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Exploratory research project, funded by CNCSIS, program PN II “Idei”
Code CNCSIS ID_458
Contract no. 546/14.01.2009
Director: Dr. Domnina RAZUS
Duration: 14.01.2009 – 30.11.2011
The project aims at examination of fast gas-phase oxidation of fuel/air systems, propagating in
enclosures as explosions in deflagration regime and determination of normal burning velocity, an
important characteristic parameter of explosion propagation. The project will be realized by an
experimental study on fuel/air explosion in confined conditions and by kinetic modeling of gasphase oxidation. propane is chosen as representative fuel. the objectives of the project are: (1)
determination of normal burning velocity from experimental measurements on unsteady propaneair flames; (2) determination of normal burning velocity from the kinetic modeling on propaneoxygen reaction, using a complex reaction mechanism and taking into account radiative losses
during propagation. experimental activities consist of monitoring explosions performed in a
constant volume explosion vessel, for propane-air mixtures with variable initial composition,
pressure and temperature, by means of pressure and flame position records. from such measured
characteristics, the normal burning velocity will be calculated for (a) the early stage of propagation,
using the cubic law, and (b) the whole duration of the process, using the mass fraction of burned
gas valid for an adiabatic combustion. the kinetic modeling will be made with an advanced
package, using a complex reaction mechanism based on a large number of species with 1-3 carbon
atoms (molecules and radicals) and a large number of elementary steps. besides normal burning
velocities, the kinetic model delivers temperature and species profiles across the flame front. the
hypotheses concerning the chosen mechanism and the heat losses during flame propagation will
be validated by examination of computed and measured concentrations of main chemical species
and of burning velocities, at various initial compositions, pressures and temperatures.
 Upgrade of experimental set-up, aiming to improvement of the installation for preparing
gaseous explosive mixtures. Ellaboration of adequate protocols for preparation and operation
with gaseous explosive mixtures at elevated pressures and/or temperatures.
 Upgrade of experimental set-up, aiming to improvement of the transient system for
monitoring the pressure variation during closed vessel explosions, in gaseous mixtures with
variable initial temperature.
 Determination of normal burning velocity of propane-air (mixtures with variable
concentration) at ambient pressure and temperature, using the simplified computation
equation based on cubic law.
 Dissemination of results
Research Team
Crt. no.
Surname and first name
Year of
/scientific title
Razus Domnina
Researcher I
Mitu Maria
Researcher III
Musuc Adina
Researcher III
Movileanu Codina
Brinzea Venera
Mocanu Marian
PhD student
including state tax or other
(participation in prestigious
scientific events / documentation;
research stages in contry or
on the project
(research infrastructure, cost for
materials, dissemination, etc.)
Curriculum vitae Dr. Domnina Razus
Education: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry (graduated 1971)
Ph.D. in Chemistry, Institute of Physical Chemistry (1987).
Main areas of interest and laboratory experience:
Combustion, flames and explosions of gaseous homogeneous systems: initiation, quenching and propagation of
explosions; stationary and non-stationary flames;
Explosive combustion and decomposition of solids;
Chemical kinetics in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems;
Adsorption and catalysis in gas-solid systems.
Scientific cooperations: with the Department of Physical Chemistry from the University of Bucharest; the Department of
Physical Chemistry from the Gottingen University (Germany); the Federal Institute for Material Research (BAM) - Berlin
(Germany); the Institute for Technical Measurements (PTB) - Braunschweig (Germany).
Selected list of publications:
Domnina Razus, C. Movileanu and D. Oancea, Effect of exhaust gas dilution on burning velocity of propylene-air mixtures, Proc. 19-th
Intern. Symp. Comb. Proc., Beskidy, Poland, 2005, pp. 221-229.
V. Munteanu, A. Gutkowski, D. Razus, D. Oancea and J. Jarosinski, Comparison between two methods for direct measurement of
quenching distances of ethylene/air mixtures, Proc. 19-th Intern. Symp. Comb. Processes, Beskidy, Poland, 2005, pp. 213-220.
D.Oancea, Domnina Razus and M. Mitu, Critical temperature-pressure data for ignition of stagnant propylene-air mixtures on platinum
filaments, Rev. Roumaine Chim., 50, 991-997 (2005).
Domnina Razus, M. Molnarne, C. Movileanu and A. Irimia, Estimation of LOC (Limiting Oxygen Concentration) of Fuel/Air/Inert Mixtures at
Elevated Temperatures by means of Adiabatic Flame Temperatures, Chem. Eng. Process., 45, 193-197 (2006).
