Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation

Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Presentation & Facilitation Guide
© 2011 SkillSoft Ireland Limited
Introduction and Ground Rules
• Presenter: [enter name of presenter or facilitator].
• Target audience: Supervisors, managers, directors, and individuals
wanting to develop their leadership skills.
• Goal: To build and support a culture of innovation, as a leader.
• Ground rules:
• List ground rules here.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
• Course Overview.
• Topic 1: A Business Innovation Culture.
• Topic 2: Characteristics and Actions of an Innovation Leader.
• Topic 3: Building an Innovative Culture.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Course Overview
• Innovation means introducing something new.
• Innovation has to happen rapidly.
• An "innovation culture" is vital.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Course Overview
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Topic 1: A Business Innovation Culture
Classify examples of questions that can be used to assess characteristics
of a business innovation culture.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
• Implementing new ideas.
• Result of incremental or
breakthrough change.
• Requires follow-through.
• Flourishes with good leadership.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
As a leader, you must diagnose your organization's culture to determine
its strength in innovation. What do you think are some characteristics of
an innovation culture?
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Characteristics of an Innovation Culture
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Organization-wide Commitment to Business and Innovation
• Commitment to innovation:
• People care about work,
coworkers, company.
• Sustained organization and
improved workplace.
• Resistance to innovation:
• Lack of follow-through.
• Lack of engagement.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Experiment Proactively
• Companies that do this:
• Challenge status quo.
• Think outside the box.
• Take risks and try new things.
• Companies that don't do this:
• "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
• "We've always done it this way."
• "Customers like it this way."
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Think of the company you work for. Is it a company that is willing to take
risks in business, or is it more reluctant to change?
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Manage Risk
• Managing risk:
• Strike a balance.
• Assess risks before going ahead.
• Not managing risk:
• Avoidance of identifying risks.
• Passion overwhelms analysis.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Characteristics of an Innovation Culture
Ask questions based on indicators.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Match each diagnostic question to the characteristic of a business innovation
culture it helps to assess. Each characteristic may have more than one match.
A. Do managers tend to think outside the box?
___ Shows organization-wide
commitment to the
business and to innovation.
B. Is innovation part of the mission statement and
is it reflected in the kinds of projects that get
C. Do leaders know how to control risk without
discouraging innovators and entrepreneurs?
D. Are employees committed to helping the
company become an innovation leader?
E. Is there a commitment to finding new ways of
meeting customers' needs?
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
___ Experiments proactively.
___ Manages risk.
Implement Ideas Quickly
• Always look out for opportunities.
• Make quick decisions at all stages.
• Speed in execution is important.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
You've learned that an innovation culture implements ideas quickly. What
do you think might happen at a company that exhibits the opposite
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Produce and Cultivate Innovators
• Culture that cultivates innovators:
• Managers allow ideas to be heard.
• Innovators have space to develop and test.
• Innovation is rewarded.
• Culture that doesn't produce innovators:
• Failure is discouraged or punished.
• Employees are reluctant to bring up ideas.
• Innovation is top-down.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Match each diagnostic question to the characteristic of a business innovation
culture it helps to assess. Each characteristic may have more than one
A. Are employees constantly watching for new
___ Can implement ideas
B. Are managers and employees rewarded, not
punished, for innovation?
___ Produces and cultivates
C. Do managers encourage new ideas to be
D. Do you have the resources available to make
immediate decisions at all stages of the
innovation process?
E. Is there space available for employees to
develop and test new products?
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Leading Innovation in Your Own Organization – Assessment Activity
This activity provides you with an opportunity to reflect on and analyze
innovations you have led in your organization. It can also assist you in
assessing current and future innovations.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Topic 2: Characteristics and Actions of an Innovation Leader
Associate the characteristics of an innovation leader with the
actions that reflect them.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
What is an Innovation Leader?
• Passionate about the company.
• Obsessed with restoring
• Willing to take risks.
• Can manage risks.
• Can start projects quickly.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Innovation Leaders
• Found at every level.
• Vital part of a company's structure.
• Keep organization focused on
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Models of Innovation
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Implementing Innovation – Activity Guide
This activity will act as a guide to implementing innovations in your
organization, and can help identify the people and support you will need
to turn the idea into a success.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Because innovation is different from most other business endeavors, it
may require you to change your attitudes and behaviors. What do you
think are some of the attitudes and behaviors that characterize
innovation leaders?
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Characteristics of an Innovation Leader
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Passionate About Innovation
• Become emotionally involved.
• Communicate passion and
confidence to staff.
• Motivate employees.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Passionate About Innovation – Example
Follow along as Jack meets with team members to discuss how they can
jumpstart innovation.
