Islam Test Review

Islam Test Review
What city do all Muslims want to
go once in their lives?
S Mecca
What is a prophet?
S A messenger of God
What is a Muslim place of worship
S A mosque
How many pillars of Islam are
S five
What is the most important holiday
in Islam?
S Ramadan
Who are the “people of the book”?
S Jews and Christians
What belief do Muslims, Christians,
and Jews all share?
S That there is one God
What does monotheism mean?
S Belief in one God
Who was the prophet of Islam?
S Muhammad
What are the people who practice
Islam called?
S Muslims
What language was the Qur’an
written in?
S Arabic
What food do Muslims not eat?
S pork
What beverage do Muslims do not
S alcohol
How many times do Muslims pray a
S five
What is fasting?
S Not eating for a period of time
Why do Muslims fast?
S they want to know what people who go without food feel
What is the holy book of Islam
S The Qur’an
What do Muslims have faith in?
S Allah or God, and Muhammad being God’s last prophet
Who do Muslims believe they
should share with?
S The poor and less fortunate
What is the hajj?
S The pilgrimage to Mecca
What is the name of God to
S Allah
What does “jihad” mean?
S Holy war
What is never painted in Islam?
S Allah and the face of Muhammad
What does Islam mean?
S Submission to God
S peace
How many people in the world
practice Islam today?
S 1.3 billion and growing
Where was Muhammad born?
S In Mecca
What was Mecca a leading center
of ?
S trade
What is the first Pillar of Islam?
S Belief in one God
What is the Hajj?
S The pilgrimage to Mecca
The map below represents the
military conquests associated with
the spread of what major world
In the 700s A.D., Arabian
merchants played an important role
S converting large numbers of Western Europeans to Islam.
According to Islam, Muhammad
S the prophet through whom God revealed his final message.
How is Islam related to Judaism
and Christianity?
S All three faiths are monotheistic religions.
What does the word “caliph” mean?
S successor
Who were the caliphs?
S The leaders of Islam after Muhammad.
S *First public hospital
S *Encyclopedia of drugs
S *Description of diseases
S *First pharmacy school
S What do the items in the above list have in common?
They are Muslim contributions to the field of
What covers much of the Arabian
S desert
What two groups did Islam split
S Sunni and Shi’a
Islam split after Muhammad’s death
because he did not
S name a successor.
What is one factor that helped
spread Islam to other parts of the
S Military conquest
What is an oasis?
S An area of water in the desert
What is a nomad?
S A person who moves from place to place