Clackamas High School Showcase February 11, 2013 1. AP Classes – Credit is awarded based on the exam score 2. ACC- Advanced College Credit through Clackamas Community College 3. PSU Challenge Program- PSU credit for classes taken at CHS. Many Sabin Schellenberg courses have college credit options Advanced Placement College-level courses National curriculum Trained teachers Opportunity for students to earn college credit AP Potential - PSAT Science English Social Studies Biology 10, 11, 12 Lang & Comp 11 Literature & Comp 12 Human *Studio Art Geography 9, 12 10, 11, 12 US History 11 Spanish (SSC) 11, 12 Chemistry 11, 12 Environmental Science 11,12 Physics 11, 12 Government 12 Others Psychology 11, 12 Japanese (SSC) 11, 12 Over 90% of 4-year colleges in the U.S. provide credit and/or advanced placement for qualifying scores. AP students are more likely to graduate from college in four years (62% higher) AP helps students qualify for scholarships - 31 percent of colleges and universities look at AP experience when determining scholarships. -College Board Students who scored 3 or higher on four popular AP Exams: Earned higher first-year GPAs More likely to continue on to a second year of college More likely to attend selective institutions, on average, than students with comparable SAT® scores and high school GPAs who did not take AP. Even students who scored a 1 or 2 on an AP Exam showed higher retention rates into their second year of college than non-AP students, and they were more likely to attend selective institutions. AP Exam cost = $89 Three credits at Oregon State University = $555 (fees/books not included) Three credits at University of Washington (non-resident) = over $3,670 University of Oregon Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Government, and Studio Art = 4 or 5 Literature and Composition, Language and Composition, US History, Econ, Psychology, Spanish, Human Geography = 3 or above. Biology = 12 credits Chemistry = 12-15 credits Economics & Government = 4 credits each Language & Composition = 3-4 credits Literature & Composition = 3-4 credits US History = 8 credits Human Geography = 4 credits Physics = 12-15 credits Spanish = 12 credits Clackamas Community College (CCC) Speech, AP Biology, FST, Pre-Calc, AP Environmental Science $10 per credit 1,406 credits earned from CHS students last year Humanities, Calculus, Prob and Stats 30 years at CHS Up to 20 credits: Humanities (12), Math (8) $1,130.oo per year (at PSU would cost $3,670) http://challenge- Through CCC Through PCC Many opportunities to earn college credit at Sabin Schellenberg Center (check the SSC course catalogue for more information) Understand students may not earn an A Students can not drop the class Be connected on-line or on Parent Assist Don’t overload college-level courses (not only AP) Encourage students to advocate for themselves and talk to their teachers Encourage your child to attend study sessions or set up study nights with peers Contact Wendy Rider or Kristin Turnquist