Physics Scope and Sequence Lisa Craig/LeeAnn Salisbury Riverton High School Subject Walkaway Concepts Time Frame Nature of Science I can : • Identify a problem. • Formulate a research question and hypothesis. • Identify variables and describe relationships between them. • Plan procedures to control independent variables. • Collect data on the dependent variable(s). • Select the appropriate format (e.g., graph, chart, diagram) to summarize data obtained. • Analyze data, check for accuracy, and construct reasonable conclusions. • Prepare written and oral reports of investigations. Motion I can: • Describe the motion of an object in terms of position, time, and velocity. • Analyze the motion of an object in terms of velocity, time, and acceleration. • Relate the motion of objects to a frame of reference. • Describe and calculate the acceleration of an object in free fall. • Collect, graph and interpret data to describe the motion of an object. 5 weeks Velocity of a Tumble Buggy Match the Graph CBR activity Consumer Reports Auto Analysis (Acc.) Motion Maps Worksheet “What Made This Graph”? Quiz Test Newton’s Laws I can: • Use Newton's first law to explain the motion of an object. • Analyze forces acting on an object. • Using Newton’s second law, relate the force, mass and acceleration of an object. Last 2 weeks of Quarter 1 and First 4 weeks of Quarter 2 Discovering Newton’s First Forces Webquest Quiz Skateboard (Force, Mass, Acceleration) Lab Test Bottle Cars 2-3 weeks Activities/Labs/Assignments Common Assessments Cartesian diver activity Graphing Practice Bottle Rocket Investigation Quiz Universal Law of Gravitation Energy Waves (Mechanical Waves) • Explain that forces act in pairs as described by Newton’s third law. I can: 2 weeks • Relate the strength of the gravitational force to the distance between two objects and the mass of the objects I can: 5 weeks • Determine kinetic and potential energy in a system. • Identify various types of potential energy (i.e., gravitational, elastic, chemical, electrostatic, nuclear). • Describe conservation of energy in terms of systems. • Relate the transformations between kinetic and potential energy in a system • Gather data and calculate the gravitational potential energy and the kinetic energy of an object • Describe common energy transformations and the effect on availability of energy. • Evaluate social, economic, and environmental issues related to the production and transmission of electrical energy. • Investigate the transfer of heat energy by conduction, convection, and radiation. I can: • Demonstrate an understanding of mechanical waves in terms of general wave properties. (period, frequency, wavelength, and amplitude) • Identify the relationship between the speed, wavelength and frequency of a wave. 3-1/2 weeks Quiz Cool Gravity Topics Online energy transfer Pie Chart Energy Graphs Golf Ball Lab K to G Lab Energy Calculations Quiz Power Plant Debate Wave stations lab Wave Worksheet 1 (Vocab) Wave Quiz Wave Worksheet 2 (Calculations) Wave Demos (reflectiom, interference) Sound Stations lab Doppler Effect • Explain the observed change in frequency of a wave coming from a moving object as it approaches and moves away (i.e., Doppler effect). • Provide examples of waves commonly observed in nature and/or used in technological applications. Electromagn I can: etic • Describe the relationship of energy to spectrum wavelength or frequency for and light electromagnetic radiation. • Distinguish between the different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum (e.g., radio waves and xrays or visible light and microwaves). • Explain that the different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum all travel through empty space and at the same speed. • Provide examples of the use of electromagnetic radiation in everyday life (e.g., communications, lasers, microwaves, cellular phones, satellite dishes, visible light). • Investigate and compare reflection, refraction, and diffraction of electromagnetic waves Electrostatic s I can: • Describe the factors that affect the electric force (i.e., Coulomb’s law). (amount of charge and distance) Speed of Sound lab/online 2-1/2 weeks Online EMS webquest EMS Poster Light Demos (in groups: reflection, refraction, diffraction) Test Worksheets: Charge Charge Interactions Coulomb’s law Quiz