Science and Policy for Deep Cuts in Carbon Emissions Daniel M. Kammen Co-Director, Berkeley Institute of the Environment Energy and Resources Group & Goldman School of Public Policy Department of Nuclear Engineering University of California, Berkeley Materials online at: APS, UC Berkeley, February 29, 2008 Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - Outline •The most common call for a new energy economy is for diversity • Operationally, what does this mean? • Energy efficiency has been the greatest success to date, more are needed, and fast • Carbon accounting and pricing is essential • Developing nations will be the locus of many of the largest impacts and opportunities to build the clean-energy economy, or to exert the most social and environmental damage • A foundation for a new wave of research and development requires investment and a outlet for implementation Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - Global Energy Supply by Fuel A massive carbon Baseline & inertia Sufficient opportunities exist Fastest growth, smallest sectors Fossil Energy Other Energy Wind, Solar & Biofuels MBDOEAverage Growth / Yr. MBDOE MBDOE 350 2000 - 2030 70 1.6% 1.6% 300 60 Wind & Solar20.5% 250 1.6% 200 1.6% 150 100 50 Biofuels 7.2% 1.7% Coal Gas 1.3% 50 Oil 0 1980 2005 2030 10 4 Solar 8.4% 3 1.4% 30 20 8.8% 2.2% 40 Hydro/Geo Other 5 2 12.5% Nuclear Biomass / Other 0 1980 2005 Wind 1.0% 2030 1 Biofuels 0 1980 2005 Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - 7.2% 2030 Calif.: AB 32 Emissions Reductions Required % Change from 1990 levels 50% CEC Data Business as Usual 40% AB 32 Scenario 30% 20% 10% 0% -10% 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - The California commitment - scaled to the nation 3.0 Business as usual (EIA) 2.5 Historic U. S. U.S. GHG Emissions (GT C eq.) emissions Administration intensity target 2.0 1.5 Kyoto protocol 1.0 CA targets scaled from 35 to 300 California AB 32, AB1493 & EE 3-05 Scaled from CA million to the nation 0.5 Climate Stabilization Zone 0.0 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 Kammen, “September 27, 2006 – A day to remember”, San Francisco Chronicle, September 27, Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - 2050 C3: taking the next step and/or 3 C Dynamic Up-to-date Flexible Transparent Open Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - Costs of Conserved Energy Potential Electricity Savings from High-Efficiency Case in 2010 (5 Labs study: many authors in this room today) 1 2 3 4 5 Commercial lighting Commercial space conditioning Commercial refrigeration Res idential lighting Res idential s pace conditioning 6 7 8 9 10 Commercial water heating Commercial miscellaneous + other us es Res idential refrigerators and freezers Res idential water heating Res idential mis cellaneous + other uses Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - Global CO2 Abatement Opportunities Vattenfall, 2007 Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - C3/GtT Team • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Prof. Dan Kammen, ERG/GSPP/Nuc. Eng -- Advisor Joe Kantner, ERG – Team Co-Leader; Presentations; Linkages; Solar PV Ian Hoffman, ERG – Team Co-Leader; Nuclear; Solar Thermal; Wind; Qualitative Indices Jon Mingle, ERG – Energy Efficiency Eric Gimon, LBL – Nuclear; Solar Thermal Joe Levin, GSPP – Nuclear; Integration/Standardization Anna Motschenbacher, ERG – Presentations; Linkages; Biophysical Feedbacks Suzie Shin, ERG – Presentations; Integration/Standardization Jameel Alsalam, GSPP – Solar Thermal Josiah Johnston, ERG – Integration/Standardization; Wiki/Open Collaboration Sam Borgeson, ERG/ARCH – Energy Efficiency Alexia Byrne, ME -- Wind Ryoichi Komiyama, LBL – LDNE Model Thomas Goerner, Haas – Solar Thermal Zack Norwood, ME – Solar Thermal Kat Saad, CE – Integration/Standardization; Solar PV Anand Gopal, ERG -- Biomass Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - Low-carbon technologies as least-cost, fastdeployment, technology options: wind (ptc: US production tax credit) 160 140 Average Price of Wind Power Without PTC Operating Cost of Natural Gas Combustion Turbine 100 80 60 Average Price of Wind Power