English II Language Acquisition Week One ORDO, ORDINS: order or series STELLEIN: to put or to place REGO, REGERE: to guide/to govern STELLA: star ASTER: star KOSMOS: universe Vocabulary Words Apostle noun Asterisk noun Astral adj Constellation noun Cosmology noun Definitions A leader or teacher of a faith or movement A star shaped figure used to indicate Of or from the stars A group of fixed stars The study of the whole universe; origin, evolution, and relation to its parts Cosmopolite noun Epistolary adj Inordinate adj Insubordinate adj Ordain verb Ordinance noun A person comfortable in any part of the world, or a person who knows many subjects Having to do with letter writing Excessive; not controlled Not submissive to authority To give priestly authority A command or order; a law or regulation, especially by a city government Rectify verb Rectitude noun Stellar adj Stolid adj To set right; to correct Moral uprightness; correctness of behavior Having to do with stars Showing or appearing to feel no emotion; apathetic Week One: Fill in the Blank Sentences apostle(n) asterisk (n) astral (n) constellation(n) cosmology (n) cosmopolite(n) epistolary (adj) 1. Marcus was amazed at the _______ bodies the telescope allowed him to see. 2. I often use ______ when I’m annotating to mark important things, and also when I text. 3. Obama is an ________ of universal healthcare, which he mentioned during his inaugural address. 4. I still hope to have an ___________ love affair, but no one writes love letters anymore. 5. I hope one day to be a ____________, so that I can feel comfortable going to countries where I don’t speak the language. 6. _________ blows my mind; learning about the universe’s size makes me question everything. 7. My favorite ________ is the little dipper; coincidentally, it’s my favorite candy bar, too. inordinate(adj) rectify (v) insubordinate (adj) rectitude(n) ordain(v) stellar (adj) ordinance(n) stolid (adj) 1. One can be _________ as a reverend online, which seems kind of shady to me. 2. When my 3 year old nephew is being ____, I have to remember his age. 3. Certain students are perfect examples of __________; they respect their own education and the education of others. 4. Drake always looks _______ because he doesn’t want anyone to think he’s mean-mugging. 5. That school has an ________ amount of students getting a perfect score on the ACT; they are under investigation for test tampering. 6. Jose can’t let anyone stay mad at him; he has to _______ problems with friends with a 24 hour period. 7. The public _______ about speaker volume annoys me; sometimes I just need to listen to Mariah Carey on full blast. 8. Vance’s theater department gave a _______ performance of Dr. Faustus last fall. Week One: Analogies ______________:letters::blogging: blogs _________ : terrestrial::sky: ground _______________:important:: erase : mistake Tom Cruise: scientology:: ____________: movement Hermit: ____________ :: recluse : traveler ___________: apathetic::dead: alive _____________: stars:: America : States Universe : ___________ :: life : biology _____________: tardies :: controlled: ISS ____________: referrals :: well behaved : rewards ________: Priest :: Inauguration: Obama _______________: rule :: jail : consequence _________________: stars:: culinary: food ________________: fix:: whiteout : mistake ________________: Manti Te’o ::immoral: Mother Teresa • • • • Analogy Answers • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Asterisk : important:: erase : mistake Tom Cruise: scientology::apostle: movement Astral : terrestrial::sky: ground Hermit : cosmopolite :: recluse : traveler Stolid: apathetic::dead: alive Constellation: stars:: America: States Universe : cosmology:: life : biology Epistolary : letters :: blogging: blogs Inordinate: tardies:: controlled: ISS Insubordinate: referral :: well behaved: reward Ordain: Priest::Inauguration: Obama Ordinance : rule:: jail : consequence Rectify: fix:: whiteout : mistake Rectitude: Manti Te’o ::immoral: Mother Teresa Stellar: stars:: culinary: food Week Two MUTARE: TO CHANGE TURBO: TO DISTURB Vocabulary Words Definitions Aspersion A remark that slanders another noun Disperse verb To spread widely or disseminate Immutable Never changing; unchangeable adj. SPARGERE: TO SCATTER TEMPERARE: TO COMBINE IN PROPORTION Imperturbable adj. Unexcitable; calm Outre Not usual or proper; eccentric; outlandish adj. Penultimate adj. Next to last Permutation An