RAD 132 Radiologic Positioning I Syllabus SEMESTER: Fall YEAR: 2013 INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Roxanne Caswell R.T. (R) (M) PHONE: 570-702-8941 E-MAIL: rcaswell@johnson.edu OFFICE HOURS: Available office hours COURSE: RAD 132 – Radiologic Positioning I CREDITS: 4 HOURS: 48 MEETINGS: 2 Days per week Tuesday: 8:00 AM to 9:40 AM Thursday: 8:00 AM to 9:40 AM COMPRESSED SCHEULE MEETING TIMES: 2 Days per week Tuesday: 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM Thursday: 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces the student to basic terminology used in Radiologic positioning. The curriculum provides a comprehensive study of theory and principals of basic positions of the upper and lower extremities, bony thorax, chest, abdomen, gastrointestinal system, biliary tract and the urinary system. This course is designed to develop competency through a combination of lecture and laboratory. COURSE GOALS: To provide the basic knowledge necessary to perform routine Radiologic positioning for the anatomical areas of the upper and lower extremities, bony thorax, chest, abdomen, GI system, urinary system, and biliary tract. To expose the student to the different positioning aids used in radiology. COURSE MATERIALS: Text: Merrill’s Atlas Radiographic Positioning & Procedures 12th Edition Volume 1- Volume 3 Eugene D. Frank, Bruce W. Long, & Barbara J. Smith Mosby/Elsevier Publishers ISBN: 978-0-323-07334-9 Workbooks to accompany textbooks ISBN: 978-0-323-07324-0 Rev. Date -3/16/2016 i COURSE ASSIGNMENTS: Students will be required to read the appropriate chapters prior to class instruction. The student is expected to come to class and lab prepared with a basic understanding of the materials to be covered. The student will be required to bring in ten case studies to present to the class from their clinical experience. COURSE EVALUATIONS: (60%) Tests: This will include all unit tests. Make-up tests must be taken one week from the day initially administered. It is the responsibility of the students to schedule with instructor an opportunity to make-up the missed examination or test. (20%) Final Examination: This will be a comprehensive exam covering all materials discussed throughout the semester. (20%) Lab Test: The lab tests performed throughout the lab practicum will be calculated in to the students’ final grade. ALL EXAMS WILL BE ANNOUNCED If you do not attend class, you may not be aware of upcoming exams. It is your responsibility to get all information of what you missed if you are out and/or late. There may be some quizzes at the instructor’s discretion. There will be no make-up exams without prior authorization. The missed exam will be replaced with a grade of zero. If you do not attend class, you may not be aware of upcoming exams. It is your responsibility to get all information of what you missed if you are out and/or late. There may be some pop quizzes at the instructor’s discretion. ***Failure to process monitoring badge once a month will result in a deduction from your lab grade*** ***Failure to wear radiation monitoring badge while working in the lab will result in a deduction of points from your lab grade*** Classroom Guidelines: Students are expected to arrive on time and to remain in class until the class is dismissed. Students are not permitted to sleep in class. They will be dismissed from class and this will result in absence from class. Student/teacher relationships, as well as relationships among peers, must be respectful at all times. Students are not permitted to wear headphones or other paraphernalia that may be distracting to the classroom environment. Students must refrain from any activity that will disrupt the class. Cell phones, pagers, iPods, Blackberries and other electronic devices are a distraction to the learning process and can be used to aid academic dishonesty. Therefore, they must be turned off and stored out of sight for the duration of the class time. If there is some sort of emergency that requires you to be accessible during class, let your instructor know ahead of time, set your phone to silent and excuse yourself quietly if it should ring. Students should not carry on private conversations while class is being conducted. Attendance Policy: Rev. Date -3/16/2016 ii Class attendance is expected. The student is allowed to miss two classes throughout the semester. Each additional absence will result in the deduction of 5 points from the student’s final grade. Tardiness Policy: Prompt attendance is expected. Chronic tardiness is disruptive to both instructor and the class. Three tardy events will result in one absence. ABSENCES WILL NEGATIVELY AFFECT YOUR GRADE AND CAN PUT YOU AT RISK OF FAILURE! Learning Resources: Peer tutors, study groups, and instructor office hours are available. If you feel you need assistance with class work or need special accommodations, contact Student Support Services located in the Moffat Building. If you have a learning disability for which you would like to receive a classroom or testing accommodation, you are encouraged to contact the Student Support Services