Jack: I've called you here for a meeting to find out if we can turn things
around. As you know, our company hasn't come out with a new product in
almost a year.
Ella: But the products we have now are doing so well. How can we improve
on that?
Justin: And we're already so busy! Who has time to sit around brainstorming
new ideas?
Jack: Listen, I know I haven't been as involved as I should have, but I'm
telling you that's going to change from this point forward. I know we can put
our company back on top.
Justin: Well, what do you suggest we do? I know I don't have any good ideas.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Passionate About Innovation – Example
Jack: Justin, I know that's not true. We all have a role to play! Our team is
great – wasn't it Ella who suggested changing suppliers last year to speed up
Ella: Yes, that was me. Actually, I have another idea I'd like to run by you
Jack: That's great Ella! Let's schedule a meeting to talk about it, and figure
out if we can brainstorm even more ideas. How's Wednesday?
Ella: Sure, I'll be there!
Justin: Me too. I'm starting to realize that innovation is important. I've been
pretty complacent about it.
Jack: I have every confidence that you guys will have some great ideas. See
you Wednesday!
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
How do you show employees that you are passionate about innovation?
What techniques do you use to motivate them?
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Willing to Experiment
• Accept risks and uncertainty.
• Model courage.
• Demonstrate willingness to
think outside the box.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Willing to Experiment – Example
To push innovation in his company, Jack decides to try a radical new approach.
Follow along as he meets with Devin, the Development Department manager.
Devin: Hi Jack, what can I do for you?
Jack: Well Devin, I've been doing some thinking, and I want to stop production of our
most recent communications device.
Devin (shocked): What? That product has only been on the market for a year! It's
very popular!
Jack: I know that. But here's what I'm thinking. Let's replace the device with a newer
one that has more features!
Devin (uncertain): So you're essentially getting rid of a popular product before its full
potential is known and replacing it with a higher-performance, but unproven, product?
Jack: Exactly! Let me put it this way. Let's make our own product obsolete before
another company forces obsolescence by launching its own, even better product.
Devin: Now I understand what you're saying. You know, that just might work! OK, let
me work out the logistics and I'll meet with you again in a few days.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Match the actions to the first two characteristics of an innovation leader that
they represent. Each characteristic may have more than one match.
A. Search for a new way of solving a
___ Passionate about innovation.
B. Fight for your idea even though
management doesn't support it.
C. Tell employees that you're excited
and confident about their ideas.
D. Show an employee how she can
learn from failure instead of
punishing her for her mistake.
E. Become emotionally involved in what
team members are working on.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
___ Willing to experiment.
Realistic and Informed
• Balance creativity and emotion.
• Pragmatic risk management:
• Take calculated risks.
• Consider level of risk tolerance.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Realistic and Informed – Example
Jack introduces new product:
• Good customer reviews initially.
• Sales drop after a few months.
• Production halted.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Capable of Rapid Project Execution
• Have a knack for spotting
• Establish clear, achievable goals.
• Pick a dream team.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Capable of Rapid Project Execution – Example
Jack needs a new strategy:
• Employees proven to be
creative and talented.
• Speed in execution.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Able to Attract and Nurture Innovators
• Workplace should turn new ideas into success stories.
• Attract and retain the best employees.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Match the actions to the final three characteristics of an innovation leader
that they represent. Each characteristic may have more than one match.
A. Build a team of talented, enthusiastic
employees to brainstorm ideas for a new
B. Encourage creativity but balance it with
pragmatic risk management.
C. Encourage employees to generate new ideas
and follow them through to completion.
D. Pull the plug on a project after market research
shows it won't be as successful as anticipated.
E. Spot a great business idea and quickly work on
bringing it to market.
___ Realistic and informed.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
___ Capable of rapid project
___ Able to attract and nurture
Characteristics of an Innovation Leader – Assessment Activity
This activity provides you with an opportunity to assess your leadership
characteristics in relation to building and sustaining an innovation
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Topic 3: Building an Innovative Culture
• Recognize actions that are likely to attract and nurture innovators.
• Assess an organization's innovation culture and plan leadership actions
to strengthen it in a given scenario.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
To Attract and Nurture Innovators
• Create an "innovation system".
• Vet ideas and turn them into action.
• Follow best practices for attracting and nurturing innovators.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
What do you think are some best practices for attracting and
nurturing innovators?
A. Celebrate and reward work that leads to innovation.
B. Create a sense of ownership and responsibility.
C. Discourage the discussion of new ideas among coworkers.
D. Expose employees to new ideas.
E. Hold on to the "tried and true" ways of doing things.
F. Make a space for innovation to occur.
G. See the best ideas and projects through.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Think of the hiring process in your company. Does it cater for innovation
and the creation of new ideas and ways of thinking? If it does, how does
it do so? If it doesn't, why do you think this is the case? And how can this
be changed?
