3/16/2016 USNC STAFF Charlie Zegers USNC/IEC General Secretary Program Director International Polity 212-642-4965 czegers@ansi.org Tony Zertuche Deputy General Secretary, USNC/IEC Program Manager International Policy 212-642-4892 tzertuche@ansi.org Kevin Sullivan USNC/IEC Department Supervisor 212-642-4963 ksullivan@ansi.org Mary Johnson USNC/IEC Voting Coordinator 212-642-4939 mjohnson@ansi.org Debra Negron USNC/IEC Meetings Coordinator 212-642-4936 dnegron@ansi.org Elizabeth Pomales USNC/IEC Expert Appointment Coordinator 212-642-4964 epomales@ansi.org USNC TAG SECRETARIES SYC Smart Energy TAG Secretary Gene Eckhart Director, Global Standardization Program National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 300 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3204 Fax: 703-841-3304 E-Mail: gen_eckhart@nema.org TC 1 Terminology TAG Secretary Kenneth E. Gettman Director International Standards National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3254 Fax: 703-841-3354 E-Mail: ken_gettman@nema.org SyCAAL Active Assisted Living TAG Secretary Ross Wilson STP Project Manager Underwriters Laboratories 12 Laboratory Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919-549-1511 E-Mail: Ross.Wilson@ul.com TC 2 Rotating Machinery TAG Secretary William C. Buckson National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3288 Fax: 703-841-3388 E-Mail: bil_buckson@nema.org 1 3/16/2016 TC 3 Information Structures and elements, Identification and marking principles, Documentation and graphical symbols TAG Secretary Ken Gettman NEMA SC 3C Graphical Symbols for use on Equipment TAG Secretary Ken Gettman NEMA 3D Product Properties and classes and their Identification TAG Secretary Ken Gettman NEMA TC 4 Hydraulic Turbines TAG Secretary Steve Griffith National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 T: 703-841-3297 Fax: 703-841-3397 TC 5 Steam Turbines TAG Secretary Fredrick J. Constantino The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016 212-591-8684 Fax: 212-591-8501 E-Mail: constantinof@asme.org TC 8 Systems Aspects for Electrical Energy Supply TAG Secretary Ernst Camm Manager, Consulting & Analytical Services S&C Electric Company 6601 N Ridge Blvd Chicago, IL 60626 773-381-2025 E-Mail: ernst.camm@sandc.com SC 8A Grid Integration of Large-Capacity Renewable Energy (Re)Generation TAG Secretary Ernst Camm Manager, Consulting & Analytical Services S&C Electric Company 6601 N Ridge Blvd Chicago, IL 60626 773-381-2025 E-Mail: ernst.camm@sandc.com TC 9 Electrical Equipment and Systems for Railways TAG Secretary Mike Kipness IEEE Standards Association 445 Hoes Lane PO Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08854-1331 732-562-3810 Fax: 732-562-1571 E-Mail: m.kipness@ieee.org 2 3/16/2016 TC 10 Fluids for Electrotechnical Applications TAG Secretary Kelly Paul ASTM International 100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428 610-832-9745 E-Mail: kpaul@astm.org TC 11 Overhead Lines TC 13 Electrical Energy Measurement and Control TAG Secretary Paul Orr National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3227 Fax: 703-841-3327 E-Mail: pau_orr@nema.org TC 14 Power Transformers TAG Secretary Gerard Winstanley National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 T: 703-841-3297 Fax: 703-841-3397 E-Mail: gerard.winstanley@nema.org TC 15 Solid Electrical Insulating Materials TAG Secretary Katerina Koperna ASTM International 100 Bar Harbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428 610-832-9728 E-Mail: kkoperna@astm.org TC 17 High –Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear TAG Secretary Ken Gettman NEMA The USNC is registered as a Non-Member of this TC/SC 3 3/16/2016 SC 17A Equipment TAG Secretary Gary MacFadden& Ken Gettman National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3253 Fax: 703-841-3353 E-Mail: gary.macfadden@nema.org SC 17B Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear 17C Assemblies TAG Secretary Gary MacFadden & Ken Gettman National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3253 Fax: 703-841-3353 E-Mail: gary.macfadden@nema.org SC 17D Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear Assemblies Now SC 121A Now SC 121B TC 18 Electrical Installations of Ships and of Mobile SC and18A Electric Cables for Ships and Mobile and Fixed Offshore Units Fixed Offshore Units TAG Secretary TAG Secretary: Robert Morgan Robert Morgan ASTM ASTM 100 Barr Harbor Drive 100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshocken, PA 19428 West Conshocken, PA 19428 610-832-9732 610-832-9732 Fax: 610-832-9666 Fax: 610-832-9666 E-Mail: rmorgan@astm.org E-Mail: rmorgan@astm.org 4 3/16/2016 TC 20 Electric Cables TAG Secretary: Kevin Connelly National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3271 E-Mail: kevin.connelly@nema.org TC 21 Secondary Cells and Batteries TAG Secretary: Saskia Mooney Senior Regulatory Analyst Wiley Rein LLP 1776 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 202-719-4107 Fax: 202-719-7049 E-Mail SMooney@wileyrein.com SC 21A Secondary Cells and Batteries Containing Alkaline or Other Non-Acid Electrolytes TAG Secretary: Khaled Masri