Unit 5 Performance Task

Student Performance Task
Course: Sociology
Unit: 5
Task: Reflection essay
Time Frame: One Day
Overarching Understanding:
Deviance is defined as the recognized violation of cultural norms. This is an
extremely broad definition, and depending on who is explaining it, the above
definition can mean a variety of different things.
Enduring Understanding:
Deviance has a positive and negative effect on society
Essential Question:
How can the concepts behind deviance have a positive and negative effect on
people in prison?
Today, you are going to take the role of a sociologist who specializes in deviant
behavior and use the knowledge you have to apply your theories to the film “ The
Shawshank Redemption.” Follow the directions below.
Standard: See attached rubric
Performance Task Blueprint
Unit: 5
Topic Area:
Time Frame: One day
Using the film “The Shawshank Redemption, apply the key concepts of
deviance to further investigate the penal system in the U.S.
Today, you are going to take the role of a sociologist who specializes in
deviant behavior and use the knowledge you have to apply your theories to
the film “The Shawshank Redemption.”
Board members that determine the costs and benefits of using harsh prison
conditions as a necessary means of punishment in the U.S.
Using the concepts behind Deviance, what are your opinions about the way
the penal system is used to sanction first time and repeat offenders in prison?
Product or
Personal essay regarding deviance and sanctions used by those in the U.S.
prison system.
See attached rubric
Shawshank Redemption Essay
Deviance is defined as the recognized violation of cultural norms. This is an extremely broad
definition, and depending on who is explaining it, the above definition can mean a variety of
different things. It is, however, generally assumed by the general public that anyone who is
considered "deviant" is putting a negative stranglehold on society. This is not necessarily true.
The types of people that become deviants is another issue that is heated with controversy. What
exactly is the makeup of a deviant? What makes him tick? These are all questions that "experts"
have been trying to answer for years.
Today, you are going to take the role of a sociologist who specializes in deviant behavior and use
the knowledge you have to apply your theories to the film “ The Shawshank Redemption.”
Follow the directions below.
Directions: Answer each question as completely as possible. Each response needs to be a
“descent” size paragraph. Also, each response needs to address each concept and also
incorporate examples from the movie to reinforce the concepts. Half credit will be given if
references to the film are not supported by the appropriate concept.
Each section is worth ten points. (five for the explanation of the concept and five for the
appropriate film reference)
Full credit will be give if:
1. Your response explains the concept ___/5
2. Your response is backed up by examples from the film ___/5
Your Rubric
1. According to this film, do you feel prison’s number one goal is to rehabilitate?
2. How does recidivism relate to this film?
3. How does desocialization relate to this film?
4. Why is it hard for some exconvicts to successfully practice innovation?