Domnina Razus, D.Oancea and C. Movileanu, Burning velocity evaluation from pressure evolution during the early stage of closed-vessel
explosions, J.Loss Prev. Process Ind., 19, 334-342 (2006).
Domnina Razus, C. Movileanu and D. Oancea, Inhibition of premixed C3H6-air flames by CH2BrCl, Rev.Roumaine Chim, 51, 531-537
Domnina Razus, C. Movileanu and D. Oancea, The rate of pressure rise of gaseous propylene-air explosions in spherical and cylindrical
enclosures, J. Hazard. Mater., 139, 1-8 (2007).
Domnina Razus, C. Movileanu, V. Brinzea and D. Oancea, Closed vessel combustion of propylene-air mixtures in the presence of
exhaust gas, Fuel, 86, 1865-1872 (2007).
Selected list of publications (continuation):
Domnina Razus, C. Movileanu and D. Oancea, Inhibition of premixed C3H6-air flames by CH2BrCl, Rev.Roumaine Chim, 51,
531-537 (2006).
Domnina Razus, C. Movileanu and D. Oancea, The rate of pressure rise of gaseous propylene-air explosions in spherical
and cylindrical enclosures, J. Hazard. Mater., 139, 1-8 (2007).
Domnina Razus, C. Movileanu, V. Brinzea and D. Oancea, Closed vessel combustion of propylene-air mixtures in the
presence of exhaust gas, Fuel, 86, 1865-1872 (2007).
Domnina Razus, D.Oancea, V.Brinzea, M.Mitu and V.Munteanu, Experimental and computational study of flame propagation
in propane-, n-butane- and liquefied petroleum gas-air mixtures, Proc. 7-th European Comb. Meeting, Chania, Greece, April
2007, paper VI-9 (8 pp).
Domnina Razus, M. Mitu, Venera Brinzea and D. Oancea, Pressure evolution during confined deflagration of n-butane/air
mixtures, Rev. Chimie, 58, 1170-1175 (2007).
A. Musuc, D. Razus and D. Oancea, Kinetics of exothermal decomposition of 2-nitrophenylhydrazine and 4nitrophenylhydrazine using DSC non-isothermal data, J.Thermal Anal. Calorim., 90 (3), 807-812 (2007).
D. Oancea, O. Staicu, V. Munteanu and Domnina Razus, Catalytic Combustion of the Stoichiometric n-Butane / Air Mixture
on Isothermally Heated Platinum Wire, Catal. Lett., 121, 247–254 (2008).
N. Musat, V. Munteanu, D. Razus and D. Oancea, Critical properties for ignition and quenching of flammable n-butane-air
mixture with variation of the initial pressure, Proc. 3-rd European Combustion Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2009.
O. Staicu, D. Razus, V. Munteanu, D. Oancea, Heterogeneous catalytic ignition of n-butane/air mixtures on platinum, Central
Eur. J. Chem., 7, 478-485 (2009).
Domnina Razus, V. Brinzea, M. Mitu, C. Movileanu and D. Oancea, Inerting effect of the combustion products on the
confined deflagration of liquefied petroleum gas-air mixtures, J.Loss Prev. Process Ind., 22 (2009) 463–468.
Domnina Razus, V. Brinzea, M. Mitu and D. Oancea, Initial pressure and mixture composition influence on LPG-air confined
explosions, Rev. Chimie, 60(8), 750-754 (2009)
Domnina Razus, V. Brinzea, M. Mitu and D. Oancea, Explosion characteristics of LPG-air mixtures in closed vessels,
J.Hazard.Mater, 165(1-3), 1248-1252, 2009.
Domnina Razus, V. Brinzea, M. Mitu, C. Movileanu and D. Oancea, Inerting effect of the combustion products on the
confined deflagration of liquefied petroleum gas-air mixtures, J.Loss Prev. Process Ind., 22 (2009) 463–468.
Domnina Razus, V. Brinzea, M. Mitu and D. Oancea, Initial pressure and mixture composition influence on LPG-air confined
explosions, Rev. Chimie, 60(8), 750-754 (2009).
Domnina Razus, V.Brinzea, M.Mitu, D.Oancea, Temperature and pressure influence on explosion pressures of closed
vessel propane-air deflagrations, J. Hazard. Mater., accepted.
Curriculum vitae Dr. Maria Mitu
Education: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry (graduated 1995);
Ph. D. in Chemistry, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry (2003)
Main areas of interest and laboratory experience: Combustion, flames and explosion of gaseous homogeneous systems:
initiation of explosions by means of heated bodies; flammability of complex gaseous mixtures; stationary and nonstationary flames.
