Senate Meeting Approved Minutes
College of Southern Nevada
West Charleston Campus 'B' 104
6375 W. Charleston Blvd, NV 89146
Friday October 9th 2015, 12:00 P.M
Executive Board Officers:
Brenda Romero, President (present)
Sara Weston , Vice President (present)
Christel Marie San Diego, Secretary (present)
Priscilla Munoz, Treasurer (present)
Cheyenne Senators:
Katelynn Costa, CHY Senator (present)
Jorge Lopez, CHY Senator (present)
Maria Ruvalcaba, CHY Senator (present)
Shelly Thompson,, CHY Senator (present)
Henderson Senators:
Jonathan Bowdle, HEN Senator excused
Rachel Clark, HEN Senator (present)
Darius Phillips-Perry, HEN Senator excused
Zachary Stanczak, HEN Senator (present)
West Charleston Senators:
Ocean Garner, WCH Senator (present)
WCH Senator (vacant)
WCH Senator (vacant)
WCH Senator (vacant)
Extension Senators:
Clark Beltran, EXT Senator (elect) (present)
VictorLee Boardley, EXT Senator (elect) (present)
Christopher Brown, Interim Advisor proxy Shakira
Millie Vuksanovic, Financial Advisor proxy Dan
NOTE: Below is an agenda of all items scheduled to be considered. Notification is hereby provided that items on the agenda may be taken out of the order presented, two or more agenda items may be combined for consideration, and an agenda item may be removed from the agenda or discussion relating to an item on the agenda may be delayed at any time.
In accordance with NRS 241.020(6), supporting materials that are submitted to the Associated Students of the College of Southern Nevada (ASCSN) Office of Student Life and Leadership Development will be made available in advance of the meeting as follows: 1) from the (ASCSN) Office of Student Life and Leadership
Development by calling Juanita Sowell at (702) 651-5904 or emailing her at; or, 2) by accessing the electronic version of the agenda posted on the ASCSN page of the CSN website:
In addition, a limited number of copies of any such supporting materials will be available at the meeting site.
Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate physically disabled persons attending the meeting. Please call Juanita Sowell at (702) 651-5904 in advance so that arrangements may be made.
ASCSN Senate Meeting Approved Minutes
October 9th , 2015
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Public Comment (3 minute limit each speaker) Information Only a.
Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to three minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and to spell their last name. The President may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when that agenda item is being considered. b.
In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the Attorney General’s
Open Meeting Law Manual, the President may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, ASCSN Student Government, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers. c.
Vice Presiden Weston states that committee assignments are needed for the new senators.
Oath of Office (10 minutes) For Possible Action a.
President Romero shall administer the Oath of Office to newly elected ASCSN Senator(s): Clark
Beltran and Victor lee Broadly, representing the Extension Sites campus. b.
President Romero conducts the Oath of Office to newly elected ASCSN Extension Site Senator Clark
Beltran. c.
President Romero conducts the Oath of Office to newly elected ASCSN Extension Site Senator
Victorlee Boardley. d.
Secretary San Diego states that there are 12 voting members present.
Consent Agenda Items (5 minutes) a.
Approval of the Meeting Minutes for: i.
Senate Meeting: September 25, 2015 ii.
Executive Meeting: September 25, 2015 iii.
Planning and Awards Committee: September 25, 2015 iv.
Outreach Committee: September 25, 2015 v.
Funding and Proposal Committee: September 25, 2015
For Possible Action vi.
By-laws: September 18,2015 vii.
Secretary San Diego motions to approve item 3 except for the Planning and Awards
Committee minutes. viii.
Vice President Weston seconds. ix.
Motion adopted: 12-0-0.
Appointment Recommendation Approval (30 minutes) For Possible Action
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(30 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote for funding not to exceed $450 for The Next Step Conference hosted by the Workforce Development Department. This money will be used for food and drinks for the event. This discussion shall be led by Elise Aparicio from the Workforce Development department. b.
Point of Privilege: Senator Garner steps out of the room at 12:11PM. c.