With PTC 40 Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - 2006 2005 2004 2003 Wholesale Price Range for Flat Block of Power 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 0 1996 Operating Cost of Natural Gas Combined Cycle 2002 20 1990 2005$/MWh 120 80% of rural Nicaragua lacks electricity blueEnergy – an example NGO energy service provider based on the Atlantic Coast Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - Information Technology Integrated with Solar Technology: Performance Monitoring Enphase Application Servers 00111001 Internet 00111001 Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - Micro-inverters versus traditional designs Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - TIMELINE: Energy Biosciences Institute October 23: Berkeley, California, press release University of California, Berkeley October 23, 2007 Berkeley Breakthrough on Financing Solar Energy and Energy Efficiency Berkeley, CA – Berkeley is set to become the first city in the nation to allow property owners to pay for energy efficiency improvements and solar system installation as a long-term assessment on their individual property tax bill. This makes energy efficiency + solar PV an investment at $0.0 - $0.10 cents/kWh OctoberBerkeley 30: State Attorney Lawrence National Laboratory University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign General & Treasurer to work for statewide version November 1: US DoE pledges support November 8: Approved by the city council, up for review as a statewide initiative June 2008: operational date Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards (RPS) 29 states + Washington, DC, and counting MN: 10% by 2015 Goal + Xcel mandate of 1,125 MW wind by 2010 *WA: 15% by 2020 MT: 15% by 2015 VT: RE meets load growth by 2012 ME: 30% by 2000; 10% by 2017 goal - new RE WI: requirement varies by utility; 10% by 2015 Goal MA: 4% by 2009 + 1% annual increase RI: 15% by 2020 CT: 10% by 2010 CA: 20% by 2010 IA: 105 MW NV: 20% by 2015 CO: 10% by 2015 NY: 24% by 2013 IL: 8% by 2013 NJ: 22.5% by 2021 PA: 18%¹ by 2020 *MD: 7.5% by 2019 AZ: 15% by 2025 *NM: 10% by 2011 *DE: 10% by 2019 DC: 11% by 2022 TX: 5,880 MW by 2015 HI: 20% by 2020 State RPS State Goal * Increased credit for solar or other customer-sited renewables PA: 8% Tier I (renewables) Solar water heating eligible Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - Solar & Distributed Generation Provisions in RPS Policies WA: double credit for DG NY: 0.1542% customer-sited by 2013 NV: 1% solar by 2015; 2.4 to 2.45 multiplier for PV NJ: 2.12% solar electric by 2021 PA: 0.5% solar PV by 2020 CA: 3,000 MW or more via SB1 & Million solar roofs CO: 0.4% solar electric by 2015 DE: triple credit for solar electric MD: double credit for solar electric DC: 0.386% solar electric by 2022 AZ: 4.5% DG by 2025 NM: triple credit for solar electric TX: 500 MW non-wind DG: Distributed Generation Solar water heating counts towards solar set-aside Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - Plug-in Hybrids: Can they move rapidly to scale? Electricity Demand (additional) to supply a PHEV fleet in CA Lemoine, Farrell & Kammen, Env. Research Letters (2008) 14 Billion gallons per year 12 • Fuels are traditional substances • Success depends on subsidies and mandates • Small, but profitable and growing rapidly Fuel Ethanol Production (left axis) Petroleum Price (right axis) $70 $60 10 $50 8 $40 6 $30 4 $20 2 $10 1960Renewable 1970 1980 1990 and Appropriate $0 2000 Laboratory 2010 Energy $ per gallon Today’s Biofuel Industry • Feedstocks largely food commodities Sources: US EIA, BP, RFA - An Alternative Fuel is Not Necessarily a Low-Carbon Fuel, but it can be (California Executive Order S-7-01) 60 s) Sa nd n or ) G or n ha 2020 standard om ) lu el n C or Et ha no l( l( C no ha Et C D C lo se om Bi l( C no ha Et 0 C C as lu el ha Et 10 s lo no l( se ) C Bi or D ) n od ie Bi se Et l ha as no s) l( C Et 20 2007 standard N no Et h l( To an da ol y) (C e in ol as G FT (C oa C lC C oa l) D ) ar (T e in ol as 30 G lbs CO2/gal gasoline equivalent 40 G as ol in e (S ha le ) 50 FT (C oa l) FT (Coal) Gasoline (Shale) Gasoline (Tar Sands) FT (Coal CCD) Gasoline Ethanol (Corn Coal) Ethanol (Today) Ethanol (Corn NG) Biodiesel Ethanol (Corn Biomass) Ethanol (Cellulose) Ethanol (Corn Biomass CCD) Ethanol (Cellulose CCD) 1 -10 Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - Land use, GHG emissions, and ‘carbon debt’ Fargione, et al, Science, Feb 8, 2008 Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - Illness Reduction Observed in Kenya (ARI = acute respiratory infection) Ezzati and Kammen, The Lancet, 2001 0.15 Ceramic Wood Stoves 3-Stone Fire Probability (ARI) Charcoal All ARI 0.1 0.05 ALRI, Lower respiratory Infections only 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Average Daily Exposure (g / m3) Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - Rising energy prices have made charcoal the most economical cooking option Monthly Cooking Cost (1994 TSh/month) Monthly Cooking Cost: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: 1990 and 2004 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 2004 2004 lowest cost option (1990) 2004 lowest cost option (2004) 1990 1990 1990 1990 2004 2004 1990 0 Charcoal (improved) Charcoal (unimproved) Electricity LPG Kerosene Data Source: Hosier, R.H. and W. Kipondya, Urban household energy use in Tanzania. Energy Policy, 1993. May: p. 454-473. and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - (1990); R.Renewable Ghanadan, unpublished (2004) Ethanol can Displace Gasoline Consumption in Africa (N. Dargouth and Kammen, in prep.) • Using only post-harvest crop losses as inputs (up to 50 percent of yields), biofuels can play a significant role • Implications for poverty alleviation, job creation, urban health, and foreign currency savings • Metrics for ecological and cultural sustainability must be part of the planning process Source: FAO/IIASA 2002, EIA 2007, ICRISAT 2007 Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY REPORT OF THE RENEWABLE AND APPROPRIATE ENERGY LABORATORY Putting Renewables to Work: How Many Jobs Can the Clean Energy Industry Generate? by Daniel M. Kammen Kamal Kapadia Matthias Fripp of the Energy and Resources Group & the Goldman School of Public Policy Study reviews: • 13 studies of job creation • 3 - 5 times More jobs per dollar invested in the renewables sector than in fossil fuels APRIL 13, 2004 Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - Green Collar Job Creation Federal + state RPS yields +348,000 jobs in 2025 350 120 Green jobs created (thousands of person years) 400 100 Other 18 states with an RPS Nevada 80 Illinois 60 300 250 200 Texas New York 40 150 Pennsylvania 20 100 50 California - 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - Renewable energy generated (TWh) plus Federal RPS 140 Green job creation More renewables = more jobs Jobs (total person-yrs/TWh) Employment Components Equipment lifetime (years) Capacity Factor Construction, Manufacturing and Installation (person-yr/MWp) Operation and Maintenance (jobs/MWp) 140 25 21% 32 0.3 0 1 660 550 25 21% 30 1.0 0 3 Wind 1 50 30 25 35% 4 0.1 0 1 Wind 2 290 30 25 35% 22 0.1 0 2 Biomass - high estimate 50 280 25 85% 9 0.4 220 1 Biomass - low estimate 50 40 25 85% 9 0.04 40 1 Coal 30 80 40 80% 9 0.2 60 1 Gas 30 80 40 85% 9 0.1 70 4 Energy Technology Construction, Manufacturing, Installation O&M and fuel processing PV 1 710 PV 2 Fuel extraction Source of and Numbers processing (personyrs/TWh) Sources [1] REPP, 2001 [2] EWEA/Green-peace, 2003 [3] Greenpeace, 2001 [4] Kammen, from REPP, 2001; CALPIRG, 2003; BLS, 2004 Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - 自足, 则中国基础设施和自然资源的需求将大幅降低 If SuperBlocks could be self-sufficient with respect to energy, water and waste, demand on China’s infrastructure and natural resources could be significantly reduced 能源 energy 用水 water 垃圾 生态街区 EcoBlock waste Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - 全面系统思考 Whole Systems Thinking 太阳 风力 电力 电力 电力 食物 残渣 发电厂 城市 饮用水 供应 雨水 紫外线消毒 厌氧 消化 池 沉淀池沉淀池 先进的 雨水 处理 人造湿地 化粪池 活机器 绿色废物 污泥 食物残渣 反渗透 绿色 污泥和食物 Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - Federal R&D Investments, 1955 - 2004 R&D (billion 2002$s) 120 100 80 Defense Space Health Energy General Science Other 60 40 20 0 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Margolis & Kammen, Science, 1999 Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - United States’ Public and Private Sector Energy Research and Development Spending R&D (2002 $b) 8 6 Public energy R&D Private energy R&D 4 2 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Kammen and Nemet (2005) “Reversing the incredible shrinking energy R&D budget,” Issues in Science & Technology, Fall, 84 – 88. Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - Patents and R&D Funding Correlated Kammen and Nemet (2005) “Reversing the incredible shrinking energy R&D budget,” Issues in Science & Technology, Fall, 84 – 88. And Nemet, dissertation, 2007 VENTURE CAPITAL INVESTMENT IN ENERGY TECHNOLOGY Total Venture Capital Investment in Energy Technology California and the U.S. 1996-2006 $2,500 Millions of Dollars ($2006 Inflation Adjusted) 2006 VC Investment $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 CA MA CO MD OH IA WA IL NJ TX $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2006 Share of Total US Investment 884 223 149 140 125 100 95 64 51 49 36% 9% 6% 6% 5% 4% 4% 3% 2% 2% US $500 CA $1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Source: Nth Power Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - The Cost of Nuclear Power from the U. S. Civilian Reactor Fleet k Shoreham 0.14 W 0.13 Clinton k G 0.12 Lifetime levelized electricity cost (2004$ per kWh) Comanche Pk 1 Fermi 0.11 e ]] River Bend kW 0.10 Rancho Seco W ] 0.09 ^ We ] Comanche Pk. 2 0.08 0.07 ] W 0.06 0.05 Arkansas 1 0.04 fk k WA ] ek AA] ] ^ e^] ^ e ^ G^ eW e Ge ^ f Wk WW kkf e Ge ^f^ W] We WWWW 0.01 Hope Creek Watts Bar 1 Millstone 3 Seabrook 1 Columbia Perry Diablo Canyon 1 South Texas 2 Shearon Harris South Texas 1 Vogtle 2 Diablo Canyon 2 Susquehanna 1 WW] eW Boiling Water Reactor Pressurized Water Reactor Fitzpatrick Oconee 3 Turkey Pt 4 Surry 2 Turkey Pt 3 Surry 1 Oconee 2 Oconee 1 0.02 ^^] Beaver Valley 2 Reactor Type Af f f e Ae 0.03 ] ^^ ^ ] fW e WWW W ] W^ ] W W Nine Mile Pt 2 Reactor Cohort 1: 2: W 3: f 4: ^ 5: G 6: k 7: ] 8: A e Westinghouse <700 MW Westinghouse 700–1000 MW Westinghouse >1000 MW Babcock & Wilcox Combustion Engineering GE <700 MW GE 700–1000 MW GE > 1000 MW 0.00 0 25 50 Cost Rank 75 100 Hultman, Koomey & Kammen (2007) ES&T Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - AND CH4 H2S separation, then H2 & elemental sulfur separation Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - CO2 Emission Reduction Effects by Technology (550ppm) CO2 emissions and reductions/storages (M -C) 25000 CO2 emissions in reference case 20000 Forestation Energy conservation Fuel switching Biomass Solar 15000 Wind Hydro, geothermal Nuclear 10000 ECBM Sea absorptions Injection into aquifers 5000 Net CO2 emissions (550ppm) Injection into abandoned gas well EOR Emissions after reductions 0 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100 Year Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory - Summary of GHG Emissions for Typical U.S. Household (LEAPS Results) 50 Metric tons of CO2 equivalent gases 56% 44% public trans. airlines Indirect Direct Auto services 50 Auto manufacturing 45 40 Gasoline public trans. Air travel other fuels natural gas 35 electricity water & sewage 30 Financing 25 Construction 20 Other fuels 15 Natural gas Gasoline Electricity 10 cereals Alcohol & tobacco 5 Dairy Snack food 0 Fruit & veg. Eating out Total furniture. cleaning supplies. entertainment. Household equip. Meat Clothing education giving healthcare Renewable Transportation and Appropriate Energy - Housing FoodLaboratory Goods Services Energy Biosciences Institute University of California, Berkeley Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Per Capita Electricity Consumption kWh/person 14,000 12,000 Savings: Energy, $, carbon 10,000 Savings possible equal to total U. S. energy imports 8,000 6,000 4,000 US w/out Cal and NY US without Cal United States New York California 2,000 Danish average 04 20 02 20 00 20 98 19 96 19 94 19 92 19 90 19 88 19 86 19 84 19 82 19 80 19 78 19 76 19 74 19 72 19 70 19 68 19 66 19 64 19 62 19 19 60 - Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory -