HEIMS Administration A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicates A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicates Contents Contents ............................................................................................................................................. 2 1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Background............................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Definitions ................................................................................................................................ 2 1.4 Structure of this Document ...................................................................................................... 3 2. Logging in to HEIMS........................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Logging onto HEIMS Administration ........................................................................................ 4 3. How to submit type one duplicates ............................................................................................... 6 3.1 Adding a Type 1 Batch .............................................................................................................. 6 3.2 Adding Duplicates to a Type 1 Batch........................................................................................ 9 3.3 Following the Submission of a Type 1 Batch .......................................................................... 13 4. How to submit type two duplicates ............................................................................................. 16 4.1 Adding a type 2 batch............................................................................................................. 16 4.2 Adding Duplicates to a Type 2 batch ...................................................................................... 16 4.3 Following submission of a type 2 batch ................................................................................. 20 5. Managing batches ........................................................................................................................ 23 5.1 Updating and deleting a batch ............................................................................................... 23 5.2 Updating and deleting records within a type 1 batch ............................................................ 25 5.3 Updating and deleting records within a type 2 batch ............................................................ 27 6. APPENDIX - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.............................................................................. 29 A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicates 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose The Higher Education Information Management System (HEIMS) is used to administer the allocation of Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Numbers (CHESSN) for commencing, continuing and returning students. The focus of this document is to help higher education provider administrators use HEIMS to notify the department of potential duplicate CHESSNs. Before you can commence processing you will need an active logon ID for HEIMS. To gain access to HEIMS Administration as an authorised user, complete the Access to HEIMS applications form on HEIMSHELP, send to HEIMS.datacollections@education.gov.au. 1.2 Background As part of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA), CHESSNs are allocated to students who are: Commonwealth supported: including students seeking HECS-HELP and OS-HELP assistance accessing FEE-HELP or in receipt of a Commonwealth Learning Scholarship. Students who are not allocated a CHESSN are: overseas Students Research Training Scheme (RTS) students or domestic full fee-paying students who are not eligible to Commonwealth Assistance through FEE-HELP. The allocation of CHESSNs allows the Australian Government to monitor students receiving Commonwealth assistance to ensure that all students are given the same support and treated equally. By allocating a CHESSN the Government is able to monitor a student’s participation in the Higher Education Loan Programmes: HECS–HELP, OS-HELP or FEE–HELP and Commonwealth Learning Scholarships (CLS). HEIMS provides functionality which allows higher education providers and TACs (Tertiary Admission Centres) to allocate CHESSNs to students who are seeking Commonwealth support. All CHESSNs allocated through HEIMS are subject to data matching processes to ensure that students previously allocated a CHESSN do not obtain a second one. Whenever a TAC or higher education provider submits a request for a CHESSN, the student data is compared to that already stored in the system. If no acceptable match is found, a new CHESSN is created, if an acceptable match is found an existing CHESSN is returned. While the data matching tool reduces the number of duplicate CHESSNs issued, it cannot eliminate their occurrence entirely. As such, the department has developed a CHESSN duplicate submission application to allow higher education providers and TACs to submit information to the department concerning the following two types of CHESSN duplicates: A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 1 of 31 Type 1 duplicates – these occur when a single student has been issued with more than one CHESSN. If, for example, a student applies to study through a TAC and a higher education provider and supplies different personal information, two different CHESSNs may be issued. Type 2 duplicates – these occur when two students are issued with the same CHESSN. If, for example, twin students apply to study at the same higher education provider and their personal information is very similar, the system will treat the two students as the same individual and as a result only one CHESSN will be issued. 