Blackboard Collaborate Moderator's Manual

Moderator’s Manual
Compiled by the Learning Systems Support Team
January, 2015
Blackboard Collaborate (Web Conferencing) – Manual
Table of Contents:
 Getting Started -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
 System Requirements ----------------------------------------------- 2
 Practice
 Creating and Scheduling a Session ------------------------------ 4
 Setting Permissions, In-Session Invitations, Simultaneous
speakers ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4
o Java and Collaborate Launcher (What is it?) --------------------------- 6
o Setting Connection Speed ---------------------------------------------------- 6
o Configure Audio
 Importance of the Audio Wizard --------------------------- 7
o Create a Profile ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7
o Using video ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
 Moderator Power and Permissions -------------------------------------------------- 11
 Recording Sessions --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
 Collaborate Tools ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13
o Whiteboard ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
 Copy, Paste, Drag and Drop
 The Tools Palette
 Objects and Text (Moderator)
 Objects and Text (Participants)
 Clip Art
o Loading Content Through the Collaboration Toolbar ------------------ 14
o Pre-Loading Content ----------------------------------------------------------- 14
o Chat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
 Permissions (Monitoring Chats)
o Polling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18
o Quiz Manager -------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
 Creating, Administering, Viewing and Saving Quizzes
o Timer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
o Application Sharing ------------------------------------------------------------- 23
 Giving and Revoking Control
o Web Tour vs Web Push ------------------------------------------------------- 27
o File Transfer ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
o Multimedia Library -------------------------------------------------------------- 28
 Loading, Playing, Removing
o Breakout Rooms ---------------------------------------------------------------- 30
 Public, Private
 Moving Yourself and Participants to Rooms
 Copying Pages to Main Room
 Collaborate Mobile ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
o Collaborate session participation on IOS, Android, Kindle Fire.
January, 2015
Getting Started:
There are a few things you should do before you moderate a session:
1. Ensure your computer meets the minimum system requirements
recommended for running a Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing
session on your computer. The following are the System requirements:
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2. It is strongly recommend that you use a headset (or at least headphones or
an echo canceling microphone) rather than speakers when using
simultaneous talkers. This will eliminate potential echoing and feedback and
improve your audio experience.
3. Join a Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing session. You may join a
session either through an email link sent to you by your organization or via a
link on a web page. The method by which you join a session will vary
depending on your organization. See Joining a Blackboard Collaborate Web
Conferencing Session.
4. Once you have successfully launched into a Blackboard Collaborate web
conferencing session, run the Audio Setup Wizard and set your proxy settings
(see Setting Your Proxy Configuration). You may also want to set other
preferences, such as your connection speed. The first time you join a session,
the Select Connection Speed dialog appears, prompting you to select the
connection speed that you will be using. After you exit the session, the
connection speed is automatically saved with the preferences. Do not attempt
to moderate a session over wireless. Always connect to your network via a
network cable.
If you would like to practice in advance you can launch an Offline Blackboard
Collaborate Web Conferencing Session.
To familiarize yourself with the Whiteboard tools or to configure your Audio, you can
use an offline Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing session. An offline
Blackboard Collaborate session can be accessed at any time. You also can create or
review presentations and/or quizzes.
Note: The Participants panel, Chat, Audio, Application Sharing and Web Tour do not
function in an offline Blackboard Collaborate session.
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Note: To load a Whiteboard presentation into an offline Blackboard Collaborate
session, you must be in your private work area.
There are two ways to launch an offline session:
Leave a live session without closing the Blackboard Collaborate application (Help
menu, Leave Session). All Chat messages and Whiteboard pages that were
visible in the session remain so you can review, print or save them.
Use the configuration room available through the Support Portal:
Open .
Browse to First Time Users and then to Step 2 under Blackboard
Collaborate Web Conferencing, or click this link on a computer connected
to the Internet to launch the room immediately.
Click on the link Configuration Room.
Creating and Scheduling a Session
1. Log into your Blackboard Course.
2. Locate your course and select Blackboard Collaborate from Course Tools.
3. From the Information screen, select Tools and click Blackboard Collaborate.
4. On the Blackboard Collaborate landing page, you will find two options to
launch rooms and an option to create a session.
a. Course Room: the first room is called the Course Room. It automatically takes
the name of the course but this can be changed. The Course room will remain
available for the duration of the course and does not need to be scheduled.