alteration; rearrangement of elements especially in mathematics noun Perturb verb To agitate; to upset temerarious adj. Daring or reckless Temerity noun Foolish boldness; recklessness Temper verb To moderate Temperance noun Moderation in expressing feelings, appetite, or in consumption of alcohol; self- restraint To transform; to change from one form of nature into another Transmute verb Turbid adj. Muddy not clear; opaque Ultimatum noun A final uncompromising condition or demand Week Two: Fill in the Blank Sentences Aspersion (n) immutable (adj) outre (adj) permutation (n) temerarious (adj) Temper (v) Transmute(v) 1. Ms. Zeamer’s ________ behavior could get her fired; she once sang and danced through an entire class period. 2. Animal control had to ______ the rabid dog, before it hurt anyone. 3. The little caterpillar ___________ into a beautiful butterfly, and flies away. 4. A politicians career can be destroyed by a single ___________ that he or she is guilty of dishonesty or improper actions. 5. My sister’s ____________ actions include driving fast, diving from high places, and riding her bike in traffic. 6. DJ Jazzy Jeff is trying to figure out how many _____________ of beats and grooves he can create. 7. Good thing bad hair cuts are not ____________, hair will grow back eventually. Disperse (v) Imperturbable (adj) Penultimate (adj) Temerity (n) Temperance (n) turbid (adj) perturb (verb) ultimatum (noun) 8. The ______ movement was the beginning of underground Moonshine distribution. 9. Students ___________ teachers, when they do not study for tests. 10. We wanted to snorkel, but the water was too ______ to see anything of interest. 11. Mile’s mother gave him his ________, “Get a job or get out!” 12. When there is not a substitute, student’s get _________ into several other classrooms. 13. The ___________ contestant showed no signs of outward excitement, even after he won an boat and $10,000. 14. Lolo has no _________, she never leaves the house without her helmet and refuses to J-walk. 15. On the ___________ day of the week, we create our own sentences in our vocabulary lesson. Week Two Analogies _____________:Forever:::Temporary:Brief _____________:Last::Second::First _____________:Degrade::Compliment:Praise Nikki Minaj:____::Jennifer Hudson:conservative ____________:scatter::marry:combine Annoy:____________::Uplift:Console Opaque:__________::Transparent:Clear _______:Calm::Antagonize:Ignite Week Two Analogy Answers Immutable:Forever::Temporary:Brief Penultimate:Last::Second::First Aspersion:Degrade::Compliment:Praise Nikki Minaj:outre::Jennifer Hudson:conservative Disperse:scatter::marry:combine Annoy:Perturb::Uplift:Console Opaque:Turbid::Transparent:Clear Temper:Calm::Antagonize:Rile Week Three HUMANUS:HUMAN BEING ANTHROPOS:HUMAN BEING; MAN HOMI:HUMAN BEING VIR:MAN GYNE:WOMAN FEMINA:WOMAN AUTOS:SELF EGO: I Vocabulary Words Definitions 1. Anthropology (n) The study of origins, cultural development, and human customs 2. Autocrat (n) A ruler who has unlimited or absolute power 3. Automaton (n) A person who behaves in a mechanical or routine way; robot 4. Autonomy (n) Being self-governed; independent 5. Autopsy (n) The examination of a corpse to determine cause of death 6. Egoism (n) Conceited; excessive confidence in one’s own opinions 7. Feminism (n) The belief that woman should have the same political and economic rights as men 8. Feminist (n) A supported of women’s equal rights to men 9. Gynecology (n) A branch of medicine that deals with disorders and treatments of the women’s reproductive system 10. Homicide (n) The killing of one person by another 11. Humane (adj) Having human qualities such as kindness or compassion 12. Humanism (n) A philosophy in which the interests and values of human beings are most important 13. Humanities (n) Knowledge concerned with humans and their culture; philosophy, literature, arts 14. Misanthrope (n) A person who hates all people 15. Virile (adj) Having masculine characteristics, especially physical strength, vitality, and assertiveness. Week Three: Fill in the Blank Sentences Automaton Autopsy Egoism Feminism Misanthrope Virile 1. My teacher was like an __________ she never smiled, cracked jokes, and veered from her daily routine. 2. Many celebrities suffer from ___________, they think they are better than everyone and put their opinions into interviews. 3. The _________report found that the woman had died of natural causes. 