Module: Project Identification . Project Identification Module: Project Identification TOOLS • Approaches for generating ideas previously discussed – – – – – – Idea-Management System Outcome-Driven Innovation Blue Ocean Strategy & Value Innovation A-to-F Model IDEO’s Deep Dive Crowdsourcing & Open Innovation • Ideation methods and techniques • Idea evaluation and selection Module: Project Identification IDEATION METHODS Source: Cooper, R. G & Dreher, A. (2011). Voice-of-customer methods: What is the best source of new-product ideas? (StageGate International Reference Paper #40). Available from Module: Project Identification IDEATION METHODS Innovation Category Voice-of-the-Customer Ideation Method 1. Ethnographic research (user observations) 2. Customer visit teams 3. Customer focus groups for problem detection 4. Lead user analysis 5. Customer/user designs 6. Customer/user brainstorming 7. Customer/user advisory board or panel 8. Community of enthusiasts Open Innovation 9. Partners and vendors 10. Accessing the scientific community 11. Scanning business startups 12. External product designs 13. External submission of ideas 14. External idea contest Other 15. Peripheral vision 16. Disruptive technologies 17. Patent mapping 18. Idea capture internally For details, see Cooper’s book, “Winning at New Products: Creating Value Through Innovation.” Chapter 6. (Cooper, 2011) Module: Project Identification NOTABLE IDEATION TECHNIQUES • Divergent thinking • Convergent thinking • Problem-based ideation • Affinity Charting • Delphi Process • Nominal Group Technique Module: Project Identification IDEATION TECHNIQUES • Divergent Thinking – Technique performed early during idea generation that “expands” thinking to generate, record, and recall a high volume of ideas. Brainstorming is a form of divergent thinking. • Convergent Thinking – Technique performed later in idea generation to help funnel the high volume of ideas “into a small group (or single) idea” on which more effort and analysis can be focused. Source: PDMA Glossary available at time of printing from Module: Project Identification IDEATION TECHNIQUES • Problem-based Ideation • A technique used during idea/concept generation which is a problem-based approach to finding and solving customer problems • Process: – Study situation to identify problems – Screen the resulting problems – Develop concept statements (problem solutions) for evaluation (Crawford & DiVenedetto, 2010) Module: Project Identification IDEATION TECHNIQUES • Affinity Charting – A ”bottom up” technique for discovering connections between pieces of data. • Delphi Process – A technique that uses iterative rounds of consensus development across a group of experts to arrive at a forecast of the most probable outcome for some future state. Source: PDMA Glossary available at time of printing from Module: Project Identification IDEATION TECHNIQUES • Nominal Group Technique – The gold standard for facilitating synchronous idea generation around a single question. • Consists of four steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction Generation of ideas Listing of ideas Evaluation o f ideas (Valacich, Dennis, & Connolly, 1994) Module: Project Identification IDEA EVALUATION PROCESS • In an idea-first approach, as ideas enter the idea bank, a preliminary evaluation occurs – Usually performed by the idea manager – Initial screening sorts and groups ideas and rejects those not passing the screen • Common screening questions – Does it: – – – – – Support our strategy? Match the growth markets we have decided to play in? Represents a large target market for the product? Leverage our and/or our partners’ competencies? Relate to a product improvement or a new product introduction or platform? – Relate to other ideas received? – Represent a feasible product for us? Module: Project Identification EVALUATION SCORECARD Idea User Fit Business Fit Technical Fit Score A 2 3 2 7 B 3 3 1 7 C 3 3 1 7 D 2 1 2 5 E 3 2 3 8 F 3 2 1 6 G 3 2 1 6 H 2 1 3 6 I 2 1 3 6 Module: Project Identification DELIVERABLES • Recorded ideas (idea bank) • Screened projects for Business Case Development Module: Project Identification ACTIVITY • Organize into three groups: – Need Seekers – Market Leaders – Technology Drivers • Part 1: – Identify the innovation framework you would use – List reasons for the choice • Part 2: – Identify ideation methods you would use – List reasons for the selections Module: Project Identification ACTIVITY • Part 1: – Discuss your current approach to innovation – Identify relationships with the innovation frameworks – List your findings • Part 2: – Discuss innovation frameworks – Select those to learn more about – Create an action plan investigating them further • Part 3: – Discuss ideation methods – Identify those most effective for your team Module: Project Identification REVIEW: IDEA GENERATION APPROACHES Ideas-First Needs-First Lots of Ideas Created Market Selection Brainstorming/Synthesis Unmet Needs/Value Concept Testing Evaluate Options Select Concepts Select Options Product Development Process Product Development Process (Skarzynski & Gibson, 2008; Ulwick, 2004) Module: Project Identification REVIEW: THE BIG FRAMEWORKS • Idea-Management System • Outcome-Driven Innovation • Blue Ocean Strategy & Value Innovation • A-to-F Model • IDEO’s Deep Dive • Crowdsourcing & Open Innovation Module: Project Identification REVIEW: IDEATION METHODS Innovation Category Voice-of-the-Customer Ideation Method 1. Ethnographic research (user observations) 2. Customer visit teams 3. Customer focus groups for problem detection 4. Lead user analysis 5. Customer/user designs 6. Customer/user brainstorming 7. Customer/user advisory board or panel 8. Community of enthusiasts Open Innovation 9. Partners and vendors 10. Accessing the scientific community 11. Scanning business startups 12. External product designs 13. External submission of ideas 14. External idea contest Other 15. Peripheral vision 16. Disruptive technologies 17. Patent mapping 18. Idea capture internally For details, see Cooper’s book, “Winning at New Products: Creating Value Through Innovation.” Chapter 6. (Cooper, 2011) Module: Project Identification Up Next…Business Case Development