u.achieve - Fort Lewis College

Fort Lewis
What is u.achieve®?
• The u.achieve® Suite is Fort Lewis College’s new degree
audit and planning software.
• It lets students and their advisors track academic
progress and plan degree requirements through
• It’s never too early for students to start planning their
4-year degree!
Who can use u.achieve®?
• u.achieve® has been built for all students following
the 2013-14 and 2014-15 Catalogs.
• u.achieve® can be used for all majors and minors in
these Catalogs.
Access to u.achieve ®
degree audits for students
• Log into your WebOPUS account
• Select the “Student Services” tab
• Click on “Student Records” and “View Audit”
View Audit
Access to u.achieve® suite
• General access to the program is also available without
first asking to view your audit.
• This is most useful when your declared catalog is an older
one that will produce WebCAPP audits but you want to
create “what-if” u.achieve audits for yourself
From the WebOPUS Student Services tab
Choose “Student Records”
Choose “u.achieve”
Provide your CAS credentials when prompted
Run audit for current major/minor
(must be 2013-14 catalog or later)
• Choose “Audits” tab and select
“Run Current Programs.” A degree
audit based on your official
major/minor on record in Banner
will be created.
• Click the “Run Selected Program”
button for a “what-if”audit. Choose
the Degree Program you wish to
view along with the catalog year.
•Leave Options on their default
• Submit the request by clicking on
the “Run Audit” button at the
bottom of the page.
Run audit for “what-if”
• To run “a what if” audit, click run
selected program, then choose
the major from the drop down
• Make sure to choose the catalog
year of either 2013 or 2014 from
the drop down button.
• Next, click “Run Audit.” A “whatif” audit for the selected degree
program will be generated
Minors and Double Majors
Minors and double majors can be added by clicking the Add: buttons
and choosing from the drop down menus that appear on the right. Only
the minors allowed for the chosen major (s) will appear.
How to view an existing audit
• To view a previously created audit, click on Manage under the
Audits button.
• A list of previously generated audits will be created. Click on
“view audit” next to the one you would like to view.
• Only the Registrar’s office can delete audits.
How to read an online audit
(HTML format)
• On the top of each audit, general information will
• This includes your name, student id, date and time of
audit request, and the major for the processed audit.
Below the graphs is the your current student
information pulled from Banner.
Truth as
knows it
How to read an online audit
• The audit results tab includes a pie chart that shows all course credit
hours applicable to your degree (hover the mouse over for total credit
hours for each category).
• Completed course totals are in dark green, in-progress courses are
indicated in light green, and unfulfilled courses are shown in pink.
How to read an online audit
These graphs at the top of the audit include Cumulative credit hours for
GPA, overall GPA, Liberal Arts Core, Major, Minor (if applicable), and
free electives.
How to read an online audit
Each graph can be “drilled down” to get specific information on the
For Major requirements, you need to drill down two layers.
How to read an online audit
The body of the audit lists each of the required degree areas and
indicates if they are Met (dark green check), In-progress (light green
progress bar), or Unfulfilled (red “X”). You may drill-down for more
information by opening all sections or individual sections.
Course History Tab
• The course history tab brings up a bar graph and list of
your course history. The bar includes semester with number
of credits completed and GPA for each semester. Hover over
each bar graph for specific number of credits completed.
• Each term can be also be drilled down and course history
can be sorted.
Course History Bar Graph
Course history course list
How to read an online audit
At the top of every audit will be a header indicating the status of the
overall audit. There are three different messages that may appear.
indicates that there is at least one requirement that has NOT been
This indicates that the audit is MET using in-progress courses and may
change if courses are withdrawn or failed.
3) ****ALL REQUIREMENTS IDENTIFIED BELOW HAVE BEEN MET**** This indicates that the audit has been completely MET.
The legend symbols apply to requirements and subrequirements of
the degree program.
• Completed: requirement is completely met with earned coursework.
• Planned: requirement includes work student put in a personal academic plan but hasn’t necessarily
registered for. Only appears when student is working with a personal academic plan.
• In-progress: requirement will be complete once in-progress/future registration coursework is successfully
• Unfulfilled: requirement has coursework that is not complete or not in progress.
These notations apply to individual courses shown in the Academic History part of the audit.
• RP – Courses that have been repeated.
• E – Classes that are excluded in GPA, do not count for credit, and have been repeated.
• * - Classes that are included in GPA, do not count for credit, and have been repeated.
PDF Format
Audits can also be run in PDF format. PDF audits display differently
depending on which browser is used. Some display embedded in the
web audit and some must be downloaded.
Training documentation
Is this information posted anywhere online?
YES – it is!!
Please visit the Degree Planning Tools page on the Registrar’s Office
website for information and printable documentation regarding