Course Information Sheet

Pasadena City College
Visual, Media and Performing Arts Department
Music 21 (#33349) Music Appreciation Spring 2016
Instructor: Dr. Zoolalian (Dr. Z)
Class time: M/W 3.45-5.10 pm
Units: 3
Office Hours: W 5.10-5.40 pm CA 210
Class Location: Center for the Arts, 210
VMPA Main Office: CA 102, 626.585.7216
Textbook Online Student Set #: 14068
I. Catalog Description
Introduction to western art music--its understanding and enjoyment, music elements, performance
media, style, and literature. Emphasis on critical listening skills. Required concert attendance. Total
of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC
II. Student Learning Outcomes (Things you should be able to do by the end of the semester)
1. Discuss the history of western music.
2. Identify, through critical listening, the key elements of western music.
3. Critique a live concert performance using proper terminology.
4. Distinguish and analyze various eras, forms, genres, and composers of western music.
5. Communicate about western music using proper terminology.
III. Student Performance Outcomes (Things you will do that will help you master the above
1a. Trace the historical development and cultural contexts of western music from Antiquity through
the Contemporary periods.
1b. Trace the history of western music in terms of instruments and voice types used.
1c. Discuss the innovations of major composers of western music.
2a. Recognize the elements of music, basic voice types and instruments.
2b. Recognize a number of representative works by major composers from the Middle Ages through
the contemporary era.
3. Examine the technical and artistic merits of the performance.
4. Identify major western music genres, forms and styles from the Middle Ages through the
contemporary era.
5. Describe and analyze the works using western music vocabulary.
IV. Class Materials
1. The Enjoyment of Music, Twelfth Edition Shorter, Forney, Dell’Antonio and Machlis (you may buy
the e-book but must be able to access it during class. Of course, I recommend buying the hard copy of
the textbook, always better!) Please register immediately for the book’s online digital resources at Our student set number is #14068.
2. Scantrons, (882-E form) pencil and eraser for all in-class exams
3. Paper for notes, class assignments, etc.
V. Class Activities, Assignments, and Grading
When due, assignments are to be turned in at the beginning of class in typed, printed-out form unless
otherwise specified. Please refer to Canvas for due dates. No e-mailed assignments are accepted.
The course will consist of lectures, discussions, activities, guided listening, independent listening and
examinations. Final grades will be based on the following:
1) Attendance: Students are expected to attend every class, arriving on time with appropriate
materials. No attendance points are given for late arrivals. If you must miss class, you must
let me know prior to class via email. If you do miss class, you are responsible for making up
materials. I will post on Canvas ( what we will be covering.
2) Assigned reading & listening assignments: It is expected that students will complete the
assigned reading and listening assignments in advance of class time. Class time should be
devoted to listening and discussion rather than repeating information from the textbook.
3) In Class Exams: There will be 4 in-class tests. Tests are multiple-choice and include listening
examples. Make-up exams are not given.
4) Concert Reports: Each student will turn in two concert reports. Specific instructions for the
reports will be available on Canvas. These live concerts must be classical, such as a
symphony, recital, opera, etc. You will write a brief review of the live concert using the
critical listening skills and musical vocabulary you have learned in class. You must also
attach your ticket stub to the report.
5) Online Quizzes: There will be occasional online InQuizitive quizzes found via The Enjoyment
of Music’s digital landing page: Be sure to
enter the Student Set ID #:14068 to register. Once registered, I, and only I, will be able to see
your quiz results online. You can also access many digital resources from the textbook
online, such as playlists, flashcards, the e-book, etc.
6) Lab Hours: Lab hours are no longer a required portion of this course. I do, however,
encourage you to visit it often and use the resources available, such as studying, listening to
class music, writing concert reports and browsing musical materials such as CDs, DVDs and
more. CA 002.
4 In class Exams: 60% (There will be no make-ups!)
2 Concert Reports: 20%
Attendance/participation/lab hours/activities (in class & online): 20%
VI. Policies
No attendance credit is given to late arrivals/early departures. As per college policy, you will be
dropped for four or more unexcused absences or as a result of not attending the first class session.
Unexcused absences are those for which you do not inform the instructor prior to class time and for
which you cannot provide a legitimate reason (verified illness or family emergency).
Plagiarism and academic misconduct
Plagiarism is the representation of another’s words or ideas as your own. Do all work by yourself.
Please be careful not to use another's work and call it your own. Be sure to give credit by citing the
source of information. Plagiarism or any other form of academic dishonesty (cheating) will result in a
grade of F for the assignment and/or possibly the course.
