Computer Maintenance
Software Configuration: Evaluating Software
Packages, Software Licensing, and
Computer Protection through the Installation
and Maintenance of Security Software
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Course Objectives
Evaluate software packages to determine
the compatibility of the software to the
hardware on the computer
Determine that the software is properly
licensed prior to installation
Define, install, and maintain security
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Software Configuration:
Functionality, and
Computer software: A program made up of
bits and bytes of information that is loaded
and used on the computer
Also known as an application
Many different types of
software programs
Each piece of software serves a
a particular purpose in making
the computer function
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Software Configuration:
Functionality, and
Computer hardware: A collection of
components put together to form a
functioning computer
Components include the CPU (Central
Processing Unit), motherboard, graphics
card, power supply, memory, hard drive,
optical drive, fan, monitor, keyboard,
mouse, and other optional components
like speakers
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Software Configuration:
Functionality, and
Software compatibility: The
ability for a software
application to function with a
computer’s hardware
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Software Compatibility
Things to look for and consider when
selecting a software application package
Compatible operating systems
The software’s minimum system requirements
The software’s recommended system
The hardware specifications of the computer
The level of functionality that can be expected
based on the hardware it is installed on
End users licensing agreement
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Software Compatibility
Minimum system requirements
Tends to increase over time as hardware becomes
more powerful
Tells you if the software will run on the computer
Helps gauge the level of performance that can be
expected once installed
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Software Compatibility
Recommended hardware specifications
Has a higher requirement than the minimum system
Ensures the optimal performance intended by the
Targets the mid point of computer hardware
capabilities at the time the software was released
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Software Compatibility
Assessing the level of functionality for
application software
Know the computer’s hardware
When gathering data, compile a list of information
including the following:
Operating system, CPU and speed, amount of
installed memory, hard drive capacity, video card,
sound card, network cards, optical drives, and other
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Software Compatibility
Assessing the level of functionality for application
software includes the following:
Ensures the computer’s specifications meet or exceed the
listed system requirements on the software for baseline
The software package will run, but it will likely be slow to
respond or run very slowly
Compares the recommended specifications to the
computer hardware if it exceeds the software’s system
The higher the hardware capability is, the more responsive
you can expect the application to be
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Software Licensing
Software license: A legal contract that
regulates the usage and distribution of
software. The user is presented with the
specified terms at installation.
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Software Licensing
Software licenses indicate the number of
computers that can legally have the software
 Licenses will also indicate the number
of authorized users
(Ex. A photographer looking for a photo editing
package would not be eligible for the student
pricing unless he or she was a student.)
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Software Licensing
End User License Agreement (EULA)
States the rights of the end user and how the
software may be used
EULA is the agreement that must be accepted
prior to the installation of the software.
It is designed to limit the unlawful use or
distribution of the software.
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Security Software
Security software: General terminology
used to define different computer applications
that are designed to protect a computer or
computer system in a specific way
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Security Software
Different types of security software
Anti-virus software
Firewall software
Controls data traffic flow while securing a network
Internet security software
Prevents infection, detects and removes malware that may
allow unwanted changes to the computer
Anti-malware software that monitors the Internet browser,
email and other applications that open connectivity to the
Anti-spyware software
Removes programs that monitor and report the user’s
actions on a computer
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Security Software
Important things to note about security
It is never 100% effective
You must exercise caution when visiting websites,
opening emails, and handling files that are
Security software can scan these files, but they only
detect what has already been identified.
Some types of malware are not able to be
removed and can require a reinstallation of the
operating system.
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Security Software
Installing security software
Two ways to install security software:
Download and install the software from the Internet
Purchase a retail package of the software and install it by the
Maintaining security software
Security software should auto update
During installation, the auto update and scan should default to
“enabled.” Use this setting.
When security software is being updated afterwards, there will
be a pop-up window to let you know about the update.
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Security Software
Downloading security software (Some
security applications are free)
Click to download or purchase the software.
On completion of download, open the download
folder where the download was saved.
Double click the installer icon or executable (Exe.)
Follow onscreen prompts and accept the (EULA).
The software should run a complete scan of the
computer’s hard drive once it is installed.
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Security Software
Installing security software (CD-ROM)
Insert disk.
Double click the install icon on the desktop and
again if necessary when the installer window
Follow the on-screen prompts and accept the
The software should run an updater for current
security definitions and perform a complete scan of
the computer’s hard drive.
Eject the disk.
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Independent or Group
 Get into your groups.
 Obtain one of the boxes that contains the various software applications and
notecards describing 5 different computer hardware specifications.
 Match the notecard with the software application that would be best suited
to run that software.
 Once complete, all the groups will review their matches with the teacher.
 Take detailed notes on each group’s research as it is being presented.
 Log into the demo computer in the classroom. You will have the choice of
downloading a free anti-virus program or installing it by CD-ROM. Install the
antivirus program and run a complete scan of the computer’s hard drive.
When you are finished, raise your hand for the teacher to come and inspect
your work.
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Exam Preparation
An exam will be given over the material
presented in this lesson.
Make sure to review your class notes and
these slides.
Questions will be multiple choice and true or
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