NASA-USAF Reusable Space Launch Development Industry Day Briefing 17 January, 2002 Current Tasker Chartered by SecAF and NASA Administrator on 10/12/01 NASA/AF cooperation on new generation of reusable launch vehicles to meet national needs Consider initial prototype flight as early as 2007 Air Staff (AF/XO) tasker to AF Space Command: Develop AF CONOPS Operational requirements Technical requirements Study Objectives: Credible, comprehensive plan to develop RLVs Define, converge (where possible) NASA, AF RLV requirements Roadmap to guide development Identify appropriate transition opportunities – with decision points and offramps Establish implementation plan for joint agency effort ONE.011-2 Study Organization / Responsibilities SecAF/NASA Administrator Review Senior Steering Group NASA Leadership Group AF General Officer Steering Group Wolfert (USAF) Dumbacher (MSFC) NASA EX Sec. - Morris AF EX Sec. - Wolfert RED TEAM Payloads and Sensors Overall Program Integration Steve Cook (MSFC) Col. Mike Wolfert (AFSPC) • Development of Integrated Program • Implementation Approaches • Cost/Integrated Budget • Policy & Strategic Considerations RLV Program Development Requirements/ Operations Lt Col Einstman (SMC/XRI) Garry Lyles (MSFC) Chuck Smith (MSFC) Col Davis (AFSPC/DO) AFSPC/DR • Comprehensive System Development Plan/Acq Strat Ops Propulsion Airframe/TPS IVHM Software Subsystems • Risks/Mitigation Plan • Proposed Test Plan • Mission Needs Statement • CONOPS • DRM’s • Requirements Technology Col. Jack Blackhurst (AFRL) Paul McConnaughey (MSFC) • Technology Requirements • Technology Assessments • Threat Assessment • Roadmap Program Harmonization Budget Req’ts NRO ESC ACC/DRZ) Architectures Hugh Brady (MSFC) Col. Bill Gardner (SMC) • Possible Vehicle/ Architecture Definition RLV Capabilities Payload Capabilities • Trade Space Definition/Trade Studies • Operational Concepts/ Operability Assessments • Safety/Reliability Assessments • Payloads/Sensors ONE.011-3 Study Assessing Options to Current NASA Approach Current NASA SLI / 3rd Gen Includes: 2012 spacelift vehicle for NASA, DoD and Commercial Advanced development with competing approaches (minimum of 2) Supporting technology programs NASA unique missions Alternate access for ISS One Team Study Augments with: Capability to meet Military Spaceplane Needs Exploring options for earlier capability More robust advanced development program Harmonized, robust supporting technology program ONE.011-4 Key Observations at Mid Point Starting point: NASA 2nd Gen (SLI), 3rd Gen RLV programs More mature than AF plans, provide foundation for DoD-augmented approach DoD, NASA requirements differ, seeking “smart” convergence NASA: Human spaceflight DOD: aircraft-like responsiveness and operability Early (2007) flight prototype development: significant payoffs possible… Potential residual capability for DOD missions Early (though limited) operational capability for NASA Learn from building, operating prototype Provides mechanism for focusing on evolved requirements …BUT early (2007) prototype adds significant technical, programmatic risk Requires early decision (CY2002) with significant forward-phased funding Historically, 66 months required from authority to proceed to first flight National Requirements (Quantitative and Qualitative) need to drive the development options Quantitative – Mission Need, Cost-to-Benefit, System Obsolescence, etc … Qualitative – Transformational, Evolution, World/Market Predominance, etc .. ONE.011-5 RLV Utility National Security Sector Implements QDR “transformation” and “space control” themes Enables prompt global strike and ISR augmentation from space Space Commission objectives for RLV: short-notice call-up & lower cost Enables “launch on demand” to augment, replenish, project, deploy and sustain U.S. space force structure Civil Sector--NASA Improves safety, reliability, availability, and lower cost compared to Shuttle Allows development paths for ISS crew rescue, other future missions U.S. Commercial Space Sector Enhances international competitiveness Stimulates U.S. space industrial base Enables revolution in space business— new markets, elastic demand Improves reliability, availability, flexibility—keys to launcher selection Aligns mission planning lead time with satellite manufacturing in <24 months All Sectors Enables new approaches to satellite design and constellation management On-orbit refueling could extend satellite operating life, improve maneuverability Enables technology insertion during operating life of a satellite block Reusable satellites could cost up to 2/3 less* to build, insure, and operate * 1998 NSSA Launch on Demand Study ONE.011-6 Key Roles for Military Spaceplane Deterrence, Presence, Power Projection and Coercion Space Superiority Theater Integration Rapid Strike -- Adversary Vital Interests Halt Phase Precision Strike for Global Strike Task Force Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) Enhanced ISR for Full Spectrum Predictive Battlespace Awareness Enable and Support Combat Search and Rescue Operations Support Homeland