Dr. Zangyuan Own Providence University, Taiwan zyown@pu.edu.tw 1 Normal E-Learning By its own No interaction No discussion Lost interest 2 「New Feeds」→Immediate notice (Mason,2006) Discussion wall → share text、picture、link、video、questionnaire 3 Facebook in chemistry education Increasing learning effect Inference of difference of student’s character Learner’s opinion with Facebook study 4 1. 2. 3. Is there are any learning effect difference in 「Facebook cooperation gaming system」 and「Normal e-learning system」learners ? Is learner character difference effect learning out come between 「Facebook cooperation gaming system」and「Normal e-learning system」 ? What is the opinion of 「Facebook cooperation gaming system」learners ? 5 Mason(2006) Use by educators of Social Networking Sites (SNS), in their pedagogic practice and related issues of trust and privacy. Mazer(2007);Kabilan(2010) Increasing motivation, changing learning attitude S.G.Mazman(2010) Connectedness between students-faculty or students-students has potential to educational usage from Facebook.com to initiate decision making skills. 6 Johnson & Johnson 1994 Cooperation among students-who celebrate each other’s successes, encourage each other to do homework, and learn to work together. 7 Keegan(1995) Game increase self confidence Jones(1997) Game increasing learning effect Cosmetic Chemistry ◦ Books & Web material 9 Text & Image & Animation 10 11 12 1. 2. 3. 4. Forming a learning group Step by step learning Sharing information Game induce interest 13 14 15 16 1. 2. 3. Skin care product ?(selection) Surfactants ?(shooting) DIY Lab(combination) 17 18 19 20 21 Login 1.Pre-test (ACS Test Bank for General Chemistry) 2.GEMT test Facebook Group 1. 2. E-Learning Group Post-Test Questionnaire Data Analysis Learning Effect Learning Character Satisfaction Questionnaire 22 23 Group Experimental Control students average 105 61.14 sd df t 19.38 210 -.852 107 58.97 p .144 17.69 p>.05 24 Group Experimental Control students Average 105 86.57 sd df t p 13.00 210 -1.156 .005* 107 84.11 17.59 *p<.05 25 Karlin (2007) Klein (2008) More than 60% Facebook group students will discuss class material over internet. Interacting with in social network will increasing their understanding in Science materials. 26 Cognitive Pattern Group Average sd Exp.(n=52) 86.73 11.84 F.I. Con.(n=55) 84.00 15.47 Exp.(n=53) 86.42 14.15 F.D. Con.(n=52) 84.23 df t P 105 -1.021 .132 103 .014* -.653 19.74 *p<.05 27 F.D. students : ◦ Like to share knowledge ◦ Happy to help others ◦ Prefer to study in social environment (Witkin,1977;Oughton,1999;Riding,1999) 28 Gender Male Female Group Average sd Exp.(n=33) 84.55 14.60 Con.(n=32) 78.75 18.27 Exp.(n=72) 87.50 12.19 Con.(n=75) 86.40 df t P 63 -1.415 .270 145 -.451 .008* 16.90 *p<.05 29 Female students like cooperation study. (Hayes,1994) Female students spend 30% more time in the social network. (Aileen,2011) 30 Satisfaction questionnaire ◦ Likert Scale ◦ Response Rate (94/105)=90% ◦ Reliability .906 31 Valuation Questions Agree Content Design 1~4 3.60 Learning Attitude 5~8 3.53 Overall 9~11 3.57 Most of the students gave positive comment on the Facebook cooperation and gaming system. 32 Learning Attitude Feedback Agree 5. Is Facebook study system funnier, and motivate me want to study more ? 3.51 7. Do I feel that in the Facebook study system, I can share knowledge with others and gain more knowledge ? 3.79 8. Do I feel less pressure in the Facebook learning environment? 3.44 In the learning attitude, most of the students agree that it gave more motivation and have the tendency want to learn more. Kabilan (2010) Using the social network on college English course, will bring up their confidence and learning motivation. 33 1. 2. 3. Facebook cooperation and gaming system will increase the motivation and learning effect of students. Field dependent and female students are best suited for Facebook cooperation and gaming system. 85% students favor the Facebook platform study. 34 35 36 37 Facebook合作式遊戲學習使用者問卷結果 同意度 1.我覺得這次的Facebook學習,活動內容活潑生動? 3.87 2.我覺得這次的Facebook學習,整體操作上很容易? 3.70 3.我覺得這次的Facebook學習,內容的觀看對我來說是有負擔的? 3.31 4.我覺得這次的Facebook學習,課程編排讓我更了解我的學習重點? 3.53 5.這樣的Facebook學習,讓我覺得學習是件有趣的事,更讓我想去 學習? 3.51 6.我於Facebook學習活動進行中,會利用我登入Facebook時利用 時 間來閱讀學習課程內容? 3.28 7.我覺得在Facebook學習活動過程中,透過大家分享,我可以學到 更多的知識? 3.79 8.我覺得以Facebook學習來進行學習,比較不會有壓力? 3.44 9.如果可以,下次我願意再使用Facebook來進行學習? 3.57 10.我希望以後在學校各科課程中,能夠讓我們使用Facebook學習 的方式來學習課程? 3.62 11.整體而言,我覺得Facebook學習活動對我的學習很有幫助? 3.52 38 Facebook Blog Renew Massage Active Passive Exposure High Low Interaction Strong Weak Immediate Yes N 39 40 Facebook Connection Share Bottom→Strong connection 41 創辦人:Mark Zuckerberg 2010年03月 Facebook在美國到訪人數超越Google 2010年07月 Facebook註冊會員突破5億成為世界最大的社群網站 42 免費 資訊分享 迅速 New Feed 43 Global Audience: 460922100 50%+ login everyday 每個禮拜就會增加五百萬篇以上的分享文章 Facebook已成為另一個新的傳播管道 是一種社交工具,幫助用戶更快速地分享訊息及更 有效地與家人、朋友和同事做溝通交流。 44 45 46