Attendance in this room cannot be added to the Grade Center.
b. My Room: the second room is a private room which is automatically created
for instructors and administrators. The same room/same links are shared over all
of the courses that you may own. It can be used for Office Hours, meetings or for
Session Information
1. Enter a Session Name – the course name will be the default
2. Enter a Start and End Time
3. If you want the session to Repeat, click the Off button to turn it On.
4. By default 15 minutes will be selected for the Early session entry. This sets
the number of minutes prior to the Start Time, participants may enter the session.
Room Options
1. Session Type
a. Course -All users registered in this course can attend the session.
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b. Shared -All users registered in courses that you (select) teach can attend
this session.
2. Room Attributes
a. Recording Mode - Controls the recording for the session.
i. Manual – Moderators manually start and pause the recording
ii. Automatic – recording starts automatically when the first participants
enters the room
iii. Disabled – session will not be recorded
b. Max Simultaneous Talkers - Maximum number of simultaneous talkers
allowed at the start of the session (1 to 6).
c. Max Cameras - Maximum number of simultaneous web cameras allowed
at the start of the session (1 to 6).
d. View Private Messages - Allows moderators to view all private chat
messages in the session.
e. All Permissions - All participants will have full permissions when they
enter the session. Permissions are audio, video, chat and whiteboard. The
moderator can give and take away permissions during the session.
f. Raise Hand on Entry - Users automatically raise their hands when they join
the session.
g. Allow In-Session Invitations - While in a session, moderators can invite
users to join.
h. Hide Names in Recordings - Names of participants are hidden when
viewing recordings. Names are replaced with Participant 1, Participant 2, etc
i. Preload Content - Upload a file to use in the session. This will preload into
the session content such as whiteboard files, Plan files or multimedia content.
3. Grade Center Integration – Once the session ends, you can pull an
Attendance Report which will allow you to push the points to the Grade Center.
The instructor can assign the point value which defaults to 100.
4. Assign Roles
a. All users join as participants – default choice so that all participants only
have the participant permission.
b. All users join as moderators – can be used if creating a study room or
similar and there is not specifically assigned individual to facilitate/moderate
the session.
c. Assign access - Restrict who can join this session as a moderator or a
participant. If this option is chosen, you must assign all participants and
moderators to the session.
Guest Participation
Individuals who are not enrolled in a course can be invited to join using a URL.
The URL is automatically generated when the session is created. It will display in
a green banner at the top of the Blackboard Collaborate landing page.
Email Invitation – guests can also be invited to join a session by sending an email
invitation directly from the course.
1. Locate the session and click the chevron to display options.
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2. Select Allow Guests
3. Enter the email address of the guest who should be invited and click Add
and Done.
The In-Session Invitation feature Blackboard Collaborate enables Moderators,
from within a live session, to invite people into the session by sending them email
invitations. The invitations contain a link to join the session and, optionally, a
session password (both of which are generated by the Session Scheduling
Server when the session is created).
Note: To use the In-Session Invitation feature, it must be enabled for your
session by the session creator. Only Moderators can use the In-Session
Invitation feature.
Java and Collaborate Launcher
The Blackboard Collaborate Launcher is a utility that provides a convenient
and reliable way for Mac OS X 10.8.4 and later users to join Blackboard
Collaborate web conferencing sessions.
At this time only users running on Mac OS X 10.8.4 or later will use the
launcher. Everyone else will continue to join sessions the same way they
have previously.
Setting Your Connection Speed
Blackboard Collaborate is designed to ensure that you are always
experiencing a session synchronized with all participants, live in real time. To
do this, Blackboard Collaborate matches the rate at which the server sends
information to you with the setting you chose for connection speed. (See the
Knowledge Base article 1551 to learn more about the importance of setting
the correct connection speed.)
The first time you join a session, the Select Connection Speed dialog
appears, prompting you to select the connection speed that you will be using.
After you exit the session, the connection speed is automatically saved with
the preferences.
Note: You can quickly see what your current connection speed is by viewing it under
the Information menu..
Another way to set your connection speed is through the Preferences dialog.
You may do this in an offline session or anytime within a live session.
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Configure your connection speed in the Preferences dialog.
