REVISED SYLLABUS SURVEY RESEARCH METHODS Spring 2014 Instructor: Leonard Saxe, Ph.D. Klutznick Professor of Contemporary Jewish Studies and Social Policy Lown 320 Tel: 781-736-3952 Email: Office hours: Office hours are by appointment. Please contact Gloria Tessler ( Goals The goal of this course is to provide doctoral and public policy master’s students with an understanding of the principles of survey research design and experience applying these concepts to the development, conduct and analysis of surveys. Survey research data are essential tools for social policy analysts and the course is designed to provide both conceptual and practical skills. The course has been designed for social policy students, both in the Heller Ph.D. program and the Master’s in public policy. The goal is to prepare students to be able to use/interpret survey research (e.g., in a dissertation) or to conduct survey research (both simple and complex designs). A Heller Research Methods course (e.g., HS401), or its equivalent, is a prerequisite, along with one semester of graduate-level statistics. Focus The course focuses on theoretical and practical issues attendant to the development and use of survey research. Issues such as sampling designs, instrument construction, and nonresponse analysis will be considered. A variety of exemplar surveys, drawn from the variety of fields that represent Heller concentrations and from other policy-oriented opinion polls, will be used throughout the semester. The course will be organized as a lecture/discussion and laboratory. The objective is to link discussion of conceptual issues with an opportunity to apply the ideas to actual survey design, conduct and analysis. Requirements Students are expected to attend all class sessions, participate in discussions and complete assignments according to the course schedule. The course includes three hours of class meetings each week, plus readings and written assignments. Grading will be based on class participation, completion of several short assignments, and a final project. Text Groves , Robert M., Fowler , F. J., Couper , M.J., Lepkowski , J.M., & Singer , E. (2009). Survey Methodology. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Additional readings: From various journals (available electronically from the library), including Public Opinion Quarterly and websites such as Week 1: Why Conduct a Survey? Readings Groves et al., Ch. 1 Additional Readings: Kahneman, D. (2011). Don't blink! The hazards of confidence. The New York Times Magazine. ( Nate Silver Laboratory: Review a survey report (from popular media and dissect its goals, design, analysis and reporting. Assignment (Due in Lab, Week 2) Select a recent survey reported in a "respected" national media outlet (newspaper, website, etc.). Prepare a one paper memorandum that includes a description of the survey (in your own words) -- why it was done and what it found. In addition, examine the information that is provided (in the publication or at the website of the survey researcher) and assess the way in which they have complied with "minimal disclosure standards." Be prepared to present briefly in class. Week 2: How are surveys conducted and what are researchers’ ethical obligations? Readings Groves et al., Ch. 11 American Association for Public Opinion Research. 2005. “AAPOR Code of Professional Ethics & Practice.” American Association for Public Opinion Research, Lenexa, KS. ( entDisplay.cfm&ContentID=1806) American Association for Public Opinion Research. 2009. Week 3: Survey Inference and Error Readings Groves et al., Ch. 2 Lavelle, Bridget, Michael D. Larsen, and Craig Gundersen. 2009. “Strategies for Surveys of American Indians.” Public Opinion Quarterly 73:385-403. Saxe, L., Kadushin, C., Tighe, E., Beveridge, A., Brodsky, A., Livert, D. & Rindskopf, D. (2006). Community-based prevention programs in the war on drugs: Findings from the “Fighting Back” demonstration Journal of Drug Issues, 22, 263-294. Assignment 2 (Due in class, Week 4) Using the Fighting Back survey as an exemplar, identify potential measurement and sample errors. Discuss how the survey dealt with/avoided error. There is no need to do a comprehensive assessment; rather, select a few issues re: measurement and sampling. Write a brief memorandum (no more than a page) that describes the issues. Please do so to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts underlying measurement and sampling (discussed in Chapter 2). Be prepared to present briefly during laboratory time. Week 4: Sampling Frames and Coverage Error Readings Groves et al., Ch. 3 Beveridge, A., Kadushin, C., Saxe, L., Rindskopf, D., & Livert, D. (2000). Survey estimates of drug-use trends in urban communities: General principles and cautionary examples. Substance Use & Misuse, 35, 891-923. Blumberg, Stephen J. and Julian V. Luke. 2007. “Coverage Bias in Traditional Telephone Surveys of Low-Income and Young Adults.” Public Opinion Quarterly 71:734-39. Link, Michael W., Michael P. Battaglia, Martin R. Frankel, Larry Osborn, and Ali H. Mokdad. 