1.3 Definitions Batch: A batch is a structure used to store Type 1 or Type 2 candidate duplicate sets (see below). Creating a batch is the first step in submitting a request of potential Type 1 or Type 2 duplicates to the department. When a batch is first created, its status is “Entry in Progress”. After submitting the batch to the department for processing, its status changes to “Decision Pending” and after the department processes this submitted batch, the status becomes “Finalised”. Candidate Duplicate: A candidate duplicate is a CHESSN which has been identified as a potential Type 1 or Type 2 duplicate (see below). Candidate Duplicate Set: A candidate duplicate set contains a group of candidate (i.e. what are believed to be potential) duplicates. Once a set has been processed by the department, its result will be displayed in HEIMS and an e-mail will be sent to the appropriate CHESSN Liaison Officer (CLO). A Type 1 CHESSN duplicate set must contain two or more CHESSNs relating to a single student. It is possible to also submit CHESSNs that relate to a different student; however these must be recorded in a separate candidate duplicate set. A Type 1 CHESSN duplicate set must contain two or more CHESSNs that relate to only one student. See the figure 2 of supplying Type 1 duplicates in HEIMS. Figure 1: Type 1 Duplicate process A Type 2 CHESSN duplicate set contains information for two different students that have been allocated the same CHESSN. A Type 2 duplicate set contains one CHESSN along with details of the two students that it relates to. If another CHESSN belongs to a different group of two students, it A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 2 of 31 must be added in a different duplicate set. Therefore each Type 2 CHESSN duplicate must contain one CHESSN relating to two students. See figure 3 of supplying Type 2 duplicates to HEIMS. Figure 2: Type 2 Duplicate process Master CHESSN: This is the CHESSN that has been selected by the department from a Candidate Duplicate Set as the most appropriate record of the student. All other CHESSNs from the Candidate Duplicate Set effectively become redundant. 1.4 Structure of this Document The purpose of this Guide is to provide guidance through the process of logging in to HEIMS and allocating a CHESSN, processing Type 1 and Type 2 duplicate CHESSNs, and the updating of student data. Each process is illustrated through individual training modules. A number of images, icons and screen shots are shown to illustrate the steps in the process. The following table indicates some of the instruments used in this document to represent the relevant parts of the system. Elements of Document Description Steps Each step within a case study that outlines the required action to reach the desired goal. Each screen shot following a step illustrates what the system will look like. Screen shots Speech marks Mouse cursor/Hand A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Speech marks located in the screen shots provide hints and tips for a particular screen. The hand icon, or mouse cursor located on the screen shot indicates the required action before proceeding to the next step. Page 3 of 31 2. Logging in to HEIMS 2.1 Logging onto HEIMS Administration Overview: The CHESSN duplicate section of the system allows users to submit duplicate requests (or batches) containing Type 1 or Type 2 candidate duplicate sets. This section steps through the process of locating this section of HEIMS. 1. Open a web browser. Please note: The HEIMS Administration system supports Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6.0 for Windows. Problems may be encountered if a different browser or an older version of the specified browser is used. 2. Select “File” then “Open” from the Top hand navigation bar of Internet explorer and type in the HEIMS URL: https://admin.heims.deewr.gov.au/Admin/Controller.aspx Logon to HEIMS by selecting the “Logon” button from the left hand navigation bar and entering in your logon and the password assigned to you. Tip: If you do not have a Logon ID or the system does not allow you to log on, please contact the helpdesk (02) 6240 7487 or HEIMS.datacollections@education.gov.au A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 4 of 31 3. Select the “Duplicate Managements” link from the left hand navigation bar. Your Logon details time and date are displayed in the top right hand side You can use the ‘left hand navigation menu’ to navigate around HEIMS Note: The menu option “Output Alerts” is dynamic and is displayed dependent on user access. 4. The System will display the CHESSN duplicate main page – CHESSN duplicate batch list. By default the batch list will appear in descending order from the date of creation, i.e. the latest batch will be displayed first. This list shows current batches that have been created by your organisation. You will note that Batch Status drop down list allows the list to de filtered the last batch created is at the top of the list. The Sort Order allows you to change the order of your batches from the default option. A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Your Client Organisation details are displayed in this field Page 5 of 31 3. How to submit type one duplicates 3.1 Adding a Type 1 Batch Overview: Creating a batch is the first step in submitting a request of potential Type 1 duplicates to the department. The following section steps through this process. 