1. Open the Preferences dialog
2. In the left pane of the Preferences dialog, select Connection under Session.
The Connection preferences panel appears.
3. From the list of Connection Speed options, select the modem or line speed
that your computer is using to connect to the Blackboard Collaborate web
conferencing Server. In most cases, this means your Internet connection
Warning: Setting the incorrect connection speed (either higher or lower) may
result in poor performance.
4. Click on OK to save your preferences and close the Preferences dialog,
Apply to save your preferences and leave the Preferences dialog open or
Cancel to close the Preference dialog without saving any of your changes.
When you configure preferences, Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing will
remember the settings each time you join another session on the same computer.
Using the Audio Setup Wizard
The Audio Setup Wizard is a tool you can use to verify that your Audio is set up
correctly. It is comprised of a series of panels that guide you through selecting Audio
input (microphone) and output (speaker) devices and setting your speaker and
microphone volumes. We encourage everyone to run the wizard prior to the start
of the session.
Note: When you are using the Audio Setup Wizard during a session, you will not be
able to hear any of the session Audio. Others will know you can't hear them because
the Audio Setup Wizard icon will appear next to your name in the Participants list.
To open the Audio Setup Wizard, do one of the following:
Click on the Audio Setup Wizard button at the top of the Audio & Video panel.
From the Tools menu select Audio and then Audio Setup Wizard.
From the Audio & Video Options menu, select Audio Setup Wizard.
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Create a Profile
Moderators and participants can create a personalized profile with a picture to share
information about themselves with other Blackboard IM users. Adding a picture, or
other information - though optional - is highly recommended. You can add or modify
profile information from the Profile section of the Preferences window.
To access the Profile editor, click your profile picture box to the left of the Status Bar
in the Blackboard IM window.
Profile Picture
You can add a profile picture that is visible to other Blackboard IM users to add a
personal touch to your profile. Your picture is visible any time you contact another
Blackboard IM user, anytime another user contacts you, when a user views your
profile, or when a user hovers his or her cursor over your name in the Contacts or
Classmates tab. To add a profile picture, click the Choose Picture... button and
browse your hard drive for the desired picture. The profile picture box is optimized for
square images, but accepts images of any proportions.
You can add an email address to make it easier for other users to contact you when
you're not on signed in to Blackboard IM. This address does not need to be your
school email address or the address associated with your Blackboard IM account.
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About Me
The About Me box allows you to type a brief description to introduce yourself to other
users. You may wish to include your interests, your major, where you're from, or the
type of people with whom you would like to communicate using Blackboard IM.
My Webpages
The My Webpages box allows you to include links in your profile to the websites of
your choice. You may wish to add personal, course, or department webpages.
Troubleshooting Video in Blackboard Collaborate
Close Webcam Software
Often webcams will install proprietary software that starts automatically when you
plug them in or boot your computer. Before logging into Blackboard Collaborate, be
sure that your computer is not actively running your webcam's software. This may
mean closing an active window or closing an application in your computer's taskbar.
Clear the Java Cache
1. Open the Control Panel
2. XP users can click the icon labeled "Java" in the Control Panel.
Vista users can search the term "Java" in the Control Panel.
3. In the Java configuration window, under "Temporary Internet Files," click the
"Settings" button.
4. Click the "Delete" button.
5. Make sure "Applications and Applets" and "Trace and Log Files" are selcted
and click "OK."
1. Open Java Web Start (either via the icon on your desktop or in your Programs
2. Click on File then Preferences.
3. Click on the Advanced tab.
4. Click on the Clear Folder button, then click OK.
5. Close the Java Web Start Application Manager.
When I try to Transmit or Preview video nothing happens, but it was working
before. What can I do?
January, 2015
If you are having a problem with your video connection, follow the steps below to
select the Video preference "Disconnect device when it is not in use" so the video
device establishes a new connection for each use, rather than reopen an old
1. Open the Preferences dialog in one of the following ways:
o From the Edit menu, select Preferences… (Windows, Linux & Solaris)
o From the Blackboard Collaborate menu, select Edit menu, and select
Preferences (Macintosh)
o Enter Ctrl+Comma (Windows, Linux & Solaris)
o Enter ⌘, (Macintosh)
2. In the left pane of the Preferences dialog, select Audio / Video > Camera
Settings. The Camera settings panel appears.
