Tartuffe study guide Act 1

Study Guide Questions
Act I
1. Why does Madame Pernelle want to leave the house?
2. What is Madame Pernelle’s opinion of her family?
a. Dorine:
b. Damis:
c. Mariane:
d. Elmire:
e. Cléante:
3. Why does Madame Pernelle believe that Tartuffe is a good influence on the family?
4. What is Damis, Dorine, and the rest of the family’s opinion of Tartuffe?
5. What is Tartuffe’s opinion on visitors coming to the house? Why does Madame Pernelle agree with him? How does
Cléante respond to her?
6. What does Dorine say about Daphne and her husband?
7. Explain the following line about Orante: “She quits a world which fast is quitting her” What type of a person was
Orante? What type of a person is she now? Why?
8. In your own words, describe what type of a character you think Tartuffe is.
1. How does Orgon treat Tartuffe according to Dorine? Give at least three examples of the types of things Orgon does
for Tartuffe.
2. What kind of person does Dorine think Tartuffe really is? Give two examples as support.
1.3 & 1.4
1.What does Damis want Cléante to ask Orgon about?
2. Examine the nature of Dorine and Orgon’s conversation in scene 4. Who does Dorine keep mentioning? Who does
Orgon keep asking about? What does this reveal about these two characters?
3. What is the tone of Dorine uses in the last two lines of scene 4?
1. According to Orgon, how is he a changed man? What has Tartuffe taught him?
2. How did Tartuffe win Orgon’s sympathy?
3. Examine the following lines from Cléante:
“And just as those whose courage shines the most
In battle, are the least inclined to boast,
So those whose hearts are truly pure and lowly
Don’t make a flashy show of being holy.”
What is Cléante trying to prove to Orgon with these lines?
4. What type of man does Cléante say he does NOT respect?
5. According to Cléante, what makes a truly pious man?
6. What is Orgon’s response when Cléante asks about the marriage between Orgon’s daughter and Valère? What might
this forshadow?
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