National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3278 Fax: 703-841-3378 E-Mail: kahled.masri@nema.org TC 22 Power Electronic Systems and Equipment TAG Secretary: Kenneth E. Gettman Director International Standards National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3254 Fax: 703-841-3354 E-Mail: ken_gettman@nema.org SC 22E Stabilized Power Supplies SC 22F Power Electronics for Electrical Transmission And Distribution Systems Kevin L. Ravo UL LLC 455 East Trimble Road San Jose, CA 85131-1230 408-754-6599 E-Mail: kevin.l.ravo@ul.com The USNC is registered as a Non-Member of this TC/SC 5 3/16/2016 SC 22G Adjustable Speed Electric Drive Systems Incorporating Semiconductor Power Converters TAG Secretary: Kenneth E. Gettman Director International Standards National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3254 Fax: 703-841-3354 E-Mail: ken_gettman@nema.org SC 22H Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) TAG Secretary: Khaled Masri National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3278 Fax: 703-841-3378 E-Mail: kahled.masri@nema.org TC 23 Electrical Accessories TAG Secretary: Kenneth E. Gettman Director International Standards National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3254 Fax: 703-841-3354 E-Mail: ken_gettman@nema.org 23 WG 8 Electrical Accessories for Direct Current TAG Secretary: Andrei Moldoveanu National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3290 Fax: 703-841-3390 E-Mail: and_moldoveanu@nema.org SC 23A Cable Management Systems TAG Secretary: Mike Leibowitz National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3264 Fax 703-841-3364 E-Mail: mike.leibowitz@nema.org SC 23B Plugs, Socket-outlets and Switches TAG Secretary: Andrei Moldoveanu National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-329 Fax: 703-841-3390 E-Mail: and_moldoveanu@nema.org 6 3/16/2016 SC 23E Circuit-Breakers and Similar Equipment for Household Use TAG Secretary: Kenneth E. Gettman Director International Standards National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3254 Fax: 703-841-3354 E-Mail: ken_gettman@nema.org SC 23G Appliance Couplers TAG Secretary: Andrei Moldoveanu National Electrical Manufacturers Association 13400 North 17th Street Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3290 Fax: 703-841-3390 E-Mail: and_moldoveanu@nema.org SC 23H Plugs, Socket-outlets and Couplers for Industrial and Similar Applications and for Electric Vehicles TAG Secretary: Paul Orr National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3227 Fax: 703-841-3327 E-Mail: pau_orr@nema.org SC 23J Switches for Appliances TAG Secretary: Edward F. Mikoski, Jr. CStd Electronic Components Industry Association-DC Office 2214 Rock Hill Rd, Suite 170 Herndon, VA 20170 571-323-0253 Fax: 571-323-0245 E-Mail: emikoski@eciaonline.org SC 23K Electrical Energy Efficiency Products TAG Secretary: Kenneth E. Gettman Director International Standards National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3254 Fax: 703-841-3354 E-Mail: ken_gettman@nema.org TC 25 Quantities and Units TAG Secretary: Ambler Thompson, PH.D. NIST – International Legal Metrology 100 Bureau Drive Stop 2600 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 301-975-2333 Fax: 301-975-8091 E-mail: ambler@nist.gov 7 3/16/2016 TC 26 Electric Welding TAG Secretary: Kevin Connelly National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3271 E-Mail: kevin.connelly@nema.org TC 27 Industrial Electroheating and Electromagnetic Processing TAG Secretary: Lisa Perry IEEE Standards Association 445 Hoes Lane PO Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08854-1331 732-562-3942 Fax: 732-562-1571 E-Mail:l.perry@ieee.org TC 28: Insulation Co-ordination TC 29 Electroacoustics TAG Secretary: Susan Blaeser Acoustical Society of America Standards Secretariat 35 Pinelawn Road, Suite 114E Melville, NY 11747 631-390-0215 Fax: 631-390-0217 E-Mail:sblaeser@aip.org The USNC is registered as a Non-Member of this TC/SC 8 3/16/2016 TC 31 Equipment For Explosive Atmospheres TAG Secretary: Josephine H. Mahnken Senior Business Process Specialist FM Approvals LLC 1151 Boston Providence Turnpike PO Box 9102 Norwood, MA 02062 781-255-4813 Fax: 781-762-9375 E-Mail: josephine.mahnken@fmapprovals.com SC 31J Classification of Hazardous Areas and Installation Requirements TAG Secretary: Josephine H. Mahnken Senior Business Process Specialist FM Approvals LLC 1151 Boston Providence Turnpike PO Box 9102 Norwood, MA 02062 781-255-4813 Fax: 781-762-9375 E-Mail: josephine.mahnken@fmapprovals.com TC 32 Fuses TAG Secretary: Gary MacFadden Technical Program Manager National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3253 Fax: 703-841-3353 E-Mail: gary.macfadden@nema.org SC 31G Intrinsically-Safe Apparatus TAG Secretary: Josephine H. Mahnken Senior Business Process Specialist FM Approvals LLC 1151 Boston Providence Turnpike PO Box 9102 Norwood, MA 02062 781-255-4813 Fax: 781-762-9375 E-Mail: josephine.mahnken@fmapprovals.com SC 31M Non-Electrical Equipment and Protective Systems for Explosive Atmospheres TAG Secretary: Josephine H. Mahnken Senior Business Process Specialist FM Approvals