1. Logon to HEIMS and select the “Add Batch” button to create a type 1 or 2 batch. A batch is a “container” used to store duplicate CHESSN information. Batches are submitted to the department for processing Add batch button Help text displayed on every screen can be useful as a first point of contact when you get stuck A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 6 of 31 2. Select either: “Type 1 CHESSN Duplicate” or “Type 2 CHESSN duplicate” from Batch Type drop down list. Also add in details such as batch date, reference number and any comments. o A Type 1 batch can contain one or more type 1 candidate duplicate sets. Each Type 1 duplicate set must contain at least two different CHESSNs relating to the one student o A Type 2 batch can contain one or more Type 2 candidate duplicate sets. Each Type 2 duplicate set contains only one CHESSN, but information relating to two students. Selecting the Ok button will return you back to the previous batch list screen The batch type drop down list is used to request a Type 1 or Type 2 duplicate OK Button A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 7 of 31 3. As shown in the picture below, the batch list will now refresh with your newly created batch appearing. Please repeat the same steps if you wish to create another batch. The list is now refreshed with the newly created batch Allows a user to view any potential duplicates which have been added to a batch (further detail in adding duplicates see case study 3 & 4) A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 8 of 31 3.2 Adding Duplicates to a Type 1 Batch Overview: After a Type 1 batch has been created, candidate duplicates can be created and placed in a candidate set. Each candidate set must have at least two candidate duplicates. The following section demonstrates how to create candidate duplicates and place them within a set. 4. Select a batch that you have created and select the “View Duplicates” button (double clicking the row will also perform this action). Select the batch you want to add the duplicates to. Select the View Duplicates 5. Select the “Add Duplicate Set” button. Displays any comments that you added in the batch Use this button if you wish to add CHESSNs to a particular set Selecting the close button will navigate you back to the Candidate duplicate batch list screen. 6. Enter the details of the first CHESSN that the student has. A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 9 of 31 7. If this CHESSN should be the CHESSN associated with the student select the tick box “most accurate CHESSN in duplicate set”. 8. Select the “Save & Add Another” button. This drop down list determines which candidate set you wish to add duplicates to. If a set has been previously added to the batch, this number will incrementally change to the next available set. This button will save the duplicate to the set as per the Duplicate Set ID. The system will then refresh the screen to allow you to add further duplicates to a set. Note: At least one CHESSN within each set must be designated as the most accurate CHESSN. The most accurate CHESSN gives an indication to the department that this CHESSN should be the CHESSN associated with the student. 9. Enter details of the second CHESSN relating to the same student. If there are any more CHESSNs for the same student repeat step 2. Once the last CHESSN for this student has been added to the set select the “Save & Return to List” button. This button will save the duplicate set as per the Duplicate Set ID. The system will then close the screen and open the candidate duplicate set list screen as per step 2. A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 10 of 31 10. If there are other students that have more than one CHESSN repeat step 2 to add another set. Once all candidate duplicate sets have been added submit the batch to the department for processing by selecting the “Submit Batch” button. The list is now refreshed with the newly created duplicate set 11. Once you have completed entering all sets within a batch the batch may now be submitted. By selecting the “Submit Batch” button, the Batch Status should now change to “Decision Pending”. This batch is now sent off to the department to process. Once a batch has been submitted the Batch Status changes from: “Entry in Progress” to “Decision Pending” This tab shows the duplicate sets within the Batch that will be submitted later to the department to process A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 11 of 31 12. On the batch list screen, the status of the batch will also change to Decision Pending. The status of the batch has changed. A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 12 of 31 3.3 Following the Submission of a Type 1 Batch Overview: After submitting a Type 1 batch within HEIMS, a departmental officer will process the request. After the batch is processed the batch status will be displayed as finalised on the batch list screen. The steps below describe how to view the outcome of a processed batch. 