wars
“Crypto Wars” of the 1990s
In 1990s US government tried to limit use of strong encryption by general public
White House introduced “Clipper Chip” encryption hardware in 1993
Privacy, security, & economic concerns continued to outweigh benefits to most people
US government originally outlawed most export of strong encryption implementations
To be inserted into telephones, had “key escrow” (a copy of each chip’s key stored by government)
Purpose: enable law enforcement & intelligence agencies to access unencrypted data
Immediate backlash from technical experts, privacy advocates, and industry leaders: security,
economic impact, & civil liberties concerns
Flaw in system found in May 1994, clipper chip abandoned
Policymakers in 1990s tried to require software key escrow (certified 3rd parties have keys)
In spite of threats to civil liberties & commerce
Doesn’t limit governments, terrorist organizations, & crime rings (can do it themselves)
But couldn’t outlaw math or knowledge about math
Flight of crypto code and expertise out of US (AES & SHA-3 later developed by Europeans)
In September 1999, after pressure from industry and public interest groups, White House removed
virtually all restrictions on the export of retail encryption products
Encryption has benefited economy, strengthened Internet security, protected civil liberties
Doomed to Repeat History? Lessons From the Crypto Wars of the 1990s by Wilson et al, 2015,
Continuing legacy of the 1990s
crypto wars
• Difficult to get rid of old stuff, even with serious vulnerabilities
• In 2015-2016 at least 3 serious vulnerabilities were caused by the
1990s’ export-grade cryptography:
– FREAK exploited export-grade RSA
– Logjam exploited export-grade Diffie-Hellman
– DROWN exploited export-grade symmetric ciphers
• DROWN site bottom line:
– “Although these [cryptographic] restrictions … were relaxed nearly 20
years ago, the weakened cryptography remains in the protocol
specifications and continues to be supported by many servers today,
adding complexity—and the potential for catastrophic failure—to
some of the Internet’s most important security features…
– history’s technical lesson is clear: weakening cryptography carries
enormous risk to all of our security.”
Sources: “The DROWN Attack”, ;
“Latest attack against TLS shows the pitfalls of intentionally weakening encryption”, Lucian Constantin, IDG News Service, Mar 3, 2016,
Crypto Wars II: Some in governments again
propose making strong cryptography illegal
• In 2010s the same arguments about cryptography raised again
• United States FBI Director James Comey (2014):
– “We aren’t seeking a back-door approach. We want to use the front door, with
clarity and transparency, and with clear guidance provided by law.
– We are completely comfortable with court orders and legal process — front
doors that provide the evidence and information we need to investigate crime
and prevent terrorist attacks…
– it makes more sense to address [develop] intercept solutions during the
design phase, rather than resorting to a patchwork solution when law
enforcement comes knocking after the fact. And with sophisticated
encryption, there might be no solution, leaving the government at a dead end
— all in the name of privacy and network security.”
• UK Prime Minister David Cameron (2015):
– “do we want to allow a means of communication between people which, even
in extremis, with a signed warrant from the home secretary personally, that
we cannot read? … My answer to that question is: no, we must not.”
Sources: James B. Comey (Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation), speech at Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.,
October 16, 2014 ;
Christopher Hope, “Spies should be able to monitor all online messaging, says David Cameron”, The Telegraph, Jan 12, 2015,
Crypto Wars II: France
• Various proposals in French Parliament:
– Proposed January 2016 bill required tech companies to include
backdoors so police and intelligence agencies can get encrypted data
– Newer proposal: Employees of companies in France that refuse to
decrypt data for police can go to prison for five years and $380K fine
• Opposed by current government of Prime Minister Manuel Valls
– French Secretary of State Axelle Lemaire called backdoors
“vulnerability by design” and “inappropriate” – “With a backdoor,
personal data is not protected at all”
• Earlier Paris attacks often blamed on encryption
– Yet those terrorists “used unencrypted text messages, phone calls, and
emails in the lead up to the attacks, including to coordinate with
senior operatives and to launch the attack itself. Most of the attackers,
including the ringleader, were already well known as terrorists to
European security officials.”
“French Secretary of State says encryption backdoors are 'not the right solution” by Patrick Howell O'Neill, Jan 14, 2016,
“French bill carries 5-year jail sentence for company refusals to decrypt data for police” by Patrick Howell O'Neill, Mar 3, 2016,
“Top Republican congressman blames Paris attacks on encryption”, Jan 12, 2016,
Crypto Wars II: 2016 debates by
former US officials
Jamie Gorelick (deputy attorney general under former President Bill Clinton) &
Robert Bonner (Homeland Security official during the George W. Bush
– Both argue for legally mandated backdoors in encryption
Michael Hayden (Former CIA and NSA Director) opposed:
– “firmly against government backdoors into encryption… Americans’ safety is best served by
the highest level of technology possible”
– “I don’t think it’s a winning hand to attempt to legislate against technological progress”
– “[Encryption is] a combination of technology and business… Creating a door for the
government to enter, at the technological level, creates a very bad business decision on the
parts of these companies because that is by definition weaker encryption than would
otherwise be available.”