LLC 1151 Boston Providence Turnpike PO Box 9102 Norwood, MA 02062 781-255-4813 Fax: 781-762-9375 E-Mail: josephine.mahnken@fmapprovals.com SC 32A High-Voltage Fuses TAG Secretary: Gary MacFadden Technical Program Manager National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3253 Fax: 703-841-3353 E-Mail: gary.macfadden@nema.org 9 3/16/2016 SC 32B Low-Voltage Fuses TAG Secretary: William C. (Bill) Buckson National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3288 E-mail: bil_buckson@nema.org SC 32C Miniature Fuses TAG Secretary: Edward F. Mikoski, Jr. CStd Electronic Components Industry Association DC Office 2214 Rock Hill Rd, Suite 170 Herndon, VA 20170 571-323-0253 Fax: 571-323-0245 E-Mail: emikoski@eciaonline.org TC 33 Power Capacitors and their Applications TAG Secretary: Gerard Winstanley National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 T: 703-841-3297 Fax: 703-841-3397 E-Mail: gerard.winstanley@nema.org TC 34 Lamps and Related Equipment TAG Secretary: Karen Willis National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3277 Fax: 703-841-3377 E-Mail: karen.willis@nema.org SC 34A Lamps TAG Secretary: Karen Willis National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3277 Fax: 703-841-3377 E-Mail: karen.willis@nema.org SC 34B Lamp Caps and Holders TAG Secretary: Karen Willis National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3277 Fax: 703-841-3377 E-Mail: karen.willis@nema.org 10 3/16/2016 SC 34C Auxiliaries for Lamps TAG Secretary: Karen Willis National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3277 Fax: 703-841-3377 E-Mail: karen.willis@nema.org SC 34D Luminaries TAG Secretary: Karen Willis National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3277 Fax: 703-841-3377 E-Mail: karen.willis@nema.org TC 35 Primary Cells and Batteries TAG Secretary: Khaled Masri National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3278 Fax: 703-841-3378 E-Mail: kahled.masri@nema.org SC 36A Insulated Bushings TC 36 Insulators TAG Secretary: Gerard Winstanley National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 T: 703-841-3297 Fax: 703-841-3397 E-Mail: gerard.winstanley@nema.org The USNC is registered as a Non-Member of this TC/SC 11 3/16/2016 TC 37 Surge Arresters TAG Secretary: Gary MacFadden National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3253 Fax: 703-841-3353 E-Mail: gary.macfadden@nema.org SC 37A Low-voltage Surge Protective Devices TAG Secretary: John Gauthier National Electrical Manufacturers Association 10048 Sunshine Drive Mountain Grove, MO 65571 417-926-4603 E-Mail: Gauthier@fidnet.com SC 37B Specific Components for Surge Arresters and Surge Protective Devices TAG Secretary: John Gauthier National Electrical Manufacturers Association 10048 Sunshine Drive Mountain Grove, MO 65571 417-926-4603 E-Mail: Gauthier@fidnet.com TC 38 Instrument Transformers TAG Secretary: Erin Spiewak IEEE Standards Association 445 Hoes Lane PO Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08854-1331 732-465-7806 Fax: 732-562-1571 E-Mail: e.spiewak@ieee.org TC 40 Capacitors and Resistors for Electronic Equipment TAG Secretary: Edward F. Mikoski, Jr. CStd Vice President, EIA Standards and Technology Electronic Components Industry Association DC Office 2214 Rock Hill Rd, Suite 170 Herndon, VA 20170 571-323-0253 Fax: 571-323-0245 E-Mail: emikoski@eciaonline.org 12 3/16/2016 TC 42 High Voltage and High –Current Test Techniques TAG Secretary: Malia Zaman IEEE Standards Association 445 Hoes Lane PO Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08854-1331 732-562-3838 E-Mail: m.zaman@ieee.org TC 45 Nuclear instrumentation TAG Secretary: Mike Kipness IEEE Standards Association 445 Hoes Lane PO Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08854-1331 732-562-3810 Fax: 732-562-1571 E-Mail: m.kipness@ieee.org TC 44 Safety of Machinery – Electrotechnical Aspects TAG Secretary: William C. (Bill) Buckson National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3288 E-mail: bil_buckson@nema.org SC 45B Radiation Protection Instrumentation TAG Secretary: Mike Kipness IEEE Standards Association 445 Hoes Lane PO Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08854-1331 732-562-3810 Fax: 732-562-1571 E-Mail: m.kipness@ieee.org TC 46 Cables, Wires, Waveguides, R.F. Connectors and ,R.F. and Microwave Passive Components and Accessories TAG Secretary: Florence Otieno Senior Manager, International Standards Programs Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) 1320 North Courthouse Road, Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22201 703-907-7556 E-Mail: FOtieno@tiaonline.org SC45A Instrumentation, Control and Electrical Systems for Nuclear Facilities TAG Secretary: Mike Kipness IEEE Standards Association 445 Hoes Lane PO Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08854-1331 732-562-3810 Fax: 732-562-1571 E-Mail: m.kipness@ieee.org 13 3/16/2016 SC 46A Coaxial Cables TAG Secretary: Florence Otieno Senior Manager, International Standards Programs Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) 1320 North Courthouse Road, Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22201 703-907-7556 E-Mail: FOtieno@tiaonline.org SC 46C Wires and Symmetric Cables TAG Secretary: Florence Otieno Senior Manager, International Standards Programs Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) 1320 North Courthouse Road, Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22201 703-907-7556 703-965-4650- Cellular E-Mail: FOtieno@tiaonline.org SC 46F R.F. and Microwave Passive Components TAG Secretary: Florence Otieno Senior Manager, International Standards Programs Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) 1320 North Courthouse Road, Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22201 703-907-7556 703-965-4650- Cellular E-Mail: FOtieno@tiaonline.org TC 47 Semiconductor Devices TAG Secretary: Phileasher Tanner Senior Coordinator JEDEC Solid State Technology Association 3103 North 10th Street Suite 240-S Arlington, VA 22201-2107 703-907-7540 Fax: 703-907-7583 E-Mail: ptanner@jedec.org SC 47A Integrated Circuits TAG Secretary: Phileasher Tanner Senior Coordinator JEDEC Solid State Technology Association 3103 North 10th Street Suite 240-S Arlington, VA 22201-2107 703-907-7540 Fax: 703-907-7583 E-Mail: ptanner@jedec.org SC 47D Semiconductor Devices Packaging TAG Secretary: Phileasher Tanner Senior Coordinator JEDEC Solid State Technology Association 3103 North 10th Street Suite 240-S Arlington, VA 22201-2107 703-907-7540 Fax: 703-907-7583 E-Mail: ptanner@jedec.org 14 3/16/2016 SC 47E Discrete Semiconductor Devices TAG Secretary: Phileasher Tanner Senior Coordinator JEDEC Solid State Technology Association 3103 North 10th Street Suite 240-S Arlington, VA 22201-2107 703-907-7540 Fax: 703-907-7583 E-Mail: ptanner@jedec.org SC 47F: Micro-electromechanical Systems TAG Secretary: Phileasher Tanner Senior Coordinator JEDEC Solid State Technology Association 3103 North 10th Street Suite 240-S Arlington, VA 22201-2107 703-907-7540 Fax: 703-907-7583 E-Mail: ptanner@jedec.org TC 48 Electromechanical Components and Mechanical Structures for Electronic Equipment TAG Secretary: Edward F. Mikoski, Jr. Vice President, EIA Standards and Technology Electronic Components Industry Association DC Office 2214 Rock Hill Rd, Suite 170 Herndon, VA 20170 571-323-0253 Fax: 571-323-0245 E-Mail: emikoski@eciaonline.org SC 48B Electrical Connectors TAG Secretary: Edward F. Mikoski, Jr. Vice President, EIA Standards and Technology Electronic Components Industry Association DC Office 2214 Rock Hill Rd, Suite 170 Herndon, VA 20170 571-323-0253 Fax: 571-323-0245 E-Mail: emikoski@eciaonline.org SC 48D Mechanical Structures for Electronic Equipment TAG Secretary: Edward F. Mikoski, Jr. Vice President, EIA Standards and Technology Electronic Components Industry Association DC Office 2214 Rock Hill Rd, Suite 170 Herndon, VA 20170 571-323-0253 Fax: 571-323-0245 E-Mail: emikoski@eciaonline.org TC 49 Piezoelectric, Dielectric and Electrostatic Devices and Associated Materials for Frequency Control, Selection and Detection TAG Secretary: Edward F. Mikoski, Jr. Vice President, EIA Standards and Technology Electronic Components Industry Association DC Office 2214 Rock Hill Rd, Suite 170 Herndon, VA 20170 571-323-0253 Fax: 571-323-0245 E-Mail: emikoski@eciaonline.org 15 3/16/2016 TC 51 Magnetic Components and Ferrite Materials TAG Secretary: Edward F. Mikoski, Jr. Vice President, EIA Standards and Technology Electronic Components Industry Association DC Office 2214 Rock Hill Rd, Suite 170 Herndon, VA 20170 571-323-0253 Fax: 571-323-0245 E-Mail: emikoski@eciaonline.org TC 55 Winding Wires TAG Secretary: Mike Leibowitz National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3264 Cellular: 443-812-6051 Fax: 703-841-3364 E-Mail mike.leibowitz@nema.org TC 56 Dependability TAG Secretary: Edward F. Mikoski, Jr. Vice President, EIA Standards and Technology Electronic Components Industry Association DC Office 2214 Rock Hill Rd, Suite 170 Herndon, VA 20170 571-323-0253 Fax: 571-323-0245 E-Mail: emikoski@eciaonline.org TC 57 Power Systems Management and Associated Information Exchange TAG Secretary Erin Spiewak IEEE Standards Association 445 Hoes Lane PO Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08854-1331 732-562-7806 Fax: 732-562-1571 E-Mail:e.spiewak@ieee.org TC 59 Performance of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances TAG Secretary: Matthew B. Williams Director of Standards Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers 1111 19th Street, NW Suite 402 Washington, DC 20036 202-872-5955 Ext 317 Fax: 202-872-9354 E-Mail: mwilliams@aham.org SC 59A Electric Dishwashers TAG Secretary: Matthew B. Williams Director of Standards Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers 1111 19th Street, NW Suite 402 Washington, DC 20036 202-872-5955 Ext 317 Fax: 202-872-9354 E-Mail: mwilliams@aham.org 16 3/16/2016 SC 59D Performance of Household and Similar Electrical Laundry Appliances TAG Secretary: Matthew B. Williams Director of Standards Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers 1111 19th Street, NW Suite 402 Washington, DC 20036 202-872-5955 Ext 317 Fax: 202-872-9354 E-Mail: mwilliams@aham.org SC 59K Performances of Household and Similar Electrical Cooking Appliances TAG Secretary: Matthew B. Williams Director of Standards Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers 1111 19th Street, NW Suite 402 Washington, DC 20036 202-872-5955 Ext 317 Fax: 202-872-9354 E-Mail: mwilliams@aham.org SC 59F Surface Cleaning Appliances TAG Secretary: Matthew B. Williams Director of Standards Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers 1111 19th Street, NW Suite 402 Washington, DC 20036 202-872-5955 Ext 317 Fax: 202-872-9354 E-Mail: mwilliams@aham.org SC 59M Performance of Electrical Household and Similar Cooking and Freezing Appliances TAG Secretary: Matthew B. Williams Director of Standards Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) 1111 19th Street, NW Suite 402 Washington, DC 20036 202-872-5955 Ext 317 Fax: 202-872-9354 E-Mail: mwilliams@aham.org TC 61 Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances TAG Secretary: Thomas V. Blewitt, P.E. Director, Principal Engineers UL LLC 1285 Walt Whitman Road Melville, NY 11747 631-546-2332 Fax: 631-439-6124 Cellular: 516-658-8105 E-Mail: thomas.v.blewitt@ul.com SC 59L Small Household Appliances TAG Secretary: Matthew B. Williams Director of Standards Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers 1111 19th Street, NW Suite 402 Washington, DC 20036 202-872-5955 Ext 317 Fax: 202-872-9354 E-Mail: mwilliams@aham.org 17 3/16/2016 SC 61B Safety of Microwave Appliances for Household and Commercial use 61C Safety of Refrigeration Appliances for Household and Commercial Use TAG Secretary: The USNC is registered as a Non-Member of this TC/SC Randall J. Haseman Principal Engineer (PDE) Underwriters Laboratories Inc. 333 Pfingsten Road Northbrook, IL 60062 847-664-3076 Fax: 847-313-3076 E-Mail: Randall.J.Haseman@ul.com SC 61D Appliances for Air-Conditioning for SC 61H Safety of Electrically Household and Similar Purposes Operated Farm Appliances TAG Secretary: TAG Secretary: Danny Abbate Scott Cedarquist Standards Engineer Director of Standards and Technical Activities Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration InstituteASABE – American Society of Agricultural (AHRI) and Biological Engineers 2111 Wilson Blvd, Suite 500 2950 Niles Road Arlington, VA 22201 St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659 703-600-0327 269-428-6331 Fax: 703-562-1942 Fax: 269-429-3852 E-Mail: dabbate@ahrinet.org E-Mail: cedarq@asabe.org SC 61J Electrical Motor-Operated Cleaning Appliances for Commercial Use TAG Secretary: Gary M Weidner GW Technical Services Inc. 2175 Clarke Drive Dubuque, IA 52100-4125563-557-0717 Fax: 563-557-0725 E-Mail: gweidner@mchsi.com TC 62 Electrical Equipment in Medical Practice TAG Secretary: Hae Choe Director, Standards AAMI 4301 N. Fairfax Drive Suite 301 Arlington, VA 22203-1633 703-253-8268 Fax: 703.-276-0793 E-Mail: hchoe@aami.org 18 3/16/2016 SC 62A Common Aspects of Electrical Equipment Used in Medical Practice TAG Secretary: Hae Choe Director, Standards AAMI 4301 N. Fairfax Drive Suite 301 Arlington, VA 22203-1633 703-253-8268 Fax: 703.-276-0793 E-Mail: hchoe@aami.org SC 62B Diagnostic Imaging Equipment TAG Secretary: Cassandra Ricci Manager, Government Relations Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA) 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Arlington, VA 22209 703-841-3228 Fax: 703-821-3328 E-Mail: cricci@medicalimaging.org SC 62C Equipment for Radiotherapy, Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Dosimetry TAG Secretary: Cassandra Ricci Manager, Government Relations Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA) 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Arlington, VA 22209 703-841-3228 Fax: 703-821-3328 E-Mail: cricci@medicalimaging.org TC 64 Electrical Installations and Protection Against Electric Shock TAG Secretary: Kenneth E. Gettman Director International Standards National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3254 Fax: 703-841-3354 E-Mail: ken_gettman@nema.org SC 62D Electromedical Equipment TAG Secretary: Hae Choe Director, Standards AAMI 4301 N. Fairfax Drive Suite 301 Arlington, VA 22203-1633 703-253-8268 Fax: 703.-276-0793 E-Mail: hchoe@aami.org TC 65 Industrial Process Measurement, Control, and Automation TAG Secretary: Eliana Brazda International Society of Automation PO Box 12277 67 Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919-990-9228 E-Mail: ebrazda@isa.org 19 3/16/2016 SC 65A System Aspects TAG Secretary: Eliana Brazda International Society of Automation PO Box 12277 67 Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919-990-9228 E-Mail: ebrazda@isa.org SC 65B Measurement and Control Devices TAG Secretary: Eliana Brazda and Ken Gettman (NEMA) International Society of Automation PO Box 12277 67 Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919-990-9228 E-Mail: ebrazda@isa.org Kenneth E. Gettman Director International Standards National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3254 Fax: 703-841-3354 E-Mail: ken_gettman@nema.org SC 65C Industrial Networks TAG Secretary: Eliana Brazda International Society of Automation PO Box 12277 67 Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919-990-9228 E-Mail: ebrazda@isa.org SC 65E D8evices and