1. Logon to the Duplicates Management section of HEIMS as described in section 2 of this document. A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 13 of 31 2. Find the particular batch that the department has processed, highlight the relevant row and click “View Duplicates”. Tip: It may be easier to find the particular batch by limiting the search and selecting batch status: Finalised 3. Click on the “Finalised Type 1 duplicate sets” tab. This tab displays the sets as well as their candidate duplicates as originally entered An approval status of accepted indicates that the department records confirm the set contains Type 1 duplicates. This previously locked tab now displays the outcome of the decision made by the department A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 14 of 31 4. The outcome of the departments duplicate processing is displayed in the list within the “Finalised Type 1 duplicates sets” tab shown below. For all accepted Type 1 duplicate sets the department will assign one of the CHESSNs within the set the status of Master. This is a very important decision and higher education providers should ensure that the master CHESSN is used for all further transactions relating to the relevant student. A CHESSN is a master CHESSN if the record is marked as ‘Yes’ from the Master CHESSN column A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 15 of 31 4. How to submit type two duplicates 4.1 Adding a type 2 batch Overview: Creating a batch is the first step in submitting a request of potential Type 2 duplicates to the department. The process for creating a batch is outlined in section 3.1 of this document. 4.2 Adding Duplicates to a Type 2 batch Overview: After a Type 2 batch is created, Type 2 candidate duplicates can be added to the batch. The following section steps through the process of adding Type 2 candidate duplicates to a Type 2 batch. 1. Select a Type 2 batch that you have created and select the “View Duplicates” button (double clicking the row will also perform this action). Select the batch that you have created to process Type 2 Duplicates. 2. Select the “Add Duplicates” button. A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 16 of 31 Add Duplicates button. 3. Enter Details and select the “Validate” button. Dates format for all the date fields are: DD-MMM-YYYY Validating a CHESSN ensures that it currently exists within the CHESSN system 4. Add details of the student with the existing CHESSN into the Student 1 section. Add the details of student that could not acquire a different CHESSN into the Student 2 section then select Ok. A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Selecting the Web Service button defines that the CHESSN was allocated by system to system using XML Page 17 of 31 Enter details into the Student 1 fields of the student currently assigned the existing CHESSN Note: Request Number and Request Date fields are only required if the CHESSN was allocated via web services. Selecting Web browser button defines that the CHESSN was allocated by using the HEIMS web browser Enter details into Student 2 fields of the student that has not been assigned a CHESSN OK Button 5. Repeat step 3 if you wish to add further Type 2 duplicates to the batch. Once all candidate duplicates have been added, submit the Type 2 batch to the department for processing by clicking the button “Submit Batch”. A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 18 of 31 Submit Batch button 6. After selecting the “Submit Batch” button, the Batch Status should now change to “Decision Pending”. This batch is now sent off to the department to process. Once a batch has been submitted it will change from: “Entry in Progress” to “Decision Pending” This tab shows any duplicate set which will be submitted later for the department to process A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 19 of 31 7. After selecting the “Submit Batch” button, the Batch Status as shown on the batch screen will display as “Decision Pending”. The status of the batch has changed. 4.3 Following submission of a type 2 batch Overview: After submitting a Type 2 batch within HEIMS, a departmental officer processes the request. After the batch is processed, an e-mail is sent informing the nominated CHESSN Liaison Officer within your organisation of an outcome. This outcome is also recorded within the CHESSN duplicate application of HEIMS. The steps to view an outcome of a processed batch are shown below. A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 20 of 31 1. The department will send an e-mail informing you of an outcome of the batch. Once the batch has been processed the status of the batch will be changed to “finalised”. 2. Once notified that the batch is finalised, logon to Duplicate Management section of HEIMS as per section 2 of this document. 3. Find the particular batch that the department has processed, highlight row and click View Duplicates. Tip: It may be easier to find the particular batch by limiting the search and selecting batch status: Finalised A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 21 of 31 4. Click on the “Finalised Type 2 duplicate sets” tab. This tab displays the candidate duplicates that were previously submitted to the department This tab previously locked displays the outcome of the decision made by the department When the status is accepted the department confirms that two people did exist with the same CHESSN. 