2008. “A Comparison of Address-Based Sampling (ABS) Versus Random Digit Dialing (RDD) for General Population Surveys.” Public Opinion Quarterly 72:6-27. Laboratory: Sampling frame exercises Assignment (Due Week 5): Begin the process to select a study that will be the focus of your midterm project (summarizing/critiquing an extant survey). The study should be in an area of interest/ relevance for you and one about which you have some grounding. For this stage of the critique project, merely identify a study and write one paragraph describing why you selected it/what you hope to learn from studying it. In addition, indicate what kind of documentation is available about the study’s methods. Detailed guidelines will be provided in class. Week 5: Sample Design Readings Groves et al., Ch. 4 Selected studies that illustrate different types of sampling designs (simple random, cluster, stratified, multistage). Laboratory: Review students’ selected studies and discuss how to characterize the studies (e.g., in terms of sample design, mode). Also, begin discussion of the areas that each of the critiques will consider. Assignment (Due week 6) Develop an elaborated outline of your critique or a first draft of the paper. For the purposes of this assignment, focus on the issues that you want to address in your critique. Bring your outline/draft to class. Week 6: Data Collection Methods Readings Groves et al., Ch. 5 Selected readings (by concentration area) on use of mail, telephone, internet, in-person surveys Laboratory: Review critique outlines/drafts. Assignment (Midterm, due Week 7): Develop a critical assessment of a survey that has been conducted in an area of interest to you. As part of the critique, demonstrate your ability to summarize the substantive and methodological features of the study. The project can be done either as a review (e.g., for a journal) and/or a policy memorandum for an organization dealing with the issue of the survey. Detailed guidelines to be provided in class. Week 7: Survey Critiques Presentations and discussion of critiques Week 8: Nonresponse Readings Groves et al., Chapter 6 Peytchev, Andy, Rodney K. Baxter, and Lisa R. Carley-Baxter. 2009. “Not All Survey Effort is Equal: Reduction of Nonresponse Bias and Nonresponse Error.” Public Opinion Quarterly 73:785-806. Groves, Robert M. and Emilia Peytcheva. 2008. “The Impact of Nonresponse Rates on Nonresponse Bias: A Meta-Analysis.” Public Opinion Quarterly 72:167-187. Laboratory: Exercises in non-response analysis Week 9: Survey Questions/Instrument Design Readings Groves et al., Ch. 7, 8 Brener, Nancy M., Danice K. Eaton, Laura Kann, Jo Anne Grunbaum, Lori A. Gross, Tonja M. Kyle, and James G. Ross. 2006. “The Association of Survey Setting and Mode with Self-Reported Health Risk Behaviors among High School Students.” Public Opinion Quarterly 70:354-374. Additional exemplar studies in relevant areas Laboratory: Practice creating/testing survey questions Assignment (due Week 10): Select a focal problem for the final project. The project can either be a plan for a survey study (sampling, mode, analysis) the development of an actual instrument (perhaps, including pilot tests) or the analysis of an existing survey dataset. Any of these may be a component of a dissertation proposal or a project that social policy researcher would conduct as a member of a research team. Detailed guidelines to be provided in class. Week 10: Survey Interviewing Readings Groves et al., Ch. 9 Olson, Kristen and Andy Peytchev. 2007. “Effect of Interviewer Experience on Interview Pace and Interviewer Attitudes.” Public Opinion Quarterly 71:273-286. ub Laboratory: Practice conducting one-on-one and focus group interviews Assignment (due Week 11): Continue development of final project. Week 11: Coding and Analysis Readings Groves et al., Ch. 10 Laboratory: Review plans for final project. Week 11: Planning a Survey Readings Groves et al., Ch. 12 Laboratory: Continue discussion of plans for final project. Week 12: Final Project Presentations