Bike to Shelf Andy Lee Mack Burgess Mike Proscia Josh Addison April 27, 2012 Team 6 Abstracts Our bike to shelf is coming along amazingly. The group has decided to focus on the location of China and mainly the poor migrant workers. Our group decided on China because of the large population and because this for some reason was not a popular location among the class. As for this project finding exact customer needs was not easy. There were also not many examples to compare our final design with either. Many of our customer needs were taken from blogs, various news articles, and many other sources from around the internet. International students from China around Penn State also gave our group some background information to a cart and what were sold on the carts. Based upon our research we decided to divide the customer needs into five main sections: inexpensive, easy to use, versatile, durability, easy to store. From here we developed an AHP chart and determined the weight of importance of each category referring back to the shelf. This was where we were able to determine that pricing will be the main concern with the ease of storage the least of our worries. After this we did patent research to find more information to what needs to be made and what not. This really gave us a basic idea of new ideas from the original already available. 1.0 Introduction Street vendors have been around selling many different types of products for many years. However, street vendors face many challenges throughout this type of business. One massive problem that street vendors face is in transportation. If the vendor travels while selling his product, he must be able to move swiftly and efficiently while not losing or damaging his product in any way. At the very least, the vendor must be able to transport his cart to and from his home every day without suffering any major losses. The transportation method must be as cheap as possible while still being efficient and long lasting. Another huge issue is space; if a vendor has more space, then he will be able to carry more and subsequently sell more. The vendor must find a way to carry as much of his product as possible without losing any of it and without the product being too much of a burden for travel. The best way for these vendors to sell their product is with the use of a bicycle. The bicycle allows for easy transportation and movement and a storage compartment can be added to the bicycle for the vendor to carry more of their product. A bicycle can also be long lasting and is not detrimental to the environment. However, how much storage can be added on to the bicycle as well as how the bicycle should be made must be considered to maximize the efficiency of this style of vending. This report will outline the information and data we have found that would allow for the ideal bicycle for a merchant. The style and storage would depend on what the vendor is selling; which varies from 1 food to clothing. By analyzing factors such as customer needs, current patents, and how to use and integrate the best products, we have created a bicycle with a storage compartment that a vendor could use to sell his product. 1.1 Initial Problem Statement Many street vendors are not efficient in the way they handle and transport their product. Our goal is to assist the vendors by creating a bicycle that makes the transport of their product easy and would allow a long lasting method for the vendor to sell their product. The bicycle must also have a storage compartment for the vendor to hold his entire product. The storage compartment must be big enough to hold all of the vendor’s merchandise (and more if possible) but also be light enough so that it would not weigh them down too much and reduce the efficiency of this style of vending. A balance must be found where the vendor can easily transport his merchandise without the loss of any goods while still holding the maximum amount of his product possible to maximize sales. 2.0 Customer Needs Assessment Our customer needs was gathered through diligent research on the part of the team. Finding exact customer needs unfortunately was not easy. The target consumers for this product are poor migrant workers who live in China, whether in cities or small villages. As such there was no capability on our team’s part to interview our main consumers for this product. Instead, we found blogs and newspaper articles relating first-hand accounts of the lives of street vendors and extrapolated customer needs, and their importance, from the various writings. Further we have spoken to various Chinese students here at the university to give their insights on the wares sold by the vendors and what their carts are usually like. 2.1 Weighting of Customer Needs The initial customer needs list (Table 1) was determined by our team’s readings of firsthand accounts of the lives of migrant workers who are street vendors, and augmented by interviews with the Chinese exchange students’ personal experience with them as well. The hierarchical customer needs (Table 2) was determined by which customer needs could be overlapped and lumped into a single category. The AHP charts were down by pairwise comparison with each different customer needs category being given a weight of importance on a 1-9 scale. The numbers given to each category was determined by the importance of the category, based upon our research. The ratings given to each of the categories are as follows: Inexpensive, 9, Easy to Use, 6, Versatile, 8, Durability, 8, Easy to Store, 4. From there using an AHP Chart (Figure 1) the weights of each category was determined. 