Elise Aparicio from the Workforce Development presents to the ASCSN Student Government. Their organization serves non-credit students and students who are trying to get their high school diploma or GED. It serves the advanced ESL students as well. They also talk to students about Financial Aid options. They are a grant-funded organization. On the event, all materials are free. However, there is a strict requirement that they cannot purchase food for the funding. They are coming before student government to ask for funding for the refreshments to be served during the Next Step Conference event. They have breakout sessions for during the conference. It is done twice a year.
Senator Beltran asks whether the $450.00 will be used at one event.
Ms. Aparicio says yes.
Senator Beltran recommends Ms. Aparicio to do the event at the Cheyenne campus as well.
Aparicio agrees. She also states that their organization has a lot of classes in the valley.
Vice President Weston states that these are classes for students to bridge the gap for them to attend
Senator Clark motions to approve item 5 with funding not to exceed $400.00.
Point of Order: Senator Garner comes back to the room at 12:17PM. k.
Senator Costa seconds. l.
Motion adopted: 11-0-1.
Approval of Cardio Respiratory Club (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon recognition and allocation of $300 seed money to the
Cardio Respiratory Club for meeting the minimum qualifications to receive seed money for the 2015-
2016 Academic school year. b.
Vice President Weston motions to table item 6 because the club has not submitted their club by-laws yet. c.
Secretary San Diego seconds. d.
Senator Costa asks if the club is still eligible for the $300.00 seed money. e.
Vice President Weston says no. f.
Motion adopted: 12-0-0.
Approval of CSN Italian Club (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon recognition and allocation of $300 seed money to CSN
Italian Club for meeting the minimum qualifications to receive seed money for the 2015-2016
Academic school year. b.
Stephanie Licea, the president of CSN Italian Club, presents to the Senate. She states that the club is mainly for Italian culture, arts, and history. It tis the goal of the club to reconnect the Italians to their roots and also help reconnect them back to their culture. They are also and environmentally friendly club. They do recycling projects for school and the community. The seed money will be used to go
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Page 4 on tours within Las Vegas, and also to go to museums. She states that they want to get this club going for the next years to come. Seed money will be used for activities, tours, and projects. c.
Senator Clark states that it is okay if clubs do not know what to do with the seed money yet because they are entitled to it for turning in their club packets on time. d.
Senator Lopez motions to approve item 7 with funding not to exceed $300.00. e.
Vice President Weston seconds. f.
Motion adopted: 12-0-0
Approval of Gender and Sexuality Alliance (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon recognition and allocation of $300 seed money to the
Gender and Sexuality Alliance for meeting the minimum qualifications to receive seed money for the
2015-2016 Academic school year. b.
Joey Goodrich, the secretary of GSA, presents to the Senate. GSA is a new club. It is also their first year to be recognized this academic year. The club is meant to support LGBTQ community. c.
Senator Costa ask which campus they hold their meetings at. d.
Mr. Goodrich states that they hold their meetings at the Cheyenne campus, but the club is making an effort to try to organize meetings at the other campuses as well. e.
Senator Costa motions to approve item 8 with funding not to exceed $300.00. f.
Senator Boardley seconds. g.
Motion adopted: 12-0-0.
Approval of Student American Dental Hygiene Association (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon recognition and allocation of $300 seed money to the
Student American Dental Hygiene Association for meeting the minimum qualifications to receive seed money for the 2015-2016 Academic school year. b.
Marvelyn Navarro, president of the club, and Lexus Sena, secretary, presents to the Senate. The representatives state that the club mimics the national organization, Dental Hygiene Organization.
They fight for the rights to be more independent and practice on their own. They have meetings once a month. The club helps the community, such as going to elementary schools and teaching them how to properly brush and floss. They do charity work for the public.
Vice President Weston motions to approved item 9 with funding not to exceed $300.00.
Treasurer Munoz seconds. e.
Motion adopted: 12-0-0. f.
Ms. Navarro states that they only charge $25 for teeth cleaning.
Approval of Criminal Justice Association (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon recognition and allocation of $300 seed money to Criminal
Justice Association for meeting the minimum qualifications to receive seed money for the 2015-2016
Academic school year. b.
Shane McIntire, the president of the club, presents to the Senate. The club offers professional, networking, and volunteer opportunities. The club is not exclusive to criminal justice majors. They have a field training officer as their speaker for their first meeting, and forensics investigator for students who are interested in CSI. They also have internship opportunities. They are looking to having end of the year community program to help promote to the community to study in CSN. The form study groups as well. They are looking into getting rooms on Saturdays for meetings.
Senator Thompson asks which campus the club will be holding their meetings.
Mr. McIntire states that they will be holding the meetings at the Charleston campus, but they are trying to hold them in all campuses e.
Senator Boardley motions to approve item 10 with funding not to exceed $300.00.
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Senator Thomspon seconds. g.
Motion adopted: 12-0-0.
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Approval of CSN Collegiate DECA (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon recognition and allocation of $300 seed money to CSN
Collegiate DECA for meeting the minimum qualifications to receive seed money for the 2015-2016
Academic school year. b.
Renee Riette, the president of DECA presents to the Senate. He states that the club is an opportunity to prepare students and expose them to the business world. DECA helps expose students to the visionary business world. They will be having ceremonies and training. They will also be doing competitions. The clubs covers all areas of business: marketing, management, accounting, and finance. There will be conferences for the club to attend to as well, and competition in entrepreneurship that judge each student. They will do fundraisers and community involvement. The
VP picks certain cause to determine for these fundraisers. They will be partnering with organizations around the community and try to get exposure and network with them. The club has membership award programs. They keep track of each member involvement in the club. They are also collaborating with UNLV DECA. c.
Senator Garner motions to approve item 11 with funding not to exceed $300.00.
Senator Stanczak seconds. e.
Motion adopted:12-0-0.
Approval of Student Nurse Association (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon recognition and allocation of $300 seed money to Student
Nurse Association for meeting the minimum qualifications to receive seed money for the 2015-2016
Academic school year. b.
Anna Nguyen, president of the club, presents to the Senate. The club organizes volunteer events around the community. They also partner with American Red Cross. She also states that they are a chapter of the National Student Nurse Association. They help members go to convention for them to learn to how to network and learn leadership skills.
Vice President Weston motions to approve item 12 with funding not to exceed $300.00.
Senator Ruvalcaba seconds. e.
Motion adopted: 12-0-0.
Approval of S.H.I.N.E Club (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon recognition and allocation of $300 seed money to
S.H.I.N.E. Club for meeting the minimum qualifications to receive seed money for the 2015-2016
Academic school year. b.
Lilliana Ayon Martinez, Cassandra Avila, and Sara James, members of SHINE, presents to the
Senate. The club helps students help remain bright and also helps them in their school. They create an environment where they can help other students with apps like Microsoft, Canvas and MyCSN.
Weekly meetings is where all students are invited to come. They will have a Halloween social this month. The club is open to all students. They will also have an end of the semester of party to celebrate completion of finals. c.
Senator Boardley asks where the location of the meeting is.
Ms. Martinez states that the meeting will be at the Cheyenne campus, room 2662.
Boardley asks if the club will be reaching out to other campuses as well.
Ms. Martinez states that the club will mainly be at the Cheyenne lab. g.
Vice President Weston motions to approve approve item 13 with funding not to exceed $300.00.
Senator Boardley seconds. i.
Senator Beltran recuses himself from voting as he is the president of the club.
Motion adopted: 11-0-1
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Approval of Young Americans for Liberty at CSN (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon recognition and allocation of $300 seed money to Young
Americans for Liberty at CSN for meeting the minimum qualifications to receive seed money for the
2015-2016 Academic school year. b.
Andrew Lee, president of the club, presents to the Senate. He states that they are not an official party and they are not conspiracy theorists. They are for ending the drug war completely, and they are also for free markets and free trade. The right to die. They are big in activism. The club distributes literature and books. The national organization has 300 chapters. The offer internship opportunities and chance to make a difference in the community. c.
Senator Beltran motions to approve item 14 with funding not to exceed $300.00. d.
Senator Costa seconds. e.
Motion adopted: 12-0-0
Approval of Sonography Club (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon recognition and allocation of $300 seed money to
Sonography Club for meeting the minimum qualifications to receive seed money for the 2015-2016
Academic school year. b.
President Romero speaks in behalf of Sonography club as no members are available to go to the meeting. President Romero states that the club has a limited entry program. Students must be in the program to participate. The club does pinning ceremony that they raise money for. c.
Vice President Weston states that special programs at CSN do10-30 hours of clinical a week, which is why the club cannot represent themselves during the meeting. d.
President Romero states that they reached out to ASCSN through email.
Senator Stanczak motions to approve item 15 with funding not to exceed $300.00.
Senator Beltran seconds. g.
Motion adopted: 12-0-0.
Approval of English Creative Writing Club (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon recognition and allocation of $300 seed money to
for meeting the minimum qualifications to receive seed money for the 2015-
2016 Academic school year. b.
Andrew Romanelli, the VP of the club, presents to the Senate with their club Advisor, Yelena Bailey-
Kirby. The club will be based in West Charleston campus. They do workshops in the club as well.
Members can bring work in and get feedback. The club does events such as Halloween open pen.
They also publish a magazine where they work with the Arts department. Submission to be published could be poetry or fiction. The writings and arts in the magazine is written by all CSN students.
Students from the club has been published. They make 100 copies. They do a lot of fundraising for it ranging from $1,000.00 to $1,500.00. to get 100 full color copies. c.
Senator Clark states that if the club wants to have more funding, they can request for it as well.
Vice President Weston states that she was published in the magazine. It became a pathway for her to gain confidence in her writing that allowed her to be published in other magazines or publications. e.
Ms. Bailey-Kirby states that the magazine is also available digitally.
Senator Costa motions to approve item 16 with funding not exceed $300.00. g.
Senator Thompson seconds. h.
Motion adopted: 12-0-0
Approval of Japanese Language Club (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon recognition and allocation of $300 seed money to
for meeting the minimum qualifications to receive seed money for the
2015-2016 Academic school year.
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October 9th , 2015 b.
Natsuki Uehara, a member of the Japanese Language Club, presents to the Senate. The club states that they teach Japanese composition and writing. They have an activity each week. They bring speakers and talk about Japanese culture and history and food. They will be holding a Japanese speech contest at the end of the semester to see how the much the students improved in their
Senator Costa motions to approve recognition for Japanese Language Club with funding not to exceed $300.00.
Senator Clark seconds. e.
Motion adopted: 12-0-0
Approval of Chemistry Club (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon recognition and allocation of $300 seed money to
for meeting the minimum qualifications to receive seed money for the 2015-2016
Academic school year. b.
Aziza Dhalai, president of Chemistry Club, and Karen Trajo, vice president, presents to the Senate.
The club is comprised of mostly science majors and people interested in chemistry. They outreach to elementary school and help children spark interest for chemisty. Last year
’ s ASCSN Banquet, they received the Most Active Student Club award. They do community service and have internship opporunities. They get more experience through volunteer work.
Senator Clark motions to approve item 18 with funding not to exceed $300.00.
Senator Beltran seconds. e.
Motion adopted: 12-0-0
Approval of Association of Students in Communications (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon recognition and allocation of $300 seed money to
for meeting the minimum qualifications to receive seed money for the 2015-2016 Academic school year. b.
Charlene Gibson, faculty advisor ASC, presents to the Senate. She states that ASC very successful last year. They held important events that impacted the campus. They did the Degrees of
Communication seminar with many speakers. The keynote speaker press secretary at the White house. The club does monthly themed meetings.
Vice President Weston motions to approve item 19 with funding not to exceed $300.00.
Senator Thompson seconds. e.
Motion adopted: 12-0-0
Approval of A.N.T.S. (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon recognition and allocation of $300 seed money to
for meeting the minimum qualifications to receive seed money for the 2015-2016
Academic school year. b.
Angela Armstrong, president of ANTS, and Anne Meyers, Vice President, present to the Senate.
They state that they are reviving an old club that has been in our campus. They are open to everyone but members must have one of the main things: postponed enrollment, part time or fulltime while in school, financially independent by financial aid, and you have dependents. They have an alliance with the chapter at UNLV. They outreach to non traditional students such as the current members.
They serve as camaraderie and have additional resources for students such as scholarships. The club was around in 2009. They want to provide additional resource to students. The club has over a thousand members at UNLV. They have a meeting at the end of the month. They also have a meeting with national organizations. They want to work with students who have significant needs and help students continue their education, such as providing bus pass, child care, etc. they hold
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Page 8 fundraiser events and help charities. They are currently located at Cheyenne campus, but they will make visits to Henderson as well. They are going to be focusing on all three campuses. They want to have partnerships with different side organizations, to outreach and promote finishing education.
Vice President Weston makes a motion to approve item 20 with funding not to exceed $300.00.
Senator Lopez seconds. e.
Motion adopted: 10-0-1 f.
Point of Privilege: Secretary San Diego leaves the room at 1:12PM.
Approval of The Art Club (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon recognition and allocation of $300 seed money to
for meeting the minimum qualifications to receive seed money for the 2015-2016 Academic school year. b.
Bret Wilson, president of the Art Club, presents to he Senate. The club wants to create an environment where different artists around CSN can network and get experience. If clubs need logos, the art club can help them out. They will help artists with portfolios, and critique their projects. The seed money would go towards taking trips to museums and other supplies. c.
Senator Garner asks if Bret has any work to show. d.
President Romero tells Mr. Wilson that ASCSN is holding a Tshirt scholarship contest. e.
Senator Lopez asks where the club is located. f.
Mr. Wilson states that they are currently holding meetings in Charleston, and that they are looking to expand to Cheyenne. g.
Senator Boardley recommends the club to expand to Cheyenne because there are a population of students who are ready for the organization that Mr. Wilson has. h.
Point of Order: Secretary San Diego arrives to the room at 1:16PM.
Vice President motions to approve item 21 with funding not to exceed $300.00. j.
Senator Boardley seconds. k.
Motion adopted: 11-0-1
Trunk or Treat Event (10 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon funding not to exceed $250 for the purchase of candy and drinks for the Trunk or Treat being hosted by Metro Police Department on October 29 th
, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. The committee shall also discuss coverage for this event. This item will be led by Senator
Phillips-Perry. b.
Vice President Weston states that she can send the address for the Trunk or Treat to everyone who needs it. c.
Senator Stanczak explains that Trunk or Treat is a Halloween event where the event is held at a parking lot with cars instead of houses. d.
President Romero asks who will be participating for this event. e.
Senators Lopex, Beltran. Johnson, Garner, Costa, Thompson, and Clark, and President Romero will be at the event. f.
Senator Costa asks for the time. g.
Vice President Weston states that it will be from 5:30PM to 8:00PM. h.
Vice President Weston motions to approve item 22 with funding not to exceed $250.00. i.
Senator Thompson seconds. j.
Motion adopted: 12-0-0
Office Supplies for all Campuses (10 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon the funding not to exceed $600 for the purchase of office supplies for all three Campuses. Each campus shall be designated $200 for these items. b.
President Romero presents the line item budget to the Senate c.
Point of Privilege: Vice President Weston leaves the room at 1:26PM .
ASCSN Senate Meeting Approved Minutes
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Senator Clark motions to approve item 23 with funding not to exceed $600.00. e.
Senator Boardley seconds f.
Motion adopted: 11-0-0. g.