Participant to long-term scientific cooperations between in the Institute of Physical Chemistry and the Institute for Technical
Measurements (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt or PTB) Braunschweig, Germany and the Department of
Physical Chemistry from the University of Bucharest.
Selected list of publications:
Oancea, D, Mitu, M., Pincu, E., Razus, D., – Temperature inhibiting effect on the ignition of a lean propylene-air mixture by an
isothermally heated platinum filament, Rev.Roumaine Chim., 49(3-4), 391-397 (2004).
Oancea, D., Razus, D., Mitu, M., Critical temperature-pressure data for ignition of stagnant propylene-air mixtures on platinum filaments,
Rev.Roumaine Chim., 50(11-12), 991-997 (2005).
Brandes, E., Mitu, M., Pawel, D., Temperature Dependence of the Lower Explosion Limits of Pure Components and Mixtures, Proc. 20-th
Intern. Colloq. Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS) Montreal, Canada, (2005)(6 pp).
Brandes, E., Mitu, M., Frobese, D.H., Sicherheitstechnische Kenngroessen ethanolhaltiger Ottokraftstoffe, Technische Überwachung,
nr.9, 23-26 (2006).
Mitu, M., Brandes, E., Pawel, D., Lower explosion limits, lower explosion points and flash points of (1-octanol + n-amyl acetate) mixtures,
Rev.Chimie, 57(7), 770-772 (2006).
Brandes, E., Mitu, M., Pawel, D., The lower Explosion Point - a Good Measure for Explosion Prevention: Experiment and calculation for
pure compounds and some mixtures, J. Loss Prev. Proc. Ind., 20, 536-540 (2007).
Razus, D., Oancea, D, Brinzea, V., Mitu, M., and Munteanu, V., Experimental and computational study of flame propagation in propane-,
n-butane- and liquefied petroleum gas-air mixtures, Proc. 5-th European Combust. Meeting, Chania, Grecia, (2007), paper VI-9 (8
Razus, D., Mitu, M., Brinzea, V., Oancea, D., Pressure Evolution during Confined Deflagration of n-Butane/Air Mixtures, Rev. Chimie, 58,
1170-1175 (2007).
Razus, D., Brinzea, V., Mitu, M., Oancea, D., Explosion characteristics of LPG-air mixtures in closed vessels, J.Hazard.Mater, 165, 12481252 (2009).
Razus, D., Brinzea, V.,Mitu, M., Movileanu, C.,Oancea, D., Inerting Effect of the Combustion Products on the Confined Deflagration of
Liquefied Petroleum Gas-Air Mixtures, J.Loss Prev. Process Ind., 22, 463-468 (2009).
Razus, D., Brinzea, V., Mitu, M., Oancea, D., Initial pressure and mixture composition influence on LPG-air confined explosions, Rev.
Chimie, (Bucuresti), 60(8), 750-754, (2009).
Curriculum vitae Dr. Adina Magdalena Musuc
Education: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry (graduated 1999);
MSc in Chemistry (Environmental Quality Control) (2001) at the Fac. Chemistry, University of Bucharest;
Ph. D. in Chemistry, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry (2007).
Main areas of interest and laboratory experience:
flame initiation by means of high-voltage and low-voltage electric sparks; flame propagation in fuel-oxidant gaseous
mixtures; quenching of gaseous explosions.
explosive decomposition of energetic compounds in condensed (liquid or solid) phase.
Participant to a long-term scientific cooperation between in the Institute of Physical Chemistry and the Department of
Physical Chemistry from the University of Bucharest.
Selected list of publications:
D.Oancea, A.M.Musuc, D.Razus, Studiul descompunerii exoterme a unor nitroderivati fenilhidrazinici folosind metoda calorimetriei
diferentiale cu scanare (Study of exothermal decomposition of some phenylhydrazinic nitroderivatives by DSC method), Rev. Chim.
(Bucuresti), 54(4), 331-334 (2003)
A.M.Musuc, D.Razus and D.Oancea, Kinetic analysis of isothermal decomposition of 2, 4 – dinitrophenylhydrazine using differential
scanning calorimetry, Thermochim. Acta, 448 (2), 130-135 (2006)
A.M.Musuc, C.Popescu, D.Razus and D.Oancea, Non-isothermal kinetic analysis of thermal decomposition of 2,4dinitrophenylhydrazine, Rev. Roum. Chim., 52(6) 47-57 (2007)
A.M. Musuc, D.Razus and D.Oancea, Kinetics of exothermal decomposition of 2-nitrophenylhydrazine and 4-nitrophenylhydrazine
using DSC non-isothermal data, J.Thermal Anal.Calorim. 90 (3), 807-812 (2007),
A.M.Musuc, D.Razus, D.Oancea, A DSC study of the thermal decomposition of 2–methoxyamino–3, 5–dinitro–pyridine, Analele
Univ. Bucharest, 16 (1), 25-30 (2007).