4. Although Miles was a male, he lacked _______ qualities; he could not lift anything over five pounds, had a high pitched voice, and was extremely shy. 5. When women earned the right to vote, ___________ won a big battle. 6. Aramis, a____________, never liked going to crowded places, or being around anyone, he despised all humans. 7. We debated all the great works of literature, philsophical theories, and art in _________________class. Autocrat Autonomy Feminist Gynecology Homicide Humane Humanism 8.In movie GI Jane, Demi Moore is a ____________, and believes that she should have every right to be in the army as a man does. 9.The United States cannot have an ____________ in power, we have system of checks and balances to prevent one person from having too much authority. 10.In my ________________ class, we studied the origins of men, how they lived, and what they believed. 11.Thanks to the ____________ people at the pet rescue organization, many animal lives are saved each day. 12.Ever since watching his friend struggle with ovarian cancer, Michael wanted to grow up to become a ________________, and help woman with similar issues. 13.There is an entire unit in the police force that deals with ____________, many people die each day at the hands of another. 14.The students wanted to kick out their teachers and principals and start an ________________, they would rule the schools by themselves. 15.Those who believe that God or a higher being is the most important thing, would not agree with the philosophies of __________________. Week 3: Analogies Biology : Life :: __________ : Human Origin _________ : Confidence :: Fanatic : Supportive __________ : Masculine :: Effeminate : Feminine ____________ : Hate :: Humanitarian : Care Urology : Males :: ______________: Females __________ : Absolute :: Democrat : Shared __________ : Routine :: Free spirit: Spontaneous ______________: Kindness :: Merciless : Hatred Week 3 Analogy Answers Biology : Life :: Anthropology : Human Origin Egoism : Confidence :: Fanatic : Supportive Virile : Masculine :: Effeminate : Feminine Misanthrope : Hate :: Humanitarian : Care Urology : Males :: Gynecology: Females Autocrat : Absolute :: Democrat : Shared Automaton : Routine :: Free spirit: Spontaneous Humane : Kindness :: Merciless : Hatred Week Four GENS:RACE OR FAMILY GENUS:BIRTH OR RACE GIGNO:TO BEAR/TO BRING FORTH Vocabulary Words Congenital (adj) Definitions Existing at birth but not hereditary Engender (v) To bring rise to; to create Genealogy (n) The study of family records Genesis (n) A beginning or origin Genocide (n) The planned annihilation of a racial, political or cultural group Genre (n) A type , class, or category; especially in art and literature Genteel (adj) Well mannered or polite Gentile (n) Anyone that is not Jewish Gentry(n) Aristocratic or well bred people Heterogeneous (adj) Having parts that are unrelated or completely different Homogeneous (adj) Of the same kind Indigenous (adj) Occurring in or characterizing an area; native Ingenious (adj) Cleverly inventive or creative Progenitor (n) A direct ancestor Progeny (n) Children or offspring Week 4 Fill in the Blank CONGENITAL GENEALOGY GENOCIDE INGENIOUS PROGENITOR GENRE HOMOGENEOUS PROGENY 1. Mrs. Banghart spent days researching her _______ records, so that she could trace her roots back to her long lost relative, Vanilla Ice. 2. Spina Bifida is a _________ disease, it is present at birth but not passed on from parents. 3. Hitler’s mass execution of the Jewish people was a mass _____________. 4. Mrs. Hopkins hopes to pass her sense of humor and cat-like reflexes to her ___________. 5. The Apple product engineers develop ____________ ideas, the Ipad, Iphone, and the Macbook are cleverly made. 6. One of Ms. Smith’s _______________ is her great grandfather, Mildred, they are directly related. 7. The SAW movies fell under the horror ____________, they were definitely not comedy. 8. The students were broken into _____________ groups, some were of only boys and some were only girls. ENGENDER GENESIS GENTEEL GENTILE GENTRY HETEROGENEOUS INDIGENOUS 9. The ____________ of the English language comes from Latin and Greek roots. 10.Everyone wanted their daughter to date Dante, he had the ___________ manners of a fine Southern gentlemen. 11.During the Holocaust, Hitler left many of the ___________ alone, and killed many Jewish people. 12.I prefer to live in a ____________neighborhood, there are people from many different races, backgrounds, and places. 