Michael Chertoff (head of Homeland Security under presidents George W. Bush
and Barack Obama) and former NSA head Mike McConnell both expressed strong
support for encryption technology
– Chertoff: “If we ask private sector to be in control of security, then we have to allow them to
have tools to carry out that mission,”
Source: “Former NSA chief says U.S. can get around encryption with metadata, argues against backdoors”,
By Patrick Howell O'Neill. 2016-01-05.
Panel “Beyond Encryption: Why We Can’t Come Together on Security and Privacy — and the Catastrophes
That Await If We Don’t.”
Crypto Wars II:
Technology experts respond (1)
• Vagle & Blaze (2014):
– “a golden key that unlocks data only for legally authorized
surveillance might sound like an ideal solution (assuming you
trust the government not to abuse it), [but] we don’t actually
know how to provide this functionality in practice… a back door
for the government can easily – and quietly – become a back
door for criminals and foreign intelligence services.
– “a ‘back door’ adds exactly the kind of complexity that’s likely to
introduce new flaws. It increases the “attack surface” of the
system, providing new points of leverage that a nefarious
attacker can exploits. It amounts to creating a system with a
built-in flaw.”
– “Comey’s ‘back door’ vs. ‘front door’ distinction is a false one,
and only serves to confuse the issue… Our concern is with the
door itself—front or back.”
“Security ‘Front Doors’ vs. ‘Back Doors’: A Distinction Without a Difference” by Jeffrey Vagle and Matt Blaze,
October 17, 2014,
Crypto Wars II:
Technology experts respond (2)
• Bruce Schneier (2014):
– “I'm not sure why [FBI director Comey] believes he can have a technological
means of access that somehow only works for people of the correct morality
with the proper legal documents”
– “Comey gave examples of crimes that could have been solved had only the
police been able to decrypt the defendant's phone. Unfortunately, none of the
three stories is true.”
• Per the Intercept, encryption not a factor in incidents noted by Comey:
– “Death of a 2-year-old LA girl … records show the girl’s death could actually
have been avoided had government agencies involved in overseeing her and
her parents acted on the extensive record they already had before them.”
– “Lousiana sex offender who enticed and then killed a 12yo boy, the big break
had nothing to do with a phone: The murderer left behind his keys and a trail
of muddy footprints, and was stopped nearby after his car ran out of gas.”
– “Sacramento hit-and-run that killed a man and his girlfriend’s four dogs, the
driver was arrested in a traffic stop because his car was smashed up, and
immediately confessed to involvement in the incident.”
• US legal system has always allowed some criminals free (need for balance)
“More Crypto Wars II” by Bruce Schneier, 2014,
“The FBI Director’s Evidence Against Encryption Is Pathetic” by Dan Froomkin and Natasha Vargas-Cooper,
The Intercept, 2014,
Crypto Wars II:
Technology experts respond (3)
• “Keys under Doormats” technical paper (July 2015)
– An MIT report by a group of computer scientists and security experts
– “again hearing calls for regulation to mandate the provision of
exceptional access mechanism[s]”
– “damage that could be caused by… exceptional access requirements
would be even greater today than it would have been 20 years ago”
• States that exceptional access would:
– Undo Internet security best practices currently being deployed (e.g.,
forward secrecy and authenticated encryption)
– Substantially increase system complexity, typically leading to insecure
systems. These features are especially likely to cause insecurity
– Create concentrated targets to attack by bad actors... the “Office of
Personnel Management (OPM) [breach shows] how much harm can
arise when many organizations rely on a single institution that itself
has security vulnerabilities”
Keys Under Doormats: Mandating insecurity by requiring government access to all data and communications
Authors: Abelson, Harold; Anderson, Ross; Bellovin, Steven M.; Benaloh, Josh; Blaze, Matt; Diffie, Whitfield; Gilmore, John;
Green, Matthew; Landau, Susan; Neumann, Peter G.; Rivest, Ronald L.; Schiller, Jeffrey I.; Schneier, Bruce; Specter, Michael; Weitzner, Daniel J.
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Technical Report, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), MIT-CSAIL-TR-2015-026,65
July 6, 2015,
Cryptography products are global
• “A Worldwide Survey of Encryption Products” by Bruce Schneier,
Kathleen Seidel, Saranya Vijayakuma (Feb 11, 2016):
– Identified 865 hardware or software products incorporating
encryption from 55 different countries
– Including 546 encryption products from outside the US, representing
two-thirds of the total
– “we know this list is incomplete.”