C.Movileanu, Adina Musuc, D.Razus, V.Munteanu, D.Oancea, Ignition Parameters of Ethylene-Air-Inert Mixtures using High
Voltage and Break Sparks, XXth Intern.Comb. Symp., Pultusk, Poland, sept. 2007.
A.M.Musuc, D.Razus, D.Oancea, Thermal stabilities of new synthesized N-methoxy –polynitroanilines derivatives, accepted, J.
Thermal Anal. Calor. 2009, doi:10.1007/1097300901233.
Curriculum Vitae Dr. Codina Movileanu
Education: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry (graduated 2000);
MSc in Chemistry (Biosensors for Environmental Monitoring) (2002) at the Fac. Chemistry, University of Bucharest;
Ph. D. in Chemistry, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry (2008).
Main areas of interest and laboratory experience: Combustion, flames and explosion of gaseous homogeneous systems:
explosion propagation in confined conditions; flammability of hydrocarbon-air mixtures, in the presence of diluent and/or
inhibitor gaseous additives.
Participant to a long-term scientific cooperation between in the Institute of Physical Chemistry and the Department of Physical
Chemistry from the University of Bucharest.
The original papers concerning the initiation and propagation of explosions in gaseous premixed fuel-oxidizer systems,
published in 2006, were awarded with the prize "I. G. Murgulescu "of the Romanian Academy in 2008.
Published papers:
D. Razus, M. Molnarne, C. Movileanu and A. Irimia, Estimation of LOC (Limiting Oxygen Concentration) of Fuel/Air/Inert Mixtures at Elevated
Temperatures by means of Adiabatic Flame Temperatures, Chem.Eng.Process., 45(3), 193-197 (2006).
D. Razus, C. Movileanu, V. Brinzea, D.Oancea, Explosion Pressures of Hydrocarbon-Air Mixtures in Closed Vessels, J. Hazard. Mater., 135(1-3), 58-65
D. Razus, D.Oancea and C. Movileanu, Burning velocity evaluation from pressure evolution during the early stage of closed-vessel explosions, J.Loss
Prev.Process Ind., 19(4), 334-342 (2006).
D. Razus, C. Movileanu and D. Oancea, Inhibition of premixed C3H6-air flames by CH2BrCl, Rev.Roumaine Chim, 51(6), 531-537 (2006).
D. Razus, C. Movileanu and D. Oancea, The rate of pressure rise of gaseous propylene-air explosions in spherical and cylindrical enclosures, J. Hazard.
Mater, 139(1), 1-8 (2007).
D. Razus, C. Movileanu, V. Brinzea and D. Oancea, Closed vessel combustion of propylene-air mixtures in the presence of exhaust gas, Fuel, 86, 18651872 (2007).
D. Razus, V. Brinzea, M. Mitu, C. Movileanu, D. Oancea, Inerting effect of the combustion products on the confined deflagration of liquefied petroleum
gas-air mixtures, J.Loss Prev. Process Ind., 22, 463-468 (2009).
Curriculum vitae Dr. Venera Brinzea
Education: Faculty of Chemistry, University of Bucharest, (graduated 2003); .
MSc in Chemistry (Environmental Quality Control) (2005) at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Bucharest;
Ph. D. in Chemistry, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry (2008).
Main areas of interest and laboratory experience: Combustion, flames and explosion of gaseous homogeneous systems:
explosion propagation in confined conditions; flammability of hydrocarbon-air mixtures.
Participant to a long-term scientific cooperation between in the Institute of Physical Chemistry and the Department of Physical
Chemistry from the University of Bucharest.
In 2007-2008, Venera Brinzea was Project Director of a TD Research Grant entitled Dynamics of pressure evolution during
explosion propagation of gaseous propane-air mixture in a spherical vessel (with central ignition), awarded by CNCSIS
The project supported the completion of her PhD thesis.
Selected list of publications:
D.Razus, C.Movileanu, V.Brinzea, D.Oancea, Explosion Pressures of Hydrocarbon-Air Mixtures in Closed Vessels, J. Hazard. Mater.,
135(1-3), 58-65, 2006.
D.Razus, C.Movileanu, V.Brinzea, D.Oancea, Closed vessel combustion of propylene-air mixtures in the presence of exhaust gas, Fuel,
86(12-13), 1865-1872, 2007.
D.Razus, M.Mitu, V.Brinzea, D.Oancea, Pressure evolution during confined deflagration of n-butane/air mixtures, Rev. Chimie, 58(12),
1170-1175, 2007.