3. Select the option Disconnect camera when it is not in use.
4. Click on OK to save your preferences and close the Preferences dialog, Apply
to save your preferences and leave the Preferences dialog open or Cancel to
close the Preference dialog without saving any of your changes.
5. When you configure Camera settings, Blackboard Collaborate will remember
these settings each time you transmit video in this session or in future
“Cannot connect video source." What does this mean?
The error message you are getting is due to Blackboard Collaborate failing to
capture the drivers for the web camera. This can happen for a few reasons:
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1. The drivers have not been initiated properly – make sure the drivers have
been installed properly and restart your computer with the webcam plugged
2. There is another application using the web camera drivers – right after
restarting your computer log into Blackboard Collaborate without opening any
other applications, especially the utility application for the web cam.
3. The web camera is unsupported.
Moderator Power and Permissions
As a Moderator, you are automatically given all permissions. The default global
permissions given to Participants are established when the session is initially created
and configured. Typically, sessions are configured so Participants can use all the
Blackboard Collaborate Web Conferencing features except Application Sharing, Web
Tour and Closed Captioning. If permissions are turned off during session
configuration, Participants will only be able to use the buttons in the toolbar
(emoticons, raise hand, etc.), view profiles and send Moderators private Chat
You can grant additional permissions to all Participants at once using the Global
options menu or to individual Participants by hovering your mouse over the
individual's name in the Participants list to display their permissions. Click on the
icon of the permission you wish to change. You may also control Global permissions
by selecting or deselecting the permissions icons located at the top of the
Participants list. There also may be times you want to revoke the permissions of
Participants, such as when you want to focus everyone's full attention on what you
are presenting (eliminate distractions) or when Participants are abusing their
Global Permissions from the Global Options Menu:
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Global permission icons from the Participants list:
Individual Permissions: Hover your mouse over the individual's name in the
Participants list to display their permissions. Click on the icon of the permission you
wish to change. In the example below, the Moderator is revoking Lucy's Video
Recording Sessions
As a Moderator, you can record a Collaborate session. This can be set up to run
automatically when the session begins or manually once in a session. All activity that
occurs in the main room of the session will be recorded, except for private Chat
messages, the Timer and Notes. As the recording progresses, Collaborate will insert
index entries to mark significant events within the session. Anyone viewing the
recording can navigate through the recording to points marked with index entries.
The moderator can also choose to manually insert index entries during the live
session thereby marking specific session activities. You can start or pause recording
at any time during the session. The recording can be erased at any time during the
session by the moderator.
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Collaborate Tools
Using the Whiteboard
The Whiteboard is a collaboration tool that allows two or more users to
synchronously view and modify objects and text on shared pages. Whiteboards are
object-oriented, meaning that you can add and modify content independently of other
objects on the page. This allows for virtually unlimited flexibility, control, and
collaboration. You can use Whiteboards in conjunction with other Blackboard IM
features, such as Chats, Calls, Office Hours, and Help Desks. Whiteboard features
tool color, stylization, and stroke options
multiple pages with optional independent navigation
clip art and backgrounds
content import: .wwb, .wbd, .ppt, .pptx, .png, .jpg, .bmp, .gif
whiteboard export: .wwb, .wbd, .pdf, .png, .jpg, .bmp
video snapshot import from video calls
A new blank Whiteboard is presented when the Collaboration Window is opened.
Actions Bar
The Actions Bar contains buttons that allow you to create new pages, delete
the current page, clear the current page, undo the last action, and zoom in or
Options Menu
The Options menu provides access to the same commands as the Actions
Bar, as well as commands to modify objects.
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The Load Content Button
The Load Content button lets participants upload content to the whiteboard.
Content Area
The content area is where you can draw, add text, and add objects in your
Whiteboard session. It is also where uploaded content, such as a PowerPoint
presentation, is shown.
Whiteboard Tools
The Whiteboard Tools allow you to draw, add text, and add shapes to a page.
In addition, the Select tool allows you to select and modify objects already on
your page.
Tool Options
The Tool Options allow you to change the characteristics of the selected
Whiteboard tool. It also allows you to change the appearance of existing
Pages Ribbon (not shown)
The Pages Ribbon allows you to view and navigate through multiple pages in
a Whiteboard session.