Integration in Enterprise Systems TAG Secretary: Eliana Brazda International Society of Automation PO Box 12277 67 Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919-990-9228 E-Mail: ebrazda@isa.org TC 66 Safety of Measuring, Control and Laboratory Equipment TAG Secretary: Vickie T. Hinton Underwriters Laboratories Inc. 12 Laboratory Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3995 919-549-1851 E-Mail: Vickie.T.Hinton@ul.com TC 68 Magnetic Alloys and Steels TAG Secretary: Kelly Paul ASTM International 100 Barr harbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428 610-832-9745 Fax: 610-832-9666 E-Mail: kpaul@astm.org 20 3/16/2016 TC 69 Electric Road Vehicles and Electric Industrial Trucks TAG Secretary: Margie Burk Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. 333 Pfingsten Road Northbrook, IL 60062-2096 847-6642238 E-Mail: Margie.m.burk@ul.com TC 70 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures TAG Secretary Gary MacFadden National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3253 Fax: 703-841-3353 E-Mail: gary.macfadden@nema.org TC 72 Automatic Electrical Controls TC 73: Short Circuit Currents TAG Secretary Maryline Lamborn International Manager, Standards & Certification The USNC is registered as a Non-Member of this TC/SC Air-Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Institute 2111 Wilson Blvd. Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 703-293-4842 E-Mail: mlamborn@ahrinet.org TC 76 Optical Radiation Safety and Laser Equipment TAG Secretary Florence Otieno Senior Manager, International Standards Programs Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) 1320 North Courthouse Road, Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22201 703-907-7556 703-965-4650- Cellular E-Mail: FOtieno@tiaonline.org TC 77 Electromagnetic Compatibility TAG Secretary Daniel D. Hoolihan United States EMC Standards Corp. c/o Hoolihan EMC Consulting PO Box 367 32515 Nottingham Court Lindstrom, MN 55045 651-213-0966 Fax: 651-213-0977 E-Mail: danhoolihanemc@aol.com 21 3/16/2016 SC 77A EMC-Low Frequency Phenomena TAG Secretary Daniel D. Hoolihan United States EMC Standards Corp. c/o Hoolihan EMC Consulting PO Box 367 32515 Nottingham Court Lindstrom, MN 55045 651-213-0966 Fax: 651-213-0977 E-Mail: danhoolihanemc@aol.com SC 77B High Frequency Phenomena TAG Secretary Daniel D. Hoolihan United States EMC Standards Corp. c/o Hoolihan EMC Consulting PO Box 367 32515 Nottingham Court Lindstrom, MN 55045 651-213-0966 Fax: 651-213-0977 E-Mail: danhoolihanemc@aol.com SC 77C High Power Transient Phenomena TAG Secretary Daniel D. Hoolihan United States EMC Standards Corp. c/o Hoolihan EMC Consulting PO Box 367 32515 Nottingham Court Lindstrom, MN 55045 651-213-0966 Fax: 651-213-0977 E-Mail: danhoolihanemc@aol.com TC 78 Live Working TAG Secretary Erin Spiewak IEEE Standards Department 445 Hoes Lane PO Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 732-562-7806 Fax: 732-562-1571 E-Mail: e.spiewak@ieee.org TC 79 Alarm and Electronic Security Systems TAG Secretary Debbie Baio NFPA 1 Batterymarch Park Quincy, MA 02169 617-984-7242 E-Mail: dbaio@nfpa.org TC 80 Maritime Navigation and Radiocommunication Equipment and Systems TAG Secretary Joseph D. Hersey 12914 Broadmore Road Colesville, MD 20904 301-236-9081 E-Mail: joe@joecel.com 22 3/16/2016 TC 81 Lightning Protection TAG Secretary John M. Tobias, P.E. U.S. Army CECOM AMSEL-SF-SI 3200 Raritan Avenue Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 21005 443-910-7292 Fax: 603-388-1241 E-Mail: john.m.tobias.civ@mail.mil TC 82 Solar Photovoltaic Energy Systems TAG Secretary George J. Kelly (Sunset Technology Corp.) 8920 Brown Church Road Mount Airy, MD 21771 301-788-7836 Fax: 480-727-1223 E-Mail: george@sunset-technology.com TC 85 Measuring Equipment for Electrical and Electromagnetic Quantities TAG Secretary Beth Northcott Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. 333 Pfingsten Road Northbrook, IL 60062 847-664-3198 E-Mail: Elizabeth.Northcott@ul.com TC 86 Fibre Optics TAG Secretary Florence Otieno Senior Manager, International Standards Programs Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) 1320 North Courthouse Road, Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22201 703-907-7556 703-965-4650- Cellular E-Mail: FOtieno@tiaonline.org SC 86A Fibres and Cables TAG Secretary Florence Otieno Senior Manager, International Standards Programs Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) 1320 North Courthouse Road, Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22201 703-907-7556 703-965-4650- Cellular E-Mail: FOtieno@tiaonline.org SC 86B Fibre Optic Interconnecting Devices and Passive Components TAG Secretary Florence Otieno Senior Manager, International Standards Programs Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) 1320 North Courthouse Road, Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22201 703-907-7556 703-965-4650- Cellular E-Mail: FOtieno@tiaonline.org 23 3/16/2016 SC 86C Fibre Optic Systems and Active Devices TAG Secretary Florence Otieno Senior Manager, International Standards Programs Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) 