13.I knew the lady was part of the ____________, she drank her tea with her pinky in the air and always wore designer clothes. 14.Mrs. Vanweezy hopes to __________ a love of reading in their students. 15.Black snakes are _______________ to the mountains of North Carolina. Week 4 Analogies __________: create:: Demolish: destroy Anthropology : human customs::____________: family records _________________ : start :: epilogue : end _____________: polite:: Slob :vulgar ______________ : Native::Imported : Foreign Homogenous: vanilla :: _____________ : Neapolitan ______________ : children :: Parent : adult ______________: hereditary :: Contagious : transferable Week 4 Analogy Answers Engender: create:: Demolish: destroy Anthropology : human customs::Genealogy: family records Genesis : start :: epilogue : end Genteel: polite:: Slob :vulgar Indigenous : Native::Imported : Foreign Homogenous: vanilla :: heterogeneous : Neapolitan Progeny : children :: Parent : adult Congenital: hereditary :: Contagious : transferable Week Five MATER: MOTHER PATER: FATHER FRATER:BROTHER UXOR: WIFE Vocabulary Word Avuncular (adj) Definitions Like an uncle Bigamy (noun) Marriage to two mates Familial (adj) Having to do with the family Fraternal (adj) Pertaining to brothers; brotherly Fraternize (verb) To be friendly with Matriarchy (noun) A society ruled of controlled by women Matriculate (verb) To register as a student at a college or university Matrix (noun) The surroundings within which something begins or develops Monogamy (noun) Marriage to a single mate Patriarch (noun) The male head of a family or tribe Patrimony (noun) A family inheritance Patronage (noun) Support or encouragement Patronize (verb) To go to regularly; treat someone as inferior Patronymic (noun) Name derived from a paternal instinct Uxorious (adj) Dominated by one’s wife Week Five Fill in the Blank Sentences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Upon graduation from high school, students begin to __________ into college. Mr. Brines hears his wife’s orders, he completes many _____________actions to make her happy. Willy Zeamer participates in _____________, he has his first wife, Mable, and his other wife, Ebony. The girl scouts ask for people’s _________ outside of grocery stores, pedaling their cookies. Although Mr. Clapp is not her uncle, Miatta feels that he has __________ qualities; he takes her to baseball games, and buys her ice cream cones. People that participate in bigamy, do not believe in marriage to one person, they do not agree with _____________. All of Mr. Cooperman’s children were very well behaved, they wanted to get a cut of his ____________, when he was gone. When Jade marries her husband she will take his ___________, Goodridge. 9. My brother thinks he is the _____________ of the house, when my dad is out of town. 10. In Madea’s world, she runs the house, her home is a ____________. 11. Student’s are always more comfortable when they have a warm and ____________ classroom environment. 12. The Greco Roman world was the _______ for Western civilization. 13. Although Shay and Marshay fight a lot, their __________ feelings always help them to forgive. 14. I never ____________ with people that get on my nerves or smell. 15. Jackaline ______________ Carowinds every day, hoping that her support would eventually lead the manager to hire her. Week Five Analogies ___________:Bigamy:: Dating:Pimping Patriarchy:___________:: Man : Woman __________:Begin::Withdraw:End ___________:Support::Boycott:Oppose ____________:Friendly::Avert:Avoid _____________:Brothers::Sisterhood:Sisters _________:Beginning::Devestation:End Week Five Analogy Answers Monogamy:Bigamy:: Dating:Pimping Patriarchy:Matriarchy:: Man : Woman Matriculate:Begin::Withdraw:End Patronize:Support::Boycott:Oppose Fraternize:Friendly::Avert:Avoid Fraternal:Brothers::Sisterhood:Sisters Matrix:Beginning::Devestation:End Week Six PUER: A male child NASCOR: to be born MORIOR: TO DIE SUM, ESSE: To be Vocabulary Word Entity n. Definitions Something that has a real or independent existence Essence n. The basic element; identifying characteristic Euthanasia n. The act of painlessly killing a suffering person or animal Innate adj. Possessed at birth Moribund adj. About to die or end Mortify v. To shame Naïve adj. Childlike; unsophisticated Nascent adj. Emerging; coming into existence Nonentity n. A person or thing of no importance Orthopedics n. Branch of medicine treating disorders of the skeletal