MLA Works Cited Page: Basic Format

10/08/14 Session
Freshman Composition
Make a packet and staple together the the following:
• Final Draft of Descriptive Essay (on top)
• Your painting or photograph
• A short paragraph describing what changes you made
based on peer review
• Your peer review rubric
• Your rough draft
• Your brainstorming sheet
To Turn In Now
Pass out Gradesheets and Graded Assignments
Take Quiz on 75 Readings Plus Readings
Review Guidelines for Creating a Works Cited Page
Conduct Practice Exercise on Works Cited Page (pairs)
Discuss Characteristics of Definition Essay
Pass out Assignment Sheet for Definition Essay
Review Sample of Definition Essay
Brainstorm – Prewriting Exercise on Definition
What to Expect Today
Works Cited Page
• Purpose –to give readers a complete
bibliographical entry for each source used in an
essay. This complete bibliographical entry will allow
the readers to go and find the exact source (s) used
in the paper.
MLA Works Cited Page: Basic Format
• There is a direct connection between parenthetical citations and
Works Cited Page entries exists. To find this connection, look at what
piece of information is listed in the parenthetical citation and the same
piece of information in the bibliographical entry on the Works Cited
Example of connection
A direct quote in an essay may appear as follows: “I love English” (Williams
Then, the entry for this source looks like this on the Works Cited page:
Williams, Topeka. English. West Memphis: MSCC Publishing, 2004.
Connection between Parenthetical
citations and Works Cited Page
• Begin your Works Cited page on a separate page at
the end of your research paper.
• Label the page Works Cited and center the words
Works Cited at the top of the page.
• Double space all citations, but do not skip spaces
between entries.
• Indent the second and subsequent lines of citations
by 0.5 inches to create a hanging indent.
MLA Works Cited Page: Basic Format
• Capitalize each word in the titles of articles, books, etc, but do not
capitalize articles (the, an), prepositions, or conjunctions unless one is
the first word of the title or subtitle: Gone with the Wind, The Art of
War, There Is Nothing Left to Lose.
• Entries are listed alphabetically by the author's last name (or, for
entire edited collections, editor names). Author names are written last
name first; middle names or middle initials follow the first name:
Burke, Kenneth
Levy, David M.
Wallace, David Foster
MLA Works Cited Page: Basic
How Do I Document Online Sources?
N.p. = no
n.d. = no date
How About Documenting the Source?
My source is from the internet– What do I do?
How About Documenting Internet Sources?
My source is from the internet– What do I do?
author so
start with
name of
“Johnny Depp.” The Internet Movie Database., Inc, 2014. Web. 01 Oct. 2014.
Little Seagull Handout – MLA section
Has rules and guidelines to follow
Has sample internal -citations
Citation Machine
Easy Bib
Resources – Online Citation Generators!/people
Resources – Online Citation Generators
MLA Works Cited Page: Basic
• Little Seagull Handout – MLA section
• Has rules and guidelines to follow
• Has a sample Works Cited Page you can use as a model
In pairs, complete Works Cited Practice
Definition Essay
Definition Essay Explained
• The definition essay explains the meaning of a word or
a concept or a term. The purpose of the definition
essay is to help the reader understand the meaning of
an unfamiliar term or clarify the meaning of an abstract
or vague term.
A Definition Essay
A definition essay may try and define . . .
• the meaning of an abstract concept, like love;
• the true meaning and importance of honesty;
• how the meaning of family goes deeper than just your
blood relatives.
A Definition Essay
A definition essay attempts to define a specific term.
• tries to pin down the meaning of a specific word, or define an abstract
• goes deeper than a simple dictionary definition
Examples in 75 Readings Plus
• “What is Poverty?”
