High Country Shrimp Fort Collins, Co 80526

Scott Hays
970 744-0599
The beautiful coastal setting where
our shrimp our harvested….
Or where we like to believe it would
come from:
The Reality of where 95% of
where out shrimp come from
 Close your eyes and imagine the sweetest tasting
shrimp you have tasted.
 Now imagine driving 70 miles north of Denver, having
it plucked straight from the water and you are home
the same day.
 It is hard to imagine a salt water shrimp being raised at
the base of the Rocky Mountains. Although it is hard
to imagine, it isn’t nearly as hard to accomplish.
Alpine Shrimp LLC will be using Recirculating
Aquaculture Raceway Systems. Each raceway will be able
to support an average of 4.3 harvest a year with an
estimated total of 26,500 pounds of Pacific White Salt
Water Shrimp a year. (5 raceways in the facility)
5 Tanks will hold a total of 100,000
gallons of water with an estimated 12% replacement. Multiple harvest
and several years safely using the same
One individual pond will hold upwards of 1
million gallons with an estimated
replacement of the same amount. One
harvest per year, ponds must be drained
completely after each harvest.
Bio-security is in place
No bio-security meaning anything can enter the
Each tank stocked with approximately
12,000 Post Larvae Shrimp and an
estimated 90% survival rate.
In excess of 1 million Post Larvae with an expected
survival rate of 20-30%.
Known chemical and anti-biotics used
No chemicals or anti-biotics
Sold Fresh, not frozen
Must be frozen in order to ship overseas.
No quality control, slave labor used
 70 Miles North of Denver just north of Wellington, Co:
 A sustainable, hormone, anti-biotic free, healthy source
of protein.
 Sold fresh, not frozen as found in our grocery and
specialty food stores.
 Taken from the water hours if not immediately from the
time you arrive to pick up your order.
Through the use of a technology known as Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS),
shrimp are raised in tanks or raceway systems. The water is recirculated through
external bio filters where excess food and waste is filtered and the water is returned to
the tanks. The water is a manufactured salt water, with the same make up as ocean
water. Whereas the ocean contains .35 parts per thousand salt, we are able to raise these
shrimp in conditions from .04 to .35 ppt. The optimum level is .18 ppt.
The Shrimp will be raised in a Super Intensive
system which will allow them to be harvested in
approximately 90 days from the time we receive
them. These are known as a 14 day Post Larvae stage.
 At the end of that 90 day period they will be harvested
at a 21-26 count per pound average, meaning there will
be 21-26 shrimp per pound.
 Why Colorado? Why High Country Shrimp?
 Our current shrimping grounds are highly polluted. The gulf area
has an area in excess the size of Connecticut known as the “Dead
Zone”. This has been caused by the numerous oil spills as well as
the number of pollutants coming down the Mississippi River.
 The shrimp in the gulf migrate through the “Dead Zone”. What
they do find to eat has been sitting in this area. Shrimp also take in
nutrients through their shells. So anything that is in the water is
being absorbed into their systems.
 Although the shrimpers are still able to fish certain areas, NOAA is
having to reduce their catch annually.
Why Colorado continued…
 95% of the shrimp the United States consumes are imported from Asia, India and other
 Shrimp Imports are a $60 BILLION industry/trade deficit in the U.S. Third only behind
oil and natural gas.
 The quality of shrimp is substandard at best. In 2014 the FDA refused 214 shipments of
shrimp from overseas. The report did not indicate if a “shipment” was a single container
or per farm. However, a single container would be as few as 20 metric tons. In January
and February 2015, the FDA has already refused more shipments of shrimp than in all of
 These shipments would have been refused as they would have been found to have trace
pharmaceuticals in them that are illegal not only in the U.S. but internationally as well.
These are just shipments that were tested. The FDA does not have the manpower to test
all food shipments that come into the ports. (Approximately 85% of all food the United
States consumes is imported. Not just shrimp and seafood).
 Alpine Shrimp has no intentions of trying to compete
with the frozen imported shrimp market, or the frozen
shrimp market which is available from the coastal
 The goals HCS will be pursuing is to provide an all natural fresh source of
protein for the residence of the Front Range of Colorado, into the Ski
Never freeze our products.