system and tissues related to movement A teacher Pedagogue n. Pedant n. Postmortem n. A scholarly show off; someone who pays more attention to rules than understanding An examination to determine cause of death; an autopsy Puerile adj. Childish or immature Renaissance n. A rebirth or renewal Week Six FIB Sentence 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Kobe Bryant practices his basketball skills every day, but only to perfect his ________ talent. The _________ eliminated the possibility that her death was caused by poison. Mr. Coop is a devoted ________ of English, teaching his students grammar and reading is his passion. A true scholar wants to learn the causes of world events, a ________ only memorizes the dates and events. Tavaris and Javaris dressed differently and participated in separate activities; they want to be their own ___________. After falling off of a log, Mrs. Brines had to go see an __________, so that she could have her ankle examined. Poor ________ Anayeshua helped the creepy man look for the lost puppy for an hour before she realized he was kidnapper. 8. Teachers want to encourage the ________ skills of young writers. 9. During the ___________, Greek and Roman ideas and art styles were reintroduced. 10. The sweet dog was in too much pain, his owners had to take him to the vet to receive __________. 11. Although the monster’s in Lance’s dreams are a ___________, they cause him real fear. 12. A good way to __________ your mother at the grocery store is to moon the cameras. 13.The ___________ of a Democracy is equal representation. 14.Sometimes students act ________, such as passing gas during class and then laughing about it. 15.Some people feel that show like American Idol and America’s Got Talent will be __________ in a few years; they are getting old. Week Six Analogies _________: Ms. Smith ::President: Obama _________ : Shame :: Rectify: Repair _________: Emerge :: Descend : Decline ________: Renewal :: Genocide : Death _______: Mercy :: Homicide : Murder ________ : Movement:: Orthodontist: teeth ______ : Rules :: Scholar : Knowledge _________: Childlike :: Matured: adult Week Seven Odium : Hate Amare: to love Philos: friend Phileo: to love Phobos: fear Pax: Peace Vocabulary Word Acrophobia (noun) Definitions Fear of heights Amicable (adj) Friendly; peaceable Amity (noun) Friendship; friendly relations Appease (verb) To calm Bibliophile (noun) A lover of books Claustrophobia Fear of being closed in or a feeling of being trapped Enamored (adj) In love with; charmed by Hydrophobia (noun) Fear of water Inimical (adj) Harmful; unfriendly Odious (adj) Hateful or distasteful Pacific (adj) Peaceful or serene Pacify (verb) To calm or make quiet Philanthropy (noun) Goodwill to fellow human beings Phobia (noun) Strong irrational fear Xenophobia (noun) Fear or hatred of what is strange or foreign Week Seven Fill in the Blank Sentences 1. Lulu’s intense _________ prevented him from learning how to swim. 2. The ______ Ocean was named after its peaceful and calm waves. 3. The student refused to join travel club because he had _________; he would hate all the people over seas. 4. Loraine and her sister fought with each other all of the time, but during the holidays they were __________ with each other. 5. Every time Ms. Smith goes to the library she goes wild, she is such a _____________. 6. Too much sugar is ____________ to your health. 7. Jade could not step into the elevator without having a panic attack, she was a ________________. Week Seven Fill in the Blank Sentences 8. People that have _______ should not climb mountains or live on the 3rd floor. 9. Anayushea had to give Ava three bottles to _________ her. 10. The Real Housewives of Atlanta practice _________, they give lots of money to the needy and charities. 11. Students that talk a lot in class value _______ over grades. 12. People have ________ feelings towards murderers and rapists. 13. Janette’s________ of little people, keeps her from going in to elementary schools. 14. The student __________ the teacher by apologizing and following directions. 