
After this class, I should be able to:
- Use atomic number and mass number to determine the
number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom
- Differentiate between ions and isotopes
Bell Ringer Question: What is average atomic
mass? Where can you find this number?
1) Take out periodic table & Isotopes Packet
2) Submit atoms article into the bin.
Monday 10/19
– Atomic Structure Test Wednesday
– If scheduled review/retake tomorrow after
school – reschedule
2. Agenda
– POGIL #2: Isotopes
– POGIL #3: Average Atomic Mass
3. Homework:
– Practice Packet done!
– POGIL #3 - TBD
After this class, I should be able to:
- Use atomic number and mass number to determine the
number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom
- Differentiate between ions and isotopes
Bell Ringer Question: Fill in the blank: When an
atom gains or loses neutrons, it becomes a different
__________. When an atom gains or loses protons, it
becomes a different ___________.
*Take out….
– Periodic table
– Practice packet
Tuesday 10/20
1. Announcements
– Atomic Structure Test Tomorrow
– Bring something to work on for after test
2. Agenda
– Answer Check: Practice packet
– Review: Quiz Quiz Trade
3. Homework:
After this class, I should be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge and skills on
atomic structure
Bell Ringer Question: Fill in the blank: The charge
equals the difference between the ___________
and the ___________.
Wednesday 10/21
1. Announcements
– None
2. Agenda
– Atomic Structure Test
3. Homework:
– None
After this class, I should be able to:
- Write longhand and shorthand electron configurations
- Apply Aufbau Principle, Pauli Exclusion Principle and
Hund’s Rule to write configurations in orbital diagrams
Bell Ringer Question: How is an ion created?
*Pick up this weekend’s article.
Thursday 10/22
1. Announcements
– None
2. Agenda
– Electron Configuration Notes
– If time: BEGIN Notes Review Worksheet
3. Homework:
– Article