Slowly expand when it is economically possible
To provide classes to veterans so they may return to their local home towns
and introduce aquaculture and help feed their communities
Strive to be a circular self sustaining aquaculture farm. In researching this
goal we know we will be the first Recirculating Aquaculture Farm in the
United States, if not globally to accomplish this.
Introduce additional salt water fish to our business profile with expansion
 In similar facilities across the nation, fresh shrimp are
retailing for $16.00-$18.00 per pound. They are being sold
“From the Farm”.
 The average cost for the farmer will range from $3.00-$7.00
per pound depending on if they own their facility or are
leasing or have current loans for their property.
 These farms have primarily been in the mid-west; Indiana,
Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin. As well as Massachusetts,
New Hampshire and are now in North Dakota and most
recently New Mexico. Several other states are developing
indoor RAS farms as well.
 Our facility will be located north of Wellington
 There we have access to property where renewable
resources have already been taken from the ground
and are already available. They are by products of
another industry.
 These two items are natural gas and water.
 Our facility will be utilizing the natural gas which is being
separated from oil coming off of rigs which were established in the
1920’s. Since this resource is currently coming from the earth
with the oil, we have been given permission to use the natural gas
to heat our facility as well as the water in our tanks.
 The second resource is water. Approximately 10 years ago, a
program was developed where water that was coming from these
same oil wells was being purified. The water is tested weekly
through the State of Colorado. Currently it is pure enough to be
placed back into the aquifer. We have tested 2 small tanks of fish
in this water with no additional external filtering. There was no
mortality and their growth rate exceeded expectations.
 We are currently having the flesh of these fish tested to ensure
there are no unexpected issues with chemicals or anything else
that would harm humans. If there is we will find another source
of water.(02/10/2015)
 Alpine Shrimp LLC will be running 5 in-ground
Recirculating grow out tanks which will be
approximately 10’x40’x8’. Each tank will have it’s own
nursery tank for the Post Larvae which will be raised
for 30 days before they are transferred to the larger
grow out tanks.
 Since HCS will be raising their shrimp in a Super
Intensive process, our tanks will be able to hold
upwards of 12,000 shrimp. We anticipate a 10%
mortality rate. Our goal will be to harvest our shrimp
when they reach a weight of 22 grams.
 Shrimp harvested at 22 grams (+/-) equate to 21-26 shrimp
per pound in retail sales. To put that into perspective; the
pink pre-cooked shrimp you see in the fish cases are
normally 50+ shrimp per pound.
 At this time with the information available to Alpine
Shrimp LLC, our production cost should be right at $6.00
per pound. The going retail rate nation wide for fresh (not
previously frozen) shrimp raised in this manner is $16.00$18.00 per pound. Although none of the shrimp farmers
Alpine Shrimp LLC personally knows has the stock to sell
wholesale (after their retail sales have taken place), HCS
does feel that $12.00 per pound would be a fair price for any
wholesale sales.
 Alpine Shrimp LLC
 A sustainable, fresh from the water, chemical/anti-biotic
free salt water white pacific shrimp raised in Colorado.
 Environmentally friendly operation utilizing existing
resources; meaning we have to use less resources than
most agriculture operations.
 The shrimp Alpine Shrimp LLC will be raising is high in
protein and other nutrients that our bodies need. Not
having the pollutants that imported shrimp have in
them it is an ideal product that will benefit our front
range community.
 RECAP continued
 With growth we will be able to help with employment in the county.
Our goal is to employ Veterans as well as parents with young
children or school age children who need a flexible schedule.
 With growth the ability to add additional species of salt water
finfish and other items is endless. The worry of mercury is
significantly reduced if not completely removed; however the other
nutrients our bodies need are still present. We will also be able to
increase our employment power.
 The abilities for Alpine Shrimp LLC to be a new innovative business
in Colorado are endless. Alpine Shrimp LLC is also poised to
incorporate the technology, engineering, agriculture and other
fields that are such strengths in our state. Our local universities
such as Colorado State University and the University of Colorado
would also be able to benefit through research in the respective
colleges as well.
Thank You…
Alpine Shrimp LLC would like to thank you for your time today. If you have any further
questions please feel free to contact:
Scott Hays
President/CEO, Alpine Shrimp LLC
970 744-0599