Teacher: Mrs. Oldis & Ms. Smith Room: 250 1) This Course: Global History & Geography I is about 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Student: Course Organizer The historic, social, economic, political, geographic, and cultural development of the world from the Neolithic Revolution to the Age of Exploration. 2) Coursehave Questions: What impact does geography on history? What are the basic purposes of government? What are the relationships between people and their environment? What have been the contributions of classical civilizations to the history of humankind? In what ways are varying belief systems similar and different? How have these belief systems influenced history? What contributions to human history have been made by the Gupta Empire, the Tang and Song Dynasty, Byzantine Empire, and medieval Europe? What role did the Byzantine Empire play in the preservation and transmission of Greek and Roman knowledge and culture? Of Roman concept of law? What contributions did Islamic culture make to global history? What assumptions did medieval Europe make regarding power, authority, governance, and law? How are Japanese and European feudalism similar? Dissimilar? What forces led to the rise and fall of the Mongols? What was the relationship between the rise in capitalism and the decline of feudalism? What forces contributed to the rise and fall of African kingdoms? How did they compare to the rise and fall of other empires? How did the Renaissance compare to the Medieval Period? How did they differ? How did religious reform lead to conflict? To what extent were these conflicts resolved? Student Signature: 3) Grading/Course Standards Your Quarterly Grade will be made up of the following: 1. Homework 2. Castle Learning 3. Quizzes 20% 4. Class Work 5. Test/Projects 10% 10% 20% 40% 100% DBQ’s & Thematic Essays may fall under any of the above categories depending on the assignment. From time to time, your unit test will be in essay form. 4) Skills - Study Skills - Reading Skills - Outlining Skills - Concentration Skills - Test Taking Skills -Research Skills -Organization Skills -Essay Writing Skills -Map Skills - Time Management Skills - Geography Concepts - Ideas in World History - Critical Thinking - Analysis Skills This Course: Course Map Parent Signature: Global History & Geography - Honesty - Tolerance - Bully-Free Zone - Cellphone-Free Zone 9) Communication Options 8) Materials and Extra Help 7) Community Principles Respect: Teacher to Student Student to Teacher Peer to Peer Parent Email: 3-Ring Binder with loose-leaf paper Homework Book 1 folder (to save each quarter’s work) Pens (blue & black ink only) & #2 pencils Extra help is available after school Tuesday and Thursday and before school Wednesday. Contact Information: Email: doldis@pmschools.org jsmith@pmschools.org 687-6500 High School 6) Critical Concepts & Themes Geography Human Origins - Factors of Production - Belief Systems -Nationalism Nation -Economic Systems - Change State -Environment & Society - Citizenship - Needs & Wants -Geography - Conflict - Human Rights Imperialism -Political Systems - Culture & Intellectual -Interdependence Power Life Decision Making - Justice -Scarcity - Diversity - Movement of People &Goods- Science & Technology - Urbanization 5) Units Studied Age of Exploration Reformation River Valley Civilizations Renaissance Rise of Empires Middle Ages World Belief Systems Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Ancient Africa Ancient China Mongols Feudal Japan