Gallery Ribbon
The Gallery Ribbon provides access to useful graphics and backgrounds to
add to your Whiteboard session.
Navigation Controls
The navigation controls allow you to navigate through different pages in your
Whiteboard session. By default, other users will also be moved to those
pages. You can override this by using the Explore button.
Explore Button
The Explore button enables you to move to different whiteboard pages without
other participants seeing those pages. While this button is pressed, you will
also not see their navigation changes.
Preloading Content
Whiteboard files, Plan files and multimedia files can be uploaded to the server and
then preloaded into a Meeting, a Courses or a Drop In. Below are the steps for
uploading the files:
1. Click the File Upload button.
2. Click the Browse button to locate the Whiteboard, Plan or multimedia file you
want to upload.
i. Filenames must be less than 64 characters
ii. The following Whiteboard and Plan file types can be uploaded:
.wbd, .wbp, .elp or .elpx
iii. The following multimedia file types can be uploaded: MPEG
files, MPEG4 Movies, QuickTime files, Windows Media Files,
Flash files and MP# Audio files.
iv. Enter a file description in the Specify the file description box.
v. Click the Upload button.
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vi. Once content has been uploaded a confirmation screen will
appear. Click Close to return to the previous page.
Associate Uploaded Content to a Meeting
Once the content has been uploaded, the next step is to associate the content to the
1. To associate a Whiteboard or Plan file, Click the Whiteboard/Plan Preload
dropdown arrow. All previously uploaded files will appear in the drop down
2. Select the file you want to preload into the meeting.
3. To associate a multimedia file, Click the Multimedia Preload dropdown arrow.
Al previously uploaded multimedia files will appear in the drop down menu.
4. If desired, Click Save as Defaults. This will add the selected preloaded
content to each meeting you create.
Using Chat in Blackboard Collaborate
The Chat tool can function as a Q&A for large, non-participatory events. Nonmoderators (students/attendees) can ask questions in the chat that the
Moderator can then respond to either in the chat or through video/audio. To
use the chat simply enter text into the text box and hit enter. You can also
select emoticons by clicking on the emoticon icon in the text box.
There are two default chats, one general chat that everyone in the web
conference can see and one that only the moderator can see. You can tab
back and forth between the chats at the bottom of the Chat Panel.
You can disable the emoticons, manipulate font size, send announcements
and adjust other chat settings by clicking on the “hamburger” button on the top
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right of the panel.
Chat Permissions
By default all Participants have permission to use the Chat. However the Moderator can
take away the permission from one or all of the participants. If the permission has been
removed visual indicator will appear to the right of the participants name in the
Participants panel.
Participants can always send a private text message to the Moderator even if they do
not have the Chat permission.
The moderator can grant and remove the Chat permission by clicking the Options
menu in the Participants panel and selecting Chat.
To send message:
1. Type in the message field
2. Hit <ENTER> on your keyboard.
Note: The Moderator by default has two tabs – Room and Moderators. Room is
public chat sent to everyone in the room and Moderators is reserved for private
messages between session Moderators.
Sending a Private Chat Message
Moderator and Participants can send private chat messages. If the session is
“Supervised”, the Moderators will be able to read all private messages exchanged
between Participants. The word “Supervised” appears next to CHAT in the Chat
window. To send a private message:
1. Select the Participant to whom you would like to send the message.
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2. Right-click or from the Participant Options menu select Send a Private Chat.
3. A new tab will appear with the Participant’s name. Type your message and hit
In Supervised mode the Moderators can see all private messages. The private
messages will appear in light gray, indented and italicized for the Moderator.
A new tab will open for each conversation. To close the tab, hover over the blue icon the
left of the Participant’s name Click to close.
the icon will turn into an X .
Chat Options Menu
From the Chat Options menu:
Messages can be sent as announcements.
The font size can be increased and decreased.
The Moderator can choose to turn off the “Supervised” chat.
The Moderator has the option of viewing all private messages in the
conversation area of the Room tab by selecting Show My Private Chats in
Room Tab. It will have a heading that starts with the Private Message icon
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Saving Chat Messages to a File
1. Public and private chat messages can be saved. Click on the tab to select
the messages you wish to save.