2 Table 1. Initial Customer Needs List Obtained from Background Research Inexpensive Easy to use Versatile Durable Easy to Store Under $300 Compatible with many bikes Can hold variety of wares Collapsible Easy to Setup Easy to Close Light Turn Easily Storage Space Table 2. Hierarchal Customer Needs List Obtained from Background Research 1. Inexpensive 1.1 Under $300 2. Easy to Use 2.1 Easy to Setup 2.2 Easy to Close 2.3 Turn Easily 3. Versatile 3.1 Can hold variety of wares 3.2 Storage Space 3.3 Compatible with many bikes 4. Durable 5. Easy to Store 5.1 Collapsible 5.2 Light Inexpensive Easy to Use Versatile Durable Easy to Store Inexpensive Easy to Use 1 3 0.33 1 1 2 1 2 0.2 0.5 Versatile Durable 1 1 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 0.25 0.25 Easy to Store 5 2 4 4 1 Total Weight 11 0.31 4.33 0.12 9 0.25 9 0.25 2.2 0.06 Figure 1. AHP Pairwise Comparison Chart to Determine Weighting for Main Objective Categories 3 Table 3. Weighted Hierarchal Customer Needs List Obtained from Focus Group and Individual Interviews 1. Inexpensive (0.26) 1.1 Under $300 2. Easy to Use (0.17) 2.1 Easy to Setup 2.2 Easy to Close 2.3 Turn Easily 3. Versatile (0.23) 3.1 Can hold variety of wares 3.2 Storage Space 3.3 Compatible with many bikes 4. Durable (0.23) 5. Easy to Store (0.11) 5.1 Collapsible 5.2 Light 3.0 Revised Problem Statement After analyzing the results, we have concluded that our next step is to decide on how to make the shelf the most inexpensive as possible. The ability of the storage was the least of the worries from the AHP charts. We noticed all of these factors from the highest ratings and lowest ratings from the AHP charts. 4.0 External Search At the moment our group has each individually researched different sections for the shelf on the bike. We have selected a location in China and split the research into main points to get the most of what the ideal shelf on the bike should be. Main points include like what it should be made, dimensions, storage, and etc. 4.1 Literature Review Online, we researched various things. What we mainly wanted to focus on was a simple shelf that could do it all at an affordable cost. We researched things such as recyclable materials to make a rough outline of the body for more eco-friendly purposes. We also researched ways to produce the lightest trailer/shelf to make the design more compact and simple to maneuver. Some other things we researched were model examples from around the internet, particularly around the regions of China. We found that some of these model designs can be complex and very hurtful for the environment. All the pricing of the shelf with be based on the material we 4 choose to use and the amount we use; as our group cannot find a premade one to compare prices too. Our ideas should please the consumers from affordability to cost. China is one of the largest markets in the world with about 1,343,239,923 people within the country. This makes it a perfect market to sell goods at an affordable cost. The products that we looked at to make the trailer out of were metal and wood mainly. While these products are not the eco-friendliness; we had to take into account our most important need the affordability. Given these circumstances, metal and wood are our best bets since they are some of the cheapest materials and will be very durable too. This also works to our group’s advantage as China is a large exporter of those sorts of products ( While China has a very powerful and dominate economy; our main targets were not those sorts of people. The main focus for us was the middle and low class. It is believed that 816.2 million people are in the labor force and 13.4% of the population is in poverty ( This is a fairly good amount for our population target too. In respect the vendors sell all sorts of items from foods to clothing. These goods are usually inexpensive and cost about 20 Yuan ($3) or less ( Therefore our group has to worry about the affordability the most. While we do take into account the eco-friendless our selections are very limited. There is a plus side though, and that is the products we plan to use to product the trailer are all surplus products made/grow within the country. 