15. Mrs. Brines was so ________ by the song Miles was singing, she decided to look up the Riff Raff original. Week Seven Analogies Hydrophobia : Water :: ___________ : heights ___________ : Books :: Pedophile : Children Amicable : Peace :: Volatile : Hate __________: Satisfy :: Annoy : Dissatisfy __________ : Calm :: Stir : Agitate __________ : Love :: Disgusted : Hate Week Eight PATHOS: Suffering MISO: To hate DYS: Bad CUPERE: to desire Vocabulary Word Antipathy (noun) Definitions A hatred or dislike Apathy (noun) Lack of feeling, energy, or interest Complacent (adj) Self- satisfied; smug Covet (verb) To crave or desire Cupidity (noun) Greed or avarice Dysentery (noun) Severe diarrhea Dyslexia (noun) A serious difficulty learning to read in the usual way Empathy (noun) Implacable (adj) The ability to identify with someone else and understand that person’s situation and feelings Impossible to calm or make happy Misogamy (noun) Hatred of marriage Misogyny (noun) Hatred of women Pathological (adj) Caused by disease; abnormal in behavior Pathos (noun) A feeling of sympathy; a quality that arouses pity or tenderness Placate (verb) To calm; to appease Placid (adj) Showing calmness of peacefulness Week Eight Fill in the Blank Sentences 1. Kanye West broke off his engagement to Kim Kardashian because he can handle a baby but he will never get rid of his _____________. 2. Dwayne knew that he was a __________ liar, when he told three old ladies he was going to visit them in the nursing home every day for three hours. 3. Mrs. Brines has _________ toward Bruno Mars, she thinks he is hella fake and his music is the pits! 4. It is not beneficial to ________ other people’s possessions; people should be happy with what they have. 5. Successful people are never ___________ with their work; they are always trying to improve themselves. 6. Despite having __________, Tom Cruise overcame his disability and develop a way to read all of his scripts before movies. 7. Beyonce tried to __________ and upset Michelle and Kelly, when they found out she was only letting them perform for 2 minutes in the Super Bowl halftime show. Week Eight Fill in the Blank Sentences 8. Every year on Black Friday as people stand in long lines and push and shove each other over material things, I am disgusted at how much __________ people have. 9. Willy had to leave the Thanksgiving table three times to go to the bathroom due to her ____________. 10. Spring break gives teachers and students a chance to feel ___________ before they have to finish the school year. 11. There should be more ___________ given to bullied students; you never know what someone is going through. 12. His mother knew he was filled with ________, when John Dough shrugged his shoulders when the scale reached 200 lbs and ate a donut. 13. The ________________ child cried throughout the whole movie. 14. My grandmother’s funeral was filled with much ___________ and love. 15. Chase has always practiced ________, when he was a baby he growled at all females from his highchair. Week Eight Analogies ___________ : Diarrhea :: Bronchitis : Coughing ____________:Calmness :: Aggressive:Rage _____________: Hate :: Adoration: Love ____________ : Calm :: Tranquil : Angry _____________ : Reading :: Insomnia : Sleeping __________: Marriage :: Bigamy: Monogamy _________ : Disinterested :: Sympathy : Care _________ : Satisfied :: Restless : Unfinished Week Nine DOMUS: HOUSE DORMIO: TO SLEEP LAVARE: TO WASH VESTIS: GARMENT Vocabulary Word Ablution (noun) Definitions Washing of the body, especially as a ritual purification Deluge (noun) A downpour; a great flood Divest (verb) To take away something belonging to someone Domain (noun) Range of one’s control; territory Domestic (adj) Related to the family or household Domicile (noun) A home; residence Domineer (verb) To dominate; to be bossy Dominion (noun) Control; rule; area of influence Dormant (adj) Asleep; not in an active state Investiture (noun) Somnambulate (verb) A ceremony in which a person formally recieves the authority or symbol of an office To walk while sleeping Somnolent (adj) Drowsy or sleepy Travesty (noun) An absurd or inferior imitation Vested (adj) A concern for something from which a person expects to get personal benefit A piece of clothing that indicates position or authority; robes worn by clergy Vestment (noun) Week Nine Fill in the Blank Sentences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Nuns are always recognized by their black and white _______________. During the wee hours of the night the young Jeezy _____________ through his house turning on all the lights on the house and watering the plants. The church officials took the child into the river to perform an __________. Troy likes to ___________ the students in his group because he is the boss. My dad always use to tell my siblings and I that he was the king and the house was his ___________, we had to do as he said. Recently an ______________ was held to introduce the new pope. The ________ destroyed the crops and water damaged many properties . Ms. Hopkins only pokes the bears when they are ___________, she doesn’t want to get hurt. Fill in the Blank Sentences 9. The lions have __________ over the jungle; Pumba and Timone fear them. 10. Shay has excellent ___________ skills, he always cooks and cleans to help his family out. 11. Ms. Banghart always goes straight to her ___________ after crafts class, to practice her skills. 