www.youngminds4u.com TCS Verbal PAPER Synonym and antonym 1.Harbinger – forerunner, portent, indication 2.Cacophony – dissonance, disharmony 3.Divulge – reveal, disclose 4.Clutch – grasp, grab, clasp, hold 5.Acronym – short form, contraction, ellipsis 6.Illustrious – memorable, well– known, famous 7.Prolific – productive, abundant 8.Divergent – different, deviating, conflicting 9.Jaded – world-weary, tired, lackluster, worn-out, exhausted, bored, fed up 10. Mien – appearance, demeanor 11. Mitigate – alleviate, ease, lessen, soften, allay, moderate 12. Ambitious – determined, grand, striving 13. Aberration – deviation, abnormality, eccentricity, oddness 14. Foray – raid, sortie, incursion, attack, venture 15. Denounce – condemn, accuse, criticize VERBAL SECTION:Directions for questions 1-15:Find the synonyms of the following words. Synonyms: (Ref: Barron’ s Synonyms and Antonyms) Ponderous – heavy, tedious, cumbersome Mundane – ordinary, dull, monotonous, dreary Icon – image, idol, emblem, symbol Brackish – salty, briny Mollify – placate, pacify, calm, appease, soothe Depreciation – reduction, decline Equanimity – composure, poise, calmness, self-control Gist – general idea, substance, essence Gaudy – garish, flashy, extravagant, loud, showy, colorful Awry – skewed, crooked, wrong Repartee – banter, joking, word play Boisterous – energetic, animated Ungainly – clumsy, awkward, ungraceful, miserly, mean, inelegant, gawky Whimsical – fanciful, unusual, quirky, capricious Asperity – roughness, severity, brusqueness Cavil – quibble, complain, niggle, split hairs, carp Quixotic – idealistic, romantic, dreamy, unrealistic, impracticable Profound – deep, intense, thoughtful, reflective, philosophical, weighty, insightful Incorrigible - habitual, persistent, inveterate, hopeless Musty – mildewed, moldy, stale, rank, fusty, stuffy Waif – stray, thing, lose, urchin, orphan Irk – displease, vex, annoy, trouble, bother, nag, rile Interdict – prohibit, veto, injunction, bar, embargo Cohere - hold together www.youngminds4u.com www.youngminds4u.com Rupture - break Moribund – dying, declining, waning Décolleté – low necked, revealing Callow – inexperienced, immature, youthful Balmy – mild, clement, pleasant recalcitrant – unruly, disobedient, obstinate, stubborn guile – cunningness, deviousness, slyness, cleverness, wiliness, astuteness Antonyms 1.Compose x disturb 2.Pristine x sullied 3.Turbid x limpid 4.Monetary x non-economical 5. Revere x threaten 6.Hamper x facilitate 7.Transient x permanence 8.Fascinate x mundane 9.Fickle x loyal 10.Contraband x legal goods 11.Repellent x attractive 12.Slur x grace 13.Protean x constant 14.Hidebound x broadminded 15.Precipitate x dilatory/contradictory Sentence completion A passage is given with multiple blanks. There was a passage abt Artists,abt Money mgmt,abt Cleanliness…… SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS. Censure – fault, criticize Optimum – best, most favorable Candid – frank, open, blunt, upfront, forth-right Cite – quote, name, mention, refer to, allude to Effusive – demonstrative, fussy, talkative, overenthusiastic, vociferous, extroverted Voluble – articulate, vociferous, talkative Banal – commonplace, trivial, predictable, trite, hackneyed Standing – rank, permanent, position, duration, status, reputation, eminence Nascent – budding, emerging, blossoming, embryonic Clutch – grasp, grab, hold Generic – general, basic, common Empirical – experimental, pragmatic, practical Anomaly – irregularity, glitch, difference Circuitous – roundabout, twisty, meandering, indirect, winding, tortuous Surveillance – observation, watch, shadowing Objective – aim, impartial, real, purpose, goal www.youngminds4u.com www.youngminds4u.com Raucous – rough, wild, hoarse, guttering Voracious – insatiable, avid, hungry, big, rapacious, greedy Pedigree – rare-breed, full-blooded, lineage