2. From the File menu, select Save > Chat
The Polling feature allows you to poll your participants at any time using one of four
different types of polls: Yes/No, Multiple-Choice (A-C, A-D or A-E), and Class Pace. You
can use Polling to obtain quick responses to verbal or written questions. The poll type
can be changed as many times as needed during a session. The Yes/No poll type is the
default. By saving the Whiteboard, anonymous polling results can be saved and
reviewed later in or out of a Blackboard Collaborate session.
To Poll Participants
1. From the Tools menu, select Polling, select Type and select the type of poll you
wish to use. Or select Polling from the Global Options menu. The default is
2. Present the polling question to the Participants verbally or on the Whiteboard.
3. Instruct the Participants to respond using the available response options. The options
are located in the Participants panel. Click the Polling Response Menu and click the
desired response.
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Viewing and Clearing Polling Results
While conducting a Poll, the Moderator will see the results tabulated under the Polling
Response Menu. To delete the responses, click the Clear button.
Hide and Show Responses
Determine if you wish to show or hide the polling responses from the participants by
selecting or deselecting Make Responses Visible from the Tools > Polling menu.
Locking Responses
The Moderator can choose to lock the polling responses to prevent Participants from
changing their answer. Select Lock Responses from Tools > Polling.
Publishing Reponses to the Whiteboard
Publishing the responses places a graphical representation of the results on the
 Use Polling to break up the session and engage Participants.
 Use the Whiteboard to present your Polling question along with the responses.
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Hide the Polling results from your Participants until they have responded to
ensure honest feedback. Reveal the results only after everyone has responded.
If the Polling results were shown to the Participants they will also be shown in the
recording. Hidden results are not recorded.
Quiz Manager
The Quiz Manager helps you create online quizzes consisting of multiple choice and
short answer quiz questions. A quiz can consist of any number of questions and can
be presented to Participants during the session. The results are tabulated for your
review and can be published for the session attendees to review.
Note: This feature is not supported on mobile devices.
You can open the Quiz Manager in one of two ways:
From the Window menu, select Show Quiz Manager.
Load a quiz file through the Collaboration toolbar. The Quiz Manager will
automatically open.
1 Create New Quiz button
4Remove Quiz Library button
2 Load Quiz button
5Edit Quiz button
3 Save Quiz to File button
6View Quiz button
Creating a Quiz
To create a new quiz, do the following:
1. Open the Quiz Manager window by selecting Show Quiz Manager from the
Window menu.
The Quiz Manager consists of a toolbar and the Quiz Library panel.
2. Click on the
Create New Quiz button to create a new quiz. The New
Quiz panel appears.
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3. Enter the name of the quiz, replacing the default text ‘New Quiz’.
4. Click on the
New Question button to create a new question. The New
question… text box appears.
5. Enter your question by replacing the default text ‘New question…’.
There are two types of questions you may ask — multiple choice or short
If you are asking a multiple-choice question continue with the next step.
If you are asking a short answer question, go to step 7.
6. To enter multiple-choice responses, click on the
Multiple Choice button.
One ‘New choice…’ text box will be created every time you click on the
button. The following example has 4 multiple-choice responses.
Enter your responses by overwriting the ‘New choice’ text in each of
the text boxes.
Click on the
Wrong icon to mark which of the multiple-choice
responses is the correct answer. The icon will change to a
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7. To enter a short answer response for your question, click on the
Answer button and enter your answer in the yellow text field.
Tip: Use the short answer type of question if you want to give people freedom
when answering a question.
Note: Although you must enter something into the yellow text field, the Quiz
Manager will not be able to grade the short answer responses unless the
answer given matches the correct answer exactly. Marking of inexact
answers must be done manually by the Moderator.
8. Click on the
New Question button to create another new question and
repeat the earlier steps until you have entered all your questions and
9. Click the
Save Quiz button to save the quiz and return to the Quiz
Library. Your quiz will appear in the Quiz Library list. The quiz is saved for this
session only. You can now administer the quiz to the Participants or you can
save it to disk.
You can set a timer that all participants can see count down for anything from a
break-out room session to timing a poll. When the timer goes off it emits a beep as
well as sends a notification to all the participants. To start the timer simply select
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“Timer” > ”Start Timer” from the “Tools” dropdown menu at the top center of your
The Timer appears above the Whiteboard.