Point of Order: Vice President Weston arrives to the room at 1:28PM
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Ingredients for Cotton Candy and Popcorn (10 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon funding not to exceed $300 for popcorn oil and cotton candy sugar. These supplies will help in making successful events happen at all campuses. b.
Senator Costa presents to the senate regarding this item. c.
Vice President Weston motions to approve item 24 with funding not to exceed $300.00. d.
Senator Thompson seconds. e.
Motion adopted: 12-0-0
Writing Contest (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall discuss and vote upon funding not to exceed $700 for a writing competition for
CSN students. There will be three categories; essay, short story, and poetry. This will help promote writing throughout the college. This item will be led by Senator Garner and Vice President Weston. b.
Vice President Weston states that Professors Bailey-Kirby, Huff, Baucom, and Koll will be judges for the writing contest. c.
Vice President Weston and Senator Garner presents the line item budget for the prizes. d.
President Romero states that the contest is for everyone and not just English major. e.
Senator Beltran states that prizes will be $100 and a publication in Professor Bailey-Kirby’s magazine. f.
Senator Stanczak states that some APA papers cannot be easily transferred to MLA. g.
Vice President Weston states that everyone is required to take English 101/102, which requires to do
MLA format. h.
Senator Beltran states that out of respect for the judges, it is only fair for them to read writings that are in the same format. i.
Vice President Weston motions to approve item 25 with funding not to exceed $700.00. j.
Senator Stanczak seconds. k.
Professor Bailey-Kirby states that MLA and APA can be easily switched; students just need to know how. l.
Motion adopted: 10-0-2
Halloween Event (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon funds not to exceed $400 for candy and gift cards for an egg hunt, Halloween style. This item shall be led by Treasurer Munoz.
Treasurer Munoz presents the line item budget.
Senator Beltran asks for the dates of the event.
Treasurer Munoz states that it will be done to all three campuses. e.
President Romero adds that the dates will be on 10/26 to 10/28.
Secretary San Diego motions to approve item 26 with funding not to exceed $400.00. g.
Senator Costa seconds. h.
Motion adopted: 12-0-0
Volunteer Rush Scholarship (5 minutes) For Possible Action a.
The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon additional funding not to exceed $2750 for the next tiers of the volunteer rush scholarship. The funds will be allocated from the outreach budget. This item shall be led by Senator Clark, Chair of Outreach.
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October 9th , 2015 b.
Senator Clark states that to be eligible, students must have at least 60 volunteer credits. The top winner wins $750 worth of scholarship, the next nine wins $500, and the next ten wins $250.
Senator Garner motions to approve item 27 with funding not to exceed $2750.00. d.
Senator Stanczak seconds. e.
Motion adopted: 11-0-1
ASCSN Senate Report a.
Executive Board Officers Reports i.
’ s Report
(15 minutes) Information Only a.
President Romero reminds the Senate regarding the Hispanic Heritage event on October 10 th
. b.
On November 1 st
, the Ramirez Group will be having a health care free screening at the West Charleston campus. c.
President Romero states that the accreditation event was great. She states that whatever feedback you give is useful for the school. The committee does listen with what CSN students have to say. d.
Diversity Day is on Friday, Oct. 16th next week. ii.
Vice President’s Report a.
Vice President Weston states that she has cards from one of the member sof the accreditation committee. If Senate members are interested she can forward the email to everyone. b.
Vice President Weston emphasized to the Senate to answer your emails. c.
Dawn Butler is looking for ASCSN participation on Oct 26 th
to be part of the panel. There will be 100 students from Western High School that will be visiting CSN. d.
She asks the Senate to respond to Ms. Butler
’ s e-mail. e.
She states that everything is going well with the clubs. f.
She also clarifies that the Cardio Respiratory club will only be getting $150 seed money if they turn in the constitution before the deadline. g.
She also states that she allows VP open meeting via telephone. iii.
Secretary’s Report a.
Secretary San Diego has no reports at this time. iv.
’ s Report a.
Treasurer Munoz states that the Outreach committee only has $6,503 left in the budget while the P&A only has $34,150. b.