– “Some encryption products are jurisdictionally agile… effectively
moving to countries with more favorable laws”
– “Anyone who wants to evade an encryption backdoor in US or UK
encryption products has a wide variety of foreign products they can
use instead… Any mandatory backdoor will be ineffective simply
because the marketplace is so international”
– “Any national law mandating encryption backdoors will
overwhelmingly affect the innocent users of those products. Smart
criminals and terrorists will easily be able to switch to more-secure
Report available at
Experience with
TSA-approved locks
• Transportation Security Administration (TSA) scans luggage
– If uncertain of contents, opens suitcase
– “TSA-approved” locks mean TSA has a master key (backdoor)
– If lock not TSA approved, TSA may choose to destroy lock and/or
suitcase to open
• Washington Post 2014 article briefly showed pictures
of master keys
• People recreated master keys from pictures
– Now anyone can open these locks using 3D printers
Source: “TSA Travel Tips Tuesday: TSA Recognized Locks”, TSA Blog, February 18, 2014,
“The secret life of baggage: Where does your luggage go at the airport?” by Ashley Halsey III, November 24, 2014,
“That TSA-approved lock on your suitcase just got hacked” by Katherine Noyes, IDG News Service, Sep 11, 2015,
Experience with CALEA
• Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA)
– 1994 US law that requires that switches in digital telephone networks
be built wiretap enabled
– FBI wants its scope expanded to IP-based devices
• CALEA has led to security issues
– Most senior officials in Greek government had their communication
intercepted over a 10-month period in 2004-2005
– 10-year wiretapping of 6,000 Italians occurred through Telecom Italia,
Including political figures, judges, referees, and celebrities
– National Security Agency (NSA) of CALEA-compliant switches to be
sold to the Department of Defense found vulnerabilities in the CALEA
implementation in every single switch examined
• “Experience shows that if a vulnerability exists in a security system,
it is likely that someone will take advantage of it sooner or later.” IETF Policy on Wiretapping, IETF RFC 2804
“Going Bright: Wiretapping without Weakening Communications Infrastructure” by
Steven M. Bellovin, Matt Blaze, Sandy Clark, and Susan Landau.
IEEE Security & Privacy.
Some alternatives to
cryptographic backdoors
• Remote (cyber) exploitation
– Allow government to break in (“hack in”) with a warrant
– Requires stockpiling of attack measures
– Risk: All governments stockpile vulnerabilities instead of reporting them,
leading to very vulnerable software
– Bellovin et al.’s solution: Require vulnerabilities to be reported to supplier by
government (typically takes time to implement)
– Risk: Governments may delay, not report the vulnerabilities, or encourage
suppliers to delay or not fix them
• “Black bag job” (physical break-in)
• Requiring companies to “update” specific instances to weaken them
– But again, this creates a backdoor that may be abusable by others
• Unclear that this is really a serious problem (never get everyone)
– Most criminals don’t cover tracks well
– Newer services increase metadata & externally-stored data
– Breaking encryption almost never needed by FBI even today
“Going Bright: Wiretapping without Weakening Communications Infrastructure” by
Steven M. Bellovin, Matt Blaze, Sandy Clark, and Susan Landau.
IEEE Security & Privacy.
“Lawful Hacking: Using Existing Vulnerabilities for Wiretapping on the Internet” By Steve Bellovin
Apple vs. FBI - San Bernandino
shooter case (1)
• A San Bernardino shooter (Syed Rizwan Farook) used an iPhone 5c
– iPhone 5c uses encrypted storage
– FBI unwisely asked police to reset iCloud password, disabling remote
access (Apple has and does provide FBI data in iCloud it can see)
• A judge in California ordered Apple to comply with an FBI request
– Ordered to create a modified version of its OS with intentionally
weakened security features
– Justification: “All writs act” 28 USC 1651
– Purpose: make it easier for the agency to crack the device’s passcode
via brute force techniques
• Specifically the court order asks that Apple:
– Bypass/disable auto-erase function (many invalid password attempts)
– Enable FBI to submit passcodes via hardware (not finger)
– Disable delay between password attempts
Sources (continued on next slide): “The irony in the FBI's request to unlock the iPhone” by Lucas Mearian, March 2, 2016,
“Order compelling Apple…”, Feb 16, 2016
Apple vs. FBI - San Bernandino
shooter case (2)
• FBI also wants encryption to have a backdoor, but that’s not the
exact issue in this particular case
– FBI wants to compel Apple to put a backdoor in the OS for specific
devices to enable guessing
– Does raise the issue of what backdoors (if any) can be compelled
• Apple appealing court order, saying:
Court order would set a dangerous precedent
It wouldn’t just unlock one device… it would apply to many
Would effectively create a backdoor into iOS
Government would have the power to reach into anyone’s device to
capture data, and demand companies to install surveillance software
to intercept your messages, access your health records or financial
data, track your location, or even access your phone’s microphone or
camera without your knowledge
• In different but similar case, NY judge found for Apple
“Tim Cook Says Apple Won’t Create Universal iPhone Backdoor For FBI” by Jon Russell, Feb 17, 2016,
“Apple, the FBI, and Security” by Ben Thompson, Feb 23, 2016,
“A Message to Our Customers ”, Tim Cook,
Open letter on encryption to
President Barack Obama, May 2015
Huge number of signatories, including:
– Companies: Adobe, Apple, Cisco, CCIA, Dropbox, Facebook, Google, HP, LinkedIn, Microsoft,
Mozilla, Symantec, Tumblr, Twitter, Wikimedia Foundation, Yahoo, …
– Individuals: Steven M. Bellovin, Matt Bishop, Whitfield Diffie, Peter G. Neumann, Ronald L.