Application Sharing
Application sharing allows the Moderator or Participant to share any application or
the entire desktop with other attendees. The host of the application share can grant
remote control of their application to others. This allows “hands-on” training,
demonstrations, and support applications.
Note: The moderator is the only session participant that can start Application
Sharing. To start:
1. Click the Application Sharing button
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2. Select the Share desktop or a specific application from the list. Only open
applications that are not minimized will appear on the list.
3. Click Share.
4. The shared application will display in the Content Window for Participants.
5. Size the application to the approximate size of the content window in order to
see the Blackboard Collaborate side panels. A yellow box will appear around
the region that is being displayed. A small controller will be available with a
button for Stop, Pause and Snap Shot.
Giving Control of Your Application or Desktop
To give control of the shared application to another participant in the session, do the
1. Select the Participant from the Participants List
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2. From the Tools menu, select Application Sharing > Give Control of Shared
Applications. The Participant now has
the ability to interact with the shared application.
3. To regain control, from your keyboard hold down the CTRL key and the Space at the
same time. Control is now back to the host.
Giving Participants Application Sharing Permission
By default Participants do not have the permission to use Application
Sharing. The Moderator may give permission to all Participants from the
Global Options menu or to a single participant from the Participants Option
If the permission is given globally, you will not see a change in the Participants
List. However if it is given to an individual Participant, the Application Sharing
permission icon will appear next to that Participants name.
1. Give the Participant(s) Application Sharing permission as described above.
2. Click on the Application Sharing button to switch to that mode.
3. The Participant must click the Start Sharing button, select an application and click
Share. Now all session Participants will see the shared application.
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4. The Application Sharing permission will change to an active status.
When another attendee is controlling your application, it is important to keep you
hand off the mouse so you do not compete for control.
When another attendee is controlling your application, use the audio hot key
F2 to turn on and off your audio.
When another attendee is controlling your application, use the Tab key to
move between the panels.
To view what your participants are seeing, from the Tools menu, select Application
Sharing > Show Preview Window. A thumbnail of the shared application will
display in a new window.
Note: Do not place the Preview window on top of the shared application because
it will block transmission and appear as a black box on the Participants screens.
The cursor of the shared application can be distinguished from the computer cursor by
setting the Application Sharing Preferences to Emphasize Cursor.
If the area being shared is larger than the Application Sharing window, it can be scaled
to fit the window. Select Scale to fit.
You can optimize application sharing by selecting the Image Quality you want to
transmit. Normal is the default. Go to Preferences > Application Sharing > Hosting
Options to make a change.
January, 2015
Web Tour vs Web Push
There are two ways for you to show session attendees web sites: in a Web Tour or a
Web Push.
Web Tours are displayed in the Content area of Blackboard Collaborate web
conferencing. As the tour guide, you can control what others see by selecting the
Follow Me option. Although session attendees will be able to browse within the web
site you opened in the Web Tour, as soon as you move to a new page, they will be
redirected to your new page.
A Web Push is a type of Web Tour in which the specified web page opens up in the
default web browser of each session attendee (including the host's) – outside of the
Blackboard Collaborate application. Session attendees will see the web page to
which they are initially directed (pushed) and after that are free to browse to other
pages, work with bookmarks, close the window, etc. When you move to another web
page, it will have no affect on what others see in their web browsers.
File Transfer
File transfer allows you to upload and distribute files to all web conference
attendees. To upload a file to the file transfer library, click on file>open>File
for Transfer.
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This opens the standard file browser of all the files on your computer. Simply
select the file you want and hit “open.” This will then automatically open the
File Transfer Library. All files in the library are accessible to all web
conference participants. Using the icons at the top you can save the file,
remove the file, remind participants that they can download the file or add a
new file.
Note: After you log out of a session, all files are automatically deleted from
the File Transfer Library. If you try to upload a file format that is incompatible
with the Whiteboard it will automatically activate the file transfer feature and
ask users if they want to download the file.
Multimedia Library
The Multimedia Library is a repository for the multimedia files and multimedia URLs
you upload and want to play in your Blackboard Collaborate session.
You can open the Multimedia Library in one of two ways:
From the Window menu, select Show Multimedia Library.
Load a multimedia file through the Collaboration toolbar. The Multimedia
Library will automatically open. The first time you access this feature, a
Multimedia Warning message appears, reminding you of which files are
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By default, the option Do not warn me again this session is selected. If you leave this
option selected, the warning will not appear again. Click OK to continue. The
Multimedia Library will open.
