Boğaziçi University 1863 - 2014 Foundation Robert College, founded in Istanbul by Dr. Cyrus Hamlin and Mr. Christopher Rheinlander Robert in 1863, was the first American institution of higher learning outside the United States. Boğaziçi University, the official successor to Robert College, was inaugurated on the same campus in 1971 as a public university in the Turkish Higher Education system. From Robert College... To Boğaziçi University 6 Campuses 4 Faculties 2 Schools 6 Institutes 20 Research Centers 31 Departments 15.000 Students (app.) 11000 Undergraduate Students 4000 Graduate Students 1200 Academic Staff (451 Full-time, tenured and tenure track, 274 Part-time, 370 Instructors and Lecturers, and 264 Research Assistants) Academic Units 4 Faculties: Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty of of of of Arts and Sciences, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Education, Engineering 6 Graduate Institutes: Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History Institute of Biomedical Engineering Institute of Environmental Sciences Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute Institute of Science and Engineering Institute of Social Sciences 2 Schools: School of Foreign Languages School of Applied Disciplines Faculty of Arts and Sciences Chemistry History Lingustics Mathematics Molecular Biology and Genetics Philosophy Physics Psychology Sociology Translation and Interpreting Studies Turkish Language and Literature Western Languages and Literatures Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Economics Management Political Science and International Relations Faculty of Education Computer Education and Educational Technology Educational Sciences Foreign Language Education Primary Education Secondary School Science and Mathematics Education Faculty of Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering 1912-2012 School of Applied Disciplines International Trade Management Information Systems Tourism Administration High School (K12) + ÖSYS Degrees offered +1 yr +2 yr +3 yr +4 yr +5 yr +6 yr English Prep. School +7 +8 +9 +10 yr yr yr yr Undergraduate Graduate THE SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES Turkey’s oldest and best English Education tradition... Boğaziçi University has experienced education in English since 1863. More than 80% of newly registered undergraduates spend a year in the English prep school. Divisions English Preparatory Advanced English Modern Languages LANGUAGES TAUGHT AT BOĞAZİÇİ UNIVERSITY German French Spanish Italian Chinese Japanese Russian Arabic Latin Persian Ancient Greek Modern Greek Armenian Korean High Standards ACCORDANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS… Examined by European University Association (EUA) in 1999, academic and administrative perfection of Boğaziçi University has been approved by EUA and many other international associations. ENGINEERING FACULTY THAT HAS BEEN PROVED TO BE IN WORLD STANDARDS... After ABET’s (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) evaluation on Boğaziçi University Engineering Faculty in 1997, 2004 & 2010 contents and the level of the programs in the faculty were shown to be equivalent to the universities in USA and all departments were found to be in accordance with ABET standards. Rankings Times Higher Education, 2014 Among the first 150 Universities Times Higher Education, 2014 Among the first 400 QS WUR 2014 Semesters Fall Semester End of September Mid-January Spring Semester End of February Mid-June Summer • • • • • • Optional Semester End of JuneFirst week of August 6-Week intensive 4000 students 10% International International Networks IAU - International Association of Universities Magna Charta Universitatum EUA - European University Association unimed - Mediterranean Universities Union Utrecht Network Black Sea Universities Network SEFI - European Society for Engineering Education Students 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 6576 6497 6448 6740 6795 6719 6502 6149 6290 6089 6299 2497 2465 2453 2408 1903 1811 2050 2173 1467 1630 1770 7052 7052 7278 8046 3407 2887 2716 3132 Undergraduate Graduate 2765 students in the Prep. School Undergraduate Male, 49% Female , 51% Graduate Male, 57% Female , 43% Male, 51% Overall Femal e, 49% International Students Asia Europe USA Africa Total 175 154 14 1 344 INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE OPPORTUNITIES Traditional long standing ties with world’s leading universities Boğaziçi University provides education abroad via exchange programs. About 25% of Junior Year students (app. 450) participate in an exchange program. Incoming and Outgoing Students 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Incoming 161 201 250 308 312 359 458 531 588 604 Outgoing 113 145 168 207 270 319 316 362 439 506 Exchange Agreements 2013 JAPAN, 7 KOREA, 3 SWITZERLAND, CANADA, 8 7 U.S.A, 42 CHINA, 2 OTHER ,5 AUSTRALIA, 4 ERASMUS, 481 Erasmus Partners FINLAND, 12 SWEDEN, 14 AUSTRIA, OTHERS, 33 11 DENMARK, 21 GERMANY, 109 BELGIUM, 21 U.K., 27 FRANCE, 68 NETHERLANDS, 59 GREECE, 28 SPAIN, 32 ITALY, 45 Some Exchange Partners: Brown University Columbia University Duke University Georgia Institute of Technology Indiana University New York University Purdue University Rice University Syracuse University University of Arizona University of California System University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign University of Iowa University of Maryland University of Texas at Austin University of Washington University of Wisconsin-Madison Washington University in St. Louis Ecole Centrale Paris Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines Ecole Normale Superieure Ecole Polytechnique Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Humboldt-Universitat Berlin Technische Universitat Berlin Technische Universitat Darmstadt Technische Universitat Munchen University of Bologna Delft University of Technology Eindhoven University of Technology Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Tokyo Institute of Technology University of Queensland Monash University ACTIVITIES AT BOĞAZİÇİ Boğaziçi University supports and encourages student and club activities… Student Clubs that develops social responsibility, thinking and individual creativity… TRADITIONAL BU STUDENT ACTIVITIES Sports Festival → Sports Committee Art Festival → Art Clubs International Cultural and Academic Meeting of Engineering Students (ICAMES) → Engineering Society Brandmarker → Management and Economics Club Dance Festival → Dancing Club Aviations Festival → Aviation Club Unlimited Music Days → Radio Boğaziçi Taş Oda Concerts → Music Club Presentation & Recruitment Days → Management and Economics Club Engineering Society Research at Boğaziçi Research University To comply with the aim of becoming a research university in which teaching, research, and innovation are equally valued, BU is fully committed to provide its researchers with the necessary resources to engage in advanced research and innovation Organizational Support BU supports its researchers with a large & strong “Administrative Coordination Office for Research Projects” (BAP) as well as a dedicated “Office for Sponsored Research” (APKO), and a well-structured -regularly meeting“Ethics Board” and “IP Committee” Technology Transfer Recently University’s “Office for Industial Relations”, “Patent Office” and “Project Support Units” have joined forces as a TTO within the university’s Technopark to capitalize on reserach outputs and technology licensing Research Centers Advanced Technologies R&D Center Asian Studies Research Center Center for Economic and Econometrics Center for Innovation and Competition Based Development Studies Center for Psychological Research and Services Disaster Management Research Center Economic Design Research Center Education Policy Research Center European Studies Research Center Information Systems Research Center Language Research Center Life Sciences and Technologies Research Center Mechatronics Research Center Peace Education Research Center Polymer Research Center Social Policy Forum Research Center Sustainable Development and Clean Production Research Center Tourism Management Research Center Informatics and Telecommunication Center Financial Modelling Center Halet Çambel-Nail Çakırhan Center for Archeology, Modern Architecture and History Impact (Cites per document) Retrieved from Thomson Reuters InCites, July 2014 Thanks for your attention...