TM Systems Research Center MilliCent™ Scrip, security and secrets Dr. Mark S. Manasse DIGITAL Systems Research Center, Palo Alto TM Microcommerce Systems Research Center Microcommerce is commerce where each transaction may be inexpensive. For us, “inexpensive” is around 0.1¢/transaction. Others set the limit at $1/transaction. Microcommerce allows transactions for: – news articles, – stock quotes, – index queries. TM Why is microcommerce difficult? Systems Research Center The vendor and the financial agent need adequate revenue, despite: – small (0.1¢, by my definition) transactions – on-line service • no one wants to wait a long time for a page – reasonable commissions – liability issues TM Designing a financial system Systems Research Center Customers sign up with a financial intermediary – software implements “wallet” functionality – wallet is loaded from credit card or bank account Value is transferred from wallet to vendor as needed Four basic approaches – centralized notational (e.g., CyberCoin, NetBill) – distributed notational (e.g., Mondex) – centralized token (e.g., Millicent, DigiCash) – distributed token (e.g., PayWord, MiniPay) TM Cryptography Systems Research Center Public-key versus shared-key – RSA versus DES Authentication versus encryption – Signature and identity versus privacy Public key signatures are non-repudiable Shared-key authentication can be produced by anyone holding the shared key TM Public-key cryptography 1: RSA Systems Research Center Do arithmetic in group of integers mod pq. Given public key e, private key d can be found from inverting e mod p-1 and q-1, and then using the Chinese remainder theorem. Encryption and decryption are done by exponentiating message to the e or d power. Fermat’s little theorem makes it work: – m^(1+k*(p-1)) = m (mod p) TM Public-key cryptography 2: El Gamal Systems Research Center Instead of using difficulty of factoring, we can use difficulty of taking discrete logarithms. Pick a modulus and a generator of a large subgroup. Secret keys are random numbers; public keys are the generator to the secret key power. Encrypt a message by picking a blinding exponent, and multiplying the message by public key to the exponent. Also send generator to the exponent; recipient can raise to the secret key, and divide. TM Public-key cryptography 3: other cool tricks Systems Research Center Key exchange (Diffie-Hellman) Different arithmetic groups – elliptic curves TM Shared-key cryptography Systems Research Center DES, RC-4, etc. work by having permutation functions that take the key and data and mix the bits in a seemingly random (and hard to analyze) fashion. We can still hide information from people who don’t know the key, but not from each other. TM Hash functions Systems Research Center A one-way hash function, like MD5 or HMAC-MD5, has the properties: – one-way: • given hash(S), it is hard to find S – collision-free: • given S and hash(S), it is hard to find T such that S T and hash(S) = hash(T) TM Applications of one-way hash functions Systems Research Center Suppose that A and B share a secret S. When A wants to communicate M to B: – for integrity and authenticity • A can send hash(M,S) together with M, • B can check hash(M,S). – for secrecy • • A can generate and send a random number N, and hash(N,S) XOR M, instead of M, only A and B can recover M. TM Performance guidelines: cryptographic costs Systems Research Center Very roughly, a commodity computer can do: – public-key cryptography (RSA 1024bits) • 20 signatures or 100 verifications/second – shared-key cryptography (DES) • 10,000s encryptions/second • 1MByte/second – one-way hashing (MD5, SHA-1) • 100,000s hashes/second • 15MBytes/second, i.e. network speed TM Performance guidelines: disk and network costs Systems Research Center Generously, a commodity computer can do: – 100 seeks/disk/second • In Millicent, needed data fits in memory. – 1000 TCP connections/second • Alta Vista front-end machines handle 100 connections/second each on average. TM Vendor: assumptions and calculations Systems Research Center There are roughly 30M seconds/year. The cost of business is ¥15M/computer/year. – Average revenue must be at least ¥½/second. Because of burstiness, the vendor may have a 50:1 peak to average load. – So it must reach a 25¢/second peak. If the average transaction is for ¥0.1, the vendor must be able to handle 250 transactions/second. In addition, the vendor must pay for merchandise. TM Financial agent: assumptions and calculations Systems Research Center The agent gets a (roughly) 2% commission. – It must have