Defense Globally Integrated Air and Space Striking Power ONE.011-7 Payloads for Military Spaceplane EO/IR Ka-Band Downlink Comm and Data Relay (store and forward) CCD Camera Film Cameras (Stereo) SIGINT Forward Looking IR (FLIR) EO Combo Plug-in Optronic Payload Chemical/Bio Detection IR MicroCam S-Band Comm Syntetic Aperture Radar (SAR/MTI) Multi-Spectral Camera HyperSpectral Imager XBand Phased Array Comm Weather Imager K-Band Antenna Multi-Phase Antenna Array Space-to-Ground Delivery (CAV) Space Control ONE.011-8 MSP Operational Tasks Conduct Offensive and Defensive Counterspace Operations Radio Frequency and Microwave Systems Jamming Deploy Systems for and Conduct Operations to Provide Space Situational Awareness Reachback and Covert Communications Tactical Reconnaissance Battle Management and Intercept (GMTI and AMTI) Immediate and Post-strike Battle Damage Assessment Deliver Decisive Precision Firepower Covert and Non-nuclear strike (Immediate Response Option) Halt Phase Time Critical and Hardened Targets ONE.011-9 Critical Integrated Requirements Threat Requirement Crewed Crew Survivability Max Payload on-orbit duration Rendezvous capability Max Orbital Inclination Max Orbital Altitude On orbit Delta V Max Orbiter On-orbit duration Launch Site Landing Site Intact abort capability Command and Control Site Capable of 12-month operations Design payload mass Nominal de-orbit mass Physical payload envelope Vehicle mission reliability Mission turnaround time – Sustained Mission turnaround time – Surge Call up time – Sustained Call up time – Crew Rescue Sortie capacity – Sustained Sortie capacity – Surge Mission Planning Time – crewed Mission Planning Time – uncrewed Recurring costs ONE.011-10 Example Development Strategy NASA Variant 2002 – 06 ~2009 - ? 2012-2014 DoD Variant Option for Early Capability To improve operations knowledge base for the next vehicle To serve as technology test platform To provide limited operational capability Ground and Flight Demonstrations Risk Reduction Operability Long Term S&T Leads to full system capabilities in 2012-14 Converged Cargo/MSP Requirements Modular variant for Human Space Flight ONE.011-11 Integrated Architecture Elements Launch Vehicle Systems On-Orbit Transfer & Servicing Reusable Orbital Vehicles Upper Stages Crew Transfer Payloads Strategic Ground Facilities Spaceport ELV’s Tactical Orbital Transfer Vehicles Cargo Transfer Automated Mission Processing Commercial 2nd Gen RLVs Human 3rd Gen RLVs Re-fueling/ Servicing Space Maneuver Vehicles Scientific ONE.011-12 Systems Classes Investigated Representative Concepts that Bound the Trade Space Far Near TSTO Air Launch ELV-RLV Hybrid SSTO/ Combined Cycle ONE.011-13 Technology Team Process Develop Harmonized Technology Database - Technology Readiness Level - Budget Profiles Assess Technology Readiness versus Time Phased System Requirements 2007 Requirements And System Develop New and Updated Advanced Development and Technology Tasks 2012 Requirements And System 2025 Requirements And System Technology Gap Analysis Review Existing Technology Projects Other Databases Establish Advanced Development and Technology Program Roadmaps and Funding Requirements Iteration Between: - Requirements - Architectures/Concepts - Technology - Development Program National Hypersonics Plan Air Force Base + PBD 803 Space Launch Initiative Program Definition will Narrow the Breadth of Development Needs, e.g.: - Propellant selection - Requirements Time Phasing ONE.011-14 Technology Assessment Against New Requirements = Not Available By Freeze Date Funding Gap = Available With Reduced Capability RLV Tech Work Breakdown Structure = Available With Full Capability Systems Engineering Tools & Integrated Vehicle Health Management Airframe Cryotanks Thermal Protection System (TPS) Vehicle Subsystems Operations Ground Infrastructure Command & Control Propulsion Systems NASA Unique Integrated Tech Systems Demos AF Payloads Flight Demo 2007 2012 2007 2012 2007 2012 2007 2012 2007 2012 2007 2012 2007 2012 2007 2012 2007 2012 2007 2012 2007 2012 SOTA Current Funded Programs NA Realm of Possible NA NA NA ONE.011-15 Major Technology Gaps Inhibiting Achievement of Program Goals 2009 Vehicle 2012 Vehicle 2025 Vehicle Technology Challenges Technology Challenges Technology Challenges Operable Main Engines Non-Toxic OMS/RCS Reusable Tanks Crew Escape Highly Operable Main Engines All Weather TPS Airbreathing / High T/W Rocket Propulsion Light Weight – Long Life Materials Integrated Structure Hot Structure Durable TPS Automated Checkout Systems Long Life Quick-Turn Cryo Tanks Autonomous Operations & Intelligent Vehicle Management Highly Intelligent / Self Healing Systems Aerospaceports ONE.011-16 Example Integrated Technology Roadmap FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 Major Milestones & Decisions FY06 PDR FY07 FY08 CDR PDR 2009 Vehicle Key Tasks FY10 FY11 FY12 CDR 2012 Vehicle Tech Freeze for 2009 2009 Enabling Component/ Subsystem Technology FY09 Tech Freeze for 2012 1st Flight 2009 Vehicle 1st Flight 2012 Vehicle 2009 Enabling 2009 Integrated or Focused Demos 2012/2025 Technology 2007 Upgrades Integrated or Focused Demos 2009 Upgrades for 2012 2012 Enabling 2012 Integrated or Focused Demos Cross Cutting Technologies 2025 Enabling DOD NASA $nn $nn $nn $nn $nn $nn $nn $nn $nn $nn $nn $nn $nn $nn $nn $nn $nn $nn $nn $nn $nn $nn ONE.011-17 Critical Up-Coming Study Activities January 14-25; RLV Working Group Session January 30; Final General Officers Steering Group Briefing (NASA & AF) February 5; Final Senior Steering Group Briefing February 7; Final 4-Star Briefing February 12-14; RLV Working Group Session (Optional) February 19; USecAF & NASA Admin Briefing on Team Findings and Recommendations February 28; MSP Roadmap due to USecAF ONE.011-18 Key Industry Questions 1. What are the technology "long poles" to enable responsive space access (ie capable of achieving aircraft levels of cost, reliability and safety) over the next 25 years (Including vehicle, propulsion, ground infrastructure, operations, payloads, sensors, etc.)? Given your knowledge of currently funded NASA and Air Force programs, what would be your recommended technology roadmap? What changes and/or additional long-term technology investments should begin within the next seven years? 2. What RLV technologies does your company feel are state-of-the-art and ready for full-scale development today relative to your understanding of NASA and Air Force RLV requirements? 3. What level and mix of technology maturation activities (e.g., analysis, subscale and system tests, and/or flight demonstration) does it take for your company to consider a technology ready for incorporation into a full-scale RLV system development program? Describe the criteria used for making such assessments 4. What is the earliest your company believes it is feasible to field a next generation RLV system(s) capable of meeting NASA and Air Force requirements? Please elaborate on your rationale and associated milestones. What would be the top 10 issues going into full-scale (or engineering and manufacturing) development of the next RLV (e.g., funding, technology maturity, immature requirements, joint program complexity, etc.)? 5. Given your knowledge of currently funded NASA and Air Force programs, what changes and/or additional technology developments are needed to meet the requirements for a new RLV system in the 2012 timeframe? ONE.011-19 Key Industry Questions 6. What are the drivers for meeting operability needs? What is the value of early flight demonstrations using state-of-the-art systems (existing engines, TUFI TPS, SOA avionics, electric valve actuators, etc.) for demonstrating operability? What relationship (if any) exists between the size of the launch vehicle and operability? Describe/define observed interactions between safety and operability needs 7. What is your company's perspective as to the value/need of obtaining systems integration and operability experience from the development and flight of an RLV demonstrator as a step towards the development of an operational vehicle to meet AF & NASA goals? Is a demonstrator a necessary risk reduction step to meet these goals? What types of flight demonstration(s) does your company feel are required in order to field a next generation RLV in the 2012 timeframe? For a 2025 system? 8. What is you company position on the value of a competitive fly-off between next generation RLV systems? 9. Given your knowledge of NASA and Air Force requirements, what degree of commonality does your company believe is possible between NASA and Air Force RLV architectures and associated elements (including ground and flight systems)? Does your company see commonality between the NASA/AF needs and mission requirements and a commercial opportunity? Do you believe a modular RLV concept is possible whereby we support a near term demonstrator in the 15-25K payload class, and that booster in turn is a modular component of a larger RLV? 10. What management/acquisition approach(es) would your company recommend for the development of RLV(s) that meet NASA and Air Force requirements? ONE.011-20 Key Industry Questions 11. What is your assessment of the state of the industrial base to support development of this program simultaneously with EELV and other aerospace programs? Is there a risk to developing this Program due to shortages or deficiencies in areas such as training and expertise of engineers, manufacturing capability, or reliance on foreign parts and materials? 12. What options would you recommend to support airplane like operations for the Military Space Plane? When would these operational capabilities be available to be part of a test/development program? 13. Can we develop the launch and early orbit checkout processes, techniques, and procedures to support first or second revolution use of sensors and payloads? Does this require increased technology efforts? 14. What is your assessment of whether sensors and payloads can be developed that can be jointly used by UAVs and space to support the Global Strike Task Force concept? Which areas are the best candidates? When might these be available? ONE.011-21