Student Affairs Communications Group Minutes December 10, 2014 Attendance: Kami Hammerschmith, Brianna McNall, Kent Sumner, Majeed Badizadegan, Wendy Little, Colleen Schlonga, Bonnie Hemrick, Lisa Hoogesteger, Carolyn Boyd, Sophie Wilson, Ruth Sterner, Katie Figoni, Michele Ribeiro, Adria Godon-Bynum, Vanessa Johnson, Tara Sanders, Jennifer Viña, Natalie Schell, Danielle Jarkowsky Next meeting of the Student Affairs Communications Group will occur early next term. Topic: Kent Sumner and Wendy Little will talk about where the Student Affairs Communications Group has been and where we are going – changes for the future. Today Carolyn Boyd offered marketing updates on the First Year Experience initiative. The FYE team for Student Affairs is taking an inventory of FYE programming within the division. There will be an opportunity for anyone within the division to engage in FYE planning once the results of the inventory have been evaluated. University Relations and Marketing is working on a master calendar for all events and activities across campus. They are also working to launch a new homepage. We did introductions around the table. Carolyn mentioned this is the last Student Affairs Communications Group meeting for fall term. The first meeting of the next term will tentatively focus on where the Student Affairs Communications Group has been and where we are going – changes for the future. Kent Sumner and Wendy Little will present. Lisa Hoogesteger with Healthy Campus Initiative (HCI) shared some background on the Initiative. It started five years ago to help integrate health and wellness messages across campus. The University received a grant from Pacific Source Health Plans to focus on 18-24 year olds – getting health and wellness messages out and measuring success. However, they are messaging to the entire campus – faculty, staff and students. They partner with multiple offices across campus, such as the College of Public Health and Human Sciences (CPHHS), CAPS, Student Health Services (SHS), the Memorial Union, University Housing & Dining Services (UHDS) and Recreational Sports. A brand plan was developed for the Healthy Campus Initiative three years ago by a graduate student, but when the position was not renewed the plan was not fulfilled. Healthy Campus Initiative works with University Relations and Marketing on the healthy campus initiative. Their tagline is Be Well. Be Orange. The tagline is not trademarked and can be used by other departments. University Relations and Marketing (URM) helped Healthy Campus Initiative develop a message platform. Healthy campus is the message and Be Well. Be Orange is the tag. They want everyone to help support their work. Lisa shared a Powerpoint presentation. Healthy Campus Initiative looks to tie to Goal 1 in the Strategic Plan – “Provide a transformative educational experience to all learners.” Enhance our comprehensive Healthy Campus Initiatives, caring about the health and well-being of students, faculty and staff. Healthy Campus Initiative has five focus areas: 1) Eat Healthy 2) Be Active 3) Manage Stress 4) Smoke Free OSU 5) Build Community They begin at the New Student Picnic in the fall with healthy eating messages. During Fall Term they partner with Recreational Sports at the Be Well Walk Run to offer a “body shop.” When students said that eating healthy costs more, UHDS created a “Better Bites” icon to highlight nutritionally balanced options and created low cost “Make Cents” specials. They are trying to message and measure the impact of healthy eating. CAPS is introducing the Mental Fitness Movement. Students can sign up to compete in the challenge to win prizes. The kickoff event with speaker Josh Norris from Recreational Sports is Wednesday, Jan. 7. They hope to share the challenges on a website, so faculty/staff can get the same information even though they are not eligible for the prizes in the challenge. There will be nine challenges. Healthy Campus Initiative has a student resource card showing campus resources and offering tips for being active, eating healthy, managing stress and smoke-free OSU. There is also a Faculty & Staff Wellness Resources card. A Health & Wellness Guidebook App provides immediate help (24 hour hotlines, food pantry hours, childcare information), contact and hours for partners, to do list, and information under each focus area – be active, eat healthy, manage stress, smoke-free OSU, build community – as well as a schedule of events, Twitter and Facebook. They are updating all the content over the winter break for the start of winter term. They are looking at a systemic infusion of healthy campus. • Maureen Cochran in Student Affairs Research, Evaluation and Planning is reviewing assessment plans to pull out healthy campus activities happening throughout the Division. • HCI is providing messaging to new students, including the Guidebook app. • Bacc Core course connections are being made. • Living Learning Communities • Partnerships with CAPS, Rec Sports, SHS, UHDS, URM, Work/life balance, CPHHS Bonnie offered an update on a meeting held in Portland with Watson Creative. Athletics is looking at them to build loyalty and donors. See the 49ers loyalty website, Faithful49. The company helps build loyalty through a tracking website that builds points. It has a messaging system and loyalty codes. It also discourages overload. The website can segment users for messaging. It is based on gamification. Students can receive points for attending events, responding to messages, etc. This is still in the discussion phase. No decisions have been made about building a loyalty site. Lisa asked everyone to help in messaging Be Well. Be Orange. She suggested letting students know you care about their health and well-being in meetings, providing healthy food options when food is offered, and taking some deep breaths to start a meeting. In January an announcement will be made about a new steering committee for healthy campus led by Dave Blake, Susie Brubaker-Cole and Becky Warner. Jennifer asked if any webinars or other online resources were available for accessing when people are available. There is no central resource site, but different departments offer information related to their program. It was suggested that we could better message the benefits offered through HR – gym subsidy, nicotine replacement, tuition discount, etc. Currently URM and UHDS are offering Finals Freebie Tweets where there are 10 winners daily who receive a treat wherever they are on campus. Dixon offers free fruit Fridays. The MU is offering free fruit and candy bars during Finals Week. It was asked how wellness is defined. Multiple definitions were offered. There is no agreed upon, uniform definition. P – Physical O – Occupational I – Intellectual S – Spiritual/Social E – Emotional/Environmental Mind/Body/Spirit – although some say environment and community are missing from this definition. PERMA Model P – Positive Emotion E – Engagement R – Positive Relationships M – Meaning A – Accomplishment/Achievement Flourishing It was asked whether health and well-being or wellness was the preferred term. Lisa prefers health and well-being. Bonnie talked about Active Minds, a student organization that focuses on reducing mental health stigma. They partner with many other organizations. They are a five-star chapter for the national organization. Some of their events include cookies and compliments, sticky notes and the Daisy Project where they place 1,100 daisies in the MU Quad to represent 1,100 suicides each year. They are able to attend a national convention. KBVR TV created a PSA for them that focuses on the 1 in 4 statistic that 1 in 4 suffer from some form of mental illness. Active Minds is also working on a partnership with Linus Pauling Middle School to help students know how to offer support to someone experiencing depression and/or mental illness and how to identify the signs. Michele said that MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) will be offered winter and spring terms. The class is no credit and free, but meets weekly on Thursdays from 2 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Michele also mentioned the Flourishing Series at OSU. There is one speaker event each month. On January 30 Steve Simmons, OSU Men’s Soccer Coach, will be the speaker. Lisa mentioned the Be Well weekly newsletter that is targeted to faculty/staff.