AP Poetic Terms #1

Poetry Types/Forms
Review and Practice
Write this in your agenda:
 Quiz on Poetic Terms #1 on
11/28 and 11/29
– Literary Terms 1-10
– Material on Orange Prezi
 Poetry Out Loud Recitations 12/3,
12/4, 12/5, & 12/6
– Poem is a memorized element
that is graded for delivery,
accuracy, etc.
AP English Literature
 Correct vocabulary
and Life of Pi quiz.
 Poem Analysis #2
– “Those Winter
Sundays (p. 1185)
 Poem Analysis #3
– “Pied Beauty (p. 797)
 Homework: Prepare
for quiz & memorize
poem for presentation
 Understand the
purpose and elements
of a typical elegy.
 Understand literary
terms often found in
 Analyze a poem for
meaning and structure
Review the Terms!
 ELEGY- a formal lyric poem written in memory
of one who has died.
LYRIC- a short poem where a single speaker
expresses an emotion or experience
IMAGERY- appeal to the senses
ALLUSION- references made to outside works
CAESURA- a grammatical pause or break in a
line of poetry, most often in the middle of a
ENJAMBMENT- the continuation of a sentence
from one line or couplet into the next one.
ALLITERATION- repetition of initial consonant
CONSONANCE- the repetition of the final
consonant sounds
APOSTROPHE- a figure of speech in which
someone absent or dead or something
nonhuman is addressed as if it were alive and
present and could reply
ASSONANCE- the repetition or pattern of
similar vowel sounds
Poem Analysis #3
“Those Winter Sundays”
 Listen and sketch images that
come to mind
 Analyze the poem for use of
poetic devices and complete
discussion questions
 Find the synesthesia, anaphora,
and personification
 Form/type of poem?
Lyric poem in
free verse
 Relationship between father and son?
Mirrored in the sounds of the
house and ice cracking; there is
stiff, coldness. However, the
speakers in reflecting upon his
younger self and this means…
 How does sound knit the poem
Use of alliteration, internal rhyme,
and in particular the hard “c” adds a
sharp edge to piece.
 What effect does the rhetorical
question have?
Demonstrates the maturity of the
speaker and his feelings of
Poem Analysis #4
“Pied Beauty”
 Read the poem to yourself
 Analyze the poem for use of poetic
devices and complete discussion
 Watch the Poetry Out Loud
version and grade the performance
 Study for Poetry Quiz #1
 Bring in two paper copies of your
poem. You will be analyzing it in
class and practicing your recitation
of the first 15 lines.