Fidelity – loyalty, reliability Augment – supplement, boost, add to, bump up Precarious – unstable, shaky, risky, uncertain Derogatory – disparaging, critical, insulting, offensive Onus – responsibility, burden, obligation, duty Analogous - similar, akin, related Expedient – measure, convenient, device, maneuver Compliance – fulfillment, obedience Diffident – shy, insecure, timid Plaintive – mournful, sad, melancholic, nostalgic, lamenting Insinuate – imply, suggest, make-out, ingratiate yourself Misdemeanor – wrong, sin, crime, offense Exonerate – clear, forgive, absolve Gregarious – outgoing, extroverted, sociable, expressive, unreserved Benign – kind, benevolent, compassionate Attenuate – satisfy, calm, soothe, ease Sonorous – loud, deep, resonant, echoing Bolster – boost, strengthen, reinforce, encourage Heterodox – unorthodox, dissenting, contrary to accepted belief, heretical, deviating Restiveness – impatience, restlessness, nervousness Effigy – image, statue, model Retrograde – retrospective, traditional, conservative, nostalgic,forward-looking(antonym) Sacrosanct – sacred, holy, revered Dangle – hang down, sway, droop, swing, suspend Cryptic – mysterious, enigmatic, puzzling, hidden Debilitate – incapacitate, weaken, hamper, encumber, hinder Divulge – reveal, disclose Spendthrift – wastrel, squanderer, compulsive shopper Indigenous – native, original, local Erroneous – mistaken, flawed, incorrect Minion – follower, subordinate, underling, gofer Veracity – reality, truth, sincerity VERBAL REASONING SYNONYMS: 1. CIRCUMSPECT (i) CONDITION (ii) INSPECT (iii) CAUTIOUS (IV) RECKLESS 2. ABYSMAL - terrible (i) SLIGHT (ii) DEEP (iii) ILLUSTRIOUS (iv) PROLIFIC 3. DILIGENT – hardworking, industrious, meticulous, careful (i) INTELLIGENT (ii)…..(iii)……(iv)…… 4.VEHEMENT www.youngminds4u.com www.youngminds4u.com (i) PASSIONATE (ii) CONFESY (iii) NOISY (iv) MOQULIS 5) IMPETUS (i) CONNECT (ii) CRUCIAL (iii) STIMULUS (iv) IMMEDIATE 6) ACRONYM (i) ABBREVIATION (ii) SIMILAR 7) DISSEMINATE (i) FORECAST (ii) SPREAD (iii) BRANSP 8) HARBINGER (i) NAVAL (ii) UNCOMMON (iii) FORE RUNNER (iv) GLORY ANTONYMS: 1) TRACTABLE (i) OBJECTIONABLE (ii) ENJOYABLE (iii) ADAPTABLE (iv) OBSTINATE 2) COVERT (i) MANIFEST (ii) INVISIBLE (iii) SCARED (iv) ALTER 3) PENSIVE (i) REPENTENT (ii) SAD (iii) THOUGHTLESS (iv) CARELESS 4) MITIGATE (i) AGGRAVATE (ii) RELIEVE (iii) ELEMINATE (iv) EXHUMAN 5) DIVERGENT (i) CONTRARY (ii) COMING TOGETHER (iii) CONVERSANT (iv) CONTROVERSY 6) DOGMATIC (i) SCEPTICAL (ii) RESILIENT (iii) STUBBORN (iv) SUSPICIOUS 7) CLUTCH (i) HOLD (ii) GRAB (iii) RELEASE (iv) SPREAD 8) MOTLEY (i) BULKY (ii) SPECKLED (iii) HOMOGENEOUS (iv) DIFFERENT 9) RELINQUISH (i) PURSUE (ii) VANQUISH (iii) DESTROY (iv) DEVASTATE 10) TRANSIENT (i) PERMANENT (ii) REMOVED Vocabulary Section: (Time : 28 mins) Synonyms 1.Moribund – declining, dilapidated, waning 2.Repudiate – reject, disclaim, renounce, deny 3.Translucent – transparent, semi- transparent, lucid, lucent, clear, see through 4. Mitigate- alleviates, lessen, ease, alley, tune down, dull, Assuage 5. Inundate – flood, overwhelm, swamp 6. Bilk – deceive, trick, swindle, con 7.Nettle – annoy, irritate, vex 8.Impugn – hold responsible, charge, censure, accuse 9.Mulch 10.Tenacity – stubbornness, resolve, firmness, persistence, insistence, determination 11.Sobriety – temperance, moderation, abstemiousness, soberness www.youngminds4u.com www.youngminds4u.com 12.Degrade – shame, disgrace, mortify, humiliate 13.Hidebound - narrow-minded, conservative, prejudiced 14.Waif – stray, sole, thing 15.Hamper – basket, hinder 16.Retrograde – nostalgic, retrospective, traditional and conservative 17.Despondent – hopeless, low, dejected 18.Debacle – disaster, tragedy, catastrophe 19.Nebulous – vague, hazy, unformulated, tenuous 20.Inconsistent – conflicting, contradictory, unreliable , incompatible, inhoherent 