Rivest, Bruce Schneier, Chris Wysopal, Philip Zimmerman, …
– Civil groups: ACLU, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Electronic Privacy Information Center
(EPIC), Free Software Foundation (FSF), Open Source Initiative (OSI), …
Key points in open letter:
– "officials have suggested [US] companies should refrain from providing any products that are
secured by encryption, unless [they] weaken their security [to] maintain the capability to
decrypt their customers’ data at the government’s request. Some officials have [suggested]
that Congress should act to ban such products or mandate such capabilities.”
– “We urge you to reject any proposal that U.S. companies deliberately weaken the security of
their products… instead focus on developing policies that will promote rather than undermine
the wide adoption of strong encryption technology. Such policies will in turn help to promote
and protect cybersecurity, economic growth, and human rights, both here and abroad.
Encryption... protects us from innumerable criminal and national security threats.”
– “This protection would be undermined by the mandatory insertion of any new vulnerabilities
into encrypted devices and services. Whether you call them “front doors” or “back doors”,
introducing intentional vulnerabilities… for the government’s use will make those products
less secure against other attackers.”
Open Letter to President Barack Obama, May 19, 2015,
Rogaway paper on cryptography
and its moral character
• “The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work” by Phillip Rogaway,
December 2015
– “Cryptography rearranges power: it configures who can do what, from
– This makes cryptography an inherently political tool, and it confers on
the field an intrinsically moral dimension…
– [Does] our inability to effectively address mass surveillance
[constitute] a failure of our field[?] I believe that it does.
– I call for a community-wide effort to develop more effective means to
resist mass surveillance.
– I plead for a reinvention of our disciplinary culture to attend not only
to puzzles and math, but, also, to the societal implications of our work.
– … That cryptographic work is deeply tied to politics is a claim so
obvious that only a cryptographer could fail to see it.”
For report see
TechCrunch commentary on the
latest round of the crypto wars
“politicians… apparently cling to the notion that encryption can be magicked out of
existence… You have to hope [they] are… not so stupid as to… attempt to outlaw math…
The argument that national security is enhanced by perforating secure encryption has been
roundly and consistently condemned by the security industry. You don’t enhance the public’s
security by making everyone’s information more easily accessible to… bad actors…
[Carlifornia bill argues this access is necessary] to combat human trafficking. In the U.K. [the
justifications] are terrorism and/or pedophilia.
The problem with such arguments is they have no boundaries. Where do you draw the line?
Should every home have government-installed security camera in every room…? Sure you
might catch some criminals but it’s a massively disproportionate response... Policing can’t be
absolute. It needs to be balanced against other considerations…. Yet mass surveillance rides
rough shod over hard won democratic boundaries in the name of an ill-defined and
apparently eternal ‘war on terror’…
attempts to outlaw encryption are doomed to fail on the grounds that it’s not possible to
control… access to encrypted technology… bad actors will always finds ways [around while]
everyone else’s data security gets screwed…
Is there any way to stop the madness of repeat history? The most positive sign… is the robust
public defense… by Apple… Even so, the cycle remains terribly tedious.”
“The Repeat Political Madness Of Never-Ending Crypto Wars,” Natasha Lomas, TechCrunch, 2016,
Some introductory books on
• Applied Cryptography by Bruce Schneier (1994
& 1996) – highly influential, incredibly
researched, somewhat dated
• Handbook of Applied Cryptography by Alfred J.
Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot and Scott A.
Vanstone (2001) - newer, contents freely
available at
• Practical Cryptography by Niels Ferguson and
Bruce Schneier (2003) – updated, shorter
• Do not create your own crypto
• Where possible, reuse existing implementations
– At least reuse existing algorithms (after you make sure
they’re okay via public sources!)
– Prefer strong, well-reviewed implementations
• Support multiple algorithms, allow switch via
configuration (my opinion)
– Crypto algorithms are often broken
– Making them configurable makes switch easy
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