Committee Chair Reports i.
Senator Clark states that she can schedule you or you can schedule yourself for classroom presentations. Many art professors have not responded. ALS and PoliSci professors are excited for classroom presentations. c.
Campus Reports i.
Senator Costa states that the Cheyenne campus is ready for Halloween. ii.
Meet and Greet planned for 20 th
of this month. We will have cupcakes and lemonade. iii.
Senator Lopez states that the Cheyenne campus is doing coffee days and popcorn days. iv.
Senator Thompson states received two emails back from art professors. v.
VP Weston states that the senators has been really doing a great job!
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Page 11 vi.
Senator Clark states that in the Henderson campus, students are excited for popcorn vii.
Senator Garner states that in the West Charleston students love the popcorn and the game days.
New Business Information Only a.
Items for consideration at future meetings may be suggested. Any discussion of an item under “New
Business” is limited to description and clarification of the subject matter of the item, which may include the reasons for the request. b.
Senator Stanczak states that he wants to do a voter registration event. However, to do voter registration senate member will need training. The idea of this event is for students to be able to just turn in their voter registration forms at student government, so that we do not have to do an event every time. c.
Secretary San Diego suggests to collaborate with League of Women Voters. d.
Senator Thomspon suggests to have school newspapers. e.
President Romero states that it is available on the website. They are newsletters by President
Richards. f.
Senator Thompson states that we should have a newsletter that is student-focused. g.
President Romero states that there is one called the Coyote News. h.
Senator Costa states that we should have something where if there is an active shooter on campus, the information is quickly disseminated. i.
Senator Clark states that RAD is always willing to come out to events. ASCSN could have a Health and Safety fair. j.
Secretary San Diego suggests about having a text system where it informs all students right away if there is an emergency. k.
Advisor Morris states that we do have it but students have to register for it. We cannot automatically put the students in the text system. l.
President Romero suggests about having a safety app. It pinpoints where your location is in case of danger. m.
Advisor Morris states that if there is an emergency, doors automatically lock in the whole campus.
Public Comment (3 minute limit each speaker) Information Only a.
Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to three minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and to spell their last name. The President may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when that agenda item is being considered. b.
In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the Attorney General’s
Open Meeting Law Manual, the President may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, ASCSN Student Government, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers. c.
Angela Armstrong form the Culinary club states that they could get popcorn donated to student government for free. d.
Vice President Weston states that clubs can contact her for anything that they will need. She will respond within 24 hours.
ASCSN Senate Meeting Approved Minutes Page 12
October 9th , 2015 e.
Vice President Weston reminds the Senate to promote fundraiser breast cancer awareness event. f.
Senator Johnson states that she has large contacts for the breast cancer awareness. g.
Advisor Morris reminds the Senate to do board sweeps because the boards have old posts on them. h.
Senator Clark states that in the Henderson campus, there is only one counselor at the CAPS department. She only comes in once every two weeks and is always booked.
Adjournment a.
This meeting adjourns at 2:50PM.
Posted by President Romero on Tuesday, October 6, 2015 by 9:00 a.m.
CSN Cheyenne Campus, Main Building 1 st Floor across from Stu. Gov. Dept. Ste. #E102, 3200 E. Cheyenne Ave., N. Las Vegas, NV 89030
CSN Cheyenne Campus, Main Building 1 st Floor Room #S101, 3200 E. Cheyenne Ave., N. Las Vegas, NV 89030
CSN Henderson Campus, “B” Building 1 st Floor Stu. Service Hall, 700 College Dr., Henderson, NV 89002
CSN Summerlin High Tech Center, Main Building 1st floor student lounge room 106, 333 S. Pavilion Center Dr., Las Vegas NV 89144
CSN West Charleston Campus, “B” Building 1 st Floor Room #107, 6375 W. Charleston Blvd.., Las Vegas, NV 89146
CSN West Charleston Campus, “D” Building 1st Floor near Advising/Success Coaches, 6375 W. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89146