12. When the town heard that the politician was taking bribes they ________ him of his power. 13. The students were __________ in the fundraising efforts; they knew they would have to pay less for their trip if they did well. 14. Ms. Smith chugs her Mountain Dew and coffee so that she is not __________. 15. Lifetime movies based on real stories are often ____________ and do not portray the events correctly. Week Nine Analogies ________: Water :: Blizzard : Snow __________: Hibernate :: Active: Hunt __________ : Control :: Surrender : Follow _______ : Gain:: Impeachment : Lose __________: Coffee :: Bleeding : Bandaid _________ : Steal :: Bestow : Gift ___________ : Clergy :: Uniform : Player Week Ten COQUO: TO COOK VORO: TO DEVOUR MEL: HONEY SAL: SALT POTO: TO DRINK LUDO: TO PLAY Vocabulary Word Allude (v) Definitions To make an indirect reference to Carnivorous (adj) Meat eating Collusion (n) A secret agreement for a deceitful purpose; conspiracy Concoct (v) To mix ingredients, as in cooking Cuisine (n) A characteristic style of cooking Delusion (n) Elude (v) A false belief or opinion; especially one held in spite of contradictory evidence To avoid or escape from by cunning; to evade Herbivorous (adj) Plant-eating Imbibe (v) To drink Mellifluous (adj) Sweet as honey (voice or words) Potable (adj) Fit to drink Potion (n) A liquid for drinking,, especially a medicinal, magic or poisonous drink Precocious (adj) Showing unusually early development, especially mentally Saline (n) Having to do with salt Voracious (adj) Extremely hungry; greedy Week Ten Fill in the Blanks 1. Although Ms. Smith likes to swim with the fishes, her allergy to ________ water keeps her from staying in the ocean all day. 2. The city water was not ________ for many weeks after Aramis poured the poison in the well. 3. If Mrs. Brines does not ________ her coffee in the morning, she is one grumpy mamajamma! 4. After the students grabbed the drinks off of the Coke vendor’s cart, they hid in the bathroom trying to ______ adults. 5. _____________ Willy sits at Outback and orders a 16oz steak, and tells them to hold the sides. 6. Mile’s book bag full of sausage biscuits caused the ________students to stare at him and lick their lips. Week Ten Fill in the Blanks 7. When Ms. Hopkins auditioned for American Idol, the judges cried in awe of her _______ voice. 8. Hide your tomatoes, hide your CORN! The giant ________ Troy is coming to a garden near your! 9. Mexican ________ relies on bean, corn, chicken, beef, chiles, and love. 10. The ________ child, Ava, began reading at age 2. 11. When Alex gets home he _________ a delicious salad of exotic fruits. 12. When Sleeping Beauty sipped the ________ she was free from the evil curse. 13. We constantly make ___________ to pop culture in our lessons. 14. Mr. Cooperman made a _________ with the karaoke man, so that he would be the only contestant in the contest that night. 15. Even though Miatta told Eder to stay away from her, he still held the ________ that she was in love with him. Analogies _________:Drink::Ingest: Eat Hide: ______::Search : Find _______: Cooking:: Genre: Movie _______: Hunger::Stuffed: Full _______:Ocean::Chlorine: Pool _______: False:: Conviction : True ______: Indirect::Call out: Direct Week Eleven CAPUT: HEAD CEREBRUM: BRAIN FACIES: FACE/SHAPE FRONS: FRONT/FACE Vocabulary Word Affront (v) Definitions To insult intentionally; to offend or embarrass Capitalist (n) A person who invests personal wealth in business Capitulation (n) Surrender; ending resistance Cerebral (adj) Pertaining to the brain Cerebration (n) The action of thinking; thought Confront (v) To stand or come directly in front of Decapitate (v) To cut off the head of; to behead Deface (v) To mar or spoil the appearance or surface of something Efface (v) To wipe out or obliterate Effrontery (n) Flippant or insulting boldness Façade (n) The face of anything Facet (n) One aspect of a situation Precipice (n) The edge of a dangerous situation Precipitate (v) To throw down from a great height Recapitulation (n) The restatement of a main idea Week Eleven Fill In the Blank 1. The soccer game was canceled as soon as the rain began to _________ onto the players. 