21.Paradox – inconsistency, irony, absurdity 1. Verbal reasoning: (20 min 32 Qs) synonyms and antonyms hi,guys pls refer Barron's for english and critical resoning. prepare for 5 Model test and the Practice exercise,if u have time then also prepare for 750 high frequency word. pls pls practice all the resoning part from 5 model test ,don't remember ,only practice it other wise u will be in trouble, Quantitative aptitude: FOR THE QUANT SECTION I WILL SUGGEST U TO SOLVE THE R.S.AGRAWAL AND A LOT BETTER TO SOLVE THE LAST 3-4 YEARS QUESTION PAPERS FROM THE FreshersWorld.com. It Will really Help You. 1)In a two-dimensional array, X (8, 7), with each element occupying 2 bytes of memory, with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000, find the address of X (2, 3). Ans : 3212 2)12) Which of the following are orthogonal pairs? a. 3i+5j b. i+j c. 5j-3i d. -7i+j Ans : (A) & (C). 3) Which of the following set of numbers has the highest Standard deviation? a)3,0,3,0,3,0 b) -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3 c)3,3,3,3,3,3 d) -3,3,-3, 3,-3, 3 Ans : D 4) (momentum * velocity)/(force * time) = velocity 5)33). In the word ORGANISATION, if the first and second, third and forth, fifth and sixth, etc words are interchanged, what would be the 8th letter from right? (Ans: ‘ I’ ) 6) If A, B, C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by 30%, 40%, 10%.What will be the fuel economy if they were used combine? 1.68.4 2.62.2 3.58 4.27 (Ans- 62.2) sol: (70/100)*(60/100)*(90/100)*100=37.8 Eco = (100-37.8) =62.2 7) What is the value of the following expression M(973,5)+T(7.7)+R(4.4)-T(3.6) Where M- MODULAS R- ROUNDOFF T- TRUNCATE (Ans : 11) Sol: 3 + 7+ 4 - 3 ==11 8) FIND THE MISSING NO. IN SERIES ? 3 8 15 ? 61 124 Ans: 30 9) If G(0) = 1 and G(N)=N*G(N-1) then What is the value of G(4)?(Ans: 24) www.youngminds4u.com www.youngminds4u.com 10) Match the following (this type of question but not same) AB 1. Mammal, cow ---> a. A type of 2. Snake reptile ---> b. A part of 3. Roof - Building ---> c. Not a type of 4. Mushroom - Vegetables ---> d. A superset of (Ans: 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a) 11)In Chennai , temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t + 3, where t is elapsed time. Find how much temperature more or less in 4pm to 9pm. Ans. (put 9 & 4in eq. n subtract ) 12). Find the value of @@+25 - ++@16, where @ denotes "square" and + denotes "square root". Ans. 621 13) Find the fourth row, having the bit pattern as an integer in an 8-bit computer, and express the answer in its decimal value. A00001111 B00110011 C01010101 (A AND B )OR C)) ? Ans: 47 14) An aircraft takes off from A (89o N Lat, 10o E ) at 6.00 AM local time to B (50o S , 70o W ). If the flying time is 10 hours what is the local time of landing at B? Ans:10:40am (if plane is going frm west to east then then Add those hrs) 15). Select the odd one out a. SMTP b.WAP c. SAP d.ARP Ans : c 16). select odd one- sql,db2,sybase,http {ans-htttp} 17). select odd one-sybase,db2,oracle,unix {ans-unix} 18-20)THREE QUESTION FROM VENN DIAGRAM(like 30 speaks eng,42 speaks french,.......) 21-23)THREE QUESTION FROM PIE CHART...... 24)What is the largest prime number that can be stored in an 9-bit memory? Ans: 509 25)In a triangle which one is not possible. A(30*,60*,90*), B(47*,69*,64* ), C(30*,50*,110* ), D(60*,80*,40*)? Ans: C 26)11) A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 900 meters width. A cable is made from power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river and 3000mts away from the power unit. www.youngminds4u.com www.youngminds4u.com The cost of the cable below water is Rs. 5/-per meter and cost of cable on the bank is Rs.3/- per meter. Find the the cable from which it will cut. Ans: 27)10) In which of the system, decimal number 194 is equal to 1234? Ans: 5 www.youngminds4u.com