Registration Pack Maida Event Sunday 18 th

Registration Pack
Maida Event
Sunday 18th October 2015
Thank you for showing your interest and downloading our
registration pack. Please read this important information carefully.
To register for our event you must accept the terms as stated below:
I understand that Key 2 Matrimony is only for those Muslims who are practising and take
their religion seriously.
I am Single.
I am over 18 years of age.
I will not use this event for any other purposes other than seeking a marriage partner in a
halal and permissible way.
I will not attempt to mislead anybody.
All the information I supply on this registration form will be truthful and accurate.
I have read and agreed to terms & conditions and privacy policy as stated on our website:
If you are a single female then please bear in mind that we will require you to complete the Parental
Consent form which is included in this registration pack. The Parental Consent Form is not required
for divorcees and in some cases reverts because of personal circumstances. Parent(s) for the single
females will need to arrange a meeting with us to sign the consent form in front of a witness to
confirm that you are single and that you are attending an Islamic marriage event. The consent form
for single women can be signed at this stage or once your matches have been found, either way we
will let you know of your acceptance within 7-14 days of receiving your completed registration.
Please note: all female participants will need to bring a mahram and men its optional and highly
advised to bring their female chaperone so they can assist on the day, if you are a revert or have any
other genuine issues that does not allow you to bring a mahram then please email us or call us prior to submitting your application.
If you are unsure about anything or wish to discuss your registration privately then please
email us or call Faizal 07713 563311 / Halima 07712 187499.
We can also arrange a meeting at either one of our drop in centres or other mutually
convenient location, where one of our experienced volunteers will confidentially and
discreetly advise you.
Please see our website for further guidance on how to fill
in the registration form and try to provide as much detail as possible as this will increase
your chances of being matched to a potential partner.
Registration Pack
Maida Event
Sunday 18th October 2015
Please return completed registrations either by post or in person with a recent photograph
of yourself along with a photocopy of your driving licence or passport with a recent utility
bill in a sealed envelope to any of our drop in centres and marked for the attention of
Admin, Key 2 Matrimony. You may also email your registration form to ensuring that all supporting documents are attached.
Drop In Centres:
Key 2 Matrimony
Enzio Designs
22-28 Copy Nook
Blackburn, BB1 3AN
Key 2 Matrimony
Boutiq 1
84 Randal Street,
Blackburn, BB1 7LG
Key 2 Matrimony
DE Lamour (Boutique)
185 Deepdale Road
Preston, PR1 6LJ
Mon-Sat: 10am-6.30pm
Sun: 11am-5pm
Mon-Thur: 1pm-7pm
Fri: 3pm-7pm
Sat-Sun: 1pm-7pm
Mon-Sun: 2pm-7pm
Jazakallah Hu Khair
Key 2 Matrimony Management
Registration Pack
Maida Event
Sunday 18th October 2015
About You
Please provide as much information as you can about yourself.
Mr | Miss
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Your Age
Post Code
Telephone Number
Email Address
Male | Female
Registration Pack
Maida Event
Sunday 18th October 2015
Your Ethnic Origin
Northern Irish/British
Gypsy or Irish Traveller
Any other White
background, please
Any other Asian
background, please
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other Mixed/Multiple
ethnic background, please
Any other
background, please
Any other ethnic group,
please describe
Your Residency Status
British Citizen | Permanent Resident | Student Visa |
Tourist Visa | Temporary Visa | Student Visa | Asylum
Seeker | Other (please specify)
Your Religious History
Muslim Since Birth | Revert
Do You Pray Regularly
Pray 5 Times A Day | Mostly Pray | Occasionally | Rarely |
Never | Intend To Start Praying | Jumua Salah Only |
Jumua and Eid Salah Only
Registration Pack
Maida Event
Sunday 18th October 2015
What Sect Are You
Sunni | Shia | Just a Muslim |
Other (please specify)
Your Marital Status
Never Married | Divorced | Widowed
Do You Have Any Children
Yes | No
Would You Like Children In
The Future
Yes | Maybe | No
What Is Your Body Type
Slim/Skinny | Average | Athletic | Muscular | A Few Extra
Pounds | Heavyset
Your Height
Your Weight
Any Medical Conditions or
If Yes – Please give further
Yes | Maybe | No
Are You Employed
If Yes – Please Specify Job
Yes - Full Time | Yes - Part Time | Yes - Own Business |
Home keeper | No
Your Qualifications
Registration Pack
Maida Event
Sunday 18th October 2015
Have You Attended any
Islamic Institutes
If Yes – Please Specify
Yes | No
Do You Wear Hijab (Female)
Yes | Intend To Wear One | No
Or Have A Beard (Male)
Yes | Intend To Keep One | No
Would You Consider Living
With In-Laws
Please provide details of
your mahram/chaperone
who will attend with you on
the day
For females please note
that your mahram must be
male, please contact us if
you have any questions.