4.2 Patent Search We gathered our patent information by using Google Patents. By seeing these patents, we know what features we can copy and which we cannot. This ability helps us too as now our group understands what we exactly need to do and not to do. Table 4. Art-Function Matrix FUNCTION ART An item with wheels attached and can be used to transport items. A cart that is able to fold up for easy storage and simple to carry around. Presents a trailer like object that can haul things around. Can be modified between “transport” and “operational” modes. Example: portable bike Non- Powered Transportable Cart Portable Cart A folding carrier assembly converts to a bike trailer, a three-wheeled jogging stroller and a four wheeled casting stroller. The carrier assembly has a low main frame A cycle trailer comprising a lightweight frame supported on a pair of road wheels and having a draw-bar for attachment to the towing cycle. 7322586B1 6270092B2 Transportable Wood Fired Oven Folding Bike Trailer Bike Trailer 0258107A1 6199549B1 7172206B2 3877723 US1458894 US3012796 US3829125 US4274649 US4307893 5 4.3 Benchmarking The benchmarking part of the project gave us a few ideas to how our bike to shelf may look like in the end. We displayed three homemade trailers and weighed each of the trailers according to our four main features. The rating was on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the best. The three trailers were chosen because these really resemble closest to our final product. Overall the most points received was the best trailer and that happened to be the Intervale Food Hub. That was followed closely by the Ritual Roasters and in last place was the wagon. Table 5. Benchmarking of Three Products Feature Bike Wagon Ritual Roasters Bike Trailer Intervale Food Hub Pricing The trailer is a bit pricy, but will probably last the longest out of the 3. It receives a 1. Aesthetics The Cart is dull and boring with no colors. It receives a 1. The Price of this trailer is undetermined but for the looks of it is probably cheaper than the first because it is smaller. It receives a 2. The trailer is a bit more colourful that the previous 1 but still lacks small details. It receives a 3. Storage The Wagon seems very spacious, but may not be big enough for vendors. It receives a 3. Trailer’s Life The wagon looks like it will last the longest out of the 3. It is mostly metal and outside seems strong enough to take on unusual weather conditions. It receives a 4. The Food Hub seems to be made the cheapest out of the 3. It looks like some wood and plastic. It receives a 2. The Food Hub is colourful and very unusual designed. It is pleasing to the eyes. It receives a 4. The Food Hub is large enough for vendors and is the most pleasing. It is also collapses which is a plus. It receives a 4. The Food Hub seems to be made cheaply. It seems to not be capable of bad weather conditions. It receives a 2. The trailer is small in size, but is useful to a vendor. It has the collapsible idea that our group likes to have. It receives a 3. The trailer is nice and compact, but I do not know how long that hinges will be able to last. Otherwise the metal usage for the trailer is a plus. It receives a 3. 4.4 Design Target As a team we learned about what new concepts we need to develop for the consumers. We are taking into account all the problems of our product from a financial standpoint to dependability. We learned that for sure money will seem to be the main issue since what people sells on these stands should benefit them and overcome the price paid for our trailer/shelf. We are still in hunt for our final product to use on building the shelf to maximize the eco-friendliness and cost. These ideas and more greatly helped us in our concept generation workshop. We also know a rough dimension size of our final product that we will be able to use to help us in our design. . 6 5.0 Concept Generation 1) Transportation. Four wheels, two on each side of the cart. Two wheels, one on each side of the cart. One wheel positioned in the center and towards the back. Three wheels positioned in a tripod arrangement 2) Material options Steel- very strong but heavy Bamboo- cheap, readily available and ecofriendly Aluminum-light, abundant in china, reasonably inexpensive Wood- strong but not the lightest Plastic-lightweight, strong but less ecofriendly 3) Cart Features Easily connect to any bike. Collapsible. When the cart is not in use it will be able to easily reduce its size to make transporting it easier 7 Customizable. Include spaces for the user to easily attach stuff to the cart. Include holes in supports at regular intervals so the user can tie stuff to the cart. User reparable. By using parts that are easily replaceable the life of the cart will be extended. Lightweight cloth canopy with the ability to fold down and protect the contents of the cart in bad weather Solid rubber wheels to prevent flat tires Stabilizing posts and wheel locks for when the cart is in use Include an adjustable section on the hitch that connects the bike to the trailer so that the cart will be level. Wheels Ease of Storage Stability Interior Figure 2. Morphological Chart (not every feature has a drawing) The concept generations that are not in the morph charts are excess ones. Most of those are repeated again in the morph chart. 