1 Load Multimedia file
Play selected media
2 Load Multimedia URL
Stop playing selected media
3 Remove media from library
Each file or URL displayed in the list contains the following information:
Name — the name of the file or the URL.
Size – the size of the file in Kilobytes.
Server — indicates the status of loading the file onto the server. If the file is
loading, it will indicate the status as Loading and the percentage of
completion. If the media has been fully loaded onto the server the status will
read Complete.
Progress — the Progress bar is a status indicator for each user indicating how
much of the file has been downloaded to that user's machine. Each section of
the bar represents a session attendee, with the first section reserved for the
Moderator. There are five download status reporting levels: Red: 0% – 50%,
Orange: 51% – 75%, Yellow: 76% - 95%, Cyan: 96% – 99% and green is
100% complete.
Breakout Rooms (Group work)
To facilitate small group collaboration, a Moderator can create rooms separate from
the Blackboard Collaborate Main room and either place session attendees into these
"breakout" rooms or allow them to self-select. Breakout rooms have their own private
Audio, Video, Whiteboard, Application Sharing, etc., so the collaboration that takes
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place in a breakout room is independent of the Main room (and other breakout
What is said or viewed in a breakout room will not be captured in a recording.
Even if there is no Moderator in a breakout room, when anyone in the breakout room
raises their hand or sends a private message to Moderators, Moderators in other
rooms will be notified.
Note: Moderators on mobile devices cannot create and manage breakout rooms.
Log in to the session from a desktop or laptop computer to do so. Mobile device
users will not see multiple rooms in the Participants list since they can see only the
room they are currently in.
There are two types of breakout rooms:
Public: A public breakout room does not require anyone in the room. This
means that you can create a breakout room, load content into the room and
switch Content modes (if needed) before you move the Participants and
Moderators into the room. The breakout room and its contents will remain
intact even after you have moved everyone out of the room, allowing you to
use the room and contents again.
Private: A private breakout room is temporary and closes when no one is left
in the room.
When the Moderator moves someone into a breakout room, the Participants list is
updated, displaying the name of the room and the names of the people in the room.
In the example below, Lisa and Lucy have been moved to the breakout room called
Lab 1 and Charlie has been moved to the breakout room called Lab 2.
If you want Participants to be able to move freely between rooms, explicitly grant
them the permission. From the Tools menu, select Breakout Rooms and then Allow
Participants to Move Themselves to Breakout Rooms.
Participants will be able to tell you have given them this permission by the
appearance of the Room menu in their Participants panel toolbar.
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Moving Yourself or Others into Existing Rooms
You can send yourself or Participants and Moderators from the Main room to an
existing breakout room, a breakout room to the Main room or from one breakout
room to another.
If moving yourself only, do one of the following:
From the Room menu in the Participants panel toolbar, select the desired
room from the list of available rooms.
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From the Options menu of the breakout room to which you want to move,
select Enter Breakout Room.
From the Tools menu, select Breakout Rooms, then Send Self to Breakout
Room and finally select the desired room from the list of available rooms.
Drag and drop yourself into the desired room in the Participants list. You can
drop yourself on a breakout room's tab or on a person already in that room.
If moving Participants and other Moderators, do the following:
1. In the Participants list, select the names of the people you wish to move to a
room (including your own). Hold down Shift or Control (same on Mac) to
select multiple people.
2. Do one of the following:
From the Tools menu, select Breakout Rooms, then Send to Breakout
Room and finally select the desired room from the list of available
If you have selected only one person, from that person's Participant
options menu, select Send to Breakout Room and then the desired
room from the list of available rooms.
If you have selected more than one person, right-click (Control-click on
Mac) on the Participants list to open its context menu and select Send
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to Breakout Room and then the desired room from the list of available
Drag and drop the selected Moderators or Participants into the desired
room. You can drop them on the breakout room's tab or on a person
already in that room.
Collaborate Mobile
Join live sessions from iPhone, iPad, or Android device (including Kindle Fire
Interact via text chat and two-way audio
View whiteboard content and shared applications
Use emoticons, hand raising, polls, breakout rooms
Connect from any learning management system
Stream or download recordings to any mobile device
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