Medical Terminology Lindbergh High School Course Syllabus Ms. Delaney Room 111 425-204-3510 Course Description: This is a semester long class in which students will learn about medical terminology, especially as it relates to Anatomy & Physiology. Students will take from this course a general understanding of medical terminology and how to use it. This knowledge will facilitate their understanding of future courses in anatomy, physiology, pathology, zoology and all other healthcare related courses. The systemic approach to word building used may also increase general reading and writing skills. Materials: You are financially responsible for any textbooks and materials checked out to you. Objectives: Upon completion of the course, students will: Analyze, build, spell and pronounce medical terms related to the human body Analyze, build, spell and pronounce medical terms related to a variety of medical specialties, such as oncology, mental health and nuclear medicine Appropriately use correct medical abbreviations when applicable Interpret sample medical documents Complete sample medical documents correctly, such as patient information forms, medical history, pathology reports, etc. Write accurate SOAP (subjective, objective, assessment, plan) notes for a given patient scenario Class Policies Computer use: a computer use form must be completed and turned in to your teacher or the library during the first 2 weeks of the course. If you do not turn in your form, your computer access will be turned off and this will affect your ability to complete the web-based assignments. You will be responsible for adhering to all district, school, department and classroom computer usage guidelines. Failure to follow those guidelines may result in the loss of your computer privileges for the remainder of the semester. If you are tardy to class you will lose participation/performance points. Make- up Work: It is your responsibility to make arrangements for make-up tests, find out what assignments are missing and when they are due. Generally, for each excused day of absence, you may take an additional day to turn in work. Late work will only be accepted for one week past original due date for no more than 50% of earned score. Absolutely no cell phone out in class! Loss of performance points and LHS consequences will be strictly enforced. Grades: Grading will be awarded on the standard Lindbergh Scale based on the percentage of points you have earned for the semester. Classroom grades are based on the following criteria: Daily work/Quizzes 45% You will be expected to turn in regular assignments, complete and on-time. Projects/Tests 40% You will demonstrate your achievements through a project or test at the end of each major unit Participation/Performance 15% This is a skills-based health sciences class and you will be successful by coming to class and completing assigned work. Leadership and employability are essential to any career and this curriculum is designed to enhance those skills by setting expectations and creating a suitable environment. You will earn your points in this category each day for: Being in class on time Participating in class discussions and activities Having materials ready when the bell rings Effectively using class time to complete course work Helping others to become successful in this class Complying with the classroom expectations Following directions Lindbergh High School Standards: Lindbergh students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that promotes a proper learning environment and reflects positively on themselves, their classmates, teachers, family and community. Each Lindbergh High student automatically becomes a citizen of our school, receiving privileges and accepting responsibilities, including: Respect for property Keep our classroom a clean, neat and safe environment Respect for others Respect for authority Show respect, follow directions and identify yourself and activity when asked Respect for self Show courtesy and tolerance; respect differences; make other feel welcomed Be successful and reach your full potential. Be the best you can be.