8 6.0 Concept Selection After we developed our concepts, we picked the best out of each category. We then made a few Pugh Charts of our selected concepts and lined them up with our important criteria’s. Each of our criteria had weights (from the AHP chart). We then ranked features against each from -1 to 1, -1 being worse than the selected 0 row, and 1 being better than the selected 0 row. Whichever ended up with the highest total had the highest rank. We did not always use our highest ranked feature for our final concept though. Pugh Chart 7.0 Final Design After we looked over our charts and our data, we determined the features that we wanted. One of the most important features, determined by the AHP charts, was that the cart had to be cheap. We thought about endless possibilities on how to make the product cheap. While our product is not a small size we had to really play around the material selections. Choosing nickel 9 as the best bet to meet all of our requirements. Another big thing was usage of the trailer. Here we went with all of the shelves being able to fold and compress together. This way in the end it turns to more of a box with wheels on the end for ease of usage. As for really helping the world out; our cart really does not do that very well. Most of the materials selected for the cart were plentiful materials in China. This way the production and cost would be more efficient. While all of the materials could be reusable in the end the cart should last for about 10+ years with the exception of the tires. 7.1 Materials and Material Selection In order to find the proper material to build the cart out of, we focused on stiffness, strength, and density weighing the importance of each shown in our AHP chart (table 1). We used the AHP chart to rank the importance of these properties in order to find the best material to use to build our cart. We considered the non-discriminating parameters, discriminating parameters, and go/nogo parameters to narrow the choices for our material selection to two different aluminum materials, standard A36 steel, and a nickel alloy. These materials vary in cost, strength and durability and all of them must be looked at and considered to properly meet the needs of the consumer while still being cost effective. Some properties of each material are shown in the table. The standard properties of each material are shown in the table 2. 10 The final material was selected for the cart based on the properties of the materials. We created a weighted decision matrix from our AHP chart and the properties the materials and weighted which material would best fit our needs in creating a successful cart. Our AHP chart showed strength and density to be the biggest factors in terms of properties. Cost was also an important factor shown in our customer needs. Because of this, we had to make sure that the cost of the material would be reasonable while still being versatile and durable. The stiffness was found to be slightly less important but was still considered because they would be ideal to have if possible in the final selection of the material. Nickel showed to be the strongest in strength, hardness, density, and Young’s Modulus of elasticity. The shear modulus data for Nickel was unavailable so there is uncertainty on how rigid the Nickel alloy is. Nickel is very abundant and inexpensive as shown by it being a component of one of the lower forms of currency in the Unites States. This means that it should be abundant at a cheap price. Aluminum is the most expensive and would be least effective to use. Steel was harder and stronger than the steel alloy and is also an affordable method to build the cart but is not as strong as Nickel. Nickel is also used to make stainless steel so it is both durable and versatile. We ultimately decided to use Nickel to develop our cart because it is cost effective and fits all of our needs we found in our AHP chart. Table 6. AHP Stiffness Strength Density Sum Weight Stiffness 1 0.33 0.5 1.83 0.161518094 Strength 3 1 2 6 0.52956752 Density 2 0.5 1 3.5 0.308914387 Total 11.33 Table 7. Typical Material Properties Yield Strength Ultimate Strength Hardness Young's Modulus of Elasticity Density Shear Modulus Units psi Nickel 188 Alloy 66700 psi Brinell 137000 168 A36 Steel 36300 5800079800 150-180 GPa g/cm3 GPa 232 8.98 N/A 200 7.85 79.3 11 6061 Aluminum T-6 40000 2024 Aluminum 47000 45000 psi 95 68000 120 68.9 2.7 26 73.1 2.78 28 Table 8. Weighted Decision Matrix for Final Material Selection Nickel 188 Alloy A36 Steel 6061 Aluminum T-6 2024 Aluminum Psi Norm .16 66700 1 36000 0.539730135 E (GPa) 232 200 40000 0.59970015 47000 0.704647676 68.9 73.1 Norm .53 g/cm3 Norm .31 Total 1 8.89 1 1 0.862068966 7.8 0.877390326 0.802713547 0.296982759 0.315086207 2.7 2.78 0.303712036 0.360906148 0.312710911 0.393073084 7.2 Scampers Substitute (S). What could you substitute? Use steel instead Combine (C). What could you combine`? Nickel and steel = additional strength and makes it resist corrosion (rust). Adapt (A) What could be adjusted