2. When writing a senior exit paper, students should be aware of each graded _________: grammar and style, content, and research. 3. Mrs. Brines was always embarrassed of her dad’s __________; every time they went to a restaurant he would demand to be seated despite a full restaurant. 4. Chase the Vampire enjoys _________ people’s property with spray paint and eggs. 5. Shay wanted to _______ his bully, Miles, before things got out of hand. 6. Troy wants a beautiful girlfriend, but she also needs to be intelligent so that they can have a ____________ discussion. 7. Bill Gates is a ____________; he invests his personal money into Microsoft. Week Eleven Fill in the Blank 8. The guillotine was used to __________ criminals. 9. Miatta tries to _______ her horrific memories of dating Eder. 10. The ________ of the capital building is meant to resemble ancient Greek architecture. 11. The _________ of the situation was when the car following Tierrani turned onto her street. 12. After the students read an article, Ms. Bumbles asks the students to give a _________. 13. My mother tells people embarrassing childhood stories so that she can _______ me. 14. Students need to take time out for ________ in between lesson, so that the material sinks in. 15. Although the criminals had a chance to flee, they decided _________ was the better option. Week Twelve OS: MOUTH ORO: TO SPEAK DENS: TOOTH ODON: TOOTH Vocabulary Word Disgorge (v) Definitions To expel from the throat or stomach; to vomit Gargantuan (adj) Gargoyle (n) Indentation (n) Gigantic A grotesque carved human or animal figure, especially one used as a rainspout carrying water clear of a wall. A deep, narrow passage with rocky sides, enclosed between mountains; gluttonous eating; to fill full or stuff A cut or a notch Indenture (v) A written contract between two parties Inexorable (adj) Relentless; unyielding Oracle (n) Oration (n) A shrine where the ancient Greeks consulted one of their gods for advice or prophecy Formal speech given on special occasions Orifice (n) A mouth or vent; an opening Orthodontist (n) A specialist who corrects irregularly positioned teeth Osculate (v) To kiss Regurgitate (v) To rush or surge back; to cause to pour back; vomit Supercilious (adj) Disdainful; haughty; aloof Trident (n) A long three pronged fork or weapon Gorge (n) Fill in the blank Week 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The __________ sat on the top of the Parisian buildings, and poured down rain on all of the people below. Ms. Zeamer ____________ herself on pizza bites three nights a week. I once killed a man with a _______; he had three wounds. Katy Perry tried to rename her song I ______________ a girl and I liked it, but tweaked the name a bit at the last minute. After going to Lotus Buffet for three hours, Shay went home and ________________ all of the sesame chicken from his belly. Mr. Rex wants his students to place a ___________ in front of each paragraph. Ms. Smith ____________ a contract between her landlord and herself; she was to receive 5 sandwiches a week and a juice box, in addition to her lodging. Week 12 FIB 8. Ms. Banghart drinks a __________ glass of a milk every day, in order to keep her bones strong. 9. OJ Simpson went to see an __________ before his trail; he wanted to know what the verdict would be. 10. Maria goes to see her ___________ every week to check the status of her teeth. 11. When the students are passing gas, yelling, and blowing their nose; the teacher’s wish they had no ____________. 12. The ____________ child asked his mother for candy 1000 times. 13. Ms. Hopkins hopes and prays every night that she will be asked to give the ___________ at graduation this year. 14. Teachers don’t want students to __________ information and facts, they want them to understand ideas. 15. The ______________girl looked down on other people. Analogies __________: Kanye West :: Arrogant: Justin Beiber __________: Obese :: Starve : Malnourish Quit: __________ :: Lazy: Persistent _______: Formal :: Conversation : Informal Food:__________:: Students : Expelled __________: Lips:: Hug : Arms Three:________:: One: Sword