1320 North Courthouse Road, Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22201 703-907-7556 703-965-4650- Cellular E-Mail: FOtieno@tiaonline.org TC 87 Ultrasonics TAG Secretary Andrew Northup International Director MITA (Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance) 1300 North 17th Street Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3242 Fax: 703-841-3342 TC 88 Wind Turbines TAG Secretary Michele Myers Mihelic Manager, Labor, Health and Safety Policy American Wind Energy Association 1501 M. Street, NW Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20005 202-249-7344 Cellular: 202-906-9849 E-Mail: mmmihelic@awea.org TC 89 Fire Hazard Testing TAG Secretary Katerina Koperna Manager, Technical committee Operations ASTM International 100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428 610-832-9728 E-Mail: kkoperna@astm.org TC 90 Superconductivity TAG Secretary Mike Leibowitz National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3264 Fax: 443-812-6051 E-Mail: mike.leibowitz@nema.org TC 91 Electronic Assembly Technology TAG Secretary Chris Jorgensen Director, Technology Transfer IPC 3000 Lakeside Drive Site 309S Bannockburn, IL 60015 847-597-2826 E-Mail: Chris.Jorgensen@ipc.org 24 3/16/2016 TC 94 All-or-Nothing Electrical Relays TAG Secretary Edward F. Mikoski, Jr. CStd Vice President, EIA Standards and Technology Electronic Components Industry Association DC Office 2214 Rock Hill Rd, Suite 170 Herndon, VA 20170 571-323-0253 Fax: 571-323-0245 E-Mail: emikoski@eciaonline.org TC 95 Measuring Relays and Protection Equipment TAG Secretary Erin Spiewak IEEE Standards Department 445 Hoes Lane PO Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 732-562-7806 Fax: 732-562-1571 E-Mail: e.spiewak@ieee.org TC 96 Transformers, Reactors, Power Supply Units, and Combinations thereof TAG Secretary Gerard Winstanley National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 T: 703-841-3297 Fax: 703-841-3397 E-Mail: gerard.winstanley@nema.org TC 97 Electrical Installations for Lighting and Beaconing of Aerodromes TC 99 System Engineering and Erection of Electrical Power Installations in Systems with Nominal Voltage above 1kV A.C. and 1.5kV D.C. Particularly Considering Safety Aspects TC 100 Audio, Video and Multimedia Systems and Equipment TAG Secretary Alayne M. Bell Manager, Technology & Standards Consumer Electronics Association 1919 South Eads Street Arlington, VA 22202 703-907-5267 Fax: 703-907-4194 E-Mail: ABell@CE.org The USNC is registered as a Non-Member of this TC/SC The USNC is registered as a Non-Member of this TC/SC 25 3/16/2016 TC 101 Electrostatics TAG Secretary Lisa Pimpinella Office Manager ESD Association 7900 Turin Road Building 3 Rome, NY 13440-2069 315-339-6937 Fax: 315-339-6793 E-Mail: lpimpinella@esda.org TC 103 Transmitting Equipment for Radiocommunications TC 104 Environmental Conditions, Classifications and Methods of Test TAG Secretary Edward F. Mikoski, Jr. CStd Vice President, EIA Standards and Technology Electronic Components Industry Association DC Office 2214 Rock Hill Rd, Suite 170 Herndon, VA 20170 571-323-0253 Fax: 571-323-0245 E-Mail: emikoski@eciaonline.org TC 105 Fuel Cell Technologies TAG Secretary Julie Weis Project Manager CSA Group 8501 East Pleasant Valley Road Cleveland, OH 44131-5516 216-524-4990 Ext. 88020 Fax: 216-520-8979 E-Mail: julie.weis@csagroup.org TC 106 Methods for the Assessment of Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields Associated with Human Exposure TAG Secretary Soo Kim IEEE Standards Association 445 Hoes Lane PO Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 732-465-6640 E-Mail: s.h.kim@ieee.org TC 107 Process Management for Avionics TAG Secretary Chris Denham SSTC Program Manger IBIS Program SAE International 400 Commonwealth Drive Warrendale, PA 15906 717-359-8807 Cellular: 301-442-6875 E-Mail: cdenham@sae.org The USNC is registered as a Non-Member of this TC/SC 26 3/16/2016 TC 108 Safety of Electronic Equipment Within the Field of Audio/Video, Information Technology and Communication Technology TAG Secretary Kevin L. Ravo UL LLC 455 East Trimble Road San Jose, CA 95131 408-754-6599 E-Mail: kevin.i.ravo@ul.com TC 109 Insulation Co-ordination for Low-Voltage Equipment TAG Secretary William C. (Bill) Buckson National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3288 Fax: 703-841-3388 E-Mail: bil_buckson@nema.org TC 110 Electronic Display Devices TAG Secretary Edward F. Mikoski, Jr. Vice President, EIA Standards and Technology Electronic Components Industry Association DC Office, 2214 Rock Hill Rd, Suite 170 Herndon, VA 20170 571-323-0253 Fax: 571-323-0245 E-Mail: emikoski@eciaonline.org TC 111 Environmental Standardization for Electrical and Electronic Products and Systems TAG Secretary Gary MacFadden Technical Program Manager National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3253 Fax: 703-841-3353 E-Mail: gary.macfadden@nema.org TC 112 Evaluation and Qualifications of Electrical Insulating Materials and Systems TAG Secretary Kevin Connelly National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3271 E-Mail: kevin.connelly@nema.org TC 113 Nanotechnology