to suit a purpose or a condition? Steel is cheaper but not stronger. The best option is to mix the 2 metals but would increase the cost in the downside. Modify (M). What would happen if you changed form or quality? If we decrease the amount of either metal our cart would be smaller and cheaper. If we increase the amount the opposite of the cart would happen meaning larger and more expensive. Our shape of the cart can’t really be changed due to what the group thinks that all of the components now are needed. Put (P) to other uses. How could you use it with a different purpose? Our trailer can be just as just human power meaning that the bike is not exactly necessary. It can also be used to simply just carrying things around the city/town. It can also be used as a storage method too. Eliminate (E). What could you subtract or take away? The most we could subtract is really the amount of shelves in each shelf. Another possibility is also to remove the roof, but that is a vital part of our trailer design. The kickstands could possibly go away, but the trailer will always be at an angle though when in resting position. If the roof were to go away then there would be no point to make the roof be able to slide up and down so the components for that can go which are just 4 adjustable latches. Reverse (R). What would you have if you have reversed it? If we reversed the process we would have the same product but the wheels and hitch are up in the air. If this were turned inside out the product would never work 12 because the latches then would never match. Our design is a bit complex but everything has to be in this order. Any modifications here would only be minor. 7.3 List of Materials Table 9. List of required materials and components Qty. Description 7 Invar (Alloy 36) 12”x24” 2 Recycled Plastic Lumber (8”x6’x½ “) 2 Spoked Wheels (16”) Total Cost: Catalog # 4287K13 8506K38 Vendor McMaster Carr McMaster Carr Total Cost $486.50 $50.46 29635T32 McMaster Carr $37.28 $574.24 Table 10. Contact information for suppliers of required Materials McMaster Carr Supply Co. 473 Ridge Rd. Dayton, NJ 08810 (732) 329-3200 7.4 Cost and Life Cycle Cost Positive projections of the durability of this cart put its term of use at upwards of 10 years. As of March 2012, the inflation rate in China is at 3.6%. Therefore we will round up to 4% inflation rate in order to give ourselves a margin of error. An estimation of the total price of the cart is necessary, after costs of materials, assembly, shipping, and markup we estimate that the final price will be around $800, neglecting price change from bulk discounts. An average street vendor brings in approximately 400 RMB ($63.44) a day, half of which we assume is put towards fresh goods. All these factors will affect the Life Cycle Cost. Cost Items Initial Cost Maintenance Income Product Life Discount Rate Present Value of Future Income Street Vendor Cart $800 $25/year $63.44/day 10+ years 4% $15500.00 As this shows the amount of money that could be made over the life span of this product far outstrips the initial cost, making it a smart buy for the consumer. 8.0 Conclusion 13 After conducting research, finding customer needs, and assessing the area for the best and cheapest material, we were able to develop the best possible model for the people. By assessing factors such as climate and available natural resources, we were able to develop a bicycle cart that could efficiently move around most terrains. We also made it versatile in the height and how the shelves can be placed on the bike. We made sure to develop a bike that is long lasting. We tried to make the product affordable for all types of salesman interested in our product. By focusing on keeping all of the goods sold on the cart safe as well as making sure transportation would be quick and easy, we were able to create a great product that would sell well on the market. References "ASM Material Data Sheet." ASM. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. <>. "ASM Material Data Sheet." ASM. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. <>. "ASM Material Data Sheet." ASM. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. <>. "Bike Trailer." Google Books. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. < +Trailer&hl=en&ei=Qo5wT4G3DaHw0gG25anlBg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=bookthumbnail&resnum=1&ved=0CDUQ6wEwAA>. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook. /library/publications/the-world-factbook "Folding Bicycle Trailer." Google Books. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. < sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=bookthumbnail&resnum=9&ved=0CE0Q6wEwCA#v=onepage&q=Bike%20Trailer&f=false> "Mineral Photos - Nickel | Mineral Information Institute." Welcome. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. <>. "Nickel Steel." The Free Dictionary. Farlex. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. < steel>. "Non-powered Transportable Cart." Google Books. 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