Course Information - mlawrencencteach

Course Information
Course Prefix and Title:
ECI 473: Interaction of Classroom Management and Instruction (3 hours)
Course Catalog Description:
Topics related to teaching in the content area and classroom management. Lesson planning, principles applied to
education, measurement and evaluation procedures, behavior therapy, and student motivation.
Meeting Time:
Thursdays: 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Class Location:
Durham Public Schools Staff Development Center
2107 Hillandale Rd.
Durham, NC
Instructor Information:
Sharon Winzeler
Martha Lawrence
Required Course Materials:
North Carolina Standard Course of Study (print out from
Code of Conduct:
The only rule : Treat this classroom as you would have your students to treat yours. This applies from tardies to respect.
Teaching strategies:
We will use various instructional strategies throughout the semester including class discussions, group work, reflection,
conferencing, case study discussions, electronic communication, field work, and inquiry activities. If possible, guest
speakers from local school systems will add relevancy and share current professional expectations, while answering
questions. This will help better prepare students for the realities and expectations tied to their own classroom.
Students will gain experience using technology and learn how to integrate the information technology leads them to
into their instruction.
We will also employ a seminar format designed to provide support and feedback to those students who have classroom
positions. This format will provide the flexibility to debrief, continue to share pedagogical content with students, hold
question / answer sessions, and provide all around general support.
Course requirements:
 Reflections
 Unit Plan
 Class participation
 Attendance
No more than 2 absences
2 tardies will count as an absence
Your success in this course revolves around class discussions, individual and group activities, along with individual and
group presentations; therefore, class attendance is mandatory. If an absence is unavoidable, please let us know in
advance. If this is not possible, please contact us as soon as possible after your absence. As a professional, you must
make any decision about what obligations might keep you from attending class. If you are not in class, you cannot
participate in discussions, work with group members on projects, or deepen your understanding of course material.
Please plan to arrive at least five minutes prior to the start of class, as we will begin class promptly. If you must leave
before the end of a class, please check with us before class begins. Excessive absences (more than 2 excused or
unexcused) will require you to repeat the course. Two tardies will count as 1 absence.
Inclement Weather Policy: North Carolina State University rarely closes for inclement weather. You
need to make your own determination about your comfort level and safety if driving during inclement
weather. If the University remains open during inclement weather, you can determine the status of our
class meeting by, (1) you can call Sharon at 848-8266 for class status. Use your own good judgment
when determining whether roads are safe to navigate. If class is not canceled and you cannot attend,
you will be responsible for making up what you miss. The primary information resources for students,
employees, and the public regarding the campus's current open/closed status are
· The University's homepage:
For University policies on attendance, (excused and unexcused) absences, and scheduling makeup work please see:
· The University's hotline: 919-513-8888
Preparation & Participation:
We expect you to be an active and informed participant in class proceedings. Active participation includes contributing
to discussions on material presented and discussed in class. Everyone will participate in class. While doing so, you need
to remain open and respectful to the ideas of others. If you disagree with someone or something, ground your
opinion(s) to ideas/concepts/readings that have been referenced in course materials or in any of your previous courses.
Major Assignments/Projects:
40% Unit Plan
30% Multiple Guided Observations (
30% Presentation of lesson plan
Students with Disabilities
Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of
available accommodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students at 1900 Student Health Center,
Campus Box 7509, 515-7653. For more information on NC State's policy on working with students with disabilities,
please see:
Academic Integrity
The student code of conduct is available at: “8.3 The act of submitting work for
evaluation or to meet a requirement is regarded as assurance that the work is the result of the student's own thought
and study, produced without assistance, and stated in that student's own words, except as quotation marks, references,
or footnotes acknowledge the use of other sources. Submission of work used previously must first be approved by the
From 9/24 – 11/19 – The first hour of class EVERY NIGHT will be taken up by 2
presentations, each lasting 20-25 minutes, with a discussion to follow.
Ice breaker to welcome spring start students
Go over syllabus and grading observation
Go over INTASC standards
Introduce Unit Plan assignment
Study Skills strategies
Study Skills strategies cont’d
Model presentation by lead teacher
Reading / Writing across the curriculum
Special Education
Multiple Intelligences / Differentiation
Blooms Taxonomy
Motivating Students / Behavior
Unit / Lesson Plan sharing time
Time for questions
Pass back Unit Plans
Assignment Due
Reflection 1 Due
By today, read Students with
Disabilities Act and be ready to
Reflection 2 Due
Reflection 3 Due
Unit Plan Due