• “The Green-Eyed Monster: Envy is Nothing to Be Jealous Of”
• “The Company Man”
Example 1: The
Company Man
• Perfect Type A personality
• “heart attack natural”
• Workaholic
• Worked 6 days a week (5 of them until 8pm or 9
pm at night)
• Ate at his desk instead of going out
• When not working was worrying about work
• Worked like “the Important People”
• No outside interests- no extracurricular activities
The Company Man
• Overweight
• Nervous
• Had a lot of people working for him, maybe sixty,
and most of them liked him most of the time
• Disconnected from family due to focus on work (His
kids did not know him, his wife “gave up trying to
compete with work years ago”)
The Company Man
"Who's been working the hardest?"
Phil’s Company’s Core
• You should have absolute commitment to work
• Your family life is a distraction from the grand corporate
• Hard work and long hours are required to move upward in
• He who works the hardest wins! (the corporate reward)
Phil’s Company’s Core Values
• Machine metaphor – workers are “cogs of the
machine and cogs are standardized and
• Priority – Get the Job Done at all costs -Individuals
don’t matter
• Centralized power (communication from top-down)
• Encourages and rewards long hours at the office
• Employees encouraged to labor strictly for the goals
of the organization rather than their individual
Current American Work Culture- Classical
Approach to Organizations
What is the down side of a workaholic culture?
Down Side of Workaholic
• Physical Problems (hypertension, heart attacks,
• Psychological problems (anxiety, isolation, stress,
• Lack of close relationships with family and friends
• Message to children: Work is more important than
family. Serve as role models to them and children
repeat the workaholic cycle
Down Side of Workaholic
Down Side of
Workaholic Culture
• Japanese rank #1 in # of hours worked per year.
Normal for Japanese workers to work from early
morning to after nine pm plus weekends.
• Average South Korean routinely works 2,390 hours
per year – 34% more than average American works
Workaholic Cultures
• Americans work 9 full weeks (350 hours) longer
than West Europeans do and paid vacation days
across Western Europe are well above the U.S.
• French have a 35 hour work week
• Many companies are now focusing on work/life
balance – more flexible hours, generous paid time
off, family-friendly work environment
Alternative Work Cultures
Example 2: Poverty
Prewriting Prompts (Before you read the essay on
• Define YOUR personal definition and description
of poverty. (5 sentences)
• My personal experience with poverty is…..
(complete sentence)
• I believe people who live in poverty
are………(complete sentence)
What is Poverty?
Read “What is Poverty?’ by Jo Goodwin Parker
• How does Jo Goodwin Parker define poverty? At least 5
sentences – give examples from the text.
• Did any details about living in poverty surprise you? If so, what
surprised you? If not, why not?
• Read the last paragraph of the essay. Ms. Parker says “I have
come out of my despair to tell you this. Remember I did not come
from another place or another time.” What is her purpose is writing
this essay, according to the final paragraph?
• Has your understanding of poverty or those who live in poverty
changed in any way after reading this essay? If so, describe
how. If not, why not?
What is Poverty?
For comparison – Read “Who’s poor in America? 50 years into the
‘War on Poverty,’ a data portrait”
Answer questions:
• Compare the personal experience of Jo Parker’s experience of
poverty with the Facts and Statistics in this Pew Research Center
• How has poverty changed from 1971 to 2014?
• If Ms. Parker was writing this essay in 2012, do you think her
experience would be the same or different than 1971? Why?
• Pass out assignment sheet and review criteria
• You will be doing an extended definition essay on
the meaning of the word “courage”, using examples
from your own research on the term, your own life,
and the dictionary.
• To begin, use resources to begin pre-writing your
Definition essay on Courage
Definition Essay
75 Readings Plus
• Definition
• “Definition” pg 114-114
• Jo Goodwin Parker’s “What is Poverty”
• Gloria Naylor “Meanings of a Word”
• Joseph Epstein “The Green-Eyed Monster: Envy is
Nothing to Be Jealous Of”
Readings Next Week
• Be prepared for 75 Readings Plus Response Quiz
• Bring in Final Essay #3 Definition Essay with
Prewriting Sheets Completed
Assignments Due Next