office in the Moffat Building at 702-8955 early in the semester. Student Commitment: Your personal commitment to your education will be reflected in your class attendance, attentiveness, preparation, conduct, attitude, and desire to excel. These important characteristics must be in place in order for you to succeed not only in this course, but also in your overall education. You must realize that acquiring and mastering critical skills needed for a profession in Radiology requires many hours of study and a conscientious effort on your part. It is strongly suggested that you study a minimum of two hours outside of class for every hour that you spend in class. Therefore, you are also responsible for ensuring proper self-study habits. Assistance from your instructor and this institution regarding the improvement of these habits is always available to you. Take your education seriously. Its financial cost warrants your attention in this matter. Academic Honesty: The college experience is founded on the concepts of honesty and integrity. Dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the college are regarded as particularly serious offenses. Cases of dishonesty will be handled by levying certain penalties. However, in flagrant cases, the penalty may be dismissal from the college after proper due process proceedings. NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to make changes on this syllabus with appropriate notice. DROP DATE: TBA – This must be officially completed by the College Registrar’s Office before or on the date. Failure to follow this procedure will result in the course grade being incorporated into the student’s Grade Point Average. Email Use: Communication outside of class between student and instructor takes a variety of forms, i.e. phone, letter and e-mail. Communication between Radiology faculty and students via e-mail will be through Johnson College addresses only. Each student is assigned an e-mail account through the college. If a problem with your account exists, please see our IT department for assistance. As per the Handbook for Radiologic Technology Students, please be sure to check your college e-mail account at least once every 24 hours. This is my most frequent form of communication with you, outside of actual class meetings. Rev. Date -3/16/2016 iii The use of cell phones is strictly prohibited in the classroom, lab and clinical areas. This includes “texting”, receiving messages and the use of any type of electronic games and devices. If there is a pending emergency in which you are expecting a call, you are to notify the instructor immediately upon your arrival to the classroom, and leave the cell phone with the instructor. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THIS POLICY WILL RESULT IN YOUR IMMEDIATE DISMISSAL FROM THE CLASSROOM AND YOU WILL BE MARKED ABSENT FOR THAT PARTICULAR CLASS. In case of an emergency, please contact the academic affairs office at 702-8900 ext 8905 or 8904. Do not leave a voice mail on the general phone system. Special Notes: Johnson College is committed to providing students with disabilities equal access to all college programs and facilities. If you have a documented disability and wish to receive academic accommodations, please contact the Student Support Services office as soon as possible: Linda Learn, Moffat Building, (570) 702-8956, LLearn@johnson.edu. Disabilities covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) include learning, intellectual, psychiatric, physical disabilities, and/or chronic health disorders. Additional information is available in the Student Handbook. The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus with proper notice. “The mission of Johnson College is to provide a foundation of education and skills necessary for specialized employment, career advancement and life-long learning." Rev. Date -3/16/2016 iv Course Outline Semester: Fall Week 1. Year 2013 Topic of Discussion Syllabus Review/ Introduction to Radiologic Positioning and Terminology Chapter 1 and Chapter 3 Vol.1 2. Thoracic Viscera/ Chest/ Bony Thorax ( Review Anatomy, Routine Positions) Chapter 10 and Chapter 9 Vol.1 3. Test 4. Hand and Wrist (Review Anatomy, Routine Positions) Chapter 4 Vol.1 5. Forearm, Elbow and Humerus (Review Anatomy and Routine Positions) Chapter 4 Vol.1 6. Shoulder Girdle (Review Anatomy and Routine Positions) Chapter 5 Vol. 1 7. Test 8. Foot and Ankle (Review Anatomy and Routine Positions) Chapter 6 Vol.1 9. Lower Leg, Knee and Femur (Review Anatomy and Routine Positions) Chapter 6 Vol.1 10. Pelvic Girdle (Review Anatomy and Routine Position) Chapter 7 Vol.1 11. Test 12. Digestive System: Abdomen Chapter 16 Vol. 2 13. Upper Gastrointestinal System ( Review Anatomy and Routine Positions) Chapter 17 Vol.2 14. Lower Gastrointestinal System (Review Anatomy and Routine Positions) Chapter 17 Vol.2 Rev. Date -3/16/2016 v 15. Urinary System and Venipuncture (Review and Routine Positions) Chapter 18 Vol.2 16. Test 17. Liver, spleen Biliary Tract (Review Anatomy and Routine Positions) Chapter 16 Vol. 2 18. Final Exam- Comprehensive Rev. Date -3/16/2016 vi