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Expose Employees to New Ideas
• Practice "cross-fertilization".
• Ensure availability of training,
coaching, and resources.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Create a Sense of Ownership and Responsibility
• Clearly communicate actions.
• Have people volunteer for projects.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
You're the human resources director at a health care facility. Which
actions are likely to attract and nurture innovators?
A. Allow employees to define their own way of dealing with patients.
B. Move a lab technician from one department to another.
C. Ask employees to volunteer for focus groups to brainstorm new
ways of managing patient information.
D. Discourage an administrator from taking a position in a different
E. Offer employees the chance to attend a training session on a new
health care technology.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Make a Space for Innovation to Occur
• Prevent interference with
creative process.
• Create "buffer zones" for
• Expect surprises and
spontaneous innovation.
• Give employees personal
project time.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Stages of the Creative Process
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
See the Best Ideas and Projects Through
• Encourages other innovators.
• Employees more inclined to:
• Show greater interest.
• Become more involved.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Celebrate and Reward Work that Leads to Innovation
• Celebrate differences.
• Provide time for pet projects.
• Offer tailored training.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
You're a leader at a customer contact center. Which actions are
likely to attract and nurture innovators?
A. Ensure that innovators have all the materials they need so they can
focus on finding new ways of improving customer satisfaction.
B. Focus on having many projects on the go instead of seeing any
projects through.
C. Encourage all employees to develop a similar telephone manner.
D. Recognize a team member at the next meeting for her idea about
how to reduce call times.
E. Reward an employee for her high customer satisfaction rating by
offering her training tailored to her specific strengths.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Building an Innovative Culture – Assessment Activity
This activity provides you with an opportunity to assess your abilities to
attract and nurture innovators. It can also help you to make a plan for
improving any weaker areas that might be hindering your overall ability
to build an innovative culture in your organization.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Build an Innovation Culture – Example
Bill's company:
• Doesn't shy away from risk.
• Quick to make decisions.
• Managers hear and discuss
new ideas.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
You've gathered some good information during your conversation with Bill, but
you still need to explore some issues.
What should you ask him now to uncover whether this organization has the
characteristics of a business innovation culture? You can use the learning aid
"Food Wholesaler Case Study" to help answer the question.
A. Are employees committed to helping the company become an innovation leader?
B. Are employees constantly watching for opportunities to seize?
C. Do managers tend to think outside the box?
D. Is innovation part of the mission statement and is it reflected in the kinds of projects
that get supported?
E. Does the company identify known risk factors for all new initiatives and properly
manage them?
F. Do leaders know how to control risk without discouraging innovators and
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Build an Innovation Culture – Example
• Bill's company:
• Many employees are ambivalent.
• Some managers motivate using fear.
• People don't point out risk factors.
• Assess characteristics of an innovation culture.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
You know some employees are ambivalent about their work and also that
employees avoid pointing out risks. To find out other information, use the
learning aid "Food Wholesaler Case Study".
How would you describe the company in terms of the characteristics of an
innovation culture? Classify the organization as "strong" or "weak" on each
characteristic. You may use each classification more than once.
A. Strong.
___ Shows organization-wide commitment to
the business and to innovation.
___ Experiments proactively.
___ Manages risk.
___ Can implement ideas quickly.
___ Produces and cultivates innovators.
B. Weak.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
What actions will you take as a leader to specifically address weak areas and
make the food wholesaler a stronger innovation culture?
Use the job aid "Best Practices for Innovation Leaders" and the learning aid
"Food Wholesaler Case Study" to help answer the question.
A. Show employees how they can learn from failure instead of punishing them for
B. Make sure employees know you're excited and confident about their ideas to
improve the shipping process.
C. Show team members that you're emotionally involved in their project to improve
the shipping process.
D. Encourage employees to use creativity to come up with ways to improve the
shipping process, but balance it with pragmatic risk management.
E. Give innovators the space they need to analyze the new order-tracking system.
F. Identify a great idea to speed up shipping and quickly work on implementing it in
your company.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Build an Innovation Culture – Example
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation
Wrap-up / Q&A
• Topic 1: A Business Innovation Culture.
• Classify examples of questions that can be used to assess characteristics
of a business innovation culture.
• Topic 2: Characteristics and Actions of an Innovation Leader.
• Associate the characteristics of an innovation leader with the actions that
reflect them.
• Topic 3: Building an Innovative Culture.
• Recognize actions that are likely to attract and nurture innovators.
• Assess an organization's innovation culture and plan leadership actions to
strengthen it in a given scenario.
Leadership Essentials: Leading Innovation