5. The outcome is displayed in the list within the tab shown below. When the department approves a Type 2 duplicate, the details of the first person that obtained the CHESSN remain linked to that CHESSN (referred to as the existing CHESSN). A new CHESSN is created for the second person. Higher education providers should change any CHESSN data on this second person to the CHESSN newly created. When the status is accepted the department has created and assigned the second student a different CHESSN A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 22 of 31 5. Managing batches 5.1 Updating and deleting a batch Overview: The following section describes the process of updating or deleting a previously created batch. 1. On a previously created batch, highlight a row from the list and select the “edit batch” button. Tip: Use the drop down lists: Batch Status & Batch Type to select which batches you wish to display 2. To update the batch, change the desired values and select “Ok” on the right hand side. OK 3. Or to remove the batch, select the “delete” button on the left hand side. A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 23 of 31 Note: deleting a batch is irreversible 4. Repeat this process if you want to update or delete other batches. Note: It is not possible to delete a batch that contains sets, unless the sets are deleted from within the batch first. A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 24 of 31 5.2 Updating and deleting records within a type 1 batch Overview: After a batch has been created and Type 1 duplicate sets have been added, some duplicates may need to be updated. The following section describes the steps to update and delete a candidate duplicate. 1. Select a batch that you have created and select the “View Duplicates” button (double clicking the row will also perform this action). View Duplicate 2. Select a row and then select the “Edit Duplicate” button (double clicking the row will also perform this action). Edit Duplicate Note: It is not possible to update or delete a record from a set that has already been accepted. A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 25 of 31 3. Edit the desired fields or click delete to remove the duplicate record from the batch. If the candidate duplicate is the last remaining duplicate within a set, by removing the candidate duplicate it will also remove the set. Note: deleting a batch is irreversible 4. Repeat the same process if you wish to update or remove another duplicate from the batch. A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 26 of 31 5.3 Updating and deleting records within a type 2 batch Overview: Before submitting the batch it may be necessary to update some details of the Type 2 CHESSN. The following section steps through this process. 1. Select a previously created batch and select the “View Duplicates” button (double clicking the row will also perform this action). View Duplicate 2. Select a row from the Candidate duplicate list and select “Edit Duplicate” button (double clicking the row will also perform this action). Edit Duplicate A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 27 of 31 3. Change desired fields or click delete to remove duplicate from batch Note: deleting a duplicate is irreversible Note: It is not possible to update or delete a record from a set that has already been accepted. 4. Repeat the same process if you wish to update or remove another duplicate from the batch. A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 28 of 31 6. APPENDIX - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. What are CHESSN duplicates? CHESSN duplicates occur either when a student has multiple CHESSNs or when multiple students have the same CHESSN. Within HEIMS these are defined as type 1 and type 2 duplicates respectively. They are defined as follows: Type 1 duplicates – occur when a single student is issued with more than one CHESSN. This may occur when a student submits two (or more) applications and the personal information they provide on each application differs to the extent that the CHESSN allocation system treats them as two different students and thus allocates two different CHESSNs. The department resolves the issue of Type 1 duplicates by selecting one CHESSN as the master and linking any duplicates to it. Type 2 duplicates – occur when a single CHESSN is allocated to two students. This may occur when CHESSNs are requested for twins. In such a case, the student’s personal information is similar to such an extent that the system treats them as a single student, and allocates the same CHESSN for both records. The department resolves the issue of Type 2 duplicates by creating an additional CHESSN to cater for the student that missed out in the original allocation process. 2. When I logon to HEIMS it does not refer to my correct organisation. How can I change this? If you have not been assigned to the correct organisation please do not submit any duplicate batches. To change your organisation you will need to contact the HIEMS helpdesk by e-mailing the mailbox HEIMS.datacollections@education.gov.au or phoning 02 6240 7487 during business hours. 3. I am unable to update my duplicate set or batch. Why can’t I do this? If the batch has been submitted to the department for processing and its status is “Decision Pending”, this and any duplicate sets within the batch cannot be updated. To edit this batch the CHESSN Management Officer must change the batch status to entry in progress. If this is necessary please contact HEIMS Client Support by e-mailing the mailbox HEIMS.datacollections@education.gov.au or phoning 02 6240 7487 during business hours. If you have any further questions concerning this Manual or the HEIMS Administration System please contact HEIMS Client Support at HEIMS.datacollections@education.gov.au A guide to submitting CHESSN duplicate February 2014 Page 29 of 31