2003 Paula Matuszek

CSC 9010:
Text Mining Applications
Fall, 2003
Introduction to GATE
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin
Dr. Paula Matuszek
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
What is GATE?
Stands for General Architecture for Text
The theory behind GATE is SALE
(Software Architecture for Language
– computer processing of human language
– computer infrastructure for software
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
Who Use GATE?
Scientists performing experiments that
involve processing human language
Developers developing applications with
language processing components
Teachers and students of courses about
language and language computation
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
How GATE can Help?
Specify an architecture, or organizational
structure, for language processing software
Provide a framework, or class library, that
implements the architecture and can be
used to embed language processing
capabilities in diverse applications
Provide a development environment built on
top of the framework made up of convenient
graphical tools for developing components
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
What are GATE Components?
Reusable software chunks with well
defined interfaces
Used in Java beans and Microsoft’s .Net
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
GATE as an architecture
Breaks down to three types of
– LanguageResources (LRs)
– represent entities such as lexicons, documents,
corpora, annotation schemas, or ontologies;
– ProcessingResources (PRs)
– represent entities that are primarily algorithmic,
such as parsers, generators or ngram modelers;
– VisualResources (VRs)
– represent visualization and editing components
that participate in GUIs.
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
LRs: Corpora, Documents, and
A Corpus in Gate is a Java Set whose
members are Documents.
Documents are modeled as content
plus annotations plus features.
Annotations are organized in graphs,
which are modeled as Java sets of
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
Documents Processing in GATE
– Formats including XML, RTF, email, HTML,
SGML, and plain text.
– Identified and converted into GATE
annotation format.
– Processed by PRs.
– Results stored in a serial data store (based
on Java serialization) or as XML.
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
Built-in GATE Components
Resources for common LE data
structures and algorithms, including
documents, corpora and various
annotation types
A set of language analysis components
for Information Extraction (e.g. ANNIE)
A range of data visualization and editing
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
Develop Language Processing
Functionality using GATE
Programming, or the development of
Language Resources such as grammars
that are used by existing Processing
Resources, or a mixture of both.
The development environment is used for:
– visualization of the data structures produced
and consumed during processing
– debugging
– performance measurement
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
A Collection of REusable Objects for
Language Engineering
The set of resources integrated with
All the resources are packaged as Java
Archive (or ‘JAR’) files, plus some XML
configuration data.
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
A family of Processing Resources for
language analysis included with GATE
Stands for A Nearly-New Information
Extraction system.
Using finite state techniques to
implement various tasks: tokenization,
semantic tagging, verb phrase chunking,
and so on.
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
ANNIE IE Modules
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
ANNIE Components
Sentence Splitter
Part of Speech Tagger
– produces a part-of-speech tag as an annotation
on each word or symbol.
Semantic Tagger
OrthoMatcher Coreference Module
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
ANNIE Component: Tokenizer
Token Types
– word, number, symbol, punctuation, and
A tokenizer rule has a left hand side and
a right hand side.
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
Tokenizer Rule
Operations used on the LHS:
| (or)
* (0 or more occurrences)
? (0 or 1 occurrences)
+ (1 or more occurrences)
The RHS uses ’;’ as a separator, and has
the following format:
{LHS} > {Annotation type};{attribute1}={valu
e1};...;{attribute n}={value n}
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
Example Tokenizer Rule
– The sequence must begin with an uppercase letter,
followed by zero or more lowercase letters. This
sequence will then be annotated as type “Token”. The
attribute “orth” (orthography) has the value
“upperInitial”; the attribute “kind” has the value
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
ANNIE Component: Gazetteer
The gazetteer lists used are plain text
files, with one entry per line.
Each list represents a set of names, such
as names of cities, organizations, days of
the week, etc.
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
Example Gazetteer List
A small section of the list for units of
European Currency Units
German mark
German marks
New Taiwan dollar
New Taiwan dollars
NT dollar
NT dollars
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
ANNIE Component:
Semantic Tagger
Based on JAPE language, which
contains rules that act on annotations
assigned in earlier phases.
Produce outputs of annotated entities.
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
ANNIE Component: Sentence
Segments the text into sentences.
This module is required for the tagger.
The splitter uses a gazetteer list of
abbreviations to help distinguish
sentence-marking full stops from other
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
ANNIE Component:
Adds identity relations between named
entities found by the semantic tagger, in
order to perform coreference.
Does not find new named entities, but it
may assign a type to an unclassified
proper name.
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
Create a New Resource
Write a Java class that implements
GATE’s beans model.
Compile the class, and any others that it
uses, into a Java Archive (JAR) file.
Write some XML configuration data for
the new resource.
Tell GATE the URL of the new JAR and
XML files.
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
Example: Create a New
Component Called GoldFish
– Is a processing resource
– Look for all instances of the word “fish” in
the document
– Add an annotation of type “GoldFish”
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
Example: Create GoldFish
Using BootStrap Wizard
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
GoldFish: default files created
Creates Java code in Goldfish.java.
Creates XML configuration for GoldFish
in resource.xml.
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
Create an Application with PRs
Applications model a control strategy for the
execution of PRs.
Currently only pipeline execution is
– Simple pipelines: group a set of PRs together
in order and execute them in turn.
– Corpus pipelines: open each document in the
corpus in turn, set that document as a runtime
parameter on each PR, run all the PRs on the
corpus, then close the document
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
Additional Facilities
– a Java Annotation Patterns Engine, provides
regular-expression based pattern/action
rules over annotations.
– The file “Main.jape” contains a list of the
grammars to be used for for Named Entity
Recognition, in the correct processing order.
– Used in ANNIE.
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek
Embedding ANNIE
Create a stand alone ANNIE
extraction system.
Example code that will embed ANNIE
in an application that takes URLs as
inputs and produces named entities
as outputs.
Taken primarily from a presentation by Lin Lin.
©2003 Paula Matuszek