D.Razus, V.Brinzea, M.Mitu, D.Oancea, Explosion characteristics of LPG-air mixtures in closed vessels, J. Hazard. Mater., 165(1-3), 12481252, 2009.
D.Razus, V.Brinzea, M.Mitu, C.Movileanu, D.Oancea, Inerting effect of the combustion products on the confined deflagration of liquefied
petrolum gas-air mixtures, J.Loss Prev. Process Ind., 22, 463-468, 2009.
D.Razus, V.Brinzea, M.Mitu, D.Oancea, Initial pressure and mixture composition influence on LPG-air confined explosion, Rev. Chim.,
60(8), 750-754, 2009.
D.Razus, V.Brinzea, M.Mitu, D.Oancea, Temperature and pressure influence on explosion pressures of closed vessel propane-air
deflagrations, J. Hazard. Mater., accepted.
Curriculum vitae Marian Mocanu
Education: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics (graduated 2007);
MSc in Physics (Applied Materials Science) (2009) at the Faculty of Physics, Hyperion University, Bucharest;
MSc in Physics (Physics of Polymers; Technology of Materials; Physics-electronics; Metrology) (2009) at the
Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest.
PhD student in the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bucharest (2009).
Main areas of interest and laboratory experience: Combustion, flames and explosion of gaseous homogeneous systems:
explosion propagation in confined conditions; flammability of hydrocarbon-air mixtures, in various conditions.
Other fields of interest: applied electronics, optoelectronics, alternative energy sources, materials science, sensors.
Published papers and communications:
Carmen Cristescu, A.Andronie, S. Iordache, Marian Mocanu , Livia Maria Constantinescu:,,PANi -TiO2 nanostructured
for fuel cell and sensor application”, 9th Intern. Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, Constanţa, ROMANIA, July
Ioan Stamatin, Adriana Andronie, Adrian Ciocanea, Ovidiu Pacala, Marian Mocanu, Stefan Iordache, Serban Stamatin,
Sanda Budea: ,,PEM fuel cells for methanol and hydrogen disulfide oxidation “9th Intern. Balkan Workshop on
Applied Physics, Constanţa, ROMANIA, July2008.
Marian Mocanu, ,,Metamaterials, an exciting category of ordered nanomaterials “ NANOELLI09, 2nd NanoCharM
European School on Ellipsometry Fundamentals and Applications in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Sept.
2009; Belgrad, SERBIA.
Marian Mocanu, ,, Ellipsometry ; Application field ”; NANOELLI09, 2nd NanoCharM European School on Ellipsometry.
Fundamentals and Applications in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Sept. 2009; Belgrad, SERBIA.
Codina Movileanu, Venera Brinzea, M. Mocanu, Domnina Răzuş, D. Oancea, ,,Characteristic parameters of confined
explosions propagating in gaseous mixtures of lower alkanes with air“. 16th Romanian International Conference on
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering RICCCE, Sept. 2009. Sinaia, ROMANIA.
D. Razus, V. Brinzea, M.Mitu and D. Oancea, Temperature and pressure influence on explosion pressures of closed vessel
propane–air deflagrations, accepted, J.Hazard.Mater., 2009.
D. Razus, V. Brinzea, M. Mitu and D. Oancea, Burning Velocity of LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)Air Mixtures in the
Presence of Exhaust Gas, submitted to Energy & Fuels, 2009.
D. Razus, V. Brinzea, M. Mitu and D. Oancea, Experimental and computed burning velocities of propane-air mixtures,
submitted to ECM, 2009.
V. Brinzea, D. Razus, M. Mitu and D. Oancea, Overall activation energy of propane-air combustion in laminar flames, Analele
Univ. Bucuresti, Chimie, 8(1), 35-41 (2009).
C. Movileanu, V. Brinzea, M. Mitu, D. Razus and D. Oancea, Explosion pressures of confined deflagrations propagating in
gaseous mixtures of lower alkanes with air, Analele Univ. Bucuresti, Chimie, accepted, 2009.
V.Brinzea, C. Movileanu, M. Mitu, D. Razus and D. Oancea, Flame propagation during the initial stage of gas-phase
explosions in closed vessels, 16-th Intern. Conf. on Chemistry and Chem. Engineering RICCCE, sept. 2009, Sinaia,
C. Movileanu, V. Brinzea, M. Mocanu, D. Razus and D. Oancea, Characteristic parameters of confined explosions
propagating in gaseous mixtures of lower alkanes with air, 16-th Intern. Conf. on Chemistry and Chem. Engineering
RICCCE, sept. 2009, Sinaia, Romania.