If you have a verified disability and believe you would benefit from reasonable accommodations, you
may wish to identify yourself to me. You can arrange for services through the Disabled Student
Programs & Services in D209 (626/585-7127). For more information, please go to
Student conduct in class
Personal electronic devices may not be used during class time. Computers may be used to take notes
or access the e-book. Any use of personal electronic devices or misuse of computers (social media, email) during class will result in dismissal from class and an unexcused absence. Practice respectful
interactions in all class communications; behavior that disrupts or disrespects the class will not be
VII. Class Schedule (subject to change)
Jan 11
Jan 13
Jan 18
Jan 20
Intro to Course.
Lab tour
Music and Words
Texture and Style
Middle Ages (450-1450)
Hildegard of Bingen
Register your textbook online.
Ch 8
Ch 5 & 12
Prelude 2
Ch 13/LG 2
HOLIDAY - campus closed
Middle Ages cont’d...
Polyphony & the Notre Dame School
Machaut and the Chanson
Rhythm, Meter & Harmony
Renaissance (1450-1600)
Ch 14/LG 3
Ch 15/LG 4
Ch 2 & 3
Prelude 2
Jan 25-27
Renaissance cont’d...
Madrigal, Arcadelt & Farmer
Motet & Josquin
Mass & Palestrina
(Instruments & Dance )
Ch 16/LG 5 & 6
Ch 17/LG 7
Ch 18/LG 8
(Ch 19/LG 9)
Feb 1
Feb 3
QUIZ #1 - Middle Ages & Renaissance. General Terms.
Correct/review Quiz #1
Intro to Baroque (1600-1750)
Prelude 3
Ch 10, pgs 39-41
Feb 8-10
Baroque cont’d...
Vivaldi, Concerto & The Four Seasons
Handel, Suite & Water Music; Brass
Opera, Purcell & Dido; Woodwinds
Ch 26/LG16
Ch 25/LG 15; & pgs 43-44
Ch 21/LG 11 & pgs 41-43
HOLIDAY - campus closed
Baroque cont’d...
Handel, Oratorio & Messiah; Percussion
Ch 23/LG 13 & pgs 45-46
Feb 15
Feb 17
Feb 22
Feb 24
Feb 29
Mar 2
Baroque cont’d...
Keyboards, Bach, & the Fugue; REVIEW Ch 27/LG 17; & pg 46
QUIZ #2 - Baroque & Instruments of the Orchestra
Correct/Review Quiz #2
Intro to Classical (1750-1820s)
Prelude 4
Classical cont’d... Chamber Music:
Pg 48
Haydn, String Quartet, Theme & Variations Ch 28/LG 18
Mozart, Serenade, Sonata-Allegro, & Minuet/Trio Ch 30/LG 20
Mar 7-12
Mar 14-23
Classical cont’d...
Conductor & Orchestra
Mozart, Concerto, First mvt form
Beethoven, Piano, & Moonlight Sonata
Pgs 48-51
Ch 31/LG 21
Ch 32/LG 22
Beethoven & Symphony #5
Mozart, Opera & Requiem
Ch 33/LG 23
Ch 34/LG 24 & Ch 35/LG 25
Mar 28
Mar 30
QUIZ #3 - Classical
Correct/Review Quiz #3
Intro to Romantic (1820-1900s)
Apr 4-13
Romantic cont’d...
Berlioz, Program Symphony, Sym. fantastique Ch41/LG32
Italian Opera, Verdi & Puccini
Ch 44/LG 35 & Ch 47/LG 38
German Song, Schubert & Schumann
Ch 36/LG 26 & 27
Piano & Chopin
Ch 38/LG 29
Ballet, Tchaikovsky, & The Nutcracker
Ch 46/LG 37
Debussy & Ballet
Ch 49/LG 40
Apr 18-27
20th Century
Stravinsky & Ballet
Nationalism, (Ives?) & Copland
American Opera, Gershwin, & Porgy
Bernstein & West Side Story
Bartok & Neo-Classical
May 5/2 Monday
Prelude 5
Prelude 6
Ch 53/LG 44
Ch 59/LG 52 (51?)
Ch 58/LG 50
Ch 63/LG 57
Ch 61/LG 54
FINAL: Quiz #4: Romantic, Impressionism, & 20th Century
VIII. Useful Links
1. Exploring the World of Music on
2. Performing Arts website (lists all kinds of concerts in town)
3. Los Angeles Philharmonic
4. Los Angeles Opera (Sign up for OperaU for cheap yet great seats! Go to Community tab, click
under Students)
5. Coleman Chamber Music at Caltech
6. Los Angeles Master Chorale
9. Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra
10. Colburn School
11. USC Thornton School of Music
12. Classical Music radio (91.5 fm)
13. Caltech Public Events
14. UCLA Center for the Art of Performing Arts
15. LA Weekly website
16. Oxford Music Online or other music databases online at PCC