Where Did You Hear About
Yes | Maybe | No
Contact Number:
Relationship to You:
Registration Pack
Maida Event
Sunday 18th October 2015
Tell us a little more about yourself (hobbies, interests, lifestyle etc)
Please continue on a separate sheet if required.
Registration Pack
Maida Event
Sunday 18th October 2015
About Your Partner
Please try to avoid selecting "Not Important" and be specific about your requirements.
Partners Ideal Age
Not Important | 18-24 | 22-30 | 28-34 | 32-40 | 40-50 |
50-60 | 60+ | Specific Age (please specify)
Partners Ethnic Origin
Not Important
Northern Irish/British
Gypsy or Irish Traveller
Any other White
background, please
Any other Asian
background, please
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other Mixed/Multiple
ethnic background, please
Any other
background, please
Any other ethnic group,
please describe
Partners Residency Status
Not Important | British Citizen | Permanent Resident |
Student Visa | Tourist Visa | Temporary Visa | Student Visa
| Asylum Seeker | Other (please specify)
Registration Pack
Maida Event
Sunday 18th October 2015
Partners Religious History
Partner Prays Regularly
Partners Sect
Partners Marital Status
Not Important | Muslim Since Birth | Revert
Not Important | Pray 5 Times A Day | Mostly Pray |
Occasionally | Rarely | Never | Intend To Start Praying |
Jumua Salah Only | Jumua and Eid Salah Only
Not Important | Sunni | Shia | Just a Muslim |
Other (please specify)
Not Important | Never Married | Divorced | Widowed
Partner Who Has Children
Not Important | Yes | No
Partner Who Would Like
Children In The Future
Not Important | Yes | Maybe | No
Partners Ideal Body Type
Not Important | Slim/Skinny | Average | Athletic |
Muscular | A Few Extra Pounds | Heavyset
Partners Ideal Height
Partners Ideal Weight
Consider Partner With Medical
Conditions or Disabilities
Partner To Be Employed
If Yes – Please Specify
Not Important | Yes | No | Depends on Condition
Not Important | Yes - Full Time | Yes - Part Time | Yes Own Business | Home keeper | No
Registration Pack
Maida Event
Sunday 18th October 2015
Partners Qualifications
Partner To Have Attended
An Islamic Institution
Not Important | Yes | No
Partner Wears Hijab
Not Applicable | Not Important | Yes | Intend To Wear One
| No
Partner Has A Beard (Male)
Not Applicable | Not Important | Yes | Intend To Keep One
| No
Partner Would Consider
Living With In-Laws
Any other messages for
Key2Matrimony Admins
Not Important | Yes | Maybe | No
Registration Pack
Maida Event
Sunday 18th October 2015
Please tell us more about what you are looking for in a partner. (hobbies, interests,
lifestyle etc)
Please continue on a separate sheet if required.
Registration Pack
Maida Event
Sunday 18th October 2015
Parental Consent Form
Daughters Name
Parents Name
Post Code
Contact Telephone Number
Email Address
To: Key2Matrimony Management
I, _________________________ confirm that my daughter, _________________________
is single and I approve of her attending the Key 2 Matrimony event as advertised.
Applicant Signature
Parent Signature
Witnessed By Name
Witness Signature
Registration Pack
Maida Event
Sunday 18th October 2015
Registration Checklist
 Read and agreed to the terms & conditions and privacy policy on our website
 Completed the registration with as much detail as possible.
 Completed the Parental Consent Form (if applicable).
 Included supporting photocopied documents with recent photograph with driving
licence or passport and recent utility bill.
If you cannot provide the supporting documents at this moment in time then please
contact us. Failure to provide the required documents will delay the selection
process and we may be forced to disregard your application.
What Happens Next
Our team will review your registration form and match you with potential partners based on
the information you and they have supplied.
We will contact you within 7-14 days to notify you of your suitability for the event and also
to arrange the payment of £25 per application and £20 per mahram/chaperone.