a ¥25/second average revenue. Because of burstiness, an on-line agent may have a 10:1 peak-to-average load. – So it must reach a ¥250/second peak. For ¥0.1 average transaction, the agent must handle 2500 transactions/second. Something has to give: – transaction grain – commission – on-line TM Millicent: concepts Systems Research Center Scrip [~ software pre-paid phone card, with PIN] – vendor-specific currency • not quite cash, account, bearer certificate, ... – generated by either brokers or vendors – based on secrets and cryptography Brokers – financial agents that handle real money – sellers of vendor scrip to customers Vendors Customers TM The big picture Systems Research Center Using secure macrocommerce, exchange money for scrip sold by broker Vendor Jurisdiction V Jurisdiction B $$$ (monthly) Broker (actually, a broker network) Using broker scrip, customer purchases Using secure vendor scrip. macrocommerce, exchange money for broker scrip. Customer $ (weekly) Jurisdiction C Exchange the vendor’s scrip for service. TM A closer look at a piece of scrip Systems Research Center A piece of scrip consists of a body, with the following fields: – Vendor: a name for the vendor, – Props: any data describing customer properties (possibly including a name), – Value: the value of the scrip, – Expiry: the expiration time for the scrip, – ID#, Cust ID#: some ID material and of a hash: – Stamp: a proof of validity for the piece of scrip. TM A closer look at the stamp of a piece of scrip Systems Research Center Stamp = hash(Scrip body, Master scrip secret) Master scrip secret is used for certifying scrip. – It is not known to the customer. – It is used for many pieces of scrip for one vendor. ID# identifies Master scrip secret, and in addition includes a sequence number. TM Scrip stamp generation (at vendor or broker) Systems Research Center Master scrip secret 4 Master scrip secret 5 Master scrip secret 6 Vendor Value ID# Cust ID# Expiry Stamp Customer Hash Props Master scrip secret 5 TM Scrip stamp validation (at vendor) Systems Research Center Master scrip secret 4 Master scrip secret 5 Master scrip secret 6 Vendor Value ID# Cust ID# Expiry Stamp Compare Customer Stamp Hash Props Master scrip secret 5 TM Making a purchase Systems Research Center The customer generates a request and attaches some scrip to it. – The customer provides an integrity check using a customer secret (CS) shared with the vendor. – The customer sends Scrip, Request, hash(Scrip, Request, CS) The vendor checks the integrity of the request and the validity of the scrip. Then the vendor sends a reply and any change: Scrip’, Reply, hash(Scrip’, Stamp, Reply, CS) TM Request stamp computation (at customer and vendor) Systems Research Center Hash Request Scrip Customer secret Request stamp TM The customer secret Systems Research Center Customer secret does not require extra negotiation. – Customer secret is derived from another secret, Master customer secret. • Customer secret = hash(Cust ID#, Master customer secret) Master customer secret is not known to the customer. – It is used for many customers of one vendor. Cust ID# identifies Master customer secret, and in addition includes a sequence number. TM Customer secret computation (at broker or vendor) Systems Research Center Master customer secret 2 Master customer secret 3 Master customer secret 4 Vendor Value ID# Cust ID# Expiry Cust ID# Props Customer secret Master customer secret 3 Hash TM The cost of processing a purchase Systems Research Center The vendor verifies adequacy of payment, plus: – a scrip stamp using 1 hash (against tampering), – a request stamp using 2 hashes (against theft) for customer secret and request stamp, – serial number (against double-spending). The vendor provides service and returns change using 2 hashes for new scrip and reply stamps. For a scrip purchase the broker does 3 more hashes to create and transmit scrip and customer secret. TM Advantages of scrip Systems Research Center Because scrip is vendor-specific currency, double-spending is easy to detect. – It requires only a local lookup (using a unique sequence number). – In contrast, other kinds of currency may require a round-trip to a central authority. Forgery is hard. – Scrip includes a stamp. Scrip cannot be stolen. – Payment is cryptographically tied to request. TM MilliCent System Architecture Systems Research Center Vendor Broker Server Price File Broker Price Configurator HTTP Document Tree User Browser Vendor Server Wallet HTTP Browser Cache Wallet Contents Web Server TM Digital Equipment Corporation © 1995-1997