Standardization for Electrical and Electronic Products and Systems TAG Secretary Mike Leibowitz National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22208 703-841-3264 Fax: 703-841-3364 E-Mail: mike.leibowitz@nema.org 27 3/16/2016 TC 114 Marine Energy–Wave, Tidal and Other Water Current Converters TAG Secretary Arielle Cardinal National Wind technology Center 15013 Denver West Parkway MS 3811 Golden, CO 80401 303-384-6925 Fax : 303384-6999 E-Mail: arielle.cardinal@nrel.gov TC 115 High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Transmission for DC Voltages above 100kV TAG Secretary Erin Spiewak IEEE Standards Association 445 Hoes Lane PO Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08854-1331 732-562-7806 Fax: 732-562-1571 E-Mail: e.spiewak@ieee.org TC 116 Safety of Hand-Held Motor Operated Electric Tools TAG Secretary Joseph Harding Power Tool Institute 1300 Sumner Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115 216-241-7333- Ext 3008 Fax: 216-241-0105 E-Mail: jharding@thomasamc.com TC 117 Solar Thermal Electric Plants TAG Secretary Susan Malohn UL 333 Pfingsten Road Northbrook, IL 60062 847-664-1725 Fax: 847-407-1725 E-Mail: susan.p.malohn@ul.com PC 118 Smart Grid User Interface TAG Secretary Gene Eckhart Director, Global Standardization Program National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 300 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3204 Fax: 703-841-3304 E-Mail: gen_eckhart@nema.org TC 119 Printed Electronics TAG Secretary Edward F. Mikoski, Jr. CStd Vice President, EIA Standards and Technology Electronic Components Industry Association DC Office 2214 Rock Hill Rd, Suite 170 Herndon, VA 20170 571-323-0253 Fax: 571-323-0245 E-Mail: emikoski@eciaonline.org 28 3/16/2016 TC 120 Electrical Energy Storage (EES) Systems TAG Secretary Ryan Franks Technical Program Manager National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3271 Cellular: 217-377-4038 E-Mail: ryan.franks@nema.org TC 121 Switchgear and Controlgear and Their Assemblies for Low Voltage TAG Secretary Kenneth E. Gettman Director International Standards National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3254 Fax: 703-841-3354 E-Mail: ken_gettman@nema.org SC 121A Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear TAG Secretary Kenneth E. Gettman Director International Standards National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3254 Fax: 703-841-3354 E-Mail: ken_gettman@nema.org SC 121B Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear Assemblies TAG Secretary Kenneth E. Gettman Director International Standards National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Rosslyn, VA 22209 703-841-3254 Fax: 703-841-3354 E-Mail: ken_gettman@nema.org TC 122 UVH AC Transmission Systems CISPR International Special Committee on Radio Interference The USNC is registered as a Non-Member of this TC/SC TAG Secretary Daniel D. Hoolihan United States EMC Standards Corp c/o Hoolihan EMC Consulting PO Box 367 32515 Nottingham Court Lindstrom, MN 55045 651-213-0966 Fax: 651-213-0977 E-Mail: danhoolihanemc@aol.com 29 3/16/2016 SC CISPR/A Radio Interference Measurements and Statistical Methods TAG Secretary Daniel D. Hoolihan United States EMC Standards Corp c/o Hoolihan EMC Consulting PO Box 367 32515 Nottingham Court Lindstrom, MN 55045 651-213-0966 Fax: 651-213-0977 E-Mail: danhoolihanemc@aol.com SC CISPR/B Interference Relating to Industrial Scientific and Medical Radio Frequency Apparatus, to Other (Heavy) Industrial Equipment, to Overhead Powerlines, to High Voltage Equipment, and to Electrical Traction SC CISPR/D Electromagnetic Disturbances Relating to Electric/Electronic Equipment on Vehicles and Internal Combustion Engine Powered Devices SC CISPR/ F Interference relating to Household Appliances, Tools, Equipment and Similar Apparatus TAG Secretary Daniel D. Hoolihan United States EMC C/o Hoolihan EMC Consulting PO Box 367 32515 Nottingham Court Lindstrom, MN 55045 651-213-0966 Fax: 651-213-0977 E-Mail: danhoolihanemc@aol.com TAG Secretary Lori Featherstone SAE International 755 W. Big Beaver Road Suite 1600 Troy, MI 48084 248-273-4098 E-Mail: lfeather@sae.org CISPR /H Limits For The Protection of Radio Services TAG Secretary Daniel D. Hoolihan United States EMC C/o Hoolihan EMC Consulting PO Box 367 32515 Nottingham Court Lindstrom, MN 55045 651-213-0966 Fax: 651-213-0977 E-Mail: danhoolihanemc@aol.com TAG Secretary Daniel D. Hoolihan United States EMC Standards Corp. c/o Hoolihan EMC Consulting PO Box 367 32515 Nottingham Court Lindstrom, MD 55045 651-213-0966 Fax: 651-213-0977 E-Mail: danhoolihanemc@aol.com CISPR/I Electromagnetic Compatibility of Information Technology Equipment, Multimedia Equipment TAG Secretary Daniel D. Hoolihan United States EMC C/o Hoolihan EMC Consulting PO Box 367 32515 Nottingham Court Lindstrom, MN 55045 651-213-0966 Fax: 651-213-0977 E-Mail: danhoolihanemc@aol.com 30 3/16/2016 Joint Technical Committee for Information Technology Jennifer Garner JTC 1 TAG Administrator INCITS Info. Tech. Industry Council 1250 Eye Street, NW Suite 200 Washington, DC 20005 